I am very confident that these aerators ( so far I have seen  3  nos. been
 installed) and  may not give any results..
I have discussed with Dr. Joe D'Sousa who is a Consultant for the Goa State
Pollution Control Board and he agrees what I am saying. But what is
happening is that Cipla Co is funding this project for 10 aerators and Capt
Lobo has taken up this project.
 Goa Govt does not finance  anything. I do not know in return what Cipla
will demand later.
The whole problem lies on water stagnation in the Creek, and debris all
over the place with accumulated garbage of all kind including rotten and
 broken pieces of trees, plastics  etec etc. This needs to badly cleaned up
first and deslted.
There is no water movement/ circulation  in the whole creek. Near the Inox
Bridge there is a sand bar and that was intentionally closed by somebody
for ulterior motives, that needs to be open up and the flow of Mandovi
river will be reinstated and the tidal action will take place. WHO WILL DO
Today ( 4th December 2015 ) I took Dr Joe and shown both  the buildings (
one from the left and another on the right ) which are on the creek itself
and it is between the Branco Bar and Restaurant. He was surprised.
 The construction board of this building was not displayed but they had
 kept inside hidden  and I insisted their Civil Engineer  to fix it up and
did it, and soon I took the photograph.
 May be I once again attach both the construction buildings and the display
board. This message hopefully will reach to the Chairman of Goa State
Pollution Control Board for necessary action and information and also
information , and may be  through  Google search engine network.
I have also put up in my Blogger and may be you can have a look. I expect
CCP Commissioner and the MLA's  of Taleigao and St Cruz, and BJP Taleigao
Leader Mr Datta Prasad Naik will able to see it.
The situation of the St Ines Creek is quite bad in deplorable condition and
nobody I think will be able to bring it to its original glory.
Just today Babush ( Atanasio)  Monseratte MLA of St Cruz and his wife
Jennifer Monserrate MLA of Taleigao,  demanded from CCP Sanjit Rodrigues to
take up this matter, but this creek falls in Taleigao Panchayt
 constituency. I am likely to put a pressure on the Chairman of NGPDA
Michael Lobo, who can do something, let us see. We need to resurrect this
Creek by all means as I have some attachment from my childhood days. .
Support from all Panjimites is required badly.  Will Sanjit Rodrigues CCP
Commissioner or CM, take up the matter and help Taleigao counterpart?
Regards and please keep in touch,

Stephen Dias
Senior Citizen
Dona Paula
date: 4th Dec, 2015
Mob: 9422443110

Photo 1544--------------Display Board
Photo 1543         Tall  Building Construction in progress
Photo  1542                   -do-
Photo 1532                     -do-
Photo 1531         Pig in the Creek garbage
Photo 1529         Trees blocking the Creek passage
Photo 1528         Aerator in action but electrically  operated
Photo 1527                       -do-
Photo 1526                       -do-
Photo 1515         Garbage near the Bridge where the aerator is installed

Photo 1513         This view is under the same Bridge near aerator is
installed at                           the temple.


