Re: [google-appengine] Re: Large datastore queries much slower with Python than Java?

2010-10-14 Thread sodso
people say doing Batch Get and Puts does improve the performance
batch get = db.get(list of model isntances)
batch put = db.put(list of model instances)
hope this helps

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[google-appengine] Which is Faster ? google.appengine.api.datastore OR google.appengine.ext.db ?

2010-10-14 Thread sodso
Which is Faster ? google.appengine.api.datastore OR
google.appengine.ext.db ?

Which one is faster for doing frequent datastore operations and costs
less CPU cycles as well ?


Please provide your expert views on this ?

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[google-appengine] Prod Env utils - Interactive Console, Memcache manager, XMPP bot, IncomingMail Stub

2010-10-16 Thread sodso
Access all these in your PROD env on GAE -
1) Interactive Console
2) Memcache full manager
3) XMPP bot
4) IncomingMail Stub

Add the below to appr section in ur APP.YAML file in Python
- url: /admin/.*
script: $PYTHON_LIB/google/appengine/ext/admin
login: admin

- name: My Console
url: /admin/interactive
- name: My Memcache
url: /admin/memcache
- name: My XMPP
url: /admin/xmpp
- name: My Inbound Mail
url: /admin/inboundmail

Above links will be visible on GAE Dashboard towards left-bottom as
Custom-Pages section

Other useful Python tips
print os.environ
print sys.path
print sys.version (python ver used on GAE)
object.__dict__ (object variable values during runtime, extremely
useful for debugging, yup, those are 2 underscores before and after

Most important
Always readup on this
Join these Google forums -

Happy GAEing !!!

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[google-appengine] Re: Quota numbers seem wrong

2010-10-16 Thread sodso
Quotas are showing weird bloated stuck values for one of my apps too

How often are quota details updated ??

Here are some of the wrong values 
- Task Queue API Calls = 100
?? I didn't make any calls to the task queue, then how come its showing
100 ?
- Requests = 1800
?? This seems to be stuck at this value forever
- Mail API Calls = 100 and Recipients Emailed = 20
?? 100 mail calls is strange with Recipients as 20..this value
seems to be stuck at this number..
- A few hours ago I made around 1500 calls to XMPP with 1 recipient
each and the Quota was then showing it as XMPP API Calls =
50,000 !!! and Recipients Messaged =
50,000 !! thats absolutely bizarre !!!

Google, Can someone pls look into these quota values issues ? I believe
the recently released 1.3.8 version might have caused all these quota
related problems ? Earlier it looked to be Ok.

Thanks !

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[google-appengine] Re: URL manage

2010-10-16 Thread sodso
yes, thats easy in GAE Python

should be similar in Java too (i guess)

the URL supports vars as described below -

URL and file path patterns use POSIX extended regular expression
syntax, excluding collating elements and collation classes. Back-
references to grouped matches (e.g. \1) are supported, as are these
Perl extensions: \w \W \s \S \d \D
(This is similar to Codesite search, plus back-reference support.)


On Oct 16, 9:09 pm, Massimiliano 
> Dear All,
> I'm trying to build a website and I need to give my user
> a domain myapp/userdomainname, in order to provide a url that match with
> their homepage. How can I do this? Is there a way to manage the URL? I can't
> find documentation, could someone help me?
> I need to use the URL name as a var.
> Regards
> Massimiliano
> --
> My email:
> My Google Wave:

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: URL manage

2010-10-17 Thread sodso

1) your app.yaml file will have this handler

- url: /.+

2) will have something like this

class URLHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
var1 = self.request.path #this will give you everything after the
# import os
# print os.environ # u can use this dict as well for whatever values u
r looking for from the incoming req

def main():
run_wsgi_app(webapp.WSGIApplication([('/.+', URLHandler)]))

hope this helps !
cheers !

