Re: [go-nuts] sql.Row doubt

2021-08-17 Thread Gregor Best
FWIW, things like `SELECT * FROM ...` are in my opinion a code smell: 
there are usually some (implicit) expectations on which columns will be 
returned in what order that'll break horribly if someone two departments 
removed decides "this table needs another column".

In my experience, it's almost always better to explicitly encode queries 
(or build them with a query builder) than to build them manually at run 

On 14.08.21 15:43, Daniel da Silva wrote:
I know my resultset will only have one row. But I don't know about 
columns. e.g.

func GetData(db *sql.DB, ent Entity, tableName, uniqueField string, value 
interface{}) error {
query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s = $1", tableName, 

row := db.QueryRow(query, value)

columns := []string{} // columns, err := row.Columns()

if err := row.Scan(ent.Pointers(columns)...); err != nil {
return err

return nil

On Saturday, August 14, 2021 at 5:08:12 AM UTC-3 Tamás Gulácsi wrote:

It could, but what for? sql.Row is already a convenience wrapper
for I-know-I-want-only-one-row,
so you know what kind of data are you retrieving, but you know
it's only one row? a következőt írta (2021. augusztus 13.,
péntek, 19:04:24 UTC+2):

Yes i ever use Query() instead of QueryRow().
My doubt is more about the API design.
If exists *sql.Row with Scan() method why not implements
Columns() ?

On Thursday, August 5, 2021 at 3:43:44 PM UTC-3 wrote:

In what case do you find the need to call Columns() on a
Row? Generally if you have access to a Row, you also have
access to a Rows, which does have a Columns() method.


On Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 10:34 AM Daniel da Silva

Hello guys!

Why doesn't sql.Row implement the Columns() method?


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  Gregor Best

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Re: [go-nuts] Use cases for custom ResponseWriter

2021-03-17 Thread Gregor Best
net/http/httptest contains an implementation of http.ResponseWriter 
that's used for testing request handlers in isolation (without spinning 
up a server).

On 17.03.21 03:12, Amit Saha wrote:

Hi all,

I came across the need for writing a custom ResponseWriter when I
wanted to log the response status code.

Is there any other use case where this is needed to implement one?
Thanks and appreciate any pointers.

Best Regards,

Gregor Best

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: [ANN] New german translations

2021-03-16 Thread Gregor Best
That somehow reminds me of one of my professors in university who 
(probably on account of his near-retirement age) insisted on calling 
recursive descent parsers "rekursive Abstiegszerteiler".

On 16.03.21 11:10, Haddock wrote:
Anyhow, if I hear how young people are talking nowadays, it makes me 
sick. Die Funktion wurde "gecalled" und die Exception "gethrown". 
Sometimes I fear the next generation will not have learned to watch 
what their mind is doing. I might be wrong. I hope so.

Haddock schrieb am Montag, 15. März 2021 um 15:54:02 UTC+1:

I agree that Quellcode or Quelltext are the best transalations
IMHO other than just using Code

HaWe schrieb am Sonntag, 14. März 2021 um 09:11:14 UTC+1:

Hello Tim.

Translating, that's a hobbyhorse I ride now and then.
(Learn something new about Go and improve your English and
German in parallel! ;-)

No, sorry. There is no public repository. The private one
right here under my desk is ... well ... private.

Now, about you taking up translating: that's a great idea.
Many of the Go documents could be worth the effort; the blog
posts about modules come to mind. (Write to me off-list if I
can be of any help; email address is in the top box of any of
the translations.)

(BTW there had been a german version of the Tour of Go from
2015 by one Michael Faschinger, but alas, that seems to be no
longer accessible.)

I'm still thinking about rufen vs. aufrufen; since it's not
only about calling functions but about exported types and
variables as well, the appropriate word could be "benutzen".
(Changes will be in the next release; following Go 1.17.)

So long

a2800276 schrieb am Freitag, 12. März 2021 um 15:14:38 UTC+1:

"Kode" really seems nonstandard to me. It really pops out.
I'd definitely spell it "Code" in German and even then it
seems like colloquial usage. I'd prefer Quellcode or
Quelltext or Programm.
"Kode aus einem externen Paket rufen" should really be
"aufrufen" no matter how you feel about "Kode" :)

Are you looking for help with the translations? I'd be
happy to work with you on them for a while. Is there a
repo anywhere?

