[appengine-java] Blobstore - delete record from apps console

2009-12-21 Thread YONG
I am try to use the sample mediastore to upload blob
data...mediastore works fine. However, when I try to delete the data
from application console, I could not. is it a problem in apps


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[appengine-java] Re: Accessing GMail Inbox

2009-12-21 Thread Fabrizio
AFAIK from GAW you can only communicate on port 80 and 443 (hhttp and
https). And you must use the Url Fetch service.


On Dec 20, 5:36 pm, Pion onlee2...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thehttp://java.sun.com/products/javamail/FAQ.html#gmailshows how to
 access Gmail Inbox using JavaMail.
     //String host = imap.gmail.com;
     String host = pop.gmail.com;
     String username = user;
     String password = passwd;
     // ...
     //Store store = session.getStore(imaps);
     Store store = session.getStore(pop3s);
     store.connect(host, username, password);
     // ...

 I tried the above code and deployed it on GAE. I received the
 following log:

         Unable to locate provider for protocol: pop3s

 I switched to 'Store store = session.getStore(imaps);', It gave me
 similar error.

         Unable to locate provider for protocol: imaps

 I am using GAE 1.3.0.

 Please advise if this is even possible. If yes, what did I do wrong?
 Thanks in advance for your help.


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[appengine-java] Re: Blobstore - delete record from apps console

2009-12-21 Thread YONG
I can delete the blob data from mediastore apps, but I want to delete
it from apps console, Blob Viewer. It should be no dependency on it, I
had manually delete my record in Datastore Viewer. Why still could not
delete it from Blob Viewer?


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[appengine-java] wrong redirection to google sites

2009-12-21 Thread Vik

I have a deployed version of my app as:
but when i click on it: it takes me to somewhere else like:

Any idea why? I am hoping to see my site instead.

This was working fine few days back and all of a sudden it started
happening. I haven't made any changes on my side. Please help

Thankx and Regards



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[appengine-java] Wanna share a forum for GAE developers i made

2009-12-21 Thread nmelen...@getsense.com.ar
Hi there,
I usually write code to anwer something or to make a question in the list,
but it is difficult to read
because it is no formatted and the syntax isn,t highlight.

So, i wanna share with the community  a forum for GAE developers,  where the
main feature is that posts have  java syntax highlighting, also
files can be uploaded and screenshots too.





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[appengine-java] How to architect the following persistence problem

2009-12-21 Thread mirko
I am new to the persistence model of the Google app engine and have a
question on how to best model/architect the following scenario. I
would really appreciate your feedback!

The Partner class can 0-n roles implemented (Teacher, Student,
Employee, ...).

- Key
- Name
- RoleList

Role abstract
- Key
- RoleType
- RoleDescription
- Partner

Employee extends Role
- Salary

Teacher extends Role
- Classes

Student extends Role
- Grades

I would like to avoid hard coded relationships in the partner class
(meaning having properties pointing to every available role). In
addition I need to be able to query the different roles, but also need
to be able to show all implemented roles of a particular partner.

What would be the best model to architect the mentioned scenario?
Is there an option in extending Role and having a list of
implemented roles in the Partner object?
Does this all make sense or would you re-architect this whole problem
Would you denormalize and embed the Partner class in each of the role

Thanks, Mirko

There are different options I see so far on how to and I would like to
store the different facets


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[appengine-java] Help with reading file

2009-12-21 Thread sebas tan
Hello, I have a simple application to read from a file and carry out
operations on it. However, when deployed to appspot, it keeps reading
the file as null and doesn't execute. gr17.tsp is a text file
containing a travelingsalesman problem.

It works fine on localhost so i really don't see what's the problem
here. Really appreciate any help, thanks. The application is at

import java.io.*;
public class TSP_gr17Servlet extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
Matrix m1 = new Matrix();

PrintWriter writer = resp.getWriter();
String filename = web-inf/gr17.tsp;
ServletContext context = getServletContext();

// First get the file InputStream using
ServletContext.getResourceAsStream() method.
InputStream is = context.getResourceAsStream(filename);

if (is != null) {


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[appengine-java] GAE, GWT and Android code reuse

2009-12-21 Thread Chang Luo
I am working on on a product on GAE, GWT and Android.  It contains a
server component on GAE and 2 clients on GWT and Android.

