[Google Wave APIs] Re: Is Google Gadgets Editor faulty?

2009-11-15 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)
On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Sam Bender  wrote:
> When I save and actually click on file I get this error, "XML Parsing
> Error:
> not well-formed
> Location: 
> http://hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/112654190602855268960/like.xml
> Line Number 1, Column 13:
> ^"

Hey Sam, it's this goofy Gadget Editor bug -- when running under
Chrome, GGE clobbers the XML declaration by removing white space
before the first attribute. You can work around the bug by re-adding
the space or *gasp* using another browser.


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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Office Hours in 10 Minutes

2009-10-21 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Brian Kennish (Googler)
> Come chat at https://wave.google.com/a/wavesandbox.com/ by searching
> for [with:public "office hours"].

The wave is here if you're having trouble finding it:

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[Google Wave APIs] Office Hours in 10 Minutes

2009-10-21 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

Come chat at https://wave.google.com/a/wavesandbox.com/ by searching
for [with:public "office hours"].

The transcript will be posted here afterwards.

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Embed API

2009-10-16 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Sam Osborne
> I thought the embeddy code still had the sandbox code in it...

Hey Sam, I patched it when it was pointed out Embeddy only generated
valid code in the sandbox, so it should be outputting working code
everywhere now.

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Is there a way to Embed the new google waves preview using the embed API?

2009-10-15 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 3:18 PM, ndee  wrote:
> Hi, is embeddy currently disabled or broken? A user reported that
> adding embeddy did not work for him. I tried it myself in a new wave
> and no embedding code was showing up. ?

Hey, I just added it on wavesandbox and googlewave and it worked fine
(albeit was a little slow to appear on googlewave). Send me your
wavesandbox or googlewave (wherever you're having problems) username
and I'll start a wave with you to troubleshoot.

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[Google Wave APIs] Office Hours, Week of 2009-10-12

2009-10-12 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

Here's our schedule for this week:

  * Wednesday, 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. PDT


Wave API office hours give you a chance to chat about building
extensions with members of the Wave engineering team. They're held
weekly at https://wave.google.com/a/wavesandbox.com/ and transcripts
are posted afterwards at

The complete schedule is published at
http://code.google.com/events/calendar/. You can add this calendar to
your own by clicking the relevant export badge at the bottom of the

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: How much data can I submit through submitDelta()?

2009-10-07 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 12:12 PM, GH  wrote:
> I want to send a lot of data to a robot via a gadget through the
> javascript api using the submitDelta() method (so through the gadget
> state).  What is the most data I can send through?  Can I send more
> data if I split it up into multiple key-value pairs?

Hey Greg, what I said during office hours was about right -- blip
contributors plus XML plus annotations can currently total 100K.
Gadget state doesn't have an independent limit, which makes it pretty
hard to predict whether your state pushes are going to succeed.

The total limit is something of an open question, though. If you have
a use case that suggests the limit is too low, submit a feature
request and help convince us.

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[Google Wave APIs] If You Have a Client (I.e., Non-API) Issue ...

2009-10-07 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

Deprecating/unpinning this thread because the forum URL doesn't work
for users with non-English language settings (should be
http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/wave?hl=en). Will repost after
it falls off the first page.

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Wave Office Hour starting now, 2009-10-07

2009-10-07 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Claudemir  Todo Bom
> it tells me I am not a participant on the wave...

Sorry! Try again now.

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Tried to add my robot to my contacts....and got Tweety instead O_o

2009-10-06 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 2:02 PM, ndee  wrote:
> had the same problem with embeddy. Seems that there is some caching or
> proxy issue. Se Brian's answer here:
> http://groups.google.com/group/google-wave-api/browse_thread/thread/562e25a259100618/a1ac889a532762a8?hl=en&lnk=gst&q=embeddy#a1ac889a532762a8

Yep, we have a bug filed on it and are investigating.

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[Google Wave APIs] If You Have a Client (I.e., Non-API) Issue ...

2009-10-05 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

And, if you have a client feature request or idea rather than a bug
report or problem, submit it at

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[Google Wave APIs] Office Hours, Week of 2009-10-05

2009-10-05 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

Here's our schedule for this week:

  * Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. PDT


Wave API office hours give you a chance to chat about building
extensions with members of the Wave engineering team. They're held
weekly at https://wave.google.com/a/wavesandbox.com/ and transcripts
are posted afterwards at

The complete schedule is published at
http://code.google.com/events/calendar/. You can add this calendar to
your own by clicking the relevant export badge at the bottom of the

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Serious problem with Wave Preview

2009-10-05 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Torben Weis  wrote:
> I am always redirected to http://www.google.com/support/forum/ when I follow
> one of your links.
> I assume this is because my default language is german and the forum is in
> english, right?
> How can I bypass this problem?

