I forgot to mention that CPU load is typically <2-5% on a 32 core server.
- Running in stand-alone as testing purposes speed is let say 100%
- Running two pieces code separately and connected via IPC methods, speed 
is also 100%, but IPC latency jitter is a problem
- But running two pieces code together (data processing part as 5 
additional goroutines) speed decreases to <50% (No lock contention between 
the two pieces of code, by analyzing more carefully it seems that 
processing routine gets interrupted in midway)


On Wednesday, 29 June 2022 at 04:45:10 UTC+3 TH wrote:

> Hey,
> I'm writing some latency & speed sensitive routines that are processing 
> large amount of signal data in batches. When I run this in a standalone 
> program the speed is fine. However when I combine this to the rest of 
> software (>1000 goroutines, mainly network code) the speed gets reduced by 
> 2x.
> Are there any low-level ways to temporary prevent preemption of a function 
> or a goroutine?
> Alternatively I tried to run two piece of software in parallel, via 
> shm+IPC synchronization methods, but futex, posix mutex, pipes, all 
> produced latency jitter from 20us - 200us. If there's lower latency methods 
> or more stable ones, please do recommend.
> Thanks

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