Hi all,

I'm fairly new to this all so don't burn me down just yet...

After I discovered that there is no good way to animate Markers across the 
map (in fact the only animations available are the DROP and BOUNCE ones 
upon creation), I decided to create my own class that can do this. It's 
attached to this message.

I tried to follow the Maps v3 style of object specification as much as 
possible. Here's a usage example:

marker.animation = new MarkerMoveAnimation(marker,
name: name
,from: start
,to: new google.maps.LatLng(-33, 150)
,duration: 500
,effect: 'easeout'
,onStep: function(e)
e.marker.leash.setPath([start, e.marker.getPosition()]);
,onComplete: function(e)
animating = false;

See the source for the full class capabilities, it is not that hard to 
understand. It supports the callbacks onBeforeStart, onStep (fires on each 
step of the animation) and onComplete (whenever an animation is stopped, 
can also be invoked when directly calling stop() on the instance. The 
callbacks get the object instance passed along, so you can access the 
marker and it's methods.

   1. Is this helpful?
   2. Please give feedback on code efficiency, bugs, etc.
   3. Where should I go with this? Should I create a google code project or 
   just place it somewhere online?
   4. Maybe there is a need for a generic animation class that allows for 
   opacity (fade in/out) animation and possibly other things as well?

I personally use this class to animate markers that are too close together 
which makes it too hard sometimes to click the markers.

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Attachment: google.maps.animatemarker.js
Description: JavaScript source

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