On Thursday, 11 March 2021 at 20:53:43 UTC+1 HaWe wrote:

Thanks for your comments. It's nice when one's work is
About choice of words, have a look at the
"Wörterliste". The link is in the box at the top.
About Spelling: that seems to be a question of age. I
learnt the word "Kode" long before I came across
computers (but I do use "Computer" in german sometimes).

Uli Kunitz schrieb am Mittwoch, 10. März 2021 um
21:53:04 UTC+1:

The authority on German Orthography,
<>, recommends the writing Code but
allows Kode as well.

On Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 7:34:05 PM UTC+1
Haddock wrote:

I don't know about using the word "Kode" in
German. I've never seen it different than with
c as in English. Whatever, you took a big
effort and did a very nice job. Thank you!

HaWe schrieb am Dienstag, 9. März 2021 um
17:26:48 UTC+1:

Just finished german translation of the
two new tutorials:



Maybe that helps some newcomers.

In the menu you'll find all the other Go
documents I translated over the years. I
tried to keep them up-to-date.

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Re: [go-nuts] Run a goroutine until a channel receives a message

2021-01-13 Thread Gregor Best


if `ws.Read` returns after a reasonable timeout, you can perform a 
non-blocking receive on the quit channel to see if it has been 
closed/something has been sent to it:

select {
case <-quit:
// Nothing to do here

out, err := ws.Read()
/* more stuff in the loop */

Another approach would be to use a websocket library that supports 
passing a context to the Read method (not sure if any of those exists). 
For my usual go-to websocket library (, I 
usually set a read deadline on the connection in cases like this and 
more or less do the nonblocking read as above.

On 13.01.21 12:10, Sankar wrote:
I have a function that must be executed as a go routine infinitely until 
a message comes in a channel. For example:

func readWebSocket(ws *websocket.socket, quit chan bool) {
   for {
      out, err =  ws.Read()
      log.Println(out, err)

Now I call this above function as a goroutine from main such as:

go readWebSocket(ws, quit)

where I want the for loop to go on until the `quit` channel receives a 
message. The "select" loop seem to work only on multiple channels and 
not on a channel + some looping code.

One alternative that I could think of was to create a second goroutine 
(third if you include main) to which this readWebSocket can send the 
output of "ws.Read" and the select loop can be run there with two 
channels (the quit channel and the new channel which gets the "ws.Read" 
output) but that would leak this reader go-routine infinitely or makes 
the code more complex.

How to handle this situation gracefully in go channels, where I want a 
go routine to run until a channel gets a message ?


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Re: [go-nuts] when do you use sync.Mutex instead of sync.RWMutex

2020-12-20 Thread Gregor Best
An RWMutex will block all new readers if a writer is waiting to acquire 
the lock, and that writer will only acquire the lock once all current 
readers are gone.

Depending on the semantics of your application and the frequency of 
writes, that might constrain the throughput through the section 
protected by the lock to the rate of writes, especially if the rate of 
writes and the attempts to acquire the mutex for reading are roughly in 
the same order of magnitude.

On 20.12.20 09:44, 김용빈 wrote:

we usually both read and write for a value. not only read, nor write.

with that, I feel RWMutex is always right choice.

when should I use Mutex instead of RWMutex?

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Re: [go-nuts] When does net/http's Client.Do return io.EOF?

2020-12-09 Thread Gregor Best
Thanks for the replies guys. Looks like we (and our provider) will have 
to do a bit of soul-searching wrt idempotent API requests. At least it's 
good to see that we're not entirely off the beaten path with what we're 
doing :)

On 07.12.20 12:58, Axel Wagner wrote:

We recently had the same issue.

On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 11:58 AM Gregor Best <>> wrote:


We're using a 3rd party provider's API to handle some of our customer
requests. Interaction with their API consists of essentially POST'ing
a small XML document to them.

  From time to time, `net/http`'s `Client.Do` returns an `io.EOF`
when sending the request. For now, the provider always reported
those instances as "we didn't get your request".

Cursory search in various Github issues and a glance at the source
of `net/http` seems to indicate that `io.EOF` is almost always
caused by the server closing the connection, but the client not
getting the "it's now closed" signal before it tries to re-use the

That was what I concluded as well. I think it could theoretically also 
happen if a new connection is opened and immediately closed by the server.

