Faith not force: Of misinformed fundamentalists...

By George Menezes

The Church and community has just been recovering from the
embarrassment of allowing a small coterie of misinformed
fundamentalists with personal agendas to hijack what could
have been a rational and informed debate on the screening of
'Da Vinci Code'.

Just as we were moving into the comfort of our catholic beds
we have been rudely woken up by the Pope and our Mumbai
Cardinal to a fresh controversy, this time, on conversions.

I am against forceful and fraudulent conversion of people
from one faith to another. My understanding of true
conversion is best illustrated by the story of my friend and
neighbour, Joseph.

Joseph used to service my car when I lived at Pedder Road. He
lived in a one-room tenement near the Kemps Corner flyover.
One day he picked up a dying man whom he used to see every
day outside Grant Road station. For six months he cared for
this man as if he was own father. He tended the maggot ridden
body, medicated his sores and prayed over him.

When he had fully recovered and was saying goodbye, he said
to Joseph "Who is this man, Jesus, whom you talk about all
the time." "Would you like to follow him?" asked Joseph. "If
he's someone like you I surely would," said the man.

     I think of conversion as the embracing of the religion
     of someone who truly gives exemplary witness to the
     genuine teachings of his faith. Legislation to attempt
     to prevent this does not bother me because I have an
     equal faith in the Constitution of my country.

I have known the Holy Father personally during my five year
membership of the Pontifical Council for the Laity.  I have
had the privilege of being "ticked off" by him publicly when
I disagreed with him on the subject of "power"in the
hierarchical church. Unfortunately I do not know Cardinal
Ivan Dias personally although he has been the Shepherd of my
diocese for many years.

Knowing both of them, closely or distantly, I can say that
they mean well. If they have raised the issue of legislation
to ban conversions, they have done it in the context of
Jesus' call to all Christians to spread the Good News.

     Unfortunately the message has been conveyed at the wrong
     place at an inopportune moment. The Holy Father is the
     Head of a religion that has millions of adherents all
     over the world. He can have himself invited as a State
     guest to any country. He are can pick up the phone and
     speak to Presidents and Prime Ministers.

He does not need the occasion of the Indian Ambassador's
presentation of credentials to convey a message that "there
are disturbing signs of religious intolerance which have
troubled some regions of India and that the laws to ban
religious conversions are discriminatory and impinge on the
right to religious freedom".

     In my personal opinion, the legislation to ban
     conversions is not worth the paper on which it is
     printed. All these legislations can be challenged in the
     Supreme Court. They can also be opposed by massive
     nonviolent agitations. They do not need Papal

On March 29, 1979 the Society for the Protection of
Fundamental Rights, of which I happened to be the president,
was able to organise a peaceful march of 150000 people of
every single Christian denomination in the heart of South
Bombay to protest against the Tyagi Anti Conversion Bill and
the unjustified de-recognition of St John's Medical College,
Bangalore. This was followed by a rally at Azad Maidan.

On Good Friday, April 1, 1979, some 50,000 people with black
banners lined up the route of Prime Minister Morarji Desai's
motorcade from the Airport to Mahim Causeway. The Prime
Minister met us and invited us for a discussion in Delhi on
the April 19, 1979.

I remember with reverence and gratitude the many selfless,
dedicated people -- too many to be listed -- who made this
happen. Subsequently OP Tyagi's Bill was withdrawn.

Today, the Church and community appear to have neither the
will nor the unity to replicate such a protest. Very little
water has flowed down Mumbai's Mithi River since those days
in 1979 when the first attempt was made to bring an anti
conversion Bill into Parliament.

Today, anti-conversion Bills do not really want to deal with
forced and fraudulent conversions because such a thing hardly
exists. Chief Secretaries and Collectors in the States of
Orissa, Arunachal, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh when asked
about the number of forced and fraudulent conversions they
have seen, caught or punished in the last 25 years, confessed
that the number was zero.

Jayalalitha got one such Bill passed to woo the Hindutva BJP
and then withdrew it (partially) which only exposes the sham
behind such legislation.

What is dangerous is the intent behind such legislation.

It is clear that in our caste ridden society such
anti-conversion bills only help to divide citizens and their
privileges and rights on the basis of religion and to keep
Dalit Christians out of the paternal love of Indian law that
is provided in the Constitution.

They also help to polarise and Hindutva-ise the body polity.
They help to win political advantage. The vagueness of the
clauses makes it convenient for subservient police and civic
officials to harass the people.

In fact, the real fear in the warped minds of the micro
minority of Hindu fundamentalists is not conversions but the
fantastic and successful developmental work the Church is
doing among the poor and marginalised who have been left out
of the agendas of successive governments.

The accusation of conversions against Mother Teresa, Graham
Staines and the nuns who were ousted from the leprosy home in
Gujarat, the killing of Sr Rani Maria who worked to liberate
people from the clutches of moneylenders and the persecution
of Padmashri M. A Thomas of the Emmanuel Mission in Kota are
few examples.

Hindu fundamentalists have realised that the church in its
true "avatar" is not interested in "numbers" who can be
bought and sold like MLAs who change parties. They know that
Jesus-inspired Christians have a mission "to bring good news
to the poor, to tell prisoners that they are prisoners no
more, to make blind people see and set the downtrodden free".

An agenda that has threatened the mightiest of establishments
in countries all over the world. I do not blame Hindu
fundamentalists with their upper caste agendas for feeling

     I blame lay Christians who are so poorly formed in their
     faith and I blame the hierarchy of the church who has
     not succeeded in instilling in their people courage and
     unity against the assaults that that are and will always
     be the occupational hazards of those who decide to
     pursue truth and justice.

To the Holy Father, to whom I offer my allegiance, I want to
say that Indian Christians of all denominations, properly
formed in the faith and in collaboration with the Hierarchy,
can be fully capable of handling their problems. It only
requires that the leaders both of the clergy and laity allow
new and even dissenting voices in the stuffy precincts of
their decision making rooms.

To Cardinal Ivan Dias, in offering my prayers on his new
assignment, I would like to say that he and his fellow
Bishops need not have waited for a cue from the Holy Father
but should have these many years vociferously and publicly
protested against the documented atrocities committed not
only against Christians but also against women who are abused
by the police, innocent people who have been killed and
maimed and raped by Armed Forces in Kashmir and Manipur and
all those thousands denied of their human rights in all parts
of the country.

ABOUT THE WRITER: George Menezes is an award winning writer,
management consultant and was, in the 80s, a member of the
Pontifical Council for the Laity at the Vatican and a member
of the Asian Bishop’s Think Thank.

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