Hey Gang!
I am stumped on this one...  any idea on how to fix below error.  

*java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl 
is a restricted class. Please see the Google App Engine developer's guide 
for more details.*


It looks like a CLASSPATH based on a post I saw, but I did not do any work 
there.  Nonetheless I went in anyway and added a new jar file for Xerces, 
that did  not work.  Do you have a step by step.


This is also spreading to my other Apps, Apps I have not updated in great 
while.  This error loads with JSPs and HTMs.  I also ran an update of App 
Engine to see if it would pick up new jar files, that did not work either.


I should perhaps mention, this started happening while I was adding more JSP 
files, by copying existing ones.  I deployed the App to view my changes and 
pages were not found.



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