Re: [go-nuts] Windows 10 desktop packaging

2018-05-09 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Wed, 9 May 2018 11:12:48 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>Am going nuts trying to work out how to package a windows installer for 
>windows10 and sign it.
>Microsoft are turning windows 10 basic version into a locked down system and 
>so you need to make applications using their new appx format.
>Does anyone have ANY tips on doing this ? 
>My app is a webview written in golang and gopherjs but that's really not 
>If I can bring all the pieces together  I can then wrap it as a CLI tool with 
>helpers and generators.
>It will need the SDK from Microsoft installed but I am hoping I can get it all 
>going without having to install visual studio etc.

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Re: [go-nuts] Go license and fitness for purpose

2018-05-13 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Sun, 13 May 2018 13:01:46 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>I don't think this is the attitude behind GCC, or maybe it is. I want to 
>write programs that do things worth money and hope to use Go or GCC to do 
>so (including working with and on those projects for free), but if they 
>might include unnecessary liability beyond regular bugs then that's a 
>problem for me.

I suspect you are worrying too much given both the long history of
open source software and the large number of
groups/organizations/companies that rely on it.

But you aren't going to get much in the way of guarantees when you
receive and use something for free.

If you really feel you need some sort of legal guarantee then I
suggest you look into some paid options that provide Go and/or GCC,
such as Red Hat or Ubuntu, where there may be more of a legal
framework that is more to your liking.

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Re: [go-nuts] Go language should become an ANSI and ISO standard.

2018-10-11 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 06:15:16 +0200, you wrote:

>But that is not what I am getting at. Five years ago I was somewhat
>involved in the effort to make Ruby an ISO standard language. From the get
>go it was a largely bureaucratic effort. We specified a common sub set of a
>then already old version of Ruby and made enough loopholes to make sure
>that any Ruby out there could be considered confirming to the standard.
>Why? You can perhaps not appreciate how powerful the bureaucrats can be in
>some countries and corporations. Since Ruby became an ISO standard, I have
>been able to convince those bureaucrats to let me use Ruby where I was
>barred from doing so before.

So, the question is are you able to use any version of Ruby, or are
you restricted to the ISO version of Ruby?

If you are restricted to the ISO version that it is a very bad thing
because you are inherently then holding back the forward progress of
the language by forcing people to use an old version.

If you can use any version of Ruby then you have demonstrated that the
ISO certification isn't worth the paper its printed on.

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Go 2 Proposal Comments

2018-10-27 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Fri, 26 Oct 2018 22:31:46 -0500, you wrote:

>First, there is simply no debate, Java += Android,  and you have the most 
>successful language/platform ever. NO debate.

Which explains why, as soon as Google gave them the choice, developers
began the stampede away from Java to Kotlin.

Java may be the "most" successful thanks to Android, but that isn't by
choice and the issues with Java are such that now that there is an
officially supported alternative it is being dropped as quickly as it

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: gomobile: what's the right way to make widgets?

2018-10-27 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Sat, 27 Oct 2018 07:02:46 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>I wish go2 team would focus on cross-platform GUI rather than nobody-needed 
>generics after all. There is nothing you can do atm, write your own library 
>I guess...

An acceptable cross-platform GUI is a major undertaking to create an
even half way acceptable outcome.

Far better to somehow interface with an existing solution like Qt
which has already spent the decades creating something that mostly

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Go 2 Proposal Comments

2018-10-28 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Sat, 27 Oct 2018 14:33:32 -0500, you wrote:

>What exactly are you referring to? I wasn’t aware of Android no longer being 

At Google I/O 2017 the Android team announced that Kotlin would be
supported as a first class language along with Java, including full
support in Android Studio.

While Android will likely never get rid of its Java base, developers
have been switching to Kotlin due to the advantages it offers over
Java.  Kotlin offers cleaner, easier to understand code without all
the verbosity that Java forces.

> But also when I say java am referring to the JVM technology as well, so add 
> in all of the JVM languages and it’s even more lopsided. 

The JVM is not relevant to a discussion about languages.

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Go 2 Proposal Comments

2018-10-28 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Sun, 28 Oct 2018 09:31:30 -0500, you wrote:

>To clarify, think of the performance improvements in the GC in Go from 1.1 to 
>1.11. Amazing. But you only get these via recompiling which is a barrier. Many 
>java installations frequently get performance improvements with no code 
>changes or recompilation. This is why I’ve been investigating packaging Go 
>binaries with dynamic linkage to the runtime and stdlib. 

That's a bit misleading - those peformance improvements do come from
recompilation it's just that you don't see it (other than a slow first
start) given that each new JVM will recompile the bytecode.