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[google-appengine] Re: Prod Env utils - Interactive Console, Memcache manager, XMPP bot, IncomingMail Stub

2010-10-17 Thread sodso
the code is already there but theres no documentation anywhere about
how to access these useful utils in the PROD env.

so doing the above, you will have additional functionality available in
ur GAE dashboard itself (similar to what its like in the SDK test env)

try it out, esp the Interactive Console, thats very very useful to have
for the PROD env, for running online queries , running any ad-hoc code,
checking PROD values, a real powerful tool for ADMINS i wud say


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[google-appengine] Re: Quota numbers seem wrong

2010-10-17 Thread sodso
appid - sodso-reminders, sodso-webs

my both apps are now showing strange values for various quota numbers
values seem to be stuck or changing only in 100 multiples
something is seriously wrong with the quota details reporting system

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: URL manage

2010-10-18 Thread sodso
Thanks Robert !!!

Massimiliano - That is the BEST method of accessing the parts of a URL
using regex groups and is highly flexible. Pls use what Robert

Cheers !

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[google-appengine] Re: Changing the owner of my application identifier

2010-10-18 Thread sodso
No need to disable/delete
(deleting ur app would delete all of ur data - refer here

Please add ur new email-id as an Administrator and after activating the
same, delete the old administrator from ur application

To add new admin, go here (GAE Dashboard --> Administration Link -->
Thereafter delete old admin using above link

Cheers !

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Re: [google-appengine] New App Engine Java and Python forums

2010-10-18 Thread sodso
Reg using Java and Python both, that can be done easily by uploading
java programs to say version 1.1 app and the python programs to say
version 1.2 appto access / run the java code, use the
version 1.1 appid url and for python use version 1.2 appid
urlboth ver of ur app will access the same underlying data

cheers !

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[google-appengine] Re: There a limit of reqs/sec? (160reqs/sec)

2010-10-18 Thread sodso
Requests = max 45,200 requests/minute

refer -

cheers !

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Transfer application to other account

2010-10-18 Thread sodso
try here

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Re: [google-appengine] Billing Calculator

2010-10-18 Thread sodso
u can try running ur app with uploaded data and average out the timings
and dollars as reported in the Log panel

Refer here for cost stats calculation -

Cheers !

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[google-appengine] Re: can i use channel api now?

2010-10-18 Thread sodso
if u check ur SDK folder, the channel code is already there,
not sure if it runs ok or not, maybe u can try running it on dev env by
looking at the help info provided in the code

C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\api\channel

cheers !

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: URL manage

2010-10-18 Thread sodso
yes exactly


the content between those two ( ) will be passed to ur RequestHandler
as second param(string), third param(string), and so on

so u can do anything with those string params as u want

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[google-appengine] Re: Total Files - Limit

2010-10-20 Thread sodso
compress ur files into 1 zip file or something like
that...thats what google recommends for uploading large number
of files...cheers !

On Oct 20, 10:52 pm, MasterGaurav  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have 2079 files in my war folder.
> When I do a "appcfg update ", I get a file-limit error for having
> 4141 files.
> How can 2079 files turn into 4141 files... where am I missing out?
> I remember having read somewhere that each file is counted twice in
> some conditions... don't remember what's the scenario...
> Any help is appreciated.
> 0% Creating staging directory
> 5% Scanning for jsp files.
> 20% Scanning files on local disk.
> 25% Scanned 250 files.
> 28% Scanned 500 files.
> 31% Scanned 750 files.
> 33% Scanned 1000 files.
> 34% Scanned 1250 files.
> 35% Scanned 1500 files.
> 36% Scanned 1750 files.
> 37% Scanned 2000 files.
> 37% Scanned 2250 files.
> 37% Scanned 2500 files.
> 37% Scanned 2750 files.
> 37% Scanned 3000 files.
> 37% Scanned 3250 files.
> 37% Scanned 3500 files.
> 37% Scanned 3750 files.
> 37% Scanned 4000 files.
> Applications are limited to 3000 files, you have
> 4141.
> Unable to update app: Applications are limited to 3000 files, you have
> 4141.

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[google-appengine] Sending mail on DEV server - not working at all

2010-10-21 Thread sodso
i am using the following application settings for sending mail in local
DEV server

--use_sqlite --smtp_port=465 --smtp_password=***
--require_indexes --show_mail_body --debug

the webpage gets stuck at "Sending Mail Message" and never stops
and never sends the email

i have checked the smtp settings, they look fine.

is anyone sending mails on DEV local server using the above option ??
does it work on Windows ??

i was trying to find the sendmail package for Windows but could not
find it, its only available for linux unix as a tar.gz

pls help !