I wonder what is the best practice to setup the projects in order to
reuse as much code as possible.  I google around but couldn't find any
useful resource.

E.g. I have some entity java classes which is used by both projects.
These objects needed to be persisted in GAE.  I created a project
called core and a class called Parent.  Then I referenced the
core project in GAE project.  The GAE project compiled fine and it
runs.  But when the code hit core.Parent it throws an exception
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: core.Parent.  I tried to add the
core project's bin directory in the classpath but it gives out the
same exception.

Is there an example out there to reference an external project from
GAE project?  Do I need to build a jar and put it under WEB-INF/lib?

Thanks a lot!


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[appengine-java] IdGeneratorStrategy.SEQUENCE

2009-12-21 Thread Philip Tucker
I'm using IdGeneratorStrategy.SEQUENCE for the primary key of a table,
but it appears AppEngine bounces between 2 different sequence
generators as I create new entries. IDs are unique, but not
monotonically increasing. It's possible I've coded something wrong,
but I'm oretty sure this is a bug.


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[appengine-java] The “DataNucleus Enhancer” runs continuously and appears to cause the following error in th e “Guestbook” demo application

2009-12-21 Thread Robert Allard
The “DataNucleus Enhancer” runs continuously and appears to cause the
following error in the “Guestbook” demo application.
Error message:
“Class guestbook.Greeting does not seem to have been enhanced ... 
has no table in the database, but the operation requires it...

I am testing the “Guestbook” demo application in AppEngine for Java
with Eclipse 3.5 under Windows 7 with “AppEngine_SDK_1.3.0” and
I have reached the “Using the Datastore with JDO” step, specifically
the “Queries With JDOQL” step where I update the “guestbook.jsp” file.
I have determined that the error occurs on the line with:
“ListGreeting greetings = (ListGreeting) pm.newQuery(query).execute

After playing around with various alternatives I have come to the
conclusion that the cause is the continuous running of the
“DataNucleus Enhancer”. I concluded this because at one point the
enhancer froze and the demo program suddenly worked.
I have looked in the “Guestbook\war\WEB-INF\classes\guestbook”
directory and the classes there are continuously being deleted and
recreated  when the “DataNucleus Enhancer” runs continuously.

Can anyone tell me how to make the “DataNucleus Enhancer” behave?
or provide me with another explanation and solution.

I have read the existing entries concerning this and similar errors
but none of them apply.
I have installed Eclipse 3.5 to develop both Android and AppEngine



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[appengine-java] Strange exception from JDO - Please help

2009-12-21 Thread Mike

I am a newbie to GAE and it's the first time I try out the JDO
facility. I followed the JUnit How-To to create all the base classes
for Junit test and the following is my test:

public class AbcTest extends LocalServiceTestCase {

Abc abcType = null;

PersistenceManagerFactory pmf =

public void setUp() throws Exception {
abcType = new Abc();
PersistenceManager pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager();

public void testPKGeneration(){

public void tearDown() throws Exception {
PersistenceManager pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager();
ObjectState state = JDOHelper.getObjectState(abcType);



The ABC class:

public class Abc {

private Key pk;

public Key getPk() {
return pk;

public void setPk(Key pk) {
this.pk = pk;


Could someone please advice? Am I doing anything wrong? Thanks in

Michael Chan


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[appengine-java] GAE roadmap for 2010

2009-12-21 Thread Antoine Sabot-durand

I found the roadmap for 2009 but is there one for 2010 ? I'd like to
propose my company to start developement on GAE but the lack of
visibility on the platform is an issue. Will you support some of the
JEE6 new standard (JSF 2, CDI, JPA 2, EJB 3.1 ?). Is the imageio issue
with the JSF richfaces library will be corrected ?
I saw a lot of question in the forum but few answer (or wasn't able to
find them).
Thanks for your answers.