FWIW, `fasthttp`'s HTTP client implementation treats `io.EOF` as
"this request needs to be retried", but I don't know how much that
knowledge transfers to `net/http`.

I think `fasthttp` is behaving incorrectly - in particular, if it also 
does so for POST requests (you mention that you use them). They are, in 
general, not idempotent and there is a race where the client sends the 
request, the server receives it and starts handling it (causing some 
observable side-effects) but then dies before it can send a response, 
with the connection being closed by the kernel. If the client retries 
that (at a different backend, or once the server got restarted), you 
might end up with corrupted state.

AIUI, `net/http` never assumes requests are retriable - even GET 
requests - and leaves it up to the application to decide, whether a 
request can be retried or not. Our solution was to verify that all our 
requests *can* be retried and then wrapping the client call with retries.

Is my interpretation of the situation correct? Or are there other
circumstances where the request _did_ end up at the remote end and
`io.EOF` is returned?

I think in general, you can't distinguish (as a client) whether or not 
the server received the message. For example, you can try a TCP server 
that immediately closes the connection. The `net/http` client will 
report an EOF. Though, to clarify: In this test it didn't return 
`io.EOF`, but an `*url.Error` wrapping `io.EOF`. So if you actually get 
an unwrapped `io.EOF`, the answer might be different.

I guess what I'm asking is: Is it safe (as in: requests won't end
up on the remote twice or more times) to retry POST requests when
`Client.Do` returns an `io.EOF`?

Note that disabling connection reuse (as was suggested by a number
of stackoverflow posts) is an option that we'd like to avoid unless
there's absolutely no other way to handle this.

If I'm correct in my understanding, even disabling keep-alive won't 
really help - though it might reduce the number of these errors 
significantly. It will always be possible that the server closes the 
connection while a request is in-flight. If that is sufficient, a 
middle-ground might be to reduce the keep-alive timeout on the client 
(or increase it on the server): 
In our case, the server was a java server and it used a timeout of 30s, 
while the go client defaults to a 90s timeout. If you instead use, say, 
a 20s timeout on the go client, you still get most of the performance 
benefit of keep-alive, but the client will assume the connection is 
useless 10s before the server actually closes it. Not ideal, but it 
should significantly improve the situation.

IMO the only real solution though, is to make requests idempotent, e.g. 
by adding a unique request ID. It's a lot of work and only really 
effective if it's propagated all the way down. But it's still easier to 
achieve than exactly-once-delivery :)

    Gregor Best <>

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[go-nuts] When does net/http's Client.Do return io.EOF?

2020-12-07 Thread Gregor Best


We're using a 3rd party provider's API to handle some of our customer
requests. Interaction with their API consists of essentially POST'ing
a small XML document to them.

From time to time, `net/http`'s `Client.Do` returns an `io.EOF`
when sending the request. For now, the provider always reported
those instances as "we didn't get your request".

Cursory search in various Github issues and a glance at the source
of `net/http` seems to indicate that `io.EOF` is almost always
caused by the server closing the connection, but the client not
getting the "it's now closed" signal before it tries to re-use the

FWIW, `fasthttp`'s HTTP client implementation treats `io.EOF` as
"this request needs to be retried", but I don't know how much that
knowledge transfers to `net/http`.

Is my interpretation of the situation correct? Or are there other
circumstances where the request _did_ end up at the remote end and
`io.EOF` is returned?

I guess what I'm asking is: Is it safe (as in: requests won't end
up on the remote twice or more times) to retry POST requests when
`Client.Do` returns an `io.EOF`?

Note that disabling connection reuse (as was suggested by a number
of stackoverflow posts) is an option that we'd like to avoid unless
there's absolutely no other way to handle this.

  Gregor Best

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Re: [go-nuts] database/sql works when run it, but with test it complains about unknown driver

2020-10-15 Thread Gregor Best
Maybe you're importing it somewhere else in your main package. In any 
case, adding an anonymous import in one of your _test.go-files should do 
the trick.

On 15.10.20 03:53, farid sobhany wrote:
I am using database/sql to connect to a Mssql server and it works when I 
run the application. But when I setup a test file and tried to call the 
function that makes the connection and store it in an instance, it 
complains about "Unknown driver \"mssql\" (forgotten import?)"
I am not importing the driver in the main file and it works fine. Why 
does it complain when running the test funciton?

