[Goanet] secularism v/s communalism

2014-04-09 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
How many of us have visited Gujerat and seen what Modi has done for the state ? 
how many has been to the bank and seen secular ministers' bank accounts and 
properties ? People sit at the chai shop or bar and talk. Our tongue can wag 
like dog's tail and there is no limit. How many of our priests have accounts in 
foreign lands and explain how they can manage to buy foreign ticket every year 
or as who is sponsering them ? let both ministers, mlas , and religious be 
honest to give us idea.

Re: [Goanet] secularism v/s communalism

2014-04-09 Thread floriano lobo
Frankly speaking, Ana Maria, I will sum up your query in just one sentence 
with no offence intended to anyone. As a matter of fact, I had said this to 
none other than Surendra Furtado when he told me that he has lest NCP and 
joined Congress, some time ago.


 In case you have problem to discifer this,  it means:
 Bluebottle flies will settle on shit only, and nothing else, even if it 
was Honey.


- Original Message - 
From: Ana Maria Fernandes amferns_n...@hotmail.com

To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2014 10:19 PM
Subject: [Goanet] secularism v/s communalism

How many of us have visited Gujerat and seen what Modi has done for the 
state ? how many has been to the bank and seen secular ministers' bank 
accounts and properties ? People sit at the chai shop or bar and talk. Our 
tongue can wag like dog's tail and there is no limit. How many of our 
priests have accounts in foreign lands and explain how they can manage to 
buy foreign ticket every year or as who is sponsering them ? let both 
ministers, mlas , and religious be honest to give us idea.   = 

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[Goanet] Secularism v/s Communalism

2007-10-28 Thread Vinay Natekar
The secular fundamentalism and bigotry is as much responsible for vitiating the 
communal atmosphere. It is redefining secularism in a manner that any view at 
variance is stigmatized as manifestation of majority communalism.
Are we then witnessing the emergence of secular fascism ?  There is no 
plausible answer as to how The BJP is communal and others secular. Is being 
with BJP is communal and being with Congress secular ? Take example of our Goan 
standard of secularism. In last elections Mathany Saldhana sided with BJP. Who 
does he become ? A secular or communal ? There are so many catholic 
personalities with BJP like Francisco D’souza, Aires Rodriguez, Dr. Wilfred 
Mesquita etc. Will you term them as communalists ? If Being with BJP is 
communal then Digambar Kamat who was with BJP as Power  minister a communal ? 
and after he defected to Congress is he baptized now as secular ?
Election results at a given time and place have no permanent immutable 
validity. Most of the times demagogues and despots successfully manage to 
manipulate the will of the people by using either muscle power  or  money 
earned by  corruption and scandalous mode eg. Babush Monseratte, Mauvin 
Godhino, Micky Pacheco, Dayanand Narvekar etc. just to name a few.
Overwhelming majority of Goan hindus are secular and have elected candidates 
either based on their merits or for own personal gains or in gratitude for 
favors obtained from such candidates irrespective of candidate’s party 
affiliation or religion. Hindu majority constituencies have often elected non 
Hindus like Francis D’souza from Mapusa or Isidore Fernandes from Poinginim 
where as there is no record of any Hindu candidate winning from predominantly  
catholic constituencies specially in Salcette on non Congress ticket.
After liberation , elections were fought basically by two regional parties MGP 
and UGP. After losing opinion poll the MGP abandoned the pro merger agenda.
Hindus sided with MGP which was headed by Bandodkar who was a Bahujan samaj 
Hindu leader since they had fresh memories of the Christian Portuguese 
tyrannical rule. 
Catholics and mostly bamon Hindus sided with Dr. Jack Sequeira’s UGP. Although 
there was always a religious divide between the MGP and UGP but it was limited 
to election days only. 
Goa being a Hindu majority state MGP  won the elections by default starting 
from the first election in 1963  and ruled the state till  1979.
During those days defection, government toppling, scandals, corruption were non 
existent. Both these parties had different agenda but neither of them fought 
election based on religious issues. 
It was only after death of Bandodkar and entry of Congress party in Goa that 
corruption, nepotism and policy of divide and rule by minority appeasement 
started to plague  peaceful Goa.
Some opportunist politicians  from both parties migrated to Congress which had 
history of manipulating votes  by instigating communal divide for political 
After demise of Dr. Jack Sequeira  there was no Christian leader to match  his 
stature to lead the party resulting in disbanding of UGP following its 
transformation into the Congress the catholic community had no other option but 
to support Congress party.
The corrupt Congress administration from 1980 to 2000 paved the way for the BJP 
to pose as a clean political party with espousing majority community.
During the 1999 polls, in the wake of the anti-corruption backlash, many 
hristians too sided with the BJP.  Since BJP did not get a majority on its own, 
it had to resort to mass-scale defections from the Congress to come to power in 
October 2000.
 But the Goan Congress party is still  in disarray and not yet able to shed its 
past corrupt image had to resort to promote not true secularism but  fake 
secularism  to protect its political interest.


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