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[google-appengine] XMPP message delivery status

2010-10-21 Thread sodso
i am sending xmpp messages within my own application.

is there a way to confirm if the message was received OK by the
application without any 500 server errors etc ??

i am sending from my app to my app only, no external sites or apps or

pls help !

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[google-appengine] Cron conf for repeat every hour at xx:05 ?

2010-10-21 Thread sodso
in GAE, how do we define a scheduled task in cron.yaml so that it runs
every 1 hour at xx:05 time i.e.

10:05 am
11:05 am
12:05 pm
01:05 pm
and so on

is this even possible with GAE cron ?

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[google-appengine] Re: App engine down time or problem with CRON requests

2010-10-22 Thread sodso
Yes, same happened for me as well, looks like CRON jobs arent
reliable, so i have decided to implement double-checking logic to
check whether the job has run or not by using a datatstore / memcache

On Oct 22, 7:51 pm, Chris Prinos  wrote:
> Anyone know if there was scheduled down time 10/22/2010 around 12:30AM
> PDT?
> None of my cron-initiated requests were triggered from about 12:33 AM
> PDT to 1:05 AM PDT, but there were no errors in the logs.

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[google-appengine] Re: Over Quota Error on TaskQueue when Quota is Available

2010-10-22 Thread sodso
Every task has the following task headers which youmay use to kill any
ghost tasks. cheers !

Task Request Headers

Requests from the Task Queue service contain the following HTTP

* X-AppEngine-QueueName, the name of the queue (possibly default)
* X-AppEngine-TaskName, the name of the task, or a system-
generated unique ID if no name was specified
* X-AppEngine-TaskRetryCount, the number of times this task has
been retried; for the first attempt, this value is 0

On Oct 22, 3:15 pm, Aaron  wrote:
> This was my mistake.  Because I had exeeded the quota yesterday, there
> were tasks queued up from yesterday that were sending those errors.
> On Oct 22, 2:48 am, Aaron  wrote:> Hi!
> > After uploading a new version of my app today, I started receiving
> > Over Quota Errors as a result of a cron task that queues up sixty
> > tasks every minute.  As far as I can see from my admin dashboard, I
> > have not exceeded the quota (especially since the quotas just reset).
> > However, I'm still receiving these Over Quota Errors.
> > Just a note: I mistakenly let a task queue get out of hand yesterday,
> > so I exceeded my quota from yesterday.  Does this roll over and affect
> > my quota for future days?
> > Thanks,
> > Aaron

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[google-appengine] Re: Over Quota Error on TaskQueue when Quota is Available

2010-10-22 Thread sodso
Task Request Headers

Requests from the Task Queue service contain the following HTTP

* X-AppEngine-QueueName, the name of the queue (possibly default)
* X-AppEngine-TaskName, the name of the task, or a system-
generated unique ID if no name was specified
* X-AppEngine-TaskRetryCount, the number of times this task has
been retried; for the first attempt, this value is 0

On Oct 22, 3:15 pm, Aaron  wrote:
> This was my mistake.  Because I had exeeded the quota yesterday, there
> were tasks queued up from yesterday that were sending those errors.
> On Oct 22, 2:48 am, Aaron  wrote:
> > Hi!
> > After uploading a new version of my app today, I started receiving
> > Over Quota Errors as a result of a cron task that queues up sixty
> > tasks every minute.  As far as I can see from my admin dashboard, I
> > have not exceeded the quota (especially since the quotas just reset).
> > However, I'm still receiving these Over Quota Errors.
> > Just a note: I mistakenly let a task queue get out of hand yesterday,
> > so I exceeded my quota from yesterday.  Does this roll over and affect
> > my quota for future days?
> > Thanks,
> > Aaron

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[google-appengine] Re: Sending mail on DEV server - not working at all

