
I'm very new to GAE and was curous if there is a performance penalty
with regards to queries and exploding indices, etc. etc... if one
implements tags (a list of category names for a record if you will) as
dynamic properties vs.  just list<db.Category>.

As a dynamic property I was thinking a possibility would be:
(Of course, this assumes I can specify the name of a dynamic tag at
creation time)

so if I wanted to query a database for tags "xxx" and "yyy", could I
SELECT * FROM myModel WHERE tag_moe = "moe" AND tag_curly = "curly"
ORDER by date

Or... as a list of tags a possibility would be:
obj.tags = ["moe", "curly"]

and the query
SELECT * FROM myModel WHERE tags = "moe" AND tags = "curly" ORDER by

Thanks for any insight

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