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[appengine-java] BlobstoreService:Must call one of set*BlobStorage() first.

2009-12-21 Thread CHEN
i am using appengine-java-sdk-1.3.0 with eclipse now.

in my page,when i click the SUBMIT button,it shows this message:

Must call one of set*BlobStorage() first.

Caused by:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Must call one of set*BlobStorage()
at com.google.appengine.api.blobstore.dev.UploadBlobServlet.init
at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(GenericServlet.java:215)
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.initServlet
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.getServlet
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(ServletHolder.java:


%@ page
%@ page
BlobstoreService blobstoreService = BlobstoreServiceFactory
action=%= blobstoreService.createUploadUrl(/story_add.do) %
method=post enctype=multipart/form-data commandName=theStory


@RequestMapping(value = /story_add.do, method = RequestMethod.POST)
private ShortStory add(ShortStory shortStory, Model model,
HttpServletRequest request) {
MapString, BlobKey blobs = blobstoreService.getUploadedBlobs
BlobKey blobKey = blobs.get(file);
if (blobKey != null) {

what's the wrong?thank you very much.


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[appengine-java] Blobstore vs Datastore Blob

2009-12-21 Thread Peter Ondruska
Is there any difference apart from API, billing restriction and max
size between using Blobstore and Blob in Datastore? For example is it
more efficient to store Blobs in Blobstore due to non-existing indexes
for properties which would otherwise be present in Blob in Blobstore?
Thanks, Peter


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Re: [appengine-java] IdGeneratorStrategy.SEQUENCE

2009-12-21 Thread Max Ross (Google)
Hi Philip,

IdGeneratorStrategy.SEQUENCE support is implemented on top of
DatastoreService.allocateIds(), which is itself the mechanism that the
datastore uses internally to assign ids.  So, all properties of datastore id
allocation apply to SEQUENCE.  There is a lot of good information about
these properties in this thread:

But in short, sequences are guaranteed to be unique but not monotically

Hope this helps,

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 12:04 AM, Philip Tucker ptuc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm using IdGeneratorStrategy.SEQUENCE for the primary key of a table,
 but it appears AppEngine bounces between 2 different sequence
 generators as I create new entries. IDs are unique, but not
 monotonically increasing. It's possible I've coded something wrong,
 but I'm oretty sure this is a bug.


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Re: [appengine-java] The “DataNucleus Enhancer” runs continuously and appears to cause the following error i n the “Guestbook” demo application

2009-12-21 Thread Jason Parekh
Hi Robert,

Could you see if you have the the latest GPE version installed
(1.2.0)?  There was a known issue like you describe, but it has been

If you are already running the latest, we can investigate further to
see what's going on.


On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Robert Allard rnall...@gmail.com wrote:
 The “DataNucleus Enhancer” runs continuously and appears to cause the
 following error in the “Guestbook” demo application.
 Error message:
 “Class guestbook.Greeting does not seem to have been enhanced ... 
 has no table in the database, but the operation requires it...

 I am testing the “Guestbook” demo application in AppEngine for Java
 with Eclipse 3.5 under Windows 7 with “AppEngine_SDK_1.3.0” and
 I have reached the “Using the Datastore with JDO” step, specifically
 the “Queries With JDOQL” step where I update the “guestbook.jsp” file.
 I have determined that the error occurs on the line with:
 “ListGreeting greetings = (ListGreeting) pm.newQuery(query).execute

 After playing around with various alternatives I have come to the
 conclusion that the cause is the continuous running of the
 “DataNucleus Enhancer”. I concluded this because at one point the
 enhancer froze and the demo program suddenly worked.
 I have looked in the “Guestbook\war\WEB-INF\classes\guestbook”
 directory and the classes there are continuously being deleted and
 recreated  when the “DataNucleus Enhancer” runs continuously.

 Can anyone tell me how to make the “DataNucleus Enhancer” behave?
 or provide me with another explanation and solution.

