[go-nuts] Re: 'go run hello.go' taking ~30 seconds on windows

2022-12-14 Thread Marcello H
It can also be something to exclude the tmp directory in which Go compiles 
when you do a 'go run'
(I assume you meant that when saying 'build and run')

What happens if you just build?
- Is this slow
what happens if you just execute?
- Is this slow?

What happens if you go install some-tool and run that?
- is that slow?

Op woensdag 14 december 2022 om 21:03:26 UTC+1 schreef thepud...@gmail.com:

> Hi Declan,
> Virus scanners can slow things down significantly on Windows, including 
> virus scanners can go into overdrive if you are touching many files, 
> touching files with atypical extensions, or building and then immediately 
> executing a new binary.
> To start, you could try temporarily disabling your virus scanner and see 
> if it helps.
> If it does help, you might be able to benefit from finer grain changes. 
> Most virus scanners support exclusion lists if you have sufficient 
> privileges. You could try for example excluding (1) the directories with 
> your Go code, (2) the directory shown in 'go env GOCACHE', (3) possibly the 
> directory shown in 'go env GOMODCACHE', and possibly others.
> I would be curious to hear your results.
> Even if this is not the particular problem you hit, it is something other 
> gophers hit, and it would be nice to document this somewhere if it isn't 
> already.
> Separately, I thought that Rust for example would add some default 
> exclusions for Windows Defender, which could be an option for the Go 
> Windows installer. However, I'm not seeing that just now based on some 
> quick spot checking, so maybe that's something Rust only used to do, or 
> perhaps I am thinking of something else.
> Finally, especially if you are in a corporate environment, there can be 
> other security agents, network services, proxies, and other agents that can 
> interfere with development performance beyond virus scanners.
> Regards,
> thepudds
> On Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 12:57:40 PM UTC-5 Declan Finn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Platform: Windows 10
>> Go Version: 1.19.4
>> Compile and run of the most basic helloworld program is extremely slow on 
>> my windows machine, taking roughly 30 seconds every time.
>> Whereas the exact same program, using the same go version, compiles and 
>> runs in under 1 second on my Ubuntu machine.
>> Why is it so slow on windows?
>> I asked a collogue to do the same test on his windows machine and he sees 
>> the same slowness.
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: [go-nuts] Linting

2022-12-14 Thread Amnon
> But perhaps I'm just a sucker for quality and maintainability and I'm 
barking up the wrong tree.

I don't think that you will find many people here who don't think that code 
quality and maintainability 
are important.

But I would disagree with the implicit assumptions that
code that "passes" a linter is of high quality
and that code that "fails" the linter is of poor quality

>From my limited readings of the Go source code, I would say that the Go 
team's judgement of code quality is far beyond that
of any linter I have seen. 

On Wednesday, 14 December 2022 at 23:07:24 UTC marc...@gmail.com wrote:

