
So basically my background is java and scripting languages web
application development, RDMS, that sort of thing.I have a project I'd
like to build with GAE because it is expected to be very popular and
needs to scale.

I'm used to scalability issues because I build serveral large sites
which ran into issues that went beyond the sort of thing you can solve
by 'better indexing your queries' - so I do understand the need for a
mindset change and a different approach to architecture
(denormalization, etc). I also do understand that there are
limitations that are inherent to GAE and I'll have to live with it.

However, I am concerned that these limits will prevent us to even
build the application - in particular, here's a scenario I'd like to
know if it is possible to deploy or not:
- Users (probably around 50,000 for starters, to scale to 500-600K),
create 'mini websites'. Each of these sites contains various types of
media (image gallery, blog, etc).
- A 'centralized', parent site give visitors the chance to 'browse'
these sites. For example, the specs require that a page holding 'the
last 400 blog posts posted by any of the mini-sites owners' be
displayed. It should also be possible to filter all the mini sites
content by tag . So for example, if I clicked the 'cats' tag, I'd get
a recordset containing all the content that was ever posted about
cats, regardless of source (blog, images, etc). It means searching
through dozens of millions of rows for each 'table' - and there's a
'table' for each type of content (because a blog post is structured
differently from an image gallery).

Since I read so much about limitations on large queries, etc, I was
wondering if the above is even something I could consider for
implementation on GAE.

Thank you.

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