
In our organization we have a main code repository that contains components 
written in different programming languages. One of these components is 
written in Go. I would like to be able to have a single go.mod file for the 
whole repository, in the root directory. This doesn't work smoothly as of 
Go 1.16 because we have a /vendor directory in this repository, which has 
nothing to do with our Go code.

Because /vendor exists, commands like 'go build' and 'go test' complain 
about the vendor directory being out of sync. I am aware that there are 
workarounds with command line flags (such as -mod=mod) and that one can 
avoid typing these over and over by setting GOFLAGS.

However, this makes for a poor developer experience because every new 
contributor has to run in this problem locally and then modify their local 
development environment. It would be much more ergonomic if there was a way 
to tell the go toolchain to ignore /vendor based on a file in the 
repository. Because then everybody who clones the repository and tries to 
run 'go test' or 'go build' gets the correct default behavior.

I could have sworn I found an issue about this a while ago but I can't find 
it anymore, and I also don't see this topic in the golang-nuts archive. 

Is there another workaround I'm overlooking? Should I open an issue for 


Jacob Vosmaer

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