> Sorry, but I didn't state (and so does the linter) that any code is 
> deficient.
> Normal usage of a linter is not to satisfy a linter, but to do some basic 
> code review.
> (Most new linters can skip certain code lines these days too.)
> I know that  the number of lines in a single function is just a matter of 
> taste.
> But I also know that a function with too many lines is also harder to 
> maintain.
> If you study those functions that are "too long", you will find that it 
> could probably be split up in a more readable and maintainable way.
> The only worry I have is that complex code is very hard to maintain, 
> perhaps only by a single person.
> What happens if that person isn't available anymore? The best time to 
> maintain code to  a more maintainable version, is at the moment of creation 
> or not much later,
> because only then it lives still "in the mind" of the creator. A linter 
> can help detect those "blindspots" of a developer and can point out where 
> those are.
> With the new guidelines, one can expect to see the Go code as an example 
> of those guidelines.
> (one of them being maintainable software)
> Does anybody have to fix all of it now? Of course not, but perhaps when a 
> developer is touching one of those functions and understands what it does, 
> then it is still the ideal time to rewrite it a bit.
> But perhaps I'm just a sucker for quality and maintainability and I'm 
> barking up the wrong tree.
> I very much want Go to survive, so for me that means that people should 
> not be afraid to maintain parts of the code.
> (and that's why I said not to touch all those high complexity parts, 
> because I find it highly confusing; so i'm not fit for that job.)
> Op wo 14 dec. 2022 om 23:33 schreef Amnon :
>> This long discussion started with the question why the Go source is not 
>> linted. 
>> But I think the OP has answered his own question by providing us with a 
>> list of 963 places 
>> where the linter has decided that the code is deficient. 
>> But what is notable, is that he has not given a single example where any 
>> of these 963 warning has any value.
>> He has not taken even one of these warnings and show how "fixing" it 
>> leads to better code.
>> 411 of these warnings are for functions which are longer than the 150 
>> lines which are "allowed".
>> So I would ask: "allowed by whom?"
>> I am a big fan of short functions, as are the authors of the Go standard 
>> library. But surely the optimal length of a function depends
>> on the context. I am not too bothered, about the length of functions in 
>> the output of code generation, for instance. And I am OK with 
>> code with a very regular structure - like a switch statement handling 
>> many cases to take many lines.
>> Some of these linters do seem to be quite bureaucratic - imposing 
>> arbitrary rules irrespective of whether they make sense in the actual 
>> context.
>> Code written in corporations (because it usually is in corporations) 
>> where these linters are imposed, have a particular smell, with all kinds
>> of convolutions and ugliness designed to appease the linter.
>> If you see code where every line begins with 
>> _, _ =
>> Or where you always see 
>> defer func() { _ = res.Body.Close())() 
>> rather that 
>>defer res.Body.Close()
>> you know that this is the product of a programmer toiling under the 
>> dictates of a linter.
>> Because if you are discussing some code with a knowledgeable reviewer, 
>> you can defend your decisions.
>> You can explain why writing to a byte.Buffer can not fail (unless we are 
>> out of memory, in which case any error 
>> handling will fail too). But if you are told off by a linter, there is no 
>> appeal. The linter has no discretion.
>> It is not open to discussion. It will not consider your arguments. Your 
>> job is to do what the linter tells you. 
>> Because the linter is always right. Because the computer is always right. 
>> And you, as a mere human, are always wrong.
>> I would say that go vet is an exception - its warnings almost always 
>> point to real problems in the correctness of code,
>> or unnecessary complexity. I often also run staticcheck on my own code. 
>> It often makes useful observations, some of which 
>> lead to useful changes. But beyond these two, linters often do more harm 
>> than 

[go-nuts] Re: Achieving C/C++/Rust comparable performance with Golang

2022-12-14 Thread Jason E. Aten
two comments

a) use many cores. Suddenly your Go code runs circles around everything 
else-- i.e. those
languages you mention where doing multicore in a pain. The view
that other languages are faster comes from an age long ago of single core 

b) rather than pre-mature optimization, the general wisdom, and my specific 
heartfelt advice,
 is to measure where the time and memory is actually being spent, and then 
optimize from there.
 Generally this will 100x speed your development time, and
you may find it is plenty fast already, this is on top of the 10x - 20x 
development speed over C++ that you
already get with Go.  Should tuning be desired subsequently, when it comes 
to profiling,
 the Go tools are so vastly superior to anything else out there, that you 
can easily find the 
hot spots and focus your optimization with laser precision. This
is much more productive than trying to guess in general and over 
generalized terms about how a given 
application could perform under different languages.

On Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 11:57:40 AM UTC-6 Kursk wrote:

> Hi,
> Go is a high performant garbage collected language, (considered) memory 
> safe programming language, and as such its performance may not be 
> comparable with other languages such as C/C++/Rust under certain 
> application scenarios.
> I was wondering, how much of the Go language could be stretched (or 
> ignored) to produce as close as possible performance results if for 
> example, we write a program whose garbage collector have no work to do, 
> assuming that we can pre-allocate all required heap space, or that we could 
> somehow work around memory safety control points such as, index boundary 
> checking, etc.
> - Which one those performance penalty points would exactly be?
> - Which ones would be impossible to workaround?
> - What instructions/operations would be generally speaking comparable?
> I know this is a very abstract and theoretical question, I am of course 
> not expecting a conclusive/concrete answer to my questions but just some 
> general answer, to increase my understanding about language performance 
> while providing some pointers to continue my research on the topic.
> This will hopefully lead me to a better general understanding on where to 
> seek for potential optimisation opportunities within the Go language itself 
> vs scenarios where a port to C/C++/Rust would most likely be a better 
> option.
> Thanks in advance.