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Interesting public commentary on Go...

2019-05-23 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Fri, 24 May 2019 07:40:52 +1000, you wrote:

>The last sentence of the article is not correct. The name Go is not
>trademarked by Google, at least as a programming language trademark. There
>are other things Google makes called Go (an interesting signal on its own)
>and they might be trademarked, but Go the language is not a trademark.

The link provided in the blog post would seem to indicate otherwise.

If one scrolls down the list the following 2 entries are of interest:

Golang™ programming language
Go™ programming language

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Interesting public commentary on Go...

2019-05-23 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Fri, 24 May 2019 07:40:52 +1000, you wrote:

>The last sentence of the article is not correct. The name Go is not
>trademarked by Google, at least as a programming language trademark. There
>are other things Google makes called Go (an interesting signal on its own)
>and they might be trademarked, but Go the language is not a trademark.

As a follow up, should make clear the fact that Google has trademarked
it is a good thing in my opinion for the community, as it prevents
somewhat else acting in a malicious manner and trademarking it and
forcing the community to change the name.

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Interesting public commentary on Go...

2019-05-24 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Fri, 24 May 2019 01:30:02 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>Well, the two enries are listed at the given URI, quite far apart and in 
>the opposite order.

The list is alphabetical.

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Generics, please go away!

2020-12-22 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Tue, 22 Dec 2020 22:56:32 +0100, you wrote:

>> He did explicitly said in the last paragraph that Go is not driven by
>> pools (aka surveys).
>Please re-read!
>The problem is that his post is quite contradictory. On the one hand he
>states that "Go is not and never has been a poll-driven language", yet
>at the same time, "I think it's reasonable to say that there is real
>support for adding generics" - because of the result of surveys!

No contradiction in the post.

He says clearly at the end that Go is not driven by polls

What he did do is show that the surverys do show support for the
inclusion of Generics, not that the surveys drove the decision to add

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: go on Windows 10 from the bash shell (and the cmd shell)

2017-10-12 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Thu, 12 Oct 2017 00:03:41 -0400, you wrote:

>Other than the file names, I'm not convinced that there is any actual
>between the go.exe you get with the MSI and the go binary that apt-get

There is a difference.

The MSI is a Windows application, whereas apt-get would install the
Linux binary of go.

WSL has you actually running Linux binaries on Windows unless you
specifically go and choose a Windows executable.

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: go on Windows 10 from the bash shell (and the cmd shell)

2017-10-13 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Thu, 12 Oct 2017 22:08:44 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>On Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 8:31:52 PM UTC-4, Gerald wrote:
>> The MSI is a Windows application, whereas apt-get would install the 
>> Linux binary of go. 
>> WSL has you actually running Linux binaries on Windows unless you 
>> specifically go and choose a Windows executable. 
>The MSI file triggers a Windows application, sure. But is the actual go 
>binary different?
>Its possible to make a Posix compliant system call on nearly any operating 
>system. Posix was
>designed to let the US Government require Unix, back when Unix was special. 
>But the basic functions
>that most of us call Unix or Linux system calls are trivial in any 
>operating system. Probably even Plan-9
>There is a lot less to making bash, and apt-get run on any operating system 
>than many folks think
>I may have to do both installs and do a shasum on the files.

WSL actually runs the Linux distrobution you choose - currently SUSE
and Ubuntu are available with Fedora coming.

The only limitation is no GUI stuff.

Microsoft enables this by amongst other things emulating the Linux
kernel so that WSL natively runs Linux ELF64 binaries.

So Go installed via the Windows MSI and via apt-get (or yum or dnf)
will be entirely separate binaries.

More information:

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Re: [go-nuts] Golang performance benchmarks on arm64 (Qualcomm Centriq 2400)

2017-11-09 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Wed, 8 Nov 2017 13:57:03 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>"Go support for aarch64 is quite disappointing.

>Qualcomm and other ARMv8 
>vendors intends to put significant engineering resources to amend this 
>situation, but really any one can contribute to Go. So if you want to live 
>your mark, now is the time."

I would turn this around and say hardware support for aarch64 is quite
disappointing, and as a result nobody is interested in developing for
it (outside of certain companies who can either afford the hardware
costs or are given the hardware).

If the aarch64 hardware makers want the open source community to
develop and test for aarch64, then they need to make appropriate
hardware available to the community at a cost your average open source
developer can afford.  Yes, it nice the blogger in question was given
some (likely very expensive) hardware, but that doesn't apply to the
community in general.