 I have read the existing entries concerning this and similar errors
 but none of them apply.
 I have installed Eclipse 3.5 to develop both Android and AppEngine



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[appengine-java] Re: GAE, GWT and Android code reuse

2009-12-21 Thread Peter Recore
Yes, you should be fine once you build a jar and include it in a
directory where your GAE app can actually see it.

On Dec 18, 4:48 pm, Chang Luo chang@gmail.com wrote:
 I am working on on a product on GAE, GWT and Android.  It contains a
 server component on GAE and 2 clients on GWT and Android.

 I wonder what is the best practice to setup the projects in order to
 reuse as much code as possible.  I google around but couldn't find any
 useful resource.

 E.g. I have some entity java classes which is used by both projects.
 These objects needed to be persisted in GAE.  I created a project
 called core and a class called Parent.  Then I referenced the
 core project in GAE project.  The GAE project compiled fine and it
 runs.  But when the code hit core.Parent it throws an exception
 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: core.Parent.  I tried to add the
 core project's bin directory in the classpath but it gives out the
 same exception.

 Is there an example out there to reference an external project from
 GAE project?  Do I need to build a jar and put it under WEB-INF/lib?

 Thanks a lot!


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[appengine-java] Where is jsp servlet source directory for jetty gae plugin linux?

2009-12-21 Thread Blessed Geek
A coding short-circuit I use to create servlets is first write a jsp,
which the server then converts to a servlet java source. Then I locate
the servlet source in Tomcat's runtime webapp directory and poach it
and after making some changes to it, I use the source as the actual

But where is the runtime webapp directory for jetty? I think someone
also calls it the jetty jsp scratch directory.

I managed to look for it for vista/xp but where is it for linux?
Specifically for the case of google eclipse plugin.


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[appengine-java] Re: IdGeneratorStrategy.SEQUENCE

2009-12-21 Thread Philip Tucker

Unless I'm misreading the documentation for SEQUENCE, that breaks the
contract of the JDP annotation API, doesn't it?

Is there a way to annotate a field as a true sequence, or do I need to
create my own sequence and assign the value myself?

On Dec 21, 9:29 am, Max Ross (Google) maxr+appeng...@google.com
 Hi Philip,

 IdGeneratorStrategy.SEQUENCE support is implemented on top of
 DatastoreService.allocateIds(), which is itself the mechanism that the
 datastore uses internally to assign ids.  So, all properties of datastore id
 allocation apply to SEQUENCE.  There is a lot of good information about
 these properties in this 

 But in short, sequences are guaranteed to be unique but not monotically

 Hope this helps,

 On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 12:04 AM, Philip Tucker ptuc...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm using IdGeneratorStrategy.SEQUENCE for the primary key of a table,
  but it appears AppEngine bounces between 2 different sequence
  generators as I create new entries. IDs are unique, but not
  monotonically increasing. It's possible I've coded something wrong,
  but I'm oretty sure this is a bug.


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: IdGeneratorStrategy.SEQUENCE

2009-12-21 Thread Max Ross (Google)
Where are you reading the definition of the contract?

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Philip Tucker ptuc...@gmail.com wrote:


 Unless I'm misreading the documentation for SEQUENCE, that breaks the
 contract of the JDP annotation API, doesn't it?

 Is there a way to annotate a field as a true sequence, or do I need to
 create my own sequence and assign the value myself?

 On Dec 21, 9:29 am, Max Ross (Google) 
  Hi Philip,
  IdGeneratorStrategy.SEQUENCE support is implemented on top of
  DatastoreService.allocateIds(), which is itself the mechanism that the
  datastore uses internally to assign ids.  So, all properties of datastore
  allocation apply to SEQUENCE.  There is a lot of good information about
  these properties in this thread:
  But in short, sequences are guaranteed to be unique but not monotically
  Hope this helps,
  On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 12:04 AM, Philip Tucker ptuc...@gmail.com
   I'm using IdGeneratorStrategy.SEQUENCE for the primary key of a table,
   but it appears AppEngine bounces between 2 different sequence
   generators as I create new entries. IDs are unique, but not
   monotonically increasing. It's possible I've coded something wrong,
   but I'm oretty sure this is a bug.
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   Google App Engine for Java group.
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[appengine-java] Re: Is there a recommended way to differentiate between production and dev GAE environments?

