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Does Goa need to rush in to become the land of crimes against women?

By Bailancho Saad-Goa

Newspapers and the other print and electronic media are increasingly
blaring advertisements derogatory to women. Huge hoardings along
Goa's highways with advertisements derogatory to women are standing
witnesses to the degeneration that has set in in the companies,
advertising agencies, hoarding owners and publishing houses who make
a fast buck by using women in suggestive postures.

          These women are either fully clothed, without clothing or
          with very little clothing. The captions are such that it
          gives ample room for the advertiser to denigrate women and
          at the same time escape from the law, as captions are
          subject to interpretation. No action is taken; women
          continue to be exploited.

This has severe repercussions on the hard-won rights of women. Women
are leered at and jeered at. They are humiliated and treated as sex
objects. They are blamed for enticing men. Any woman or girl who is
sexually assaulted is equated to the woman, as projected in the ad,
who *must* have invited it.

Overall, the average woman does not easily get support from society
until she proves beyond doubt. The net result is that women are
advised to stay indoors. Their movements are severely restricted.
Moral pundits cry hoarse for a dress code for women, thus further
blatantly violating her human rights.

Goa's tourism industry, with the active connivance of successive
Governments has promoted Goa as a land of fun where seducing women
await, where alcohol flows freely, where casinos invite you to test
your "lady luck". These advertisements have severely battered the
image of women in Goa and are paying a heavy price. The flesh trade
in Goa thrives from the customers these advertisements bring.

          The Government of Goa is all set to set-up the Special
          Economic Zone (SEZ). In these zones the laws of the land
          do not apply. If this trend is allowed to continue, Goa
          will soon be known as the land of vices and crimes against

Readers in Goa have probably seen the advertisement reading "Levi’s
sale upto 50% off" written across a photograph of a nude woman,
which appeared on the back-page of Navhind Times dated August 6,
2005. Readers have probably also seen the recently-launched
Kingfisher Airlines ad wherein a bikini clad woman lies sprawled in
the Navhind Times, Herald and Gomantak Times between August 8 to 15,
several times. There are no indications that this ad will be
withdrawn. The same ad appears on the hoardings too.

          These ads can no longer be dismissed as the outcome of
          simply a kinky mind. They are derogatory and trample on
          the rights of women. They are an assault on womanhood and

Women's collective Bailancho Saad has lodged a complaint against the
company, ad agency and publishers of newspapers advertisement under
the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act.

Under the Act, the "indecent representation of women" means the
depiction in any manner of the figure of a woman, her form or body
or any part thereof in such way as to have the effect of being
indecent, or derogatory to, or denigrating women, or is likely to
deprave, corrupt or injure the public morality or morals.

You can protest too. Some ways you can make your voice heard:

          * Participating in the signature campaign urging the
            authorities to take action;

          * Supporting the demand to the Goa Government to notify
            the Gazetted Officer under the Indecent Representation
            of Women (Prohibition) Act to effect seizures of such

          * Write to the local dailies not to publish derogatory
            advertisements. Let them know that this is strongly
            disapproved and let the public know that there are other
            citizens who share the same sense of disapproval;

          * Countering these ads with your impressions of the need
            to preserve the self-esteem of women and girls;

          * Exposing the double standards of the powers that be that
            see nothing wrong in these advertisements even as they
            inflict the worst possible human rights violations
            against women in the name of preserving the dignity of

          * Organising a protest action in your area or college or
            place of work.

Our organisation has called for public protest meetings. Join in,
arise, awake and act. Show the world that we will not take such
insults lying down.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Bailancho Saad is an active women's collective in
Goa, launched over two decades ago. It has its offices at SF-4, Goa
Housing Board Residential and Commercial Complex, Opp. Goa Housing
Board Office, Journalist Colony, Bardez, Goa. It can be contacted on
phone 2410864 and email [EMAIL PROTECTED] This article was
written in August 2005. 

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writing pro bono. Goanet Reader welcomes your feedback at
goanet@goanet.org and is edited by Frederick Noronha

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