
I have servlet with a code copied from the documentation for sending
an email with the mail service
Each time I call the service, I see the trace in the quota count like
Mail API Calls  0%      0%      5 of 7000       Okay
Recipients Emailed      0%      0%      5 of 2000       Okay
Admins Emailed  0%      0%      0 of 5000       Okay
The count for Mail API Calls and Recipients Emailed is incremented
each time

My code send an email from the admin of my domain to the admin of my
admin, but the item Admins Emailed  is never incremented

The admin of my domain (me) never receive an email by that mean.
If I send an email with gmail to the same address, it receive the

Advice? help?
Thank you inadvance

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