Hi all,

This might be interesting to anyone who uses deferred.defer in python
on appengine.

I've just written this code that expands what you can do with defer.
You can defer a lambda, and you can defer (functions with) closures.
It's implemented using the original defer, but marshals a function's
code across the defer boundary (using the marshal library and a
wrapper function) and keeps the function's closure information intact.

Note that this wont take an arbitrary callable, you need to be passing
a function.

I'd love any feedback; am I doing anything disastrous? Could anything
be done a better way?

import marshal, types, sys
from google.appengine.ext import deferred

# defer any function object to be run in a background task
def Defer(aFunction, *args, **kwargs):

    if not aFunction or not hasattr(aFunction, "func_code"):
        raise Exception ("First argument required, must be a function")

    # recursively turn a function's "closure" info into something marshallable
    def MarshalClosureValues(aClosure):
        lmarshalledClosureValues = []
        if aClosure:
            lclosureValues = [lcell.cell_contents for lcell in aClosure]
            logging.debug("lclosureValues: %s" % lclosureValues)
            lmarshalledClosureValues = [
MarshalClosureValues(litem.func_closure)] if hasattr(litem,
                else [marshal.dumps(litem)]
                for litem in lclosureValues
        return lmarshalledClosureValues

    # marshall the function's code
    lmarshalledFunc = marshal.dumps(aFunction.func_code)

    # marshall the function's closure info
    lmarshalledClosureValues = MarshalClosureValues(aFunction.func_closure)

    # also grab the function's module (for restoring appropriate "globals")
    lmoduleName = aFunction.__module__

    # call "defer" on our wrapper function, with all this info;
    # it will reverse the above and call the origin function
    deferred.defer(WrapDeferred, lmarshalledFunc,
lmarshalledClosureValues, lmoduleName, *args, **kwargs)

# Reverse the marshalling process and call reconstituted function
def WrapDeferred(aMarshalledFunc, aMarshalledClosureValues,
aModuleName, *args, **kwargs):

    # get appropriate globals. These are being used for functions
inside closure info
    # as well as top level function; is this dangerous?
    lglobals = sys.modules[aModuleName].__dict__

    # Creates a "cell" for a value by wrapping it in a function and
then pulling it out
    # of the closure info
    def make_cell(value):
        return (lambda x: lambda: x)(value).func_closure[0]

    # Reverse marshalling process on closure info
    def UnmarshalClosureValues(aMarshalledClosureValues):
        lclosure = None
        if aMarshalledClosureValues:
            lclosureValues = [
                    marshal.loads(item[0]) if len(item) == 1
                    else types.FunctionType(marshal.loads(item[0]),
lglobals, closure=UnmarshalClosureValues(item[1]))
                    for item in aMarshalledClosureValues if len(item)
>= 1 and len(item) <= 2
            lclosure = tuple([make_cell(lvalue) for lvalue in lclosureValues])
        return lclosure

    # unmarshal the function code
    lfunctionCode = marshal.loads(aMarshalledFunc)

    # unmarshal the closure info
    lclosure = UnmarshalClosureValues(aMarshalledClosureValues)

    # create a new function using the unmarshalled code, closure info,
and globals
    lfunction = types.FunctionType(lfunctionCode, lglobals, closure=lclosure)

    # call the function!
    lfunction(*args, **kwargs)


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