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Re: [go-nuts] Go API receive calls twice when hit through browser

2020-09-25 Thread Gregor Best

One of the requests is likely the browser looking for /favicon.ico.

In cases like this (wondering "what are these requests?") it's usually a 
good idea to log things like the actual request URI used and the request 

On 25.09.20 11:30, wrote:


Hi all, hope you are doing good.

I've made a small poc api on my windows 10 enterprise machine

func main() {
 srv := {Addr: ":8000", Handler: http.HandlerFunc(handle)}
    log.Fatal(srv.ListenAndServeTLS("certificate.crt", "certificate.key"))

func handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
 // Log the request protocol
 log.Printf("Got connection: %s", r.Proto)

    // Send a message back to the client
The moment I call this api using different 
browsers(IE/Chrome)(https://localhost:8000) or curl request I receive 
these kind of outputs:

 1. In browser I receive "Hello" which is correct
 2. In golang console prompt I get this log twice:  Got connection: HTTP/2.0

Without TLS:

 3. But, while making a curl request I get this log & only once: 

What is the difference between point 2 & 3. I've tried both tls and non 
tls version with browsers but in both the cases logs are coming twice. I 
don't know why this favicon.ico call is going.

Am I missing something here. Please help. Thank you

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Re: [go-nuts] unit test for function which has goroutine

2020-09-10 Thread Gregor Best
Right, I wanted to write something about the goroutine and forgot about 
it. Sorry about that.

The problem here could be that in the code you posted there's nothing 
waiting on any result from the goroutine, and if the test exits quickly 
enough, it might not get scheduled.

In general, whenever a goroutine is created, you should have some idea 
of when and how it gets to run and when it stops running, and how other 
goroutines wait for it to do its job.

You could do this for example by controlling the lifetime of the 
goroutine with a sync.WaitGroup. Pass in a WaitGroup and call Done() on 
it when the goroutine returns (probably as a deferred call), then call 
Wait() in some other goroutine (for example in your main function or in 
the TestFoo function) so there's some sort of ordering enforced.

In general, you'll need some way of signalling "I'm done copying stuff 
from zipReader to zipWriter" in the goroutine, and you'll need to 
arrange for some other, longer lived, goroutine to wait for that signal.

On 10.09.20 09:34, Yvonne Zhang wrote:

Thank you Gregor for your quick reply!

Anything special I need to think about this go routine logic in my unit 
test. It might be still running after test returns..?

On Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 5:26:13 PM UTC+10 wrote:

If I were you, I'd pass in an interface value to functionA with the

type Ber interface{
functionB(io.Reader, io.Writer)

(assuming that zipReader is an io.Reader, zipWriter is an io.Writer,
may have to adjust this a bit).

Then make your mock functionB a method on a type that implements the
interface, the same for the real functionB. In unit tests, pass in an
instance of the type with the mock method, in real life, pass in an
instance of the type with the real method.

Note that the types could be as simple as

type mockB struct{}
func (m mockB) functionB(...)

On 10.09.20 09:15, Yvonne Zhang wrote:
 > Hi,
 > I have a function streaming a zipreader to browser. It is like this.
 > func functionA()(body io.ReadCloser, err error){
 >    // some logic to get a zipreader
 >    body, pipeWriter := io.Pipe()
 >    zipWriter := zip.NewWriter(pipeWriter)
 >    go func(){
 >       // err := functionB(zipReader, zipWriter)call another
function to
 > prepare files and write to zipwriter
 >    If err != nil{
 >        zipWriter.Close()
 > _ = pipeWriter.CloseWithError(err)
 >         return
 >    }
 >       zipWriter.Close()
 >        pipeWriter.Close()
 >    }()
 >    return
 > }
 > My question is about unit test about this functionA. I have mock for
 > functionB. How do I write unit test for functionA with the mock
 > functionB. It seems my unit test does not work well when it goes
 > the goroutine.
 > Many thanks!
 > --
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Re: [go-nuts] unit test for function which has goroutine

2020-09-10 Thread Gregor Best
If I were you, I'd pass in an interface value to functionA with the 

type Ber interface{
functionB(io.Reader, io.Writer)

(assuming that zipReader is an io.Reader, zipWriter is an io.Writer, you 
may have to adjust this a bit).