2010-10-22 Thread sodso
thanks ! works now using this

On Oct 22, 11:40 am, C Sowa  wrote:
> You 
> need
> .
> On Oct 21, 9:06 am, sodso  wrote:
> > i am using the following application settings for sending mail in local
> > DEV server
> > --use_sqlite --smtp_port=465
> > --smtp_password=***
> > --require_indexes --show_mail_body --debug
> > the webpage gets stuck at "Sending Mail Message" and never stops
> > and never sends the email
> > i have checked the smtp settings, they look fine.
> > is anyone sending mails on DEV local server using the above option ??
> > does it work on Windows ??
> > i was trying to find the sendmail package for Windows but could not
> > find it, its only available for linux unix as a tar.gz
> > pls help !

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[google-appengine] Re: XMPP message delivery status

2010-10-22 Thread sodso
i think GAE doesnot allow for a response to be received from the
receiver side esp if its a GAE recv app

it just sends the message and returns back

am i correct on the above ?

On Oct 22, 2:25 am, alf  wrote:
> you can send a special command and if client respond ok meaning was
> send correctly other away failed.
> is a solution
> On Oct 21, 7:08 pm, sodso  wrote:
> > i am sending xmpp messages within my own application.
> > is there a way to confirm if the message was received OK by the
> > application without any 500 server errors etc ??
> > i am sending from my app to my app only, no external sites or apps or
> > servers
> > pls help !

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[google-appengine] Re: Cron job ran twice today

2010-10-25 Thread sodso
Yes double check everything if its a critical job like you mentioned,
use the datastore for storing temp values for checking job status

2 times in the past few days, my CRON jobs didnt even run at all
during 12AM - 1230AM or so timeline

So dont rely on the CRON jobs, maybe you can submit a task (task
queue) and check its Task-Retry header to ensure it doesnt run twice.
task queue is much MORE reliable than CRON jobs here in GAE world

cheers !

On Oct 25, 3:18 pm, Lior Harsat  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have noticed today that on of my cron jobs ran twice !!!
> I can see in the log the queue header : "queue_name=__cron
> task_name=989235fd7268bdc3a1bde56c2063bcd4" for both requests.
> further more in my cron jobs page in the admin console it states the
> the cron ran successfully but 26 seconds late.
> The requests I see in my log are 26 seconds apart.
> my app id is farmigo-csa.
> Is this a bug?
> Should my code also make sure the cron job hasn't run already ?
> This cron job was for a billing cycle. You can understand the
> implications :-(
> Thanx Lior

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[google-appengine] Received-SPF: softfail ( best guess record for domain of transitioning

2010-10-25 Thread sodso
Received-SPF: softfail ( best guess record for domain of
does not designate as permitted sender)

why am i seeing a SPF softfail in the incoming mail headers (mails sent
from GAE)

any reason why is this happening ?

will this lead to mail rejection ?

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[google-appengine] Re: download_app

2010-10-25 Thread sodso
Heres a sample code to browse your source code online (not sure if it
will traverse subdirectories, you can add that piece easily using os

import os,cgi
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app

class code(webapp.RequestHandler):
  def get(self):
 self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html;
 for k, v in os.environ.items():
  self.response.out.write(k + '>' + v + '')
 dirlist = os.listdir('./')
 for d in dirlist:
  if os.path.isdir(d) == False:
   f1 = open(d, 'r')
   self.response.out.write('' + d + '-')
   for line in f1:

def main():
 run_wsgi_app(webapp.WSGIApplication([('/code', code),]))

if __name__ == '__main__':

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[google-appengine] Re: download_app

2010-10-25 Thread sodso
heres how to view your source code online anytime anywhere

just enable Interactive Console in your GAE prod applicationrefer
my other post here

then type above code into interactive console and run it interactively
to see the src online
cheers !

