[Goanet News Bytes]Apr 23, 2005 * Could Goa have been warned about Apr 20 squall...

2005-04-23 Thread Goanet News Service
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G o a n e t - N e w s   B y t e s  APRIL 23, 2005   DATELINE: GOA

  ... .   ...   .. ...   .||.Founded in 1994
 || ||  .|  '|. '' .||   ||  ||  .|...||  || by Herman
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IN TODAY'S EZINE: Could Goa's squall (earlier described as cyclonic winds)
have been predicted and thus inconvenienced citizens less? Margao's bridges.
Plans for ex-CM Ravi Naik to become GPCC(I) chief? 

Neena Dayal reports from Vasco that while the rest of
Goa was unprepared for the severe weather, residents
of the Naval Base at Vasco were mentally prepared
for the squally. According to members of the Naval Base
at Vasco, the Indian Naval Meteorological Department at
Vasco had issued warnings to the air station for squally
weather, and the information had filtered down to the
residents for such strong weather. While the Indian Naval
Base did not issue an official warning, warning signs
were there fore everyone to see that a severe squall
was on the way. But what was shocking to the residents of
the naval base was to see the met officials in Panjim
on why the destructive squally winds of April 20 could
not be predicted. (Herald)

o MORE ON BRIDGES AROUND MARGAO: The Rawanfond bridge stands finally
  commissioned, but with just a month-and-half to go for the monsoons
  to set in, the Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation
  has a task cut out to complete work on the Khareband and Mungul
  bridges across the River Sal -- linking the commercial capital 
  of Goa (Margao) to Salcete's coastal belt. (H)

o RAVI NAIK is expected to become Goa Pradesh Congress Committee's
  next president. (H)

o Governor S C Jamir visits devastated port town fishing jetty. (GT)

o Six persons hurt in Bicholim riot, between Sunni and Tabalic groups
  during two separate processions on Id-e-Milad, the birth anniversary
  of Prophet Mohammed. (NT)

after its owners, including a former minister (Parulekar)
defaulted on the payment of loans. (GT)

TUITIONS HAVE BECOME like tonics and vitamin supplements,
an essential part of the students' curriculum to either
make up for the deficiencies in the educational system
or compliment it. But though many frown upon tuitions
and coaching, as it ends up eating into the students'
leisure time, the students themselves and parents cannot
do without them, write journalist Preetu Nair of the
Gomantak Times.

SCHOOLS: The Education Department is undertaking, for the
first time, a house-to-house comprehensive educational
survey covering all the 2.9 lakh families in Goa, to commence
from April 25. Education director ND Agarwal said the
survey would provide inputs for improving the quality of
education. It would focus on whether people are in favour
of introducing English as a subject in Standard I. If a
majority of parents are in favour of having English as a
subject from Standard I, then we may introduce English
as a subject in Marathi and Konkani schools, officials said.GT
This is the first-ever educational survey to be held in Goa.(NT)


SALVADOR DO MUNDO: Anthony Paulo Cardozo. Husband of Piedade Cardozo, father
of Francisco Xavier Cardozo, father-in-law of Laurina. Grandfather of Lina,
Lily, Hilary and Charles. 

MARGAO: Ligorio Gladstone 'Glady' Andrade. Husband of Ligia, father/in-law
of Judith (St Joseph's Convent School Nagoa-Verna), Jose 

[Goanet News Bytes]Goanet Reader: Goan Summer Fruits - Zambllam, Kannt'tam, Churnam ani Poddkovam!

2005-04-23 Thread Goanet Reader
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Goan Summer Fruits - Zambllam, Kannt'tam, Churnam ani Poddkovam!

By Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

The summer has already begun in Goa and it reminds me of my childhood days 
when we ate several delicious summer fruits without spending a single paisa.

Here are four of those fruits:


The jambolan is a native to India.  Seedlings grow slowly the first year,
rapidly thereafter, and may reach 12 ft. in 2 years, and begin bearing in 8
to 10 years.  Grafted trees bear in 4 to 7 years.  No particular cultural
attention is required.  Organic fertilizer is applied after harvest but
withheld in advance of flowering and fruiting to assure a good crop.  If a
tree does not bear heavily, it may be girdled or root-pruned to slow down
vegetative growth.

Jambolan is fast-growing, reaching full size in 40 years.  It ranges up to
100 ft. in India, and it may attain a spread of around 36 ft. and a trunk
diameter of 2 or 3 ft.  It usually forks into multiple trunks a short
distance from the ground.  Sometimes, the main trunk of a Beddos (tree
bearing small jambolan,) which is usually very tall and wide, has a cavity
created by detachment of a branch.  These cavities are used by gar
(monitor lizard) as their dwellings.  The pad'daii (woodpecker,) sanvor
(magpie) and kir (parrot) also use the cavities to make their nests

The tree is wind-resistant and sometimes is closely planted in rows along
roadsides as a windbreak.  If topped regularly, such plantings form a dense,
massive hedge.  In Chinvar, Anjuna, on the way to Siolim, we have around
300-meter stretch of road covered with jambolan hedge; hence, the stretch is
called Zambllinim.

The bark on the lower part of the tree is rough, cracked, flaking and
discolored; further up it is smooth and light-gray.  The turpentine-scented
evergreen leaves are opposite; oblong-oval or elliptic, blunt or tapering to
a point at the apex; pinkish when young; when mature, leathery, glossy,
dark-green above, lighter beneath, with conspicuous, yellowish midrib.  The
fruit, in clusters of just a few or 10 to 50, is oblong, often curved; ½ to
2 inches long, and usually turns from green to light-magenta, then
dark-purple or nearly black as it ripens.  The skin is thin, smooth, glossy,
and adherent.  The pulp is purple or white, very juicy, and normally
encloses a single, oblong, green or brown seed, up to 1 ½ inches in length,
though some fruits have 2 to 5 seeds tightly compressed within a leathery
coat, and some are seedless.  The fruit is usually astringent, sometimes
unpalatably so, and the flavor varies from acid to fairly sweet.