On 4 December 2015 at 17:14, Vishal Rawlley <>

> Sir,
> Thank you for your wonderful effort you are putting in so consistently.
> The photographic evidence you have collected is very important. Although
> similar efforts have been done in the past, it is imperative to keep
> repeating this exercise to document the increasing menace. The new
> buildings coming up rapidly along the creek are a big concern. These new
> constructions will defeat all plans of reviving the creek. The new
> constructions coming up near Dukle Heaven and Branco's threaten to
> strangulate the creek where its freshwater mouth begins. The other
> constructions coming up rapidly are along the leg of the creek stretching
> from Lakeview/ La Campala Colony going towards Sports Complex.
> I too have walked the entire stretch of the creek and taken photos at
> different points. These have been put on Google maps so the photos have a
> geo-location tag. See here: Panjim's Creek Walk -
> Architect Tallulah D' Silva has also done a very detailed mapping and was
> my guide in making my map:
> Please feel free to ask if you need any kind of help or support.
> Best wishes,
> Vishal
> On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 8:26 AM, Stephen Dias <>
> wrote:
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Stephen Dias <>
>> Date: 1 December 2015 at 16:15
>> Subject: MY VISIT TO THE ST INES CREEK ON 1st and 2nd  DECEMBER 2015
>> Photo 1526 --  Taken on 1.12.2015 First Aerator in action
>> Photo: 1527    Another view of the first aerator in action
>> Photo 1528    Second aerator in action just 100 metres away from the
>> first one
>> Photo 1529 Garbage near 3rd aerator installed near Dr. Gaunekar
>> pediatrician clinic back of FORD Co. Showroom-
>> Photo 1530 Pig eating garbage at the creek.
>> Photo;;  1532 Illegal high rise building construction  just on the
>> CREEK--behind Dukle buildings; Who gave permission for construction on the
>> CREEK ?
>> Photo 1533 View of 3rd Aerator installed by Capt Lobo. on 30th Non 2015
>> Photo 1534 Close view of 3rd aerator- near FORD Caculo showroom.
>> Photo: 1535 A sewage truck carrying sewage from Calangute and
>>  discharging at S Ines Sewage Plant
>> Note: many such trucks coming everyday from all the places in Goa
>> including far distant from Valpoi , Canacona and lining up and one by one
>> seen going to discharge plant and the records are available with the
>> watchmen. I wander why the CCP is not permitted to get the fees for them
>> instead of going to PWD or somebody's pocket. CCP looses funds from these
>> sewage tankers.
>> Photo 1544  Board which was removed earlier was asked to reinstate on my
>> request on 2.12.2015
>> Photo: 1543 Allegedly another illegal construction coming up right on the
>> Sr Ines Creek  itself at the side of Branco bar and Restaurant ( left side)
>> towards the Taleigao road .
>> Photo 1542  Allegedly a construction right on the St Ines Creek towards
>> right side of Branco Bar Restaurant, both are approved by NGPDA as per the
>> TCP office in Patto.
>> Note: These aerators works only when electricity supply is available and
>> I was told most of the times they have no electricity supply hence the
>> aerator stops working. Suggested either battery operated or gen -set supply
>> must be made if at all aerator needs to work continuously on timer mode.
>> Who gave these permissions to have high rise buildings on the Creek.
>> Anybody please forward my grievances to the Chairman of NGPDA Micheal Lobo
>> as the matter is concerned in Taleigao Panchayat  and not CCP.
>> Compiled and photographed by Stephen Dias on 1 Dec and 2nd dec  2015  at
>> 11 AM onwards
>> A concerned Panjimite and resident at Dona Paula
>> Please see that the Editors publish this below article in public
>> interest.
>> Inbox
>> x
>> Stephen Dias <>
>> 2 Dec (1 day ago)
>> to Editor, shashwat, bcc: shashwat, bcc: me, bcc: Goa
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Sidhart Kuncolienkar, Panjim MLA says that they are constructing three
>> toilets in Mala and are especially for locals. In areas like Boca de Vaca
>> and Deulwada they have constructed modern toilets blocks that are already
>> in use.
>> He says that in Mala toilets are meant for use only to locals but about
>> the migrant’s population, where they will go? They are the ones who are
>> most defecating in the open whereas locals most of them have toilets in
>> their houses.  Panaji MLA must concentrate on more toilets in many areas
>> especially near the Custom House where casino goers/drivers are found
>> defecating in the lanes. Other places in Panaji also must be well planned.
>> Incidentally CCP says that in Camarabhat area falls in Taleigao Panchayat
>> and not CCP jurisdiction. Hence cleaning St Ines Creek is the duty of
>> Taleigao Panchayat and their MLA of this constituency. After the cleaning
>> the St Ines Creek, they should think of installing toilets in war footing
>> because most of the people are migrants just living at the borders of the
>> whole creek.  If the sewage pipeline not given to these tall buildings then
>> the situation will be alarming and will give a bad signal to
>> the Smart City which is planned.
>> Coming to aerators installed in the St Ines Creek it is a process of only
>> resuscitating the creek but not a permanent solution. I noticed that these
>> aerators are meant to dissolve oxygen only but these aerators may fail to
>> do the proper job at large areas because the water is found stagnated and
>> there is no flow of running or mixing the water hence the area will be
>> cleaned up only those areas where the aerators are positioned. In case the
>> water sample is taken for checking whether by the Pollution Control Board
>> or NIO, it must be collected far away where the aerators are installed as
>> it may give FAULTY results. What I am anticipating is that these
>> bottlenecks if not removed then the whole process of installation of
>> aerators will be of no use. The most important factor of blocking the creek
>> for not allowing water to enter during the tidal range needs to be cleaned
>> up or desilted first by the authorities and needs to deepen the area at the
>> entrance near the Inox Bridge where there exists SAND BAR which is blocking
>> the entry of river Mandovi.
>> Just for information that I and my friends from Panjim, Mala, Portais ,
>> Fontainhas, Boca de Vaca, Alto Guimaraes, Altinmho  etc much before
>> liberation used to go for swimming, catching crabs, fishing and boat
>> rides and also later I have seen other than Panjimites using this creek
>> where the small catamaran used to enter the creek coming from Mumbai and
>> now this creek has become a DEVIL PARADISE stinking for ever.
>>  Stephen Dias
>> Dona Paula
>> Former Scientist of NIO.
>> Date: 2.12.2015

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