Ever wondered why this popular form of Konkani is seldom studied, never
published in, and barely written, even though widely spoken? Interested in
learning the Xaxti (Salcette) dialect of Konkani or deepening your
knowledge of it?
Check out a new WhatsApp group called Xaxti Uloichim, Goem Fuloichim. Click
on the WhatsApp link below to join:
https://chat.whatsapp.com/CmJ4IKaBIBu6ANs1ByxoUO (or contact +91-9822122436)
What you get on the group:
* Discussions in the Xaxti dialect.
* Responses to queries on specific issues.
* Tutorials, courtesy Dr Aida Dourado, in vocabulary and language usage.
* A belief that in the world of Konkani, all spoken forms and dialects are
equally acceptable.
Some challenges are being faced here, as there are no study texts or
learning material available on this dialect, and there also can be
variations in the spoken form between different areas (as in other forms of
Konkani too). Open to all who know the dialect, and those who want to learn
it. Complete new learners of Konkani might find it a bit confusing, so
might be better off sticking  to some "standard" form; though there is an
acute shortage of online learning options in this space too.
Feel free to nonetheless join this lively, sometimes controversial, but
often fun journey in rebuilding a neglected dialect.  No offtopic posts,
and if you must say something rude try to at least cloak it with some
politeness please--FN

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