Hey Torben, try these links (with "hl=en" key-value appended):


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[Google Wave APIs] If You Have a Client (I.e., Non-API) Issue ...

2009-10-05 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

As of September 30th, we have a new and improved way for you to get
help! Go to http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/wave.

That forum is for general support.

This forum is for developer support.

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Serious problem with Wave Preview

2009-10-05 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

Hey guys, the ubiquitous "shiny" message seems to be a problem for a
subset of preview users.

You probably noticed we didn't have a dedicated place to report client
(i.e., non-API) issues when the developer preview came out (instead,
we pretended to know what we were talking about here :-P). Well, we do
now!: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/wave.

In particular, the shiny problem is being discussed at
Please add your cases to that thread.

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: What exactly are the rules for having state reflected back in the wave client

2009-10-05 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 10:42 AM, Dagfinn Parnas  wrote:
> Any news on when this will be added to the Java API?

Hey Dagfinn, it'll be in the next cut of the Java library. You can
subscribe to various project updates here ("Downloads" is what you're
waiting on): http://code.google.com/p/wave-robot-java-client/feeds.

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: rosy

2009-10-05 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 5:19 AM, Dordrak  wrote:
> She was disabled dont know when they will bring her back.

Real Soon Now (TM). We know everybody loves this robot, but the
translation back-end isn't quite ready to scale with Wave. That team
is working on getting it there.

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Is there a way to Embed the new google waves preview using the embed API?

2009-10-02 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 2:22 PM, ndee  wrote:
> there is something screwed up with embeddy. I added embeddy in my
> preview but it shows up as tweety BUT it is embeddy and generates the
> iframe code :)

Wacky. :-P Rusty (the robot proxy) might have some bad data cached or
maybe the general profile problems people have been seeing are
affecting robots too because Tweety's profile info isn't anywhere in
Embeddy's code.

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 12:17 AM, Graham Anderson
> Not getting much output from Embeddy, tried adding as a bot
> (embe...@appspot.com is correct?).

Seems alright now (besides the profile stuff) -- Rusty could've been
down when you added it before. I got a chance to do some more testing
today and I believe it's producing good embed code from googlewave,
wavesandbox, and other Wave domains.

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: 6 Invites

2009-10-01 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

Closing this thread since 25 > 6.

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Is there a way to Embed the new google waves preview using the embed API?

2009-10-01 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Graham Anderson
> until the embeddy sample gadget getś updated, you can find out the current ID
> of your wave and see some sample code (Embeddy clone) to embed it in a
> blog/page. Add the robot blog-...@appspot.com to your wave.

Neat! I patched Embeddy using your googlewave.com embed code. The root
URL is written dynamically now, so it *should* work everywhere. I
didn't have much time for testing, though. If you can give it a spin,
that would rock.

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Antonio Zamora  wrote:
> GREAT!!It Works!!!

Good to hear. Nice job guys!

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 3:24 PM, Jlcarroll  wrote:
> Following these instructions, and the robot provided I generated the
> following test code:

Your code looks fine and successfully loads a wave for me when I plug
one I have access to in. What browser (specific version, please) are
you using?

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Is there a way to Embed the new google waves preview using the embed API?

2009-10-01 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 11:18 PM, Antonio  wrote:
> I'm trying the embed a wave from the preview account ... instead of my
> old sandbox account...
> is this possible?

Hey Antonio, good question. :-)

> is there a way to establish the new id in the current javascript embed
> file??  (http://wave-api.appspot.com/public/embed.js)
> it would be like this? : googlewave.com!w%252dfTDFgPCXyF

Try adding embe...@appspot.com to the wave (it'll also generate embed
code for you, but that code shouldn't work because Embeddy only knows
about wavesandbox).

Tell us how it goes after you get the ID.

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[Google Wave APIs] Office Hours, Week of 2009-09-28

2009-09-29 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

Hope everybody is excited about the Wave preview launching tomorrow!
Here's our office-hours schedule for this week:

  * Wednesday, 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. PDT


Wave API office hours give you a chance to chat about building
extensions with members of the Wave engineering team. They're held
weekly at https://wave.google.com/a/wavesandbox.com/ and transcripts
are posted afterwards at

The complete schedule is published at
http://code.google.com/events/calendar/. You can add this calendar to
your own by clicking the relevant export badge at the bottom of the

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: No Office Hours This Week, but New Extension Docs!

2009-09-22 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 8:45 AM, teo  wrote:
> are robots ready for the consumer preview as they are now?

