If this is even possible I would appreciate being pointed in the right

My goal is to have a some text for a map title that (1) always appears
at the same location near the top of the map canvas and (2) will be
covered by any infowindow that wants to use any of this space.

Presently I am using a standalone div for the map title.  However, it
is always on top of any infowindow that displays in that same space.
Here’s an example.  Drag the map so a marker is below the title and
then click the marker.

1.  Playing with the z-index for my standalone div has no effect.

2.  Assigning a class to the infowindow and playing with th z-index
for the class has no effect.

3.  I don’t think that building a title div with javascript and
appending it to a Google ‘pane’ will work since panes are intended to
move with the map.

Is this doable?  Am I missing something obvious?

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