On Oct 26, 6:08 am, sodso  wrote:
> Heres a sample code to browse your source code online (not sure if it
> will traverse subdirectories, you can add that piece easily using os
> functionality
> import os,cgi
> from google.appengine.ext import webapp
> from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app
> class code(webapp.RequestHandler):
>   def get(self):
>      self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html;
> charset=utf-8'
>      self.response.out.write("")
>      for k, v in os.environ.items():
>           self.response.out.write(k + '>' + v + '')
>      self.response.out.write("")
>      self.response.out.write(os.getcwd())
>      self.response.out.write("")
>      dirlist = os.listdir('./')
>      for d in dirlist:
>           if os.path.isdir(d) == False:
>                f1 = open(d, 'r')
>                self.response.out.write('' + d + '- />')
>                for line in f1:
>                     self.response.out.write(cgi.escape(line))
>                f1.close()
>                self.response.out.write('-')
>      self.response.out.write("")
> def main():
>      run_wsgi_app(webapp.WSGIApplication([('/code', code),]))
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     main()

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[google-appengine] Re: Cron scheduling at runtime

2010-10-26 Thread sodso
this is easily possible using command script.

refer here -

you will just need to create a small script which will run the script
and hence upload the updated cron using update_cron optionread
the above article for full details


On Oct 26, 10:58 pm, Vibhuti Gupta  wrote:
> Hi
> I need to do runtime scheduling for certain tasks in my application. In GAE
> we need to modify cron.xml and upload it to the server.
> I am using java and am not able to find a way to accomplish this at runtime.
> Anyone has any ideas regarding this!!
> Regards

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[google-appengine] Re: Suddenly getting 404 on my application

2010-10-26 Thread sodso
URL is case-sensitive in GAE

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[google-appengine] Re: datastore advice?

2010-10-27 Thread sodso
Hi Ikan Lan,

I have seen this on so many discussions here in the forums -
"A best practice, however, is to keep entity groups as small as

As far as I understand it, one Model class should not have too many
records i.e. one table should not have many records

Isn't this strange ? When we talk of GAE, we talk of scalability but
if the best practice says to limit ther records to only a few in a
Model class, what use is the scalability for ? If we store millions fo
records (for eg- customer records) in one db.Model table, are you
saying it would really impact the performance.

Please correct me if I am wrong. I am unclear if my app can survive on
GAE if its working with millions of records in one db.Model table ??


On Oct 27, 11:27 pm, "Ikai Lan (Google)" 
> Generally speaking: no. Entity groups will guarantee a stronger chance of
> data locality, but this should not affect index traversal or batch reads.
> A best practice, however, is to keep entity groups as small as possible.
> There aren't many compelling reasons to not use root entities if you don't
> need transactions, as working with root entities is generally simpler.
> --
> Ikai Lan
> Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine
> Blogger:
> Reddit:
> Twitter:
> On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 3:26 PM, djidjadji  wrote:
> > Parent and child objects are stored in the same Bigtable node. This is
> > done for the transactions. A transaction works on a single
> > entity-group.
> > If you perform a query you use an index to find the objects needed. At
> > this point there is no performance penalty for parent or child objects
> > that match the query. The query results in a number of keys of objects
> > that need to be retrieved. The best query responds time is when the
> > objects
> > to fetch are stored in as many Bigtable nodes as possible (parallel fetch).
> > Why do you need so many child objects?
> > Can you implement it with adding a Parent Reference Property to the
> > child object and thus remove the need to store the entity group all in
> > one Bigtable node?
> > The parent-child objects are needed
> > 1) if you need transactions on them
> > or
> > 2) if you want to extract the parent key given a child key
> >    Perform a keys_only query on child objects and from these keys get
> > the set of parent keys of objects that you need to fetch complete.
> >    Brett Slatkin uses this technique in a number of Google IO talks,
> > the child object has a ListProperty that is used in the keys_only
> > query.
> > Most other applications can be implemented without the explicit parent
> > object.
> > 2010/10/26 Charles :
> > > Hi all,
> > > I'm wondering, since the datastore is hierarchical, does the number of
> > > children an entity has affect the performance on querying on the parents
> > > themselves?  For example, if I have a set of parents, say...
> > > Jane
> > > Margaret
> > > Graham
> > > Arthur
> > > ...and I have a set of children associated with those parents...
> > > Jane
> > >   -Sam
> > >   -Robert
> > > Margaret
> > >   -Lisa
> > > Graham
> > > Arthur
> > >   -Rowen
> > >   -Jerry
> > > ...will the number of children for each parent affect the performance of
> > > querying the parents themselves?  For instance, if I wanted to select all
> > of
> > > the parents (SELECT * FROM parents), that would be easy with the data
> > > above.  But, since the datastore is hierarchical, does the performance
> > get
> > > hampered if say the parents have many thousands or even millions of
> > > children?  Say, like...
> > > Jane
> > >   -Sam
> > >   -Robert
> > >   ...1 million more
> > > Margaret
> > > ...
> > > If so, I'm just wondering if it would make more sense to make the
> > children
> > > root entities too, so as not to affect the performance of querying on the
> > > parents.  Anyways, hope I've explained my question well enough.
> > > Thanks in advance!
> > > Charles
> > > --
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > > "Google App Engine" group.
> > > To post to this group, send email to
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > 