2009-12-21 Thread Jorge
I found this in the Programming GAE book by Dan Sanderson, O'Reilly,

An app can determine whether it is running on AppEngine or in the
development server from the servlet info string in the srvlet context,
returned by this.getServletContext()getServletInfo(). This string
starts with Google App Engine Development when running in the
development server...

Jorge Gonzalez

On Nov 28, 7:34 am, Guillaume Laforge glafo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Another approach I've just found is doing something like:


 Not sure in the end what's the best approach of them all.

 On 24 nov, 16:29, Marcel Overdijk marceloverd...@gmail.com wrote:

  Or use a Listener as described 

  On 23 nov, 15:58, Nacho Coloma icol...@gmail.com wrote:

   To answer my own question, this has been my best shot this far:

   SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
   localDevelopmentEnvironment = sm == null ||

   If anyone has a better way, I will be glad to hear.

   On Nov 23, 1:17 pm, Nacho Coloma icol...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi all,

I was considering options, but I first wanted to ask: is there a
recommended way to differentiate between my localdevelopment
environment and the realGAEserver? This far, the only options I can
think of are:

* adding a -Dtest=true to my eclipse launcher

* looking up for any test environment classes (Class.forName) but it's
not reliable as they could get included by mistake in any WAR release.

* I have been searching for instanceof alternatives i.e.:
DatastoreServiceFactory.getService() instanceof LocalDatastoreService
but I could not find any such expression that could possibly work.

Ideas? What are people using out there?



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[appengine-java] Re: GetObjectByID JDO question (NucleusObjectNotFoundException)

2009-12-21 Thread Mike
You can query the key only, hope this helps.


On Dec 21, 8:51 pm, Jess Evans laphroai...@gmail.com wrote:
 Be wary of a try/get/catch/persist combo.  I was doing this initially, but
 found it triggered a memory leak.  I resorted to a query by business key.  I
 can't confirm whats most efficient.  It's certainly not in terms of index
 storage overhead.  I just wanted to throw out the warning.

 On Dec 21, 2009 12:08 PM, t3jem t3j...@gmail.com wrote:


 So I'm writing my first game using the Google App Engine and have been
 finding that using RPC and the datastore is much different than I'm
 use to.  I've managed to get along, but I'm pretty stuck on this one,
 I can't find it anywhere.

 My problem is, I need to be able to create a new object with a unique
 ID when a new user logs into the game.  I was doing this by randomly
 generating a key and then using a query to the datastore to retrieve
 an object by that ID.  If nothing turns up then I persist the new
 object with that ID.  I understand that with an exceedingly great
 amount of users this method could become a bit slow, but I don't
 intend to have more than 1000 objects of this type in the datastore so
 I don't foresee any problems with this method (please tell me if I'm
 terribly mistaken).

 I get my error when I go to attempt a retrieval of the missing object
 from the datastore.  I use PersistenceManager.getObjectById(foo.class,

 when my program reaches the call it throws a
 NucleusObjectNotFoundException.  I understand this is probably normal
 behavior, the problem is, I can't seem to find a way to check if the
 key already exists in the datastore or not.

 Is there a cheap way to check for a key? the only other method I can
 think of is to get a collection of all the objects of that class and
 check the created key against all existing ones, but that seems much
 to expensive.

 Thank you for your time


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Does Google App Engine support Apache Mina?