Hey Teo, we won't be rolling big new features out in the next week,
but we will be doing bug fixes.

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[Google Wave APIs] No Office Hours This Week, but New Extension Docs!

2009-09-22 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

The Wave engineering team is hard at work getting things ready for the
consumer preview that starts September 30th. One of the things we've
been working on is documenting how to build "Wave-y" extensions and
make them easy to use, as discussed on our blog:

So we have some homework for you (the fun kind, of course) instead of
office hours this week -- read the new docs and update your extensions
accordingly! We expect to be back for office hours next week.

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: What exactly are the rules for having state reflected back in the wave client

2009-09-21 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 3:29 PM, Bill Higgins  wrote:
> Hi, sorry to be a broken record, but any idea when this update might
> go out?

Douwe posted when the API changes were released:
And the Python library is capable of multiple state updates now. But
the Java library still isn't. At this point, I don't think we'll have
a new Java version till after the 30th.

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Forgot password

2009-09-21 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Prathapnirmal  wrote:
> Send a email to this address: googlewaveinvi...@googlegroups.com and have
> enough patience. I sent a request a couple days back and still haven't got
> any response. So I am not sure about how long you have to wait, may be
> weeks?

Yes, please email that address. We're going to try to get to everyone
who's waiting for help within the next couple weeks.

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: What exactly are the rules for having state reflected back in the wave client

2009-09-14 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 11:04 AM, Bill Higgins  wrote:
> Hi Brian, any update on the fix for Robots being able to set state
> whenever they want? I'm still seeing the problem behavior.

Hasn't gone out yet. The upgrade Greg posted about earlier
is a prerequisite, so it ought to follow soon after. I'll try to note
on this thread when the new robot-gadget stuff is actually live.

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[Google Wave APIs] Office Hours, Week of 2009-09-14

2009-09-14 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

Here's our schedule for this week:

  * Wednesday, 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. PDT


Wave API office hours give you a chance to chat about building
extensions with members of the Wave engineering team. They're held
weekly at https://wave.google.com/a/wavesandbox.com/ and transcripts
are posted afterwards at

The complete schedule is published at
http://code.google.com/events/calendar/. You can add this calendar to
your own by clicking the relevant export badge at the bottom of the

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Java Robot Tutorial not responding to Wave

2009-09-10 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:20 PM, kyleRoche  wrote:
> I add the robot to a wave and nothing responds. Are there steps
> missing?

Hey Kyle, you should try again -- the robot proxy was down, but is
back up now (see

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Robots are gone again

2009-09-10 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 11:54 AM, Pierre  wrote:
> Since a few hours, it seems that robots don't respond at all.

Confirmed Pierre. We're working on it.

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: What exactly are the rules for having state reflected back in the wave client

2009-09-09 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 4:13 AM, Bill Higgins  wrote:
> Could you clarify what you mean by "robots can only update a gadget's
> state one time"? Do you mean once per processEvents(RobotMessageBundle
> bundle) invocation?

Once ever -- and just when a gadget is added. I confirmed the fix
hasn't been pushed yet, but it should be this week. So, if you're in
the process of implementing, I'd recommend waiting over opting for

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[Google Wave APIs] Office Hours Transcript, 2009-09-09

2009-09-09 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

10:46 am
Austin Chau:
Office Hours, 2009-09-09 [Now Open]

Welcome to API office hours! Our door is open ...

Please toppost your question or comment about the robot, gadget, or
embed API to make sure we see it. You can do so by replying to this

A transcript of this wave will be made publicly available. If you
don't want to appear in the transcript, delete your blip after getting
a response. Be careful not to remove neighboring blips.


12:02 pm
Joachim Larsen:
Have you had to ban any users from wave thus far? and if so what would
a ballpark figure be?  Will you have any 'official' channels thru
which to accept spam/abuse reports?

12:04 pm
Brian Kennish:
I don't think we've banned anyone. And, yes, there will be better ways
to report bugs and spam.

12:03 pm
Alexandro Jimenez:
Is there a way to delete the private blips inside a wave? I know that
before there was a way to even delete the trunk blip, and this bug
allowed to delete the private blips, but that bug was fixed, and the
only other way to delete them now is to make a selection blip, and add
the private blip on it, to just delete the main blip holding the
selected blips. But in some cases the private blips come back in the
wave at the end.

12:06 pm
Brian Kennish:
You mean using the client?

12:08 pm
Alexandro Jimenez:
No, I just mean like blipping someone inside a wave, or just simply
adding a Private Reply

12:07 pm
Brian Kennish:
But you're referring to doing this in the client not the API, right?