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Fwd: [go-nuts] Linting

2022-12-14 Thread Marcello H
Sorry, but I didn't state (and so does the linter) that any code is
Normal usage of a linter is not to satisfy a linter, but to do some basic
code review.
(Most new linters can skip certain code lines these days too.)

I know that  the number of lines in a single function is just a matter of
But I also know that a function with too many lines is also harder to
If you study those functions that are "too long", you will find that it
could probably be split up in a more readable and maintainable way.

The only worry I have is that complex code is very hard to maintain,
perhaps only by a single person.
What happens if that person isn't available anymore? The best time to
maintain code to  a more maintainable version, is at the moment of creation
or not much later,
because only then it lives still "in the mind" of the creator. A linter can
help detect those "blindspots" of a developer and can point out where those

With the new guidelines, one can expect to see the Go code as an example of
those guidelines.
(one of them being maintainable software)

Does anybody have to fix all of it now? Of course not, but perhaps when a
developer is touching one of those functions and understands what it does,
then it is still the ideal time to rewrite it a bit.

But perhaps I'm just a sucker for quality and maintainability and I'm
barking up the wrong tree.
I very much want Go to survive, so for me that means that people should not
be afraid to maintain parts of the code.
(and that's why I said not to touch all those high complexity parts,
because I find it highly confusing; so i'm not fit for that job.)

Op wo 14 dec. 2022 om 23:33 schreef Amnon :

> This long discussion started with the question why the Go source is not
> linted.
> But I think the OP has answered his own question by providing us with a
> list of 963 places
> where the linter has decided that the code is deficient.
> But what is notable, is that he has not given a single example where any
> of these 963 warning has any value.
> He has not taken even one of these warnings and show how "fixing" it leads
> to better code.
> 411 of these warnings are for functions which are longer than the 150
> lines which are "allowed".
> So I would ask: "allowed by whom?"
> I am a big fan of short functions, as are the authors of the Go standard
> library. But surely the optimal length of a function depends
> on the context. I am not too bothered, about the length of functions in
> the output of code generation, for instance. And I am OK with
> code with a very regular structure - like a switch statement handling many
> cases to take many lines.
> Some of these linters do seem to be quite bureaucratic - imposing
> arbitrary rules irrespective of whether they make sense in the actual
> context.
> Code written in corporations (because it usually is in corporations) where
> these linters are imposed, have a particular smell, with all kinds
> of convolutions and ugliness designed to appease the linter.
> If you see code where every line begins with
> _, _ =
> Or where you always see
> defer func() { _ = res.Body.Close())()
> rather that
>defer res.Body.Close()
> you know that this is the product of a programmer toiling under the
> dictates of a linter.
> Because if you are discussing some code with a knowledgeable reviewer, you
> can defend your decisions.
> You can explain why writing to a byte.Buffer can not fail (unless we are
> out of memory, in which case any error
> handling will fail too). But if you are told off by a linter, there is no
> appeal. The linter has no discretion.
> It is not open to discussion. It will not consider your arguments. Your
> job is to do what the linter tells you.
> Because the linter is always right. Because the computer is always right.
> And you, as a mere human, are always wrong.
> I would say that go vet is an exception - its warnings almost always point
> to real problems in the correctness of code,
> or unnecessary complexity. I often also run staticcheck on my own code. It
> often makes useful observations, some of which
> lead to useful changes. But beyond these two, linters often do more harm
> than good. One very high quality linter with
> few false positives is far more valuable that a large number of linters
> which make nonsensical complaints.
> golangci_lint is particularly bad in this respect - making it easy to run
> loads of low quality linters, which cry wolf all the time and
> train programmers to ignore warnings.
> So I would appeal Ian and the rest of the Go team, to resist the pressure
> to adopt these "great linters" - not to invest months of work
> "fixing" these 963 "problems" identified by these linters. And focus on
> carrying on doing what you are doing - producing,
> rocks solid releases, well thought out enhancements, and code which can
> serve as a template we can all emulate
> to produce good, clear, idiomatic code.
> On Tuesday, 13 December 2022 

