Deejay Sampoorna -- Hybrid Coconut Seedling

The Deejay Sampoorna Hybrid is the result of more than 25 years of
meticulous scientific expertise using the finest breeding stock from around
the world. The high productivity of this hybrid is backed by thousands of
satisfied customers all over south India.

If you wish to produce large number of nuts per palm, sweet tender
coconuts, high quality copra, high-yields of coconut oil, your only choice
-- The Deejay Sampoorna Hybrid Coconut seedlings.

Deejay Sampoorna - Features

Ideal general purpose hybrid
Early yielder - first flowering within 24 months after planting
Large number of nuts - upto 250 nuts per annum per tree
When harvested for tender coconuts, yield improves by approx 30% - 400
tender nuts per annum reported by some customers
The tender coconut at 7 months contains 500ml of sweet coconut water
Good kernel and copra content - approx. 200grams per nut
Approx. 8,750 kgs of copra per annum per hectare
Approx. 5 tonnes of coconut oil per hectare

Note: Above results are possible under reasonably good management conditions

For Enquiry Please Contact
Tamil Nadu  : 04543 293785/+91 94425 83785 or +91 94430 15536
Karnataka    : 08387 220484/+91 94486 09964 or +91 94499 16255
Goa               : +91 832 2991153 or 2991053 / +91 9604747559

Deejay Pushkala – Hybrid Coconut Seedling

This Deejay Pushkala hybrid is the result of several years of field
evaluation. These hybrid seedlings are specially produced for tender
coconut purpose and will be the perfect answer for the ever growing tender
coconut market needs. These seedlings will be the preferred choice to
supply tender coconuts to the processing industries.

If you wish to Produce large Coconuts for sweet tender coconut water, the
Deejay Pushkala Hybrid is your first choice.

Deejay Pushkala - Features

Ideal hybrid for tender coconut water
Early yielder - flowering within 26 months after planting
Large number of nuts-350 tender nuts per annum reported by customers
The tender coconut at 7 months contains more than 600ml of sweet coconut
Premium selling price for tender coconuts

Note: Above results are possible under reasonably good management conditions

Deejay Vishwas – Hybrid Coconut Seedling

The Tall cultivar parent used in producing the Deejay Vishwas Hybrid
coconut palm is one of the highest yielding Talls growing in sub-optimum

If you wish to produce more nuts per palm, sweet tender coconut water,
quality copra and oil, under less than optimum growing condition, the
Deejay Vishwas is you choice.

Deejay Vishwas - Features

Excellent general purpose hybrid
Early flowering and fruiting
Very high yields of nuts per hectare
Ideal Quantity of 300ml of tender coconut water
High copra & oil production

After Sales Service

Deejay provides after sales service to all its customers in guiding them
with timely management practices and through personal visits to customers
farms to identify shortfalls and to suggest corrective action.

A Detailed Management Guide is being provided to all customers which will
serve as a guide as well as an accurate record of performance.


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