02-11-2010 | 07:33 PM
By GoaTNT Writer

Panaji: Just when one got the feeling that chief minister Digambar
Kamat has cunningly out-manouvered, outsmarted, outdone, out-thought,
out-silenced and ran into ground organisations like the Goa Bachao
Abhiyaan and other civil society groups and activists with repeated
fake assurances on key issues, the National Highway might just reverse
the tide against him.

Dr Oscar Rebello, once the blue-eyed boy of civil agitation in Goa,
who perhaps suffered from the infamous 'Stockholm Syndrome' (Wiki
describes the SS as a paradoxical psychological phenomenon wherein
hostages -- in this case Rebello, express adulation and have positive
feelings towards their captors -- in this case Kamat, that appear
irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims,
essentially mistaking a lack of abuse from their captors as an act of
kindness) is once again walking the 'Highway' to hell.

He was one of the several speakers, who took the streets of Panaji
under the banner of national highway diversion action committee
(NHDAC) as part of a 2,00 strong rally in the city.

“We don’t have a habit of coming on the streets but the Digamber Kamat
government has made a history by making sure that people are agitating
on streets almost every day with some or other demand,” Rebello said
addressing 2,000-odd crowd near Mandovi bridge.

The crowd which assembled at Azad maidan walked till the Mandovi
bridge where they were stopped. Agitating leaders gave their speeches
while agitators squatted on the road.

Oscar drew parallel between highway agitation and Regional Plan agitation.

“It was then that the Goans showed the government their might and this
time too, history will repeat,” he said.

The doctor also said that if we don’t protest now, 50 years down the
line, Goa would be known as a den of prostitution.

Sunil Desai, convenor of NHDAC, said that the agitation will now hit
all the villages. “We will be holding village level meetings and after
Diwali there will be a meeting in Margao in which protestors will
march to the residence of Digamber Kamat,” he said.

Leaders cutting across party line supported the agitation, which went
peacefully except for minor scuffle between scuffle between agitators
and police at Old Mandovi bridge.


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