This problem exists. And I reported it several times over several
weeks. But its still not fixed.
At early October's Office Hours Marcel Prasetya says: "This is a bug
due to String.split() behavior in Java. I have a pending fix for

I met such a recommendation to workaround this problem - use
text.append( " \n "). With spaces before and after \n.

On Oct 10, 10:21 am, Smola <> wrote:
> Is it possible to get a list of all the XHTML entities that are
> supported?  They are not listed in the documentation.  The reason I'm
> asking is because I tried the most basic element (text.appendMarkup
> ("<p>Some Text</p>")) and it is supposed to append a block-level
> element.  This should circumvent any newline problems.  However, it
> doesn't display that way.  It currently just appends the text right up
> against the last character in a blip (sans tags).  Anyone else having
> this problem or have a way to correct it?
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