12:08 pm
Alexandro Jimenez:
Oh sorry yes.

12:09 pm
Brian Kennish:
Got it. So I wasn't aware of this, but it sounds like a bug. Do you
know if it's been filed already? If not, can you submit it.

12:10 pm
Alexandro Jimenez:
I'm not even sure where to file the bugs.

12:11 pm
Brian Kennish:
Here: http://code.google.com/p/google-wave-resources/issues/list.

12:12 pm
Alexandro Jimenez:
Oh ok, I just did a quick search for "Private Blip" and did not find
it, so I will file the bug now. Could I use the Create Bug button in
wave to do so too?

11:58 am
Joachim Larsen:
When / If Google opensources more of wave, which license do you
envision it will be under, and would embracing AGPL go some ways
towards alleviating whatever constraints you are under at this point?

11:59 am
Brian Kennish:
It should be under the same Apache license (2.0).

11:55 am
Joachim Larsen:
Hi, Thank you for the invite, thank you for bringing us wave :) I have
seen some pretty cool gadgets and robots spring up here and there.
unfortunately I can see the spellcheck got lost along the way ;)
What happened with Bryce's blog?
What do you guys(and gals)  see as potential showstoppers going
forward? It seems to me that without the efficient transforms then
playback and related functionality becomes a bit problematic. Can you
confirm or dispel anything regarding patent wrangling?

Have you seen the rather entertaining and poignant video on google
sessions entitled 'Poisonous People'? (And no I am not trying to be
one) I am simply wondering about the timing issues they raised
regarding when to open up to opensource and to 'not program in a cave'

12:01 pm
Brian Kennish:
Don't think I've seen it, but those guys are on my team, so I've heard
them speak a few times. Will watch it later!

12:13 pm
Joachim Larsen:
Thanks, please do give them my regards. 'Genius Myth' was another fine
presentation, I hope they find time to do some more. I must admit I am
deeply intrigued by what the reasons behind this almost cloak and
dagger approach to unveiling wave could be.

12:16 pm
Brian Kennish:
There are no cloaks or daggers involved (there are boomerangs, though
-- the Aussies seem to be into those). The client and server code to
be released are deeply tied to proprietary Google infrastructure. We
have to abstract out the Google parts before the code can be useful to
anyone else and there's lots of code to do that for.

12:17 pm
Joachim Larsen:
I understand as much, but what I don't understand is why those parts
aren't simply patented? This perhaps shows my naivete when it comes to
these matters, are patents not generally considered valuable?

12:17 pm
Brian Kennish:
Patents take a while. I'm not sure how you could tell at this point
what is or isn't being patented.

12:19 pm
Joachim Larsen:
Nod. Then I am confused. Why didn't you simply wait until the
patents(if any) were settled?

12:18 pm
Brian Kennish:
So like roughly 2016?

12:21 pm
Cameron Neylon:
Without wishing to put words into the Googlers mouths I'd imagine it
would just take too long and they want people out there building
stuff. Pulling out any of the proprietary bits means that the
open-source community can go mad confidently and drive wider adoption.

Besides software patents aren't worth the paper their written on - by
the time they're internationally recognised the technology has moved
on anyway.

12:21 pm
Joachim Larsen:
Well, yeah they can, expect that they will know that they are
potentially implementing patente

[Google Wave APIs] Re: What exactly are the rules for having state reflected back in the wave client

2009-09-09 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:36 PM, Bill Higgins  wrote:
> Hi, I'm creating both a robot and a gadget, and the two communicate by
> the gadget's state object. However, I'm having a bit of trouble
> because it seems like sometimes the robot sets gadget state on the
> server-side but this isn't reflected in the client side.

Hey Bill, as of last week, robots were limited to updating a gadget's
state one time (the workaround being to delete the gadget and reinsert
it). We had a pending change that undoes the limitation, but I'm not
sure it got rolled out this week.

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[Google Wave APIs] Office Hours, Week of 2009-09-07

2009-09-08 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

Here's our schedule for this week:

  * Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. PDT


Wave API office hours give you a chance to chat about building
extensions with members of the Wave engineering team. They're held
weekly at https://wave.google.com/a/wavesandbox.com/ and transcripts
are posted afterwards at

The complete schedule is published at
http://code.google.com/events/calendar/. You can add this calendar to
your own by clicking the relevant export badge at the bottom of the

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Google wave and single sign on oauth

2009-09-03 Thread Brian Kennish (Googler)

On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 8:19 PM, Brian May
> My understanding (if I am correct) is: Will be implemented 30th of September.

As in tying your Wave account to your Google Account? If so, right --
planned for September 30th.

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