[and this is restriced to ARM, POWER has the same issue]

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Re: [go-nuts] Elphaba Chess

2017-12-03 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Sat, 2 Dec 2017 11:37:46 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>Google is not going to be happy if somebody uses Go to compete against 
>Google. AFAIK, most if not all of Google's money comes from selling 
>advertising on their 

Another view - Google search only works because people / companies put
stuff online, and Go helps get stuff online -> Go being publicly
available helps Google.

>I mentioned the ANS-Forth standard of 1994, which is truly awful from a 
>technical stand-point. The author of ANS-Forth was Elizabeth Rather, the 
>owner of Forth Inc..
>Charles Moore, the inventor of Forth left Forth Inc. in 1982, and he 
>abandoned ANS-Forth in 1989. He says that ANS-Forth is not Forth at all.
>Elizabeth Rather is unconcerned that ANS-Forth has technical problems. She 
>says that the purpose of ANS-Forth is "portable programmers." 
>Apparently Forth Inc. was tired of hiring programmers who know nothing 
>about Forth, and training them from the ground up.
>She wants programmers to learn the rudiments of Forth first, before they 
>apply for work at Forth Inc..
>ANS-Forth is adequate for writing trivial programs, for learning the 
>rudiments of Forth --- learn how DUP OVER SWAP ROT etc. work.
>ANS-Forth was purposely crippled though, to prevent it from being used for 
>writing non-trivial programs in competition with Forth Inc..

But the world is a very different place than 1994.

>This is the danger of allowing a corporation to define a 
>programming-language standard --- competitors will be non-standard --- all 
>programmers are competitors.

But that concept of "standard" has no meaning anymore - thanks to the
acceptance of open source into the mainstream the open source version
woud quickly become the de-facto standard and the private version
would be considered non-standard.

>Most likely, Google made Go public because they wanted enthusiastic 
>contributors to help them develop Go --- hiring programmers is expensive. 
>After Go is settled though, Google may make it proprietary again. The 
>enthusiasts will succeed so well that no further contribution from them is 
>Google could kill Go by pushing a crippleware version through ANSI and 
>calling that the "Standard" so nobody can use Go to write non-trivial 

Again, a crippled ANSI standard would be ignored.  You can't simply
pretend the open source Go doesn't exist because it doesn't fit your

I personally have no opinion on the relevance of major standard bodies
when it comes to programming languages.  The C++ community seems to
make the ISO process work for them, but on the other hand languages
like Python, Perl, Bash all seem to survive just fine without.

All that matters is that Go has a thriving community, both of
developers and users (see the blog post about the 8 years*), which
means even if Google abandoned the open source Go it would continue
for a very long time.


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Re: [go-nuts] Elphaba Chess

2017-12-04 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Sun, 3 Dec 2017 20:07:45 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>I'll bet if Mozilla had used Go to write FireFox, rather than invent their 
>own language, Google would have done something to stop them.

You are aware that Google helps fund Firefox (through their agreement
to be the default search engine)?

>By proprietary I didn't necessarily mean closed-source.
>I just meant that Google declares a crippleware version of Go to be the 
>Standard --- possibly pushing it through ANSI so it is written in stone.

And the community would simply ignore the standard - standards only
have meaning if the community agrees that they do.

>Even if there is an open-source version of Go that works well, it would 
>likely die out for lack of interest.

As previously mentioned, there is far too much code (and hence
business) running on Go now for it to die off.

>Being the Standard (with a capital 'S') carries a lot of weight.

No it doesn't.  Market share carries far more influence than a
standard, and the vast amount of Go software already written means the
existing version of Go is the "standard" regardless of what any
official body may say.

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Upgrade to Go1.12.7 problem [SOLVED]

2019-08-09 Thread Gerald Henriksen
On Mon, 5 Aug 2019 18:58:02 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>I discovered that /usr/local/go was still version 1.11 for whatever reason 
>Ubuntu did not update that directory when I installed go via apt/dpkg

This is correct behaviour, see below.

>I therefore downloaded  
> into /tmp, 
>decompressed it, then moved the go/ directory to /usr/local (moving the old 
>version to /usr/local/go-1.11 just in case)

In general it is a bad idea to mix both self-installed and
distribution packaged versions of the same program unless you are
aware of what you are doing and the likely repurcussions.

If you are now using the version of Go that you downloaded and self
installed (as indicated above) then make sure you have used apt/dpkg
to remove the Ubuntu version that you installed in the past.

More generally, distribution packages (whether apt/dpkg/rpm) do not
install into /usr/local and thus installing the Ubuntu version of Go
would not touch anything in /usr/local because, as the name suggests,
/usr/local is meant for stuff the user has installed outside of the
distribution package management system.

So if you want to switch from self installed to the Ubuntu packaged
version of Go, then it is up to you to clean up /usr/local of any
previous non-dpkg installs of Go.

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