
I would like to disable indexing for properties I know I won't be using for
query filtering to save storage space.

I have used bulkuploader to push ~500mb of data into the datastore. These
Entities contain lot's of properties which won't be used for filtering, for
ex. "CountryName"
I would like to exclude these properties from the indexing, and purge the
existing index.

Not sure about how datastore works, so I'll ask all my questions at once:

Can I disable indexing for properties or does single property indexes always
created without me being able to control it?
Can tell app engine to truncate existing index and not recreate it (to
reclaim the disk space) ?
Can I retrospectively upload an index.yaml file (I did not had this file
before) to delete the unneeded indexes created?
Will this index.yaml configuration will take effect on my next bulkupload
operation as well?

Thanks for helping,

[1] http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/java/configyaml/indexconfig.html

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