I have an embedded class that embeds another class.  In order to
remove conflicts with the embedding class, I use the @Embedded
annotation like this:

class X {
    @Embedded(members = { @Persistent(name = "prop1", columns =
@Column(name = "yProp1")),
            @Persistent(name = "prop2", columns = @Column(name =
    private Y y;

However, Y also has an embedded class that may conflict with
properties of X.  Currently, I do this in Y:

class Y {
    @Embedded(members = { @Persistent(name = "prop1", columns =
@Column(name = "zProp1")),
            @Persistent(name = "prop2", columns = @Column(name =
    private Z z;

This works, but I think it's more desirable to provide the renames of
the properties of Z in X because X is going to be the place where all
of the conflicts need to be removed, and I may need different renames
in different Xs.

However, I don't know the syntax for that.  Reading through the JDO
docs, I'm not quite able to get if it's even possible.

Does anyone know how to do this?


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