Then make your mock functionB a method on a type that implements the Ber 
interface, the same for the real functionB. In unit tests, pass in an 
instance of the type with the mock method, in real life, pass in an 
instance of the type with the real method.

Note that the types could be as simple as

type mockB struct{}
func (m mockB) functionB(...)

On 10.09.20 09:15, Yvonne Zhang wrote:

I have a function streaming a zipreader to browser. It is like this.
func functionA()(body io.ReadCloser, err error){

    // some logic to get a zipreader

    body, pipeWriter := io.Pipe()
    zipWriter := zip.NewWriter(pipeWriter)

    go func(){
       // err := functionB(zipReader, zipWriter)call another function to 
prepare files and write to zipwriter

    If err != nil{
 _ = pipeWriter.CloseWithError(err)

My question is about unit test about this functionA. I have mock for 
functionB. How do I write unit test for functionA with the mock 
functionB. It seems my unit test does not work well when it goes into 
the goroutine.

Many thanks!

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  Gregor Best

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Re: [go-nuts] Golang Custom Application Context

2020-08-24 Thread Gregor Best
Templates aren't really request scoped  though, right? I read the term 
"request scoped" as "things like request IDs, timing information and 
maybe user authentication".

What I usually do in situations like this is to make the handler 
functions methods of a `RequestHandler` type which in your case would be 
the `ApplicationEngine`. Then you create an instance of that struct in 
your `main` or wherever and register its methods as HTTP handler 
functions (or whatever protocol you use for transport).

On 21.08.20 00:36, Ibraheem Ahmed wrote:
In my application I store a map of all my templates 
(`map[string]*template.Template`) in an `ApplicationEngine` struct, 
which is my application framework instance. I am currently using the 
standard `context.Context` to pass request scoped values between my 
middlewares and handlers. I need a way to access that map of templates 
in order to render a specific template file. What is the best way to 
do this? Is storing a map of templates even a good idea?

I know that contexts are a controversial issue and just want to hear 
the available options.

I am currently thinking of adopting a way similar to the [gin 
Gin uses a custom struct that stores a pointer to `gin.Engine`, which 
is their application framework instance. They then have a `HTML()` 
function on the context struct, which accesses the template map stored 
in the `gin.Engine` pointer.

While my question is specific to my need, there is a broader 
discussion here. Should you use custom structs instead of the 
"standard" `context.Context`? Most web frameworks (gobuffalo, gin, 
echo) seem to handle it this way, but there seems to be no consensus 
on if it is a good idea.

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  Gregor Best

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Re: [go-nuts] net.go ok function's c != nil check right ?

2020-06-03 Thread Gregor Best
Methods are part of the type, not of the value. It is perfectly safe to 
call methods on a nil value.

On 03.06.20 09:03, wrote:

Read function at net.go is like this:

func (c *conn) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
    if !c.ok() {

the ok checks that c is non nil:
func (c *conn) ok() bool { return c != nil && c.fd != nil }

how can c ever be nil ? if it would c.ok() call would crash.

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Re: [go-nuts] MongoDB Connection Failed

2020-04-06 Thread Gregor Best

Hi Ali,

it looks like there's nothing listening on localhost port 27017. Maybe 
the mongod log has some more information for you.

On 06.04.20 15:28, Ali Hassan wrote:
:=options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://localhost:27017")// Connect to 
MongoDBclient,err :=mongo.Connect(context.TODO(),clientOptions)iferr 
!=nil{log.Fatal(err)}// Check the connectionerr 
!=nil{log.Fatal(err)}fmt.Println("Connected to MongoDB!")

Error receive when i execute my programCapture.JPG

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Re: [go-nuts] go build output depending on project structure

2020-03-18 Thread Gregor Best


it looks like my initial reply wasn't entirely correct. It should build 
if you pass in both the `.go` file and the `.c` file.

On 18.03.20 15:02, Nitish Saboo wrote:

Hi Gregor,


I compiled using 'go build -v -x main.go'
But if my cgo directive is defined in main.go, this should have 
compiled successfully..right? But it fails with the following whereas 
'go build -v -x' works fine.

/tmp/go-build439591561/b001/_x002.o: In function 

/tmp/go-build/cgo-gcc-prolog:86: undefined reference to `load_pattern_db'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

package main

//#include "node.h"
import "C"
import (
_ "fmt"

Please let me know what am I missing here?


