I originally posted this on General discussion, not realizing there is
a Java specific group, so I am sorry for the redundancy:

I have gotten the basic setup recommended in the docs.  I am able to
query the database successfully but as soon as I attempt to persists a
JDO object I get a can't find annotations error.  The code is simply:

public class UserTestCase extends LocalDatastoreTestCase {

    public void testDatesBeingSetOnCreate() {

        User user = new User("w...@thebunkers.com", "mypassword");


        PersistenceManager manager = newPersistenceManager();

        Query query = new Query(User.class.getSimpleName());
        assertEquals(1, DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService


The error occurs at the makePersistent call.  If I comment it out the
test runs fine except of course there is no user on the assert line.

The error is:

org.datanucleus.jdo.exceptions.NoPersistenceInformationException: The
class "The class "com.sootra.shared.User" is required to be
persistable yet no Meta-Data/Annotations can be found for this class.
Please check that the Meta-Data/annotations is defined in a valid file
location." is required to be persistable yet no Meta-Data can be found
for this class. Please check that the Meta-Data is defined in a valid
file location for JDO.

I am able to run the create user fine when running the app locally, as
well as uploading it to app engine.  So the code is fine, but I am
unable to get JUnit test to recognize where the MetaData is being
created by the enhancer.

Has anyone successfully gotten this to run in Eclipse.  I am guessing
that I am missing some classpath setting or meta information, but can
not find any references anywhere on the net yet.

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