I imported about 3 million very simple records into appengine, using
the bulk_uploader tool.  The raw size of the input CSV was 85M.  After
upload, google showed my datastore quota usage as being about 0.16G --
a factor of 2 increase, but reasonable.  I left the application for a
few days, and logged back in to check on it: suddenly my datastore
usage is pegged at 100% (1.0G)!

First: why did my datastore usage grow over time?  My application
isn't writing records to the datastore, just serving queries against
the static data set.  Is it because Google created indexes?  Can I
stop that from happening?

Second: how do I find out how much space my data is "really" taking up
(according to the quota system).  I'm reluctant to turn on billing
until I know whether the suddenly-bloated version of my data is 1.01G
or 16G -- and until I know whether it will continue to bloat further!

http://cscott-geotest.appspot.com/ is the application URL; as you can
see, it's a very simple application which returns a guessed zip code
and country for the user based on the IP address their request comes
from.  The model looks like:

class IP2PostalCode(BaseModel):
    """Starting IPv4 address, as a 32-bit integer; ie, a.b.c.d
    is represented as 256*(256*(256*a+b)+c)+d"""
    ipStart = db.IntegerProperty(required=True)
    """ISO-3166 alpha2 country code for this IPv4 address block."""
    country = db.StringProperty()
    """State (AdminCode1) for this block."""
    state = db.StringProperty()
    """City for this block."""
    city = db.StringProperty()
    """Postal code for this IPv4 address block."""
    postcode = db.StringProperty()

Can someone help me figure out what's going on here?

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