On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 7:20 PM Nitish Saboo <>> wrote:

Hi Gregor,

Got your point.Thank you for your response.
That explains why the binaries have different names post compilation.


On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 7:06 PM Gregor Best>> wrote:


In both `go build main.go`-examples, you tell the compiler to
_only_ build `main.go`.

In your first example, `main.go` probably imports both `util`
and `lib` (you might want to give them less generic names by
the way). The go compiler thus knows "to build `main.go`, I
need to build both `util` and `lib` and link them in".

In the second example, it has no way of knowing where
`load_pattern_db` comes from, since you didn't tell it to
compile a file that defines that function.

The examples where you omit the `main.go` tell the compiler
"build the package in this directory", which includes all
`.go`-files in the directory. `node.c` and `node.h` are likely
built because of `cgo` directives in `a.go`.

The compiler and linker did exactly as you told them to.

On 18.03.20 14:17, Nitish Saboo wrote:


*Case 1
I have a project called 'nitish' where the folder structure
looks like the following:


When I try compiling this project in the following ways:

1) go build -v - x

>> This creates a binary called 'nitish'

2)  go build -v - x main.go

>>  This creates a binary called 'main'

ldd output of both the binaries is the same.

*Case 2

Now, when I restructure the project 'nitish' in the following


When I try compiling this project in the following ways:

1) go build -v - x

>> This creates a binary called 'nitish'

2) go build -v - x main.go

>> This error out with the following:

/tmp/go-build074530518/b001/_x002.o: In function
/tmp/go-build/cgo-gcc-prolog:86: undefined reference to
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

1) In Case 1, why the binaries are created with different
names though both the binaries have the same 'ldd output' and
work the same manner?

2) Why we see an error with the command 'go build -v - x
main.go' in Case 2 but not in Case 1?


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   Gregor Best  <>

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Re: [go-nuts] go build output depending on project structure

2020-03-18 Thread Gregor Best


In both `go build main.go`-examples, you tell the compiler to _only_ 
build `main.go`.

In your first example, `main.go` probably imports both `util` and `lib` 
(you might want to give them less generic names by the way). The go 
compiler thus knows "to build `main.go`, I need to build both `util` and 
`lib` and link them in".

In the second example, it has no way of knowing where `load_pattern_db` 
comes from, since you didn't tell it to compile a file that defines that 

The examples where you omit the `main.go` tell the compiler "build the 
package in this directory", which includes all `.go`-files in the 
directory. `node.c` and `node.h` are likely built because of `cgo` 
directives in `a.go`.

The compiler and linker did exactly as you told them to.

On 18.03.20 14:17, Nitish Saboo wrote:


*Case 1
I have a project called 'nitish' where the folder structure looks like 
the following:


When I try compiling this project in the following ways:

1) go build -v - x

>> This creates a binary called 'nitish'

2)  go build -v - x main.go

>>  This creates a binary called 'main'

ldd output of both the binaries is the same.

*Case 2

Now, when I restructure the project 'nitish' in the following manner:


When I try compiling this project in the following ways:

1) go build -v - x

>> This creates a binary called 'nitish'

2) go build -v - x main.go

>> This error out with the following:

/tmp/go-build074530518/b001/_x002.o: In function 

/tmp/go-build/cgo-gcc-prolog:86: undefined reference to `load_pattern_db'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

1) In Case 1, why the binaries are created with different names though 
both the binaries have the same 'ldd output' and work the same manner?

2) Why we see an error with the command 'go build -v - x main.go' in 
Case 2 but not in Case 1?


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  Gregor Best

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Re: [go-nuts] Mem-Leak in Go method

2020-03-16 Thread Gregor Best

This might be a dumb question but...

From reading the code, I assume that the `pattern_db_new()` does some 
sort of allocation of a new pattern DB. I don't see any code releasing 
the pattern DB. Is that just missing from your post or something that 
some automatic mechanism does?

If not, that might be your leak.