[google-appengine] Re: SMS verification problem

2010-10-28 Thread sodso
report the issue here

On Oct 28, 4:23 am, Mahmoud Ismail 
> hi all,
> i've got with sms verification, i'm from Egypt (Mobinil)
> i've tried my mobile phone multiple times and i never received any
> messages.
> thanks in advance,
> Mahmoud Ismail

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[google-appengine] Re: "Empty email address for bcc." error message

2010-10-28 Thread sodso
i think you might be sending the bcc parameter with a blanks value
for eg - send_mail(...,bcc=Blanks_value,...)

hence the above error

cheers !

On Oct 28, 4:07 am, Kevin Burke  wrote:
> I'm writing an app that processes incoming email, so to test it out
> I've been forwarding my incoming email to it. I got the following
> error message the other day:
> Empty email address for bcc.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/
> ext/webapp/", line 513, in __call__
>   File "/base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/
> ext/webapp/", line 58, in post
>     self.receive(mail.InboundEmailMessage(self.request.body))
>   File "/base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/
> api/", line 557, in __init__
>     self.update_from_mime_message(mime_message)
>   File "/base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/
> api/", line 1093, in update_from_mime_message
>     super(InboundEmailMessage,
> self).update_from_mime_message(mime_message)
>   File "/base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/
> api/", line 1014, in update_from_mime_message
>     self.bcc = bcc[0]
>   File "/base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/
> api/", line 979, in __setattr__
>     check_email_valid(value, attr)
>   File "/base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/
> api/", line 167, in check_email_valid
>     raise InvalidEmailError(reason)
> InvalidEmailError: Empty email address for bcc.
> What can I do about this error? My program didn't even get a chance to
> execute and the code threw an error. How does GAE handle BCC email
> addresses? I thought those were supposed to be hidden. Thanks for your
> help,
> Kevin

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[google-appengine] Re: datastore advice?

2010-10-28 Thread sodso
my apologies for the word typo, i meant the same

but my question still remains - if we have to store 1 million customer
records, do we create 100 different "Kinds" ~= Entity Groups ~=
db.Model and distribute those 1 million records among those entity
groups ?

then what about scalability ?
does this mean === more records = mroe entity groups to be created ?
isnt this an awkward of doing simple things ?


