In doc for java:

Note: At present, you cannot configure custom error handlers for some
error conditions. Specifically, you cannot customize the 404 response
page when no servlet mapping is defined for a URL, the 403 quota error
page, or the 500 server error page that appears after an App Engine
internal error.

I vaguely remember a few patches ago, there's a way to specify error
page for the 500 "internal error"? Is it true? If so how to setup the

I am starting to see this 500 error more consistently in certain
sequence of event (but the log never shows the 500, I suppose this
happens before hitting the JVM).

Sequence of event:
1. HTTP post that triggers an immediate Task Queue task
2. The Task Queue job is immediately called but timing out (it calls
some external URL and can block)
3. The HTTP call in step 1 returns successfully and the client
javascript reload the page, thus triggering another request. This
request triggers the 500 error.

I am guessing request #3 give 500 because the server is busy on #2 and
app engine couldn't spin up another instance?

I am setting the queue delay to 10 seconds and see if this will
alleviate the problem.

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