Hi all,

We recently released a new minor version of the Google Maps API. This means
that the versions are now:
3.9: Development/Nightly
3.8: Feature Stable
3.7: Frozen

3.6 has been removed: if you request it you will receive 3.7.


In this latest release of 3.9, we've added:
* Country restriction for Autocomplete
* Regions and Cities type filters

You will also get all the features of 3.8 (now Feature Stable), including:
* WeatherLayer and CloudLayer
* Click-to-go/Click-to-zoom in Street View
* orderBy, limit and offset for FusionTablesLayer
* utc_offset and opening_hours in PlaceResult
* google.maps.geometry.poly.containsLocation() and isLocationOnEdge()
* DemographicsLayer (Maps for Business only)


As noted previously, we recommend production applications specify a minor
version (e.g. 3.5, 3.6). Though, please take the time to test your
application against the nightly version (3.7) so that we can rectify any
issues that may surface during your testing.

Please post all technical questions over on Stack Overflow:

Please continue to post bugs to the issue tracker:

To see more information about versioning of the Maps API, see

The full changelog for the Maps API can be found here:


G+: http://chrisbroadfoot.id.au/+
Twitter: http://twitter.com/broady

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