I figured out the a ACSID isn't being returned. However, this cookie

Set-Cookie =>
expires=Thu27-Oct-2011 02:10:20 GMT; path=/; domain=.google.com

So I tried using it, and still getCurrentUser() is null. I know my
Auth token is correct, and I know my url is well formed. I'm getting
back a 204 (no content) for the _ah_login request to get the cookie,
but with never with the ACSID cookie I've read about. Any help would
be much appreciated=/

resp.addHeader("Set-Cookie", cookieHeader);

On Oct 24, 6:35 pm, Bourke Floyd IV <chb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This has been a pain from the beginning, but I'm so close I can smell
> it! First, I tried sending normal Authentication header to my app, but
> it was being striped off and not used. Then I found in documentation
> that I need to reference the Auth token I get from the ClientLogin for
> each of my service 
> requests...http://code.google.com/apis/accounts/docs/AuthForInstalledApps.html
> Didn't work, then I learned from this posthttp://dalelane.co.uk/blog/?p=894
> That I need to use that Auth token to get a JSESSION Cookie from
> String authKey = ... from ClientLogin ...
> String destUrl = "http://myappname.appspot.com/";;
> String cookieUrl = "http://myappname.appspot.com/_ah/login?continue=";
> + URLEncoder.encode(destUrl,"UTF-8") + "&auth=" + URLEncoder.encode
> (authKey,"UTF-8");
> resp.sendRedirect(cookieUrl);
> I deployed the app to make sure the UserService has all the info it
> needed. Everything is working now except that when the resp redirect
> returns with the new JSESSION Cookie and I use the getCurrentUser() it
> is still null...agg. Thanks in advance! I really would like to use
> google accounts, but it seems I'm almost being forced to build my
> own=/
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