Zambllam is yet another Goan fruit delicacy which is abundantly available
in every village.  During the summer season, one can see scores of children
as well as adults zamblli pondak (under a jambolan tree) either picking up
fallen zambllam or using a manchi xintari with kelkem (bamboo stick with
a hook at its top end) to shake a branch and loosen zambllam to fall, or a
person climbs a tree and shakes a branch thus making ripe zambllam fall.
If you see a young lad in a tree, he is definitely one of the local Goan
boys, as Bomboikars or Goans living abroad mostly don't know how to climb a
tree because they don't get such opportunities in Bomboi or abroad.

Jambolan of good size and quality, having a sweet or sub-acid flavor and a
minimum of astringency, are eaten raw and may be made into tarts, sauces and
jam.  Astringent fruits are improved in palatability by soaking them in salt
water or pricking them, rubbing them with a little salt, and letting them
stand for an hour.  All but decidedly inferior fruits are utilized for juice
which is much like grape juice.  When extracting juice from cooked jambolan,
it is recommended that it be allowed to drain out without squeezing the
fruit and it will thus be less astringent.  The white-fleshed jambolan has
adequate pectin and makes a very stiff jelly unless cooking is brief.  The
more common purple-fleshed yields richly colored jelly but it is deficient
in pectin and requires the addition of a commercial jelling agent or must be
combined with pectin rich fruits such as unripe or sour guavas.  Good
quality jambolan juice is excellent for sherbet, syrup and squash.  The
latter is a bottled drink prepared by cooking the crushed fruits, pressing
out the juice, combining it with sugar and water and adding citric acid and
sodium benzoate as a 

[Goanet News Bytes]Apr 24, 2005 * How the state (doesn't) work... Ola, Brazilian films

2005-04-23 Thread Goanet News Service
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G o a n e t - N e w s   B y t e s  APRIL 24, 2005   DATELINE: GOA

  ... .   ...   .. ...   .||.Founded in 1994
 || ||  .|  '|. '' .||   ||  ||  .|...||  || by Herman
  |''   ||   || .|' ||   ||  ||  ||   || Carneiro
 '.  '|..|' '|..'|' .||. ||.  '|...'  '|.'   http://www.goanet.org
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IN TODAY'S EZINE: Is the state functioning? Reports from the police, and
Goa's hospitals. Facts from the courts, and more. Goa's second Brazilian
film festival concluds in Panjim later on Sunday; it was held across four
days at the Kala Academy's black box.

Crooks and criminals have redined their modus operandi.
They try to keep one step ahead of the long arm of the
law. Has the Goa police honed its detection skills to cope
with the new situation? Is it equipped to tackle the criminal?
Though a few police officers have done well in the past,
Weekender finds the picture not so rosy now. (Gomantak Times)

Police officials reveal that though crime kits such as gloves
have to be provided regularly to all police stations, in
most of the stations there has been no supply of kits
for over a year. (GT)

medical facilities have no denatured spirit to even
clean wounds. (H)

of the building of the Bombay High Court in Goa hanging on
a crumbling cliff? At a time when a matter on hill-slope
constructions is still pending before the bench, 
illegal excavations of hill slopes continue unabated, in fact
right under the nose of the high court. Herald stumbled on a
major hill-cutting at Cortim, which poses a severe threat
to those residing below, and the High Court itself. (H)

film-maker Shyam Bengal released the book 'Kaleidoscope
Goa -- A Cultural Atlas' by Dr Pandurang Phaldessai, and edited
by Dr Nandkumar Kumar at a function on Saturday. (NT)

BY-PASS PROJECT: The entire project was designed for an
agency called MV Rao, which is closely associated with the
former national president of the BJP. The contract was awarded
by completely by-passing the Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways, so that it could be assigned to the favoured agencies
of MV Rao and other BJP cronies on the pretest of the
Exposition, Deshprabhu charged. (H)

OLA! FILMS FROM BRAZIL: Goa's second Brazilian film festival
concludes on April 24 at the Black Box, with the screening
of three films -- 'Hans Staden', 'City of God' and 'Celest and
Estrela' at 11 am, 5 pm and 7.30 pm respectively. (NT)  

o Traffic cell to act tough against violators. (H)
o Six-year-old girl dies of snake-bite, at Valikini sColony, Sanguem.(H)
o Woman Parveen Md Adil (21) of New Vaddem commits suicide at Vasco. (NT)
o Woman Mahadevi Natekar (42) missing from Zorint, Zuarinagar. (NT)
o Disaster management plan mooted for South Goa. (NT)
o BJP trated Digambar Kamat very badly, says Uday Bhembre. (NT)
o Body of 25-year-old man found by Colva police on rail track. Suicide
  suspected. (NT)
o Vasco roads pose risk to motorists. City roads are becoming death
  traps, specially for two-wheller riders. Accident rates have
  skyrocketed, and most affected are two-wheelers. (NT)
o Garbage disposal raises a stink in Calangute. (NT)
o Post-dreding survey across the Aguada Sand Bar will be underway
  from April 25 onwards. Officials have cautioned mariners. (NT)
o Hanuman Jayanti to be celebrated in Goa today. (NT)
o Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) with regional HQ at
  Bangalore has announced admission to its management programmes. (NT)
o Weekender's Sunday Branch: Alex