Observing  the  news  projected by the  newsagencies in Goa.............  
one  feels  that  with  the   economic  imperative of  staying  as a tourist 
destination that  earns  the State  a lot  of  money for  the  the  locals  and 
 the  other  out-of-state  Indian entrpreneurs,  we  shall  have  to  knuckle  
under  the  policies  of  outside  interests,
  Be  it  the  Congress Party  that  has  alliances  with the  politicians  in  
neighbouring Karnantaka  or  now  the  BJP   which  has  kith-and - kin  
relationships  with  neigbouring state of  Maharashtra the  smallest   state in 
the  Unionwill be   controlled covertly  by  outside interests .    Like  areas 
in  southern  Spain  we   will have   endure  the   concretisation  of  
farmland  to  accomodate  housing   for the  guests,  be  they  welcome  or not 
 by the  older  goan  families.

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