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--- Vivek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> if history is any indication the most horrible
> atrocities commited by man against fellow human
> beings have been in he name of a loving God.
> And most of the the times the perpetrators'faith in
> God was so unshakeable that they genuinely believed
> that what they were doing was in fact good.
--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Both theists and atheists have been mass murderers.
> Yes, some God-fearing people who profess their
> faith openly, have started illegal and immoral wars.
> George Bush is a good example. In the Iraq
> war, 30,000 innocent Iraqis have died. And now he is
> standing by while Israelis bomb women and
> children.
Mario asks:
You can't be serious - or so monumentally  misinformed
 about history.  
The worst atrocities in history had nothing to do with
religion.  Only the Christian Crusaders of old, the
Irish conflict and the modern Islamo-fascists cited
and cite religion as their motive.
The ancient Roman and Greek conquests were not
The Turks genocide of Armenians was racial. 
Hitler's massacres were racial.  He killed non-German
Christians and Gypsies as well as Jews.  
However, these atrocities pale when compared with the
worst killers in history who were all avowed atheists,
regardless of your ignorance or amnesia and Cornel's
desperate attempts at factual distortion.  Stalin,
Mao, Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot were all REAL communists
and are credited by reputable historians for over 50
million deaths, all for political reasons.
The liberation of Iraq is only "immoral" from the
viewpoint of the Iraqi Baathists and Sunni minority,
who make up less than 20% of the population, and their
apologists and propagandists, like you for example.
Regarding the legality of the liberation, you are just
plain false, deliberately in my opinion because the
basic facts are widely known and documented.
The liberation of Iraq was legally authorized by UN
1441, which was passed unanimously by the UNSC, and in
the US by the Iraq Liberation Act signed by Bill
Clinton in 1998, and the Joint House-Senate
authorization of October 2002.
Most of the 30,000 innocent Iraqis have been killed by
the Al Qaeda terrorists trying to foment sectarian
violence in Iraq and in the sectarian violence itself.
This compares with the 300,000 innocent Iraqis found
in mass graves courtesy of Saddam Hussain and the
thousands of Kurds and Shia that were killed by his
chemical WMD's to the point that the UN had to impose
no fly zones in the morth and the south to protect
them from aerial attack.
The foundation for all that is going on in Iraq was
set well before George Bush became US President in

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