
I'm having trouble setting up my yaml files for google app engine. The 
configuration works correctly when my app.yaml file is in the root of the 
project but if it is within a subdirectory it does not build the correct 
source. I suspect I need to set the `dir:` option in the build config, but 
I have tried multiple variations and I can't get it to work.

Working file structure, deployed app is ~3mb in size.

└── staging
    └── build.yaml

# build.yaml
- name: node:12
  entrypoint: yarn
- name: node:12
  entrypoint: yarn
  args: ['build']
- name: "gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud"
  args: ["app", "deploy", "app.staging.yaml"]
timeout: "1800s"

Not working file structure, deployed app is ~1kb in size.

└── staging
    └── build.yaml
    └── app.yaml

# build.yaml
- name: node:12
  entrypoint: yarn
- name: node:12
  entrypoint: yarn
  args: ['build']
- name: "gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud"
  args: ["app", "deploy", "deployment/staging/app.yaml"]
timeout: "1800s"

In both scenarios I am kicking off the deployment with:
`gcloud builds submit --config deployment/staging/build.yaml`

What should my `dir:` be set to in the build.yaml steps so that the build 
step knows to build from root? Is there any way to debug this locally 
without having to upload the source every time?


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