On Oct 28, 10:51 am, Robert Kluin  wrote:
> There are no "tables" on App Engine, only Kinds which are arbitrary
> collections of properties.  In fact, all applications' entities are
> stored in a single bigtable "table."
> Entity groups refers to a logical group of entities that are
> physically stored together; this allows that group of entities to be
> updated in a transaction.
> If you make entity groups with lots and lots of entities in them your
> data can not be sharded across bigtable tablets.  That means if you
> are try to write 5 entities in that group the writes are done
> serially.  Fetches will also be less efficient for the same reasons.
> You can read all about these 
> topics:
> Robert
> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 21:40, sodso  wrote:
> > Hi Ikan Lan,
> > I have seen this on so many discussions here in the forums -
> > "A best practice, however, is to keep entity groups as small as
> > possible"
> > As far as I understand it, one Model class should not have too many
> > records i.e. one table should not have many records
> > Isn't this strange ? When we talk of GAE, we talk of scalability but
> > if the best practice says to limit ther records to only a few in a
> > Model class, what use is the scalability for ? If we store millions fo
> > records (for eg- customer records) in one db.Model table, are you
> > saying it would really impact the performance.
> > Please correct me if I am wrong. I am unclear if my app can survive on
> > GAE if its working with millions of records in one db.Model table ??
> > Thanks,
> > Sodso
> > On Oct 27, 11:27 pm, "Ikai Lan (Google)" 
> > wrote:
> >> Generally speaking: no. Entity groups will guarantee a stronger chance of
> >> data locality, but this should not affect index traversal or batch reads.
> >> A best practice, however, is to keep entity groups as small as possible.
> >> There aren't many compelling reasons to not use root entities if you don't
> >> need transactions, as working with root entities is generally simpler.
> >> --
> >> Ikai Lan
> >> Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine
> >> Blogger:
> >> Reddit:
> >> Twitter:
> >> On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 3:26 PM, djidjadji  wrote:
> >> > Parent and child objects are stored in the same Bigtable node. This is
> >> > done for the transactions. A transaction works on a single
> >> > entity-group.
> >> > If you perform a query you use an index to find the objects needed. At
> >> > this point there is no performance penalty for parent or child objects
> >> > that match the query. The query results in a number of keys of objects
> >> > that need to be retrieved. The best query responds time is when the
> >> > objects
> >> > to fetch are stored in as many Bigtable nodes as possible (parallel 
> >> > fetch).
> >> > Why do you need so many child objects?
> >> > Can you implement it with adding a Parent Reference Property to the
> >> > child object and thus remove the need to store the entity group all in
> >> > one Bigtable node?
> >> > The parent-child objects are needed
> >> > 1) if you need transactions on them
> >> > or
> >> > 2) if you want to extract the parent key given a child key
> >> >    Perform a keys_only query on child objects and from these keys get
> >> > the set of parent keys of objects that you need to fetch complete.
> >> >    Brett Slatkin uses this technique in a number of Google IO talks,
> >> > the child object has a ListProperty that is used in the keys_only
> >> > query.
> >> > Most other applications can be implemented without the explicit parent
> >> > object.
> >> > 2010/10/26 Charles :
> >> > > Hi all,
> >> > > I'm wondering, since the datastore is hiera

[google-appengine] Re: Return-path

2010-10-28 Thread sodso
maybe something like this will work -

1) add a REPLY_TO address to each email sent, for eg -
2) foward all mails received at to
3) receive incoming mails at and
check the subject like and body for strings like Delivery failed error
etc (you can try this out with some bad emails bouncing back) and hence
remove the email address from your mailing list

cheers !

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[google-appengine] Re: datastore advice?

2010-10-30 Thread sodso
Thanks everyone, I got the point :)

Cheers !

