
I have a facebook app that naturally would like to perform set
operations on a logged in user's friends against the data in the
application (stored in app engine).  This presents a particular
challenge, suppose for example that in my application a logged in user
can subscribe to a particular event, we then have some classes like

User {
   Long key;
   Long facebookId;
   // etc...

Event {
  Long key;
  String name;
  // etc...

Subscribed {
  Long userKey;
  Long eventKey;
  Long start;
  Long end;

Now, if I have a particular user logged in, who has a set of friends,
I want to know which events that set of friends have subscribed to.
A normal query would be "SELECT * from SUBSCRIBED where userkey in
( <the set of friends> )"

By now, I know that there are no conditional OR operations, joins, or
in queries allowed in app engine.

My initial attempt to solve this problem has resulted in writing out
the intersection at subscription time using an additional table,
something like:

FriendSubscribed extends Subscribed {
  Long friendKey;
  // etc...

// for every friend of the logged in user, write a record so the query
can simply pick up
// all records for that friend
void persistForFriends(Collection<Long> friends, Subscribed
subscribed) {
  for (Long id : friends) {
    pm.persist(new FriendSubscribed(id, subscribed));

Now I have shifted the query burden to the write side and I can do a
simple query on the FriendSubscribed table for a particular user which
is nice and fast: "SELECT * from FRIENDSUBSCRIBED where friendkey =
<myuserid>".  This returns all the subscriptions that the logged in
user's friends have made (with some slight gotchas, e.g. if the user
adds a new friend, then any subscriptions that the new friend already
has will not be seen - this is tolerable)

So, what's the problem?  On facebook, a user typically has order 100
friends.  And I suspect many will have 500 and a few will have 1000+.

Even for order 100 friends, at the current write speed (5/s) I can
expect a write operation to take approx. 20s!!  This is rather long
for a web operation, and gets worse as you increase the number of

I am curious if anyone has any ideas for solutions?  I have a few
thoughts, but wanted to see what people thought before moving on to
the next optimization.  Here are my thoughts:

1) Queue the friend write operation - it's not critical to the core
write operation that all the "join" data be written out, it can always
be re-computed at any point in time by analyzing the Subscribed
records and current friend list for each friend.  Only problem is I am
using Java and the scheduled tasks API is not yet supported.
Furthermore, it still seems like a lot of work to go through if we
imagine thousands or hundreds of thousands of users making
subscriptions as each write operation they do gets multiplied by a
factor of 100-1000.

2) Make an owned relationship from Events to Subscribed. Something

Event {
  Long key;
  String name;

  Set<Subscribed> subscribed;
// etc...

Now reading an event records gives precisely the information I want
and simply has to be culled down (the intersection of the logged in
user's friends and the Event subscribed list is the list of friends
that are subscribed to that event).  The problem I see with this
implementation is high contention.  For every subscription event I
have to lock out updates and make sure everyone is writing a coherent
view of the set (don't we have to update the value into the Event
record?)  Or I may be wrong and it may be that the ownership
relationship is maintained automatically by the datastore and this
isn't as much of a concern as I think it is as the owned relationship
doesn't really write anything into the owner record, it just does a
join-like query to populate the set on read...that might be ideal??

3) ??  Something else?

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