Re: [go-nuts] Linting

2022-12-14 Thread Amnon
This long discussion started with the question why the Go source is not 
But I think the OP has answered his own question by providing us with a 
list of 963 places 
where the linter has decided that the code is deficient. 
But what is notable, is that he has not given a single example where any of 
these 963 warning has any value.
He has not taken even one of these warnings and show how "fixing" it leads 
to better code.
411 of these warnings are for functions which are longer than the 150 lines 
which are "allowed".
So I would ask: "allowed by whom?"
I am a big fan of short functions, as are the authors of the Go standard 
library. But surely the optimal length of a function depends
on the context. I am not too bothered, about the length of functions in the 
output of code generation, for instance. And I am OK with 
code with a very regular structure - like a switch statement handling many 
cases to take many lines.
Some of these linters do seem to be quite bureaucratic - imposing arbitrary 
rules irrespective of whether they make sense in the actual context.
Code written in corporations (because it usually is in corporations) where 
these linters are imposed, have a particular smell, with all kinds
of convolutions and ugliness designed to appease the linter.
If you see code where every line begins with 

_, _ =

Or where you always see 

defer func() { _ = res.Body.Close())() 

rather that 

   defer res.Body.Close()

you know that this is the product of a programmer toiling under the 
dictates of a linter.
Because if you are discussing some code with a knowledgeable reviewer, you 
can defend your decisions.
You can explain why writing to a byte.Buffer can not fail (unless we are 
out of memory, in which case any error 
handling will fail too). But if you are told off by a linter, there is no 
appeal. The linter has no discretion.
It is not open to discussion. It will not consider your arguments. Your job 
is to do what the linter tells you. 
Because the linter is always right. Because the computer is always right. 
And you, as a mere human, are always wrong.

I would say that go vet is an exception - its warnings almost always point 
to real problems in the correctness of code,
or unnecessary complexity. I often also run staticcheck on my own code. It 
often makes useful observations, some of which 
lead to useful changes. But beyond these two, linters often do more harm 
than good. One very high quality linter with 
few false positives is far more valuable that a large number of linters 
which make nonsensical complaints.
golangci_lint is particularly bad in this respect - making it easy to run 
loads of low quality linters, which cry wolf all the time and 
train programmers to ignore warnings.

So I would appeal Ian and the rest of the Go team, to resist the pressure 
to adopt these "great linters" - not to invest months of work
"fixing" these 963 "problems" identified by these linters. And focus on 
carrying on doing what you are doing - producing,
rocks solid releases, well thought out enhancements, and code which can 
serve as a template we can all emulate
to produce good, clear, idiomatic code. 

On Tuesday, 13 December 2022 at 22:18:14 UTC marc...@gmail.com wrote:

> I have no complaints, let me be clear about that. Just advice, for all 
> I've learned in my cariere is that maintenance is happening more than the 
> first version of something creative.
> But I've still got hope that one day I might understand some complex 
> coding that I didn't write myself.
> I'm happy to help, if an author of something "complex" can guide me. The 
> only thing I can do now, is be a messenger.
> Op di 13 dec. 2022 om 20:52 schreef Ian Lance Taylor :
>> On Tue, Dec 13, 2022 at 2:31 AM Brian Candler  wrote:
>> >
>> > With that in mind, I'd respectfully suggest that your starting point 
>> should be to pick one of these "over complex" functions, understand it 
>> fully, and rewrite it in what you consider to be a simpler/clearer way 
>> which does not break any functionality, *and* which does perform any worse 
>> than the original code (*).  Then you can submit it as a pull request for 
>> review.  Rinse and repeat.
>> With respect, I'm going to suggest not doing that.  If code is working
>> correctly, then changing it, even to simplify it, may cause it to stop
>> working correctly.  In fact, this is more likely to happen if the
>> original code is complex.  The best approach to complex working code
>> is to only change it if there is a good reason to do so: because the
>> requirements have changed, or because there is some way to make it run
>> measurably faster, or because it is a regular source of bugs.
>> Also I hope we can all agree that blind adherence to any specific
>> definition of complexity is misguided.  For example, a function that
>> is basically a big switch statement with a bunch of cases is often
>> easier to understand as a single function rather than a 

Re: [go-nuts] Achieving C/C++/Rust comparable performance with Golang

2022-12-14 Thread Robert Engels
Same holds true for Java.  People have tried  What you end up with is Java is 
name only - so why bother. 