On Oct 30, 10:34 pm, Eli Jones  wrote:
> Sodso,
> The phrase "Entity Group" refers to a specific case where two entities from
> different db.Model classes are related (one is the parent of the other).
> If you just create a regular db.Model like this:
> class myUsers(db.Model):
>     username = db.StringProperty(required=True)
>     age          = db.IntegerProperty(required=True)
> And then you create a new user like so:
> newUser = myUsers(username='bobb', age = 77)
> That newly created entity has an "Entity Group" size of 1. (You can create
> billions of myUsers entities with no problem.. the Entity Group size will be
> 1 for each entity in the myUsers db.Model).
> BUT, if you have another db.Model defined like this:
> class coolPeopleClub(db.Model):
>     clubname = db.StringProperty(required=True)
>     coolnessfactor = db.FloatProperty(required=True)
> and then you do something like this:
> newClub = coolPeopleClub(clubname="surly bikers", coolnessfactor=1422.39)
> newUser = myUsers(username='bobbb', age= 77, parent=newClub)
> That new user has an "Entity Group" size of 2.
> You can have parents of parents of parents or parents.. etc.. and make
> larger and larger "Entity Group" sizes for an entity..
> But, as others have mentioned, you don't want to give an entity a parent
> unless you need transactions.
> Anyway, do not confuse the official phrase "Entity Group" with the group of
> entities that belong to the same db.Model class.
> On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 12:27 AM, sodso  wrote:
> > my apologies for the word typo, i meant the same
> > but my question still remains - if we have to store 1 million customer
> > records, do we create 100 different "Kinds" ~= Entity Groups ~=
> > db.Model and distribute those 1 million records among those entity
> > groups ?
> > then what about scalability ?
> > does this mean === more records = mroe entity groups to be created ?
> > isnt this an awkward of doing simple things ?
> > thanks.
> > On Oct 28, 10:51 am, Robert Kluin  wrote:
> > > There are no "tables" on App Engine, only Kinds which are arbitrary
> > > collections of properties.  In fact, all applications' entities are
> > > stored in a single bigtable "table."
> > > Entity groups refers to a logical group of entities that are
> > > physically stored together; this allows that group of entities to be
> > > updated in a transaction.
> > > If you make entity groups with lots and lots of entities in them your
> > > data can not be sharded across bigtable tablets.  That means if you
> > > are try to write 5 entities in that group the writes are done
> > > serially.  Fetches will also be less efficient for the same reasons.
> > > You can read all about these topics:
> >
> > > Robert
> > > On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 21:40, sodso  wrote:
> > > > Hi Ikan Lan,
> > > > I have seen this on so many discussions here in the forums -
> > > > "A best practice, however, is to keep entity groups as small as
> > > > possible"
> > > > As far as I understand it, one Model class should not have too many
> > > > records i.e. one table should not have many records
> > > > Isn't this strange ? When we talk of GAE, we talk of scalability but
> > > > if the best practice says to limit ther records to only a few in a
> > > > Model class, what use is the scalability for ? If we store millions fo
> > > > records (for eg- customer records) in one db.Model table, are you
> > > > saying it would really impact the performance.
> > > > Please correct me if I am wrong. I am unclear if my app can survive on
> > > > GAE if its working with millions of records in one db.Model table ??
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Sodso
> > > > On Oct 27, 11:27 pm, "Ikai Lan (Google)" 
> > > > 
> > > > wrote:
> > > >> Generally speaking: no. Entity groups will guarantee a stronger chance
> > of
> > > >> data locality, but this should not affect index traversal or batch
> > reads.
> > > >> A best practice, however, is to keep entity groups as small as
> > possible.
> > > >> There aren't many compelling reas

[google-appengine] Re: Can't get past SMS verification

2010-11-01 Thread sodso
submit this form -

On Nov 1, 9:17 pm, Munchie  wrote:
> I spent the majority of my vacation learning Google App Engine
> (Python), but when I went to create an GAE account last night I
> couldn't pass SMS verification -- apparently, my phone number is
> already in use?  I'm guessing this happens with cell phones pretty
> frequently.
> Are there any App Engine employees watching this group that can free
> up my number or get me past verification?  I already submitted the
> Google Voice Transfer form, though it wasn't really applicable.
> Thanks!

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[google-appengine] Re: Can't process hotmail email

2010-11-01 Thread sodso
from my past exp, the java email parsing library has a bug.

it doesnt properly parse quoted printable messages at line-endings and
gives unexpected results.

try searching for this java bug and you migth find a fix.

btw, i am using python, no issues there

cheers !

On Oct 29, 7:52 pm, mokidev  wrote:
> Truncated quoted printable data
> I get this exception whenever i call getContent() on a MultiPart.
> Anyone know a workaround??? Thanks for your time.

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[google-appengine] How to kill a task queue job programatically ?

2010-11-16 Thread sodso
How to kill a task queue job programatically ?

I am using a chained task approach but many a times the chains branch
off into multiple parallel task chains due to TransientError etc, for
eg - starting with just 2 tasks (task chains), today I saw them
multiply into 4 task chains (total of 8 tasks).

I will now start using named tasks (as suggested in my some other
posts) but is there a way of accessing the tasks running / enqueued in
a queue and killing them using program code ??


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[google-appengine] Re: How to kill a task queue job programatically ?

2010-11-16 Thread sodso
Basically, the same functionality as available in Task Queues admin
list of tasks currently in a queue
purge/delete/pause queue
delete tasks

can we do the above using code ?

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