So I'm aware that Google is aware that there are urlfetch issues
tonight.  At least, that's what I'm lead to believe at the GAE System
Status page, where the problem has been marked as "Anomaly" for the
last 5 hours or so.  But I have no feedback other than that.

Please Google, I'm sorry to whine at you, but I need a little
feedback.  Should I be making adjustments to my software to reduce
dependency on urlfetch?  Is there a team of people figuring out what's
wrong, or just one lonely, frantic person?  Was there a fire?

You are a big animal and I am just a small gnat, trying to make a
living by riding on your back.  Perhaps that was an unwise choice.  It
cost me more money to host at my last place, but at least in a
situation like this I could make a phone call.

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