
I've been using Google App Engine for a while now. I have an app that's
been running for a good few months and have been deploying and deleting
other projects for quite some time as well.

Today (for the first time in a while) I decided to create a new
application and was prompted for SMS Validation. I was unclear why I
had to go through this step again, but I followed the instructions

However, after entering my mobile number to send the SMS too I get the
message "The phone number has been sent too many messages or has
already been used to confirm an account." Which makes sense as I have
validated my account previously with that number.

The only thing I can fathom is that I changed my google email address
from @googlemail.com to @gmail.com a while back. This actually caused
some problems in other appspot applications, so perhaps it's related.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Thanks in advance.


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