> Yes, I want to store the rule data in configuration.php and then on 
> initialization instead of the hardcoded rules I'm testing with, the rules 
> can be dynamically generated and registered with the wrapper.

> The only problem I have with that is Joomla won't save arrays of data by 
> default in configuration.php - so it means either a plugin to save the data 
> as an array, or limiting it to X number of rules....

Indeed configuration.php might be the right place for it. A custom field 
> type could be useful, something that serializes a set rules to json.
> I think I even have something in place. Let me know and I'll send it over 
> to your repo. 


I've got some time to work on this again, thanks for your pull requests and 
fixes.  After a lot of thinking, I decided on a somewhat different path. 
 Since GAE allows me to execute PHP code BEFORE the Joomla application, I'm 
going to replace JConfig with a new class.  Instead of saving 
configuration.php as a PHP file with JConfig class, when executing under 
Google App Engine JConfig can be a virtual empty class with a large number 
of static variables[though I have some plans on adding extra functionality].

The configuration data can be saved to Google Datastore and serialized and 
saved to the memcache server.  This will allow us to actually make changes 
to the Joomla website configuration and have those changes saved out to 
datastore.  With that, I don't need to json encode arrays since they can be 
stored by serialization.

That said, I'd love to add the json form field as well since I should 
probably create a standard configuration.php file in case someone wants to 
move a GAE Joomla CMS website to Google Computer Engine.


> I'm mainly trying to balance my tendency to add in lots and lots of 
> options with keeping things simple so I can get to a release/usable 
> point....  I mean, why spend weeks adding a bunch of options I don't need 
> if only 2 people are using it?  There doesn't seem to be a lot of interest 
> in deploying Joomla to GAE - it's fun for me and it's a good brain teaser 
> to force my mind into a coding gear.

> I completely agree here. I think more people will get involved once it's 
> fully functional, officially mentioned on the Joomla site and maybe posted 
> on some good blog like http://sitepoint.com
> Many developers probably don't consider GAE yet as PHP support in GAE is 
> still experimental and there still seem to be many bugs around.
> My gut feeling is that devs will be using it for really heavy workloads 
> since It really has a big potential as PaaS.
Will see, I'm working on getting it to an install point. :-)

I've been testing Joomla on Azure recently and would be extremely convinced 
> to stick on it if not the fact MySQL is provided by a 3rd party company 
> with scaling limitations and very harsh limits on free tier for testing (20 
> MB database !?), bigger options get very expensive. I'm also not really 
> convinced by Windows environment though it's PaaS and I shouldn't care what 
> it is running on.

I've run the Joomla! CMS under both IIS and recently on a Windows server 
running Apache and PHP...  I've always run into some odd problems here and 
there and I just avoid windows in general - having gone so far as to 
completely switching to Linux[Linux Mint Mate in fact] on all my systems to 
force myself to stop fiddling around with windows.

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