> On Dec 14, 2022, at 2:47 PM, Ian Lance Taylor  wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 9:57 AM Kursk  wrote:
>> Go is a high performant garbage collected language, (considered) memory safe 
>> programming language, and as such its performance may not be comparable with 
>> other languages such as C/C++/Rust under certain application scenarios.
>> I was wondering, how much of the Go language could be stretched (or ignored) 
>> to produce as close as possible performance results if for example, we write 
>> a program whose garbage collector have no work to do, assuming that we can 
>> pre-allocate all required heap space, or that we could somehow work around 
>> memory safety control points such as, index boundary checking, etc.
>> - Which one those performance penalty points would exactly be?
>> - Which ones would be impossible to workaround?
>> - What instructions/operations would be generally speaking comparable?
>> I know this is a very abstract and theoretical question, I am of course not 
>> expecting a conclusive/concrete answer to my questions but just some general 
>> answer, to increase my understanding about language performance while 
>> providing some pointers to continue my research on the topic.
>> This will hopefully lead me to a better general understanding on where to 
>> seek for potential optimisation opportunities within the Go language itself 
>> vs scenarios where a port to C/C++/Rust would most likely be a better option.
> It is possible to write Go code in which all memory allocation is
> explicit (through calls to the new function).  Parts of the runtime
> package are written that way, for example.  However, it's quite hard,
> and it's quite easy to make a mistake.  It's not really practical to
> write real Go code that way, especially since the rest of the standard
> library isn't written that way.
> Ian
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to golang-nuts+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/golang-nuts/CAOyqgcVPChN%2BHT1h5D6v-BgTMDeHLo4ai6mxiR%2BxaWbnRGAMMA%40mail.gmail.com.

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Re: [go-nuts] Achieving C/C++/Rust comparable performance with Golang

2022-12-14 Thread Ian Lance Taylor
On Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 9:57 AM Kursk  wrote:
> Go is a high performant garbage collected language, (considered) memory safe 
> programming language, and as such its performance may not be comparable with 
> other languages such as C/C++/Rust under certain application scenarios.
> I was wondering, how much of the Go language could be stretched (or ignored) 
> to produce as close as possible performance results if for example, we write 
> a program whose garbage collector have no work to do, assuming that we can 
> pre-allocate all required heap space, or that we could somehow work around 
> memory safety control points such as, index boundary checking, etc.
> - Which one those performance penalty points would exactly be?
> - Which ones would be impossible to workaround?
> - What instructions/operations would be generally speaking comparable?
> I know this is a very abstract and theoretical question, I am of course not 
> expecting a conclusive/concrete answer to my questions but just some general 
> answer, to increase my understanding about language performance while 
> providing some pointers to continue my research on the topic.
> This will hopefully lead me to a better general understanding on where to 
> seek for potential optimisation opportunities within the Go language itself 
> vs scenarios where a port to C/C++/Rust would most likely be a better option.

It is possible to write Go code in which all memory allocation is
explicit (through calls to the new function).  Parts of the runtime
package are written that way, for example.  However, it's quite hard,
and it's quite easy to make a mistake.  It's not really practical to
write real Go code that way, especially since the rest of the standard
library isn't written that way.


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[go-nuts] Re: 'go run hello.go' taking ~30 seconds on windows

2022-12-14 Thread thepud...@gmail.com
Hi Declan,

Virus scanners can slow things down significantly on Windows, including 
virus scanners can go into overdrive if you are touching many files, 
touching files with atypical extensions, or building and then immediately 
executing a new binary.

To start, you could try temporarily disabling your virus scanner and see if 
it helps.

If it does help, you might be able to benefit from finer grain changes. 
Most virus scanners support exclusion lists if you have sufficient 
privileges. You could try for example excluding (1) the directories with 
your Go code, (2) the directory shown in 'go env GOCACHE', (3) possibly the 
directory shown in 'go env GOMODCACHE', and possibly others.

I would be curious to hear your results.

Even if this is not the particular problem you hit, it is something other 
gophers hit, and it would be nice to document this somewhere if it isn't 

Separately, I thought that Rust for example would add some default 
exclusions for Windows Defender, which could be an option for the Go 
Windows installer. However, I'm not seeing that just now based on some 
quick spot checking, so maybe that's something Rust only used to do, or 
perhaps I am thinking of something else.

Finally, especially if you are in a corporate environment, there can be 
other security agents, network services, proxies, and other agents that can 
interfere with development performance beyond virus scanners.


On Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 12:57:40 PM UTC-5 Declan Finn wrote:

> Hi,
> Platform: Windows 10
> Go Version: 1.19.4
> Compile and run of the most basic helloworld program is extremely slow on 
> my windows machine, taking roughly 30 seconds every time.
> Whereas the exact same program, using the same go version, compiles and 
> runs in under 1 second on my Ubuntu machine.
> Why is it so slow on windows?
> I asked a collogue to do the same test on his windows machine and he sees 
> the same slowness.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: [go-nuts] 'go run hello.go' taking ~30 seconds on windows

2022-12-14 Thread Robert Engels
I am guessing it is a dns resolution issue during startup. See the GODEBUG 
netdns settings. 

> On Dec 14, 2022, at 11:57 AM, Declan Finn  wrote:
> Hi,
> Platform: Windows 10
> Go Version: 1.19.4
> Compile and run of the most basic helloworld program is extremely slow on my 
> windows machine, taking roughly 30 seconds every time.
> Whereas the exact same program, using the same go version, compiles and runs 
> in under 1 second on my Ubuntu machine.
> Why is it so slow on windows?
> I asked a collogue to do the same test on his windows machine and he sees the 
> same slowness.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "golang-nuts" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to golang-nuts+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit 
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/golang-nuts/d7957ef7-e3c3-44f7-a6bb-0e870562eb0en%40googlegroups.com.

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[go-nuts] Achieving C/C++/Rust comparable performance with Golang

2022-12-14 Thread Kursk
Go is a high performant garbage collected language, (considered) memory 
safe programming language, and as such its performance may not be 
comparable with other languages such as C/C++/Rust under certain 
application scenarios.

I was wondering, how much of the Go language could be stretched (or 
ignored) to produce as close as possible performance results if for 
example, we write a program whose garbage collector have no work to do, 
assuming that we can pre-allocate all required heap space, or that we could 
somehow work around memory safety control points such as, index boundary 
checking, etc.

- Which one those performance penalty points would exactly be?
- Which ones would be impossible to workaround?
- What instructions/operations would be generally speaking comparable?

I know this is a very abstract and theoretical question, I am of course not 
expecting a conclusive/concrete answer to my questions but just some 
general answer, to increase my understanding about language performance 
while providing some pointers to continue my research on the topic.

This will hopefully lead me to a better general understanding on where to 
seek for potential optimisation opportunities within the Go language itself 
vs scenarios where a port to C/C++/Rust would most likely be a better 

Thanks in advance.

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[go-nuts] 'go run hello.go' taking ~30 seconds on windows

2022-12-14 Thread Declan Finn

Platform: Windows 10
Go Version: 1.19.4

Compile and run of the most basic helloworld program is extremely slow on 
my windows machine, taking roughly 30 seconds every time.
Whereas the exact same program, using the same go version, compiles and 
runs in under 1 second on my Ubuntu machine.
Why is it so slow on windows?
I asked a collogue to do the same test on his windows machine and he sees 
the same slowness.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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[go-nuts] Re: Hide Golang Code from Exported package

2022-12-14 Thread neeraj singhi
Hi is there another  way as we have to package it as a dll or a lib .
But whenever we try using syscall with dll it fails with "bad sweepgen in 
Is there any other way where we font create a new executable 

On Monday, December 12, 2022 at 1:34:23 PM UTC+5:30 Brian Candler wrote:

> Distribute your library as a grpc server.
> https://github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin
> On Monday, 12 December 2022 at 07:56:52 UTC nsing...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Actually i need to share it as an sdk. So any way i can share
>> On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 1:13:17 PM UTC+5:30 marc...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> if you produce an executable, nobody sees the actual Go code.
>>> build it with:
>>> go build -ldflags "-s -w"
>>> or you could try to obfuscate it:
>>> https://github.com/burrowers/garble
>>> or you can make a self-extracting executable
>>> Op woensdag 7 december 2022 om 19:09:31 UTC+1 schreef nsing...@gmail.com
>>> :
 Hi All,
 We are looking for a way to distribute a Golang Package. but We ant to 
 hide the Code which we have written. 
 We went Through Creating A DLL to distribute but it crashes at 
 different point while running. As we have distribute to Both linux and 
 windows . And i found that for linux we can use plugin. But the crash for 
 windows dll  after importing the file is concerning for us and its 
 happening at random points in the code also "bad sweepgen in refill".  
 If there is any other way to distribute the code without showing the 
 source code please Tell


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