On May 1, 12:50 pm, Nichole <nichole.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>    Are there changes to the allowed use of Bouncy Castle as a 3rd
> party library in SDK 1.3.3?
> I'm now getting an exception SHA1 digest error for org/bouncycastle/
> crypto/paddings/BlockCipherPadding.class which suggests that
> BouncyCastle is still being used,
> but classes in my app that use bouncy castle are not reporting their
> log statements.
> I added quite a bit of logging so see it drop off right before the
> first class using bouncy
> castle.  I even added a static method to a BC using class just to
> report that it was reached.
> I asserted that the classes are present in the web app with JarFile
> and JarEntry too.
>    Have the classes suddenly been blacklisted, but a runtime exception
> isn't reported?
>   Note that when I first noticed this last week, I repackaged my app
> and redeployed it a few
> times and it was successfully using Bouncy Castle again for that day,
> but the problem has
> returned.
>    Thanks for your time,
>        Nichole
> --

May I ask how you managed to use the BC API at all? I didn't success
in loading the BC API because of the restrictions of the
Security.addProvider() call.

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