I am new to the Google Application Engine and have just started doing
some testing with a simple version of my client and server up and
running. In making my requests to the server, I have noticed a very
long wait time. So I decided to do some logging of the some of the
operations being done in my doPost. I found that it was taking approx.
4.5 seconds to complete everything server side. This was quite
alarming to me, but I figured I had screwed something up so I started
doing some logging througout the code to find what areas were costing
me the most time. I found that the code that took me the longest was
creating my Persistence Manager (approx. 1.7 seconds!). This did not
make sense to me because it would seem that if it takes that long just
to get the manager up and running to do anything else, that all
requests server side would take a minimum of 2 seconds, if not much
longer. I am using JDO for my database setup, another first for me, so
I am wondering if I setup something wrong that is making it take such
a long time to get the manager.

One of the reasons this struck me as odd is because of some text
written in the GAE docs (http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/java/
runtime.html) :

"An application can process around 30 active dynamic requests
simultaneously. This means that an application whose average server-
side request processing time is 75 milliseconds can serve up to (1000
ms/second / 75 ms/request) * 30 = 400 requests/second without
incurring any additional latency. Applications that are heavily CPU-
bound may incur some additional latency in long-running requests in
order to make room for other apps sharing the same servers. Requests
for static files are not affected by this limit."

They talk about 75 ms average server-side request. Which of course I
just couldn't imagine given the 1.7 second average to get my
persistence manager. Any helpful knowledge on this all would be
greatly appreciated.
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