2009-12-21 Thread nmelen...@getsense.com.ar

2009/10/31 ArtemGr artem...@gmail.com

 On 31 окт, 19:10, asianCoolz second.co...@gmail.com wrote:
  anyone tried out apache mina with GAE?  any update

 There's no chance.
 MINA uses NIO and sockets directly.
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[appengine-java] Discussion on will-it-play-in-app-engine

2009-12-21 Thread Shawn

You have:

Direct Web Remoting (DWR)
Version(s): 2.0.5, 3.0 RC1

If AppEngine does not support spawning new threads then 3.0RC1 won't
work out of the box  see http://old.nabble.com/DWR3RC1-threads-td23074328.html
and/or search the DWR mailing list for appengine to see progress on
what approaches people have tried.


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[appengine-java] Re: wrong redirection to google sites

2009-12-21 Thread Vik

any help on this plz? I am stuck and my app is down now due to this

Thankx and Regards


On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 6:00 PM, Vik vik@gmail.com wrote:


 I have a deployed version of my app as:
 but when i click on it: it takes me to somewhere else like:

 Any idea why? I am hoping to see my site instead.

 This was working fine few days back and all of a sudden it started
 happening. I haven't made any changes on my side. Please help

 Thankx and Regards



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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Is there a recommended way to differentiate between production and dev GAE environments?

2009-12-21 Thread Yasuo Higa
Hi all,

App Engine officially supports a way to differentiate
between production and development as follows:

String env = System.getProperty(com.google.appengine.runtime.environment);
if (Development.equals(env)) {
} else if (Production.equals(env)) {

See http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/wiki/SdkForJavaReleaseNotes

Hope this helps,

Yasuo Higa


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: embedding parent object in parent-child relation with jdo

2009-12-21 Thread John Patterson
In that case, do you need the child to be an Entity at all?  Perhaps you
could simply embed it in the parent.

Not too sure about the JDO case, I think it might be impossible to embed a
collection unless it is of native values.  But with Twig you can embed an
entire collection of child objects and they can be automatically encoded as
multi-value properties that you can then query on.  It does this using the
order of multi valued properties.  For example:

name=Order name
date=1 Dec 2009
items.name=[An item, Another Item, Yet another item]
items.price=[3.45, 1.67, 8.98]

You can now filter (or sort) by a child property and partent property.  You
cannot find a parent with a certain price AND a name but your case sounds
fine. Don't worry, Twig encodes and decodes the objects.  This only works
for one level of collection; if an item had a collection of parts Twig can
still encode it but not as ordered multi-value properties.


2009/12/22 Eugene Kuleshov ekules...@gmail.com

 On Dec 19, 2:56 am, jd jdpatter...@gmail.com wrote:

  Could you not split your query into two?  The first to find the parent
  and the second to return all children with an ancestor query.

  In my case the main filtering criteria is actually by one of the
 child's attributes, but then I need to sort the results and present
 them using some of the parent's attributes. For example, with Order
 and OrderItem model, find all OrderItems that include the given part
 number and then sort the result according to the Order's date. So, I
 do need to preserve parent-child relationship, but don't want to
 execute N+1 queries (one for each parent referenced from the found

  Also, I would like to maintain parent-child relationship, so entity
 groups are handled automatically (so I won't have to manually create
 foreign keys), i.e. I can process all parent-child chunks in one



  On Dec 19, 3:58 am, Eugene Kuleshov ekules...@gmail.com wrote:
 It shouldn't be needed, since according to the docs [1], the Key
   type is only required to record parent relation in the child.
 But I tried it anyways and got pretty much the same exception:
   Exception in thread main java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
   at org.datanucleus.store.appengine.DatastoreTable.buildMapping
   On Dec 18, 2:33 pm, Rusty Wright rwright.li...@gmail.com wrote:
Try making the parent's primary key be Key instead of String.
Eugene Kuleshov wrote:
   I am using the app engine SDK 1.3.0 with the latest Google
   Currently, in order to be able to run queries on attributes of
 parent object I have to embed parent object into a child. So, I
 created the following classes
 @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION)
 public class Parent {
   @PrimaryKey @Persistent String parentName;
   @Persistent(mappedBy = parent) ListChild children = new
   public Parent(String parentName) { this.parentName = parentName;
   public void setParentName(String parentName) { this.parentName =
 parentName; }
   public String getParentName() { return parentName; }
   public ListChild getChildren() { return children; }
   public void addChild(Child child) {
 @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION)
 public class Child {
   @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY) Key
   @Persistent String childName;
 members = { @Persistent(name = parentName, column =
 childParentName) },
 ownerMember = children)
   @Persistent Parent parent;
   public Child(String childName) { this.childName = childName; }
   public void setChildName(String childName) { this.childName =
 childName; }
   public String getChildName() { return childName; }
   public void setParent(Parent parent) { this.parent = parent; }
   public Parent getParent() { return parent; }
   and then I created a simple test to verify if I can persist and
 queries on those objects:
 public class ParentTest {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
 Parent parent1 = new Parent(parent1);
 parent1.addChild(new Child(child1));
 parent1.addChild(new Child(child2));
 Parent parent2 = new Parent(parent2);
 parent2.addChild(new Child(child3));

