[google-appengine] Re: Somewhat Disappointed.

2009-03-09 Thread peterh

Pyjamas is a cross-browser Web App development API that allows you to
write your client side functionality in Python.
While it looks like a desktop API, Pyjamas is a stand alone Python to
JavaScript compiler, an AJAX framework / library and a comprehensive
widget set API.

On Mar 9, 12:12 am, Owen  wrote:
> OK, I *love* GAE getting outa beta and charging.  Yup, I *wanna* pay,
> so that I can get what I'd like.
> BUT: the downside is that they haven't offered me what I want.  Django
> templates are fine, as is Python.  But on the client side I still have
> to wrestle with Javascript .. which is also a fine language.
> So what's my beef?  That I gotta use *two* languages.  Wimp that I am,
> I'm sorta getting tired of this.  I've written a fairly complicated
> GAE app, with Google Maps (and lately a few JS libraries), and I still
> get the two wonderful languages mixed up.
> So if I'm going to start paying, I want some love.  Either:
> 1 - A Python environment that emits Javascript for the browser (think
> GWT)
> .. or
> 2 - A server-side Javascript solution, like Aptana & Jaxer .
> After looking at the *huge* advances in Javascript code, I'm tempted
> to move from 1 to 2.  Lively Kernel is really nice, as is the JS
> version of Processing.org's graphics.
> But Google, as much as I love ya, you're still in beta.  I like your
> approach much more than Amazon's, and I think your getting there, but
> you're puzzling a lot of us who see you using GWT for high end apps,
> but not giving us GAE folks the full Monty.
> So what's your next move?
>    -- Owen

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[google-appengine] Re: Application instances seem to be too aggressively recycled

2009-03-11 Thread peterh

On Mar 11, 12:28 pm, johnP  wrote:
> I've been tracking (and seeing) this for a while already.  Besides the
> latency that occurs each time Django gets re-zipimported, what is
> concerning is the thought of paying for CPUs to constantly reload the
> cache.  My app's not live yet - so there is some time before this
> becomes a $$$ problem for me, but...

But how can you reach your billing limit if the issue is that you get
low traffic in the first place? other than that, I agree, it would be
great if this 2-sec limit was increased.

> I remain forever hopeful that it will be solved by then. :)

> On Mar 11, 4:26 am, Antonin Hildebrand 
> wrote:
> > I can also confirm this behavior with my app, recycling takes place
> > after about 2 seconds of inactivity. I also guess, that this recycling
> > timeout had to be lowered by GAE team during last week, because I had
> > running and working application on appspot. I did no updates to it and
> > the app did break because of this change.
> > On Mar 10, 6:22 pm, Jason C  wrote:
> > > We have a new application that receives _very_ little load. So little,
> > > in fact, that each request spins up a new application instance. We are
> > > using Django trunk and the import overhead is high. All of this yields
> > > a long request (e.g., 8802ms) using a lot of CPU (e.g., 3247ms-cpu).
> > > With very little load, it makes sense that instances are recycled. On
> > > that assumption, we've started applying some primer load against a
> > > couple of uris in an attempt to keep some instances hot. We're
> > > applying around 1 request/second across 2 uris.
> > > When we hit a hot instance, we get blazing speed (e.g., url_1: 73ms
> > > 91ms-cpu, url_2: 368ms 615ms-cpu - these values are pulled from the
> > > App Engine console Logs tool and I'm not completely sure if this
> > > represents Runtime, or combined Runtime/API - I believe the latter).
> > > Under this 1 request/second load, we are still seeing lots of instance
> > > startup - even after 40-50 minutes of sustained load. Subjectively,
> > > the instance startups seem to come in bursts, though we've done no
> > > formal analysis around this.
> > > Does anyone else see this behavior? It _really_ kills our application
> > > performance - so much so, that we're considering moving away from
> > > Django in an effort to minimize the start-up pain.
> > > Any info or war stories would be appreciated.
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[google-appengine] Re: jinja2 environment loading on each request to /

2009-03-13 Thread peterh

this is what i use:
from jinja2 import Environment, FunctionLoader , TemplateNotFound
from google.appengine.api import memcache
import os,logging

logging.warn ("COLD START")
def jinja2_template_loader(templatename):
templatepath = os.path.abspath(os.curdir+'/
template = memcache.get(templatepath+VERSION)
logging.debug( "..INSIDE JINJA")
if template is None:
logging.debug( "..READ")
template = file(templatepath).read()
template = None
return template
SERVER = os.environ.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE','').lower()
if SERVER.startswith('devel'):
logging.debug("...DEVEL JINJA")
load_this = Environment(cache_size=0,loader = FunctionLoader
load_this = Environment(loader= FunctionLoader

def render(template_name,context):
template = load_this.get_template(template_name)
content = template.render(context)
return content


if your app handlers are cached (ie via "if __name__ == '__main__':main
()")  this should be imported only once per server instance. It also
caches templates both in memcache (for 8 minutes) and in instance

(in case of local testing, templates are not cached in memory, so you
can make changes and see the changes immediately)


On Mar 13, 7:34 am, Jarek Zgoda  wrote:
> If you move Environment creation routine to another module it will be
> cached by Google, but only for few seconds (2-3?), so if your
> application does not get enough traffic you'd gain nothing from this.
> In my attempts to speedup things I discovered that only loader can be
> cached, but it has to be invalidated upon each new deployment so its
> key has to have application version added (this is how I did key
> versioning in my caching tools). Unfortunately, the gain from this
> caching approaches 0.
> And the last thing: Armin Ronacher, the guy behind Jinja, is aware of
> the problem and has some ideas on how to improve things on GAE,
> hopefully including template bytecode caching (this would be really
> super-nice!).
> On 13 Mar, 00:38, pedepy  wrote:
> > hey so i use jinja2 templates because they are better [no citation
> > needed], but from what i understand, loading the jinja2 environment
> > can be quite an expensive task. Through logging, I have found out that
> > each request to / loads the environment over and over.. I have those
> > routines in a seperate python script (not the one that app.yaml
> > fowards requests to for /).
> > anything im missing here ? I think this could be adding also an extra
> > 1000 cpu ms on every requests ...
> > (by the way, i have tried the cookbook's memcache technique and it
> > only works locally, it fails on the google servers..)
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