On 09.03.20 12:33, Nitish Saboo wrote:


Following are my Go code and C header file and C wrapper code

var f *os.File

func LoadPatternDB(patterndb string) {
path := C.CString(patterndb)


//export ParsedData
func ParsedData(k *C.char, val *C.char, val_len C.size_t) {


// The gateway function
void callOnMeGo_cgo(char *k, char *val, size_t val_len)
void ParsedData(const char *k, const char *val, size_t val_len);
ParsedData(k, val, val_len);
import "C"




typedef void (*key_value_cb)(const char* k, const char* val, size_t 

int load_pattern_db(const char* file, key_value_cb cb);


int load_pattern_db(const gchar* file, key_value_cb cb)
  patterndb = pattern_db_new();
  pattern_db_reload_ruleset(patterndb, configuration, file);
  pattern_db_set_emit_func(patterndb, pdbtool_pdb_emit_accumulate, cb);
  return 0;

I am calling '*LoadPatternDB*' method in my parser.go file that makes 
a cgo call '*C.load_pattern_db'* where I am passing a callback 
function to the C code.
The C code is a wrapper code that internally calls some syslog-ng 
library apis'

What I observed is:

1)As soon as I call LoadPatternDB() method in parser.go there is some 
increase in memory consumption(some memory leak).Ideally that should 
not have happened.

2)To verify if the C code had some issue, I called the C wrapper code 
method '*load_pattern_db*' from my main.c in the following manner to 
completely eliminate Go code here.What I found is there is no increase 
in memory consumption after every call ('load_pattern_db' was called 5 
times).Hence there is no memory leak from C code.So the issue lies in 
the Go code in '*LoadPatternDB*' method in parser.go


void check(char *key, char *value, size_t value_len)
  printf("I am in function check\n");

int main(void){
        char* filename = "/home/nitish/default.xml";
        key_value_cb s = check;
        int i;
    for (i=1; i<=5; i++)
        load_pattern_db(filename, s);
        printf("Sleeping for 5 second.\n");
    printf("Loading done 5 times.\n");
        return 0;

3)Can someone please guide me and help me figure out the mem-leak in 
'LoadPatternDB' method in parser.go at very first glance? Is the 
callback function pointer an issue here ?

4)What tool can I use to check this mem-leak ?

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Lot's of test errors in package zmq4 with Go version 1.14, no errors with earlier versions

2020-02-26 Thread Gregor Best
This looks like fallout of the 1.14 changes that made Goroutines 
preemptively schedulable.

It seems likely that this code hasn't worked before either, just that 
the failure cases were masked because less signals got delivered (and 
thus had less chance of interrupting system calls).

On 26.02.20 12:34, Peter Kleiweg wrote:

This is with go version go1.14 linux/amd64

Op woensdag 26 februari 2020 12:33:05 UTC+1 schreef Peter Kleiweg:

With Go version 1.14 I get a lot of errors when I run:

    go test -v <>

I didn't see this with Go 1.13.8 or any earlier version.

Is this a problem with Go 1.14, or am I doing something wrong and
just got lucky until now?

How do I debug this? The errors are different for each run. Below
is a sample of some errors.
Line numbers are not always accurate, because I inserted some
calls to test.Log().

    === RUN   TestSocketEvent
        TestSocketEvent: socketevent_test.go:73: rep.Bind:
interrupted system call

    === RUN   TestMultipleContexts
        TestMultipleContexts: zmq4_test.go:131: sock1.Connect:
interrupted system call

    === RUN   TestMultipleContexts
    ^CFAIL <>

    === RUN   TestMultipleContexts
        TestMultipleContexts: zmq4_test.go:148: sock1.RecvMessage:
expected  [tcp:// <>
tcp:// <>], got interrupted
system call []
    ^CFAIL <>

    === RUN   TestSecurityCurve
    ^CFAIL <>

    === RUN   TestSecurityNull
        TestSecurityNull: zmq4_test.go:1753: server.Recv 1:
resource temporarily unavailable
    ^CFAIL <>

    === RUN   TestDisconnectInproc
        TestDisconnectInproc: zmq4_test.go:523: Poll: interrupted
system call
        TestDisconnectInproc: zmq4_test.go:623: isSubscribed

    === RUN   TestHwm
        TestHwm: zmq4_test.go:823: bind_socket.Bind: interrupted
system call
        TestHwm: zmq4_test.go:1044: test_inproc_bind_first(0, 0):
expected 1, got -1

    === RUN   TestSecurityPlain
    ^CFAIL <>

    === RUN   TestPairIpc
        TestPairIpc: zmq4_test.go:1124: client.Send
SNDMORE|DONTWAIT: interrupted system call

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