[appengine-java] Re: Help with reading file

2009-12-21 Thread m seleron

I think that I become normal if [web-inf/gr17.tsp] is corrected to

Please Try.

On 12月21日, 午後1:25, sebas tan sebastianc...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Hello, I have a simple application to read from afileand carry out
 operations on it. However, when deployed to appspot, it keepsreading
 thefileas null and doesn't execute. gr17.tsp is a textfile
 containing a travelingsalesman problem.

 It works fine on localhost so i really don't see what's the problem
 here. Really appreciate anyhelp, thanks. The application is 

 import java.io.*;
 public class TSP_gr17Servlet extends HttpServlet {
         public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
                         throws ServletException, IOException {
                 Matrix m1 = new Matrix();

                 PrintWriter writer = resp.getWriter();
                 String filename = web-inf/gr17.tsp;
                 ServletContext context = getServletContext();

                 // First get thefileInputStream using
 ServletContext.getResourceAsStream() method.
                 InputStream is = context.getResourceAsStream(filename);

                 if (is != null) {


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[appengine-java] Re: Wanna share a forum for GAE developers i made

2009-12-21 Thread Daniel


On Dec 21, 6:12 pm, nmelen...@getsense.com.ar
nmelen...@getsense.com.ar wrote:
 Hi there,
 I usually write code to anwer something or to make a question in the list,
 but it is difficult to read
 because it is no formatted and the syntax isn,t highlight.

 So, i wanna share with the community  a forum for GAE developers,  where the
 main feature is that posts have  java syntax highlighting, also
 files can be uploaded and screenshots too.





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[appengine-java] Re: IdGeneratorStrategy.SEQUENCE

2009-12-21 Thread Philip Tucker
Hmm, I thought I'd read that in the DataNucleus documentation, but I
can't find any clear definition of it.  I must have just assumed
sequences were sequential.

Borrowing from your example here (http://code.google.com/p/datanucleus-
SequenceExamplesJDO.java), it seems if I specify a named sequence and
set SequenceStrategy.CONTIGUOUS (NONCONTIGUOUS might work too, I'm
guessing !TRANSACTIONAL is the key) that I get a monotonically
increasing sequence. Does that seem right?

Thanks for the input,

On Dec 21, 2:46 pm, Max Ross (Google) maxr+appeng...@google.com
 Where are you reading the definition of the contract?

 On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Philip Tucker ptuc...@gmail.com wrote:

  Unless I'm misreading the documentation for SEQUENCE, that breaks the
  contract of the JDP annotation API, doesn't it?

  Is there a way to annotate a field as a true sequence, or do I need to
  create my own sequence and assign the value myself?

  On Dec 21, 9:29 am, Max Ross (Google) 

   Hi Philip,

   IdGeneratorStrategy.SEQUENCE support is implemented on top of
   DatastoreService.allocateIds(), which is itself the mechanism that the
   datastore uses internally to assign ids.  So, all properties of datastore
   allocation apply to SEQUENCE.  There is a lot of good information about
   these properties in this thread:

   But in short, sequences are guaranteed to be unique but not monotically

   Hope this helps,

   On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 12:04 AM, Philip Tucker ptuc...@gmail.com
I'm using IdGeneratorStrategy.SEQUENCE for the primary key of a table,
but it appears AppEngine bounces between 2 different sequence
generators as I create new entries. IDs are unique, but not
monotonically increasing. It's possible I've coded something wrong,
but I'm oretty sure this is a bug.


