The reason may be that I was using


However, in golang the receiver of a method could be a struct type or a 
pointer to a struct type.
If the receiver of the method is a pointer, then only


can return the methods.

On Friday, July 24, 2020 at 4:44:08 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I am trying to use to get the methods list of 
> each struct type when doing static analysis on Kubernetes.
> This is the code I wrote to print out the method sets for each struct or 
> interface type.
> cfg := packages.Config{Mode: packages.LoadAllSyntax}
> initial, err := packages.Load(&cfg, pattern)
> if err != nil {
>    log.Fatal(err)
> }
> prog, _ := ssautil.AllPackages(initial, 0)
> prog.Build()
> for _, pkg := range prog.AllPackages() {
>    if pkg.Pkg.Path() == pattern {
>       for _, member := range pkg.Members {
>          fmt.Println(member)
>          if m, ok := member.(*ssa.Type); ok {
>             fmt.Println(prog.MethodSets.MethodSet(m.Type()))
>          }
>       }
>    }
> }
> I checked everything printed by fmt.Println(member) but it only contains 
> the pkg-level functions instead of struct methods.
> I also checked everything printed by fmt.Println(prog.MethodSets.MethodSet
> (m.Type())) and the method set for each struct/interface only contains 
> the abstract methods and their implementations. Many other methods (which 
> are not the implementation of some abstract methods) are missing here.
> *In one word, I am able to get all the pkg-level functions in the program 
> but I am NOT able the get the complete method list of any struct type in 
> the program.*
> *Here is what I want:*
> I want to get the complete method list (a list of *ssa.Function pointing 
> to the method) by calling some API with the struct type (or name)
> I googled around and read the related documents here: 
> but didn't find any 
> clue to solve the problem.
> I also read the code but failed to find any API 
> to do so.
> Could anyone help to let me know how to do solve it in 
> Thank you so much!

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