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[appengine-java] constructor expressions in JPAQL in GAE

2009-12-21 Thread Bombay Goose
Hi all,

Need some help in JPAQL in GAE. The JPAQL specs say that you can create
objects from a JPA query directly. e.g.

I wrote the following code

Query q = manager.createQuery(SELECT new com.test.Person(p.id, p.firstName,
p.lastName) from Person p);

*List* results = q.getResultList();

It threw the following exception.

Problem with query SELECT new com.test.Person(p.id, p.firstName,
p.lastName) from Person p: App Engine datastore does not support operator

As per the JPA tutorial, constructor expressions are allowed.

Am I doing anything wrong here, or is appengine does not support it.

If the later is true, how do I solve this problem of selecting only
selective properties from an entity. Follow up question is what if there is
a one to many relationship between Person and Company, where person has a
lookup to Company and in the above query I want to get id of the company and
name of the company only and not other details like address, phone, etc.

Something similar in SQL, without the constructor expression would be

SELECT p.id, p.firstName, p.lastName, p.companyId, c.companyName from Person
p, Company c where p.companyId = c.id


SELECT new Person(id, firstName, lastName, new Company(c.id, c.companyName)
from Person p, Company c where p.companyId = c.id

I am sure, the above expression is incorrect, but I want something to that
effect. Can I do this on GAE? This would help me design efficient queries
and still not take away OOness of JPA.

Any help is welcome.



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Re: [appengine-java] Dynamically create classes using JPA/JDO and bytecode instrumentation

2009-12-21 Thread Bombay Goose
Thanks Ikai for 1.
Will definitely refer to the link in 2. and get back if I have more

Thanks for the quick help.

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Ikai L (Google) ika...@google.com wrote:

 1. If you just delete all the entities of a single Kind, it is the same
 effect as deleting a table. You have to remember that the datastore is not
 SQL. Underneath the hood, it is a schemaless key-value store. Type
 information is defined within each entity itself and in the corresponding

 2. The solution that seems to fit for the most developers is to do multiple
 queries and join in memory. Another solution can be to precompute the result
 at write time and denormalize your schema so that you query on the
 denormalized field. Without knowing what you are doing, it can be difficult
 to recommend any particular workaround. I highly recommend watching the
 videos from Google I/O and reading the articles to understand how filtering
 and indexing works. This is a pretty good place to start:

 On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 10:12 PM, Bombay Goose bombaygo...@gmail.comwrote:

 Thanks DataNucleus team and Toby.

 Sorry, but I have some more questions

 1. How do I delete a particular table dynamically? would just unloading
 the class do it? Iin that case, what if there are changes to the dynamic
 table, i.e. column addition/dropping, wouldnt that require unloading the
 class and hence deletion of table?
 2. I am going through the Queries and Indexes section in the documentation
  This section says that inequality operators are allowed only one
 property. Is anybody handling a situation where there are multiple
 properties with inequality operators? If yes, how have you done it?
   On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 12:18 PM, Toby Reyelts to...@google.comwrote:

 One other thing you might consider is using the native App Engine
 datastore, since it's already schemaless. You can even mix and match using
 the native API and JDO/JPA.

   On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 1:30 AM, Bombay Goose 

   Hello All,

 I am doing a feasibility study of whether we can develop our application
 on appengine or not.

 Our application has a requirement where we have to create tables
 dynamically, without restarting the application.

 Is that possible in Appengine?

 Datanucleus supports this through JDO, with some byte code
 instrumentation. More info -

 Is it possible through JPA? if yes, does appengine allow it?
  if not, does Appengine allow Bytecode instrumentation so that we
 can create classes dynamically according to the link above using JDO.

 Any help is greatly appreciated.



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 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

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