Re: IE6 Bug: GWT 1.5 + €-symbol + RPC

2008-09-02 Thread alex.d

 Is this on Windows only
Obviously - it's IE6!

 I have to dig a little deeper but I seem to remember that earlier
 Windows browsers ( IE 6 ) had trouble with the Euro Symbol, and
 somewhat interestingly place it as char(128), just over the ASCII 127
 limit, so it could be either IE6 choking on it, or the server screwing
 up thinking it is out of range in the charset, and odd end-marker,
 or something similar...

Interesting.. Thank you for the information. As far as i can say - the
string is truncated before it is send. I think i will have to parse/
replace it on both sides.
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Re: gwt 1.5.2 and ff3

2008-09-02 Thread Ed

I have a few gwt application which are quite large and they work just
fine in FF 3. I just had to tune my styles a bit, that was it...
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Where can I use the TableRowElement?Which table has a method call:getRowElement,or something like that?

2008-09-02 Thread Alex Luya

Sometime,my operation is based on row,for an example, when I click a
row which represent a record of database and want to open a window to
show details of this record.So where can I use it?
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Re: Best practice: Larger application design

2008-09-02 Thread Ian Bambury
I'm not sure you have got the hang of GWT if you think you need a different
module for each sub-page.

You definitely haven't if you think you need templates. There will be one
HTML page with all but nothing in it, so where is the need for a template?

If you want a template for 'a left menu and a main pane' put a vertical
panel and a simple panel in a horizontal panel. and save these three lines
of code somewhere.

Unless your site has large chunks of disparate functionality (e.g. a
fully-functioned email client, a comprehensive word-processor, and an
on-line shop with thousands of products in many different categories) then
you don't need more than one module, and under those circumstances, you
would probably have separate applications.

Forget separate modules: you either a) don't need them because an
application your size doesn't warrant it, or b) you are attempting something
really stupidly large for someone starting out with GWT (like replicating
the BBC web site).

Start off with something simple, like replicating Gmail's functionality.
That would be one application, one module and one entrypoint.

Send me a spec for this mystery site of yours, and I'll send you a simple
basic design.


2008/9/1 jbdhl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Thanks for all the replies!

 Can you agree that the following would be a good (very general) design
 for a somewhat large application with a menu and sub-pages?

 1) Each sub page is implemented in its own separate module
 2) A general module implements the general application (the menu and
 right-pane containing the pages)
 3) The server-side code for each page is grouped somehow, according to
 the functionality in the individual pages (however, several pages may
 perform the same RPC calls, hmm)

 As you can see, it is still not clear to me. how such a larger
 application should be structured. I really miss a GWT-template for
 this (very common) kind of application with
  * a left menu
  * a main pane
  * different pages such as contact form, product catalog,
 shopping basket, help, etc,
 and with a proper structuring/partitioning of both client- and
 server side code.



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Re: gwt 1.5.2 and ff3

2008-09-02 Thread David Easley

 Don't expect folks here to do some magic for you ...
 That may suck but nobody will do it for you.

Give the guy a break, we was just asking for ideas.

On Sep 1, 2:33 pm, alex.d [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Don't expect folks here to do some magic for you. Install firebug for
 FF, debug your code, find out what module/class/function/line is the
 problem. That may suck but nobody will do it for you.

 On 1 Sep., 14:36, Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 1 sep, 13:38, Viktor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   i have an problem with firefox 3. My applikation works fine in firefox
   2 but when i use firefox3 i don't see anything of my gwt components
   but only the background color. Is this an bug in gwt?

  Probably not, as I (and many others) have not experienced any problem
  with FF3.

   Any ideas how can i solve this problem?

  Without some code? no.
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Google Chrome

2008-09-02 Thread matias_warrior

Is there going to be any special support from Google Chrome to GWT?
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Tabpanel Mouse Over

2008-09-02 Thread Nitin

Hello GWT Expert,

I need Mouse Over and Mouse Out  property of TabPanel . I have used
this code . But It is not implementing mouse over property.


public class TabPanel extends

public TabPanel() {


public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {

switch (DOM.eventGetType(event)) {
case Event.ONMOUSEOVER: {

case Event.ONMOUSEOUT: {
default: {


Please suggest solution .
Could any one tell what is difference between TabPanel and TabBar .



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Re: Exceptions in GWT

2008-09-02 Thread Pierre Mage

Methods defined in the Async interface should not throw exceptions
(otherwise you have to surround them by a try catch bloc when using it
in your client code) and must have void return types :

public void getName(int id,AyncCallback);

instead of
public String getName(int id,AyncCallback) throws ClientException;

I did not encounter any problem while retrieving exception messages in
onFailure method.
How do you use your service ?

On Sep 2, 8:49 am, ping2ravi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My class definition is like..
 public Class ClientException extends Exception
   public ClientException()
   public ClientException(String message)//I am using this constructor
   public ClientException(Throwable ex)


 On Sep 1, 7:17 pm, Folke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What does your ClientException look like? Do you call the superclass'
  constructor? super(msg);?

  On Sep 1, 7:16 pm, ping2ravi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   No replies  :( :(

   On Aug 30, 10:16 am, ping2ravi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,
I am having a problem in getting exception messages from exception in
onFailure method.

My services are like

//Client Side
public String getName(int id) throws ClientException;

public String getName(int id,AyncCallback) throws ClientException;

//Server Side
public String getName(int id) throws ClientException
   //on some condition i am throwing ClientException
   throw new  ClientException(You can not do this operation);


Now onFailure method i just want to pop this error message in alert;

void onFailure(Throwable t)
  Window.alert(t.toString);// This line gives me which is my class.
  Window.alert(t.getMessage);// this line gives me null
  Window.alert(t.getLocalizedMessage);// this line gives me null


So is there any way to get the error message which  i put into
ClientException at server side.

Thanks in advance,
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GWT-Ext DateField Bug in end of March and April Months

2008-09-02 Thread Halabe

Hi All,

I am using the GWT-Ext dateField widget and I found a bug in the
months of March and April.
This bug is that when I choose a date, for example 15 April 2008, I am
getting 14 April 2008 in the field and when I repress the Calendar
button, no date is selected.

This is found in the end of March and April months of all years!

Am I using an old version of GWTEXT?
Does anyone know how to fix this??

Thank you.
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This application is out of date, please click the refresh button on your browser. ( Expecting version 4 from server, got 3. )

2008-09-02 Thread Tiago

All was working nice (I was using GWT 1.5.1). But when i changed to
GWT 1.5.2 this error started to appear in web mode (This application
is out of date, please click the refresh button on your browser).

I get warnings now when i compile... in my return type
I dont know if this could be the problem and neither why i met this
warning since i specified the corrrect type of my return value.

this is the warn: [WARN] Field 'private final
keys' will not be serialized because it is final

does anyone has a clue to what's going on ?

Thanks in advance


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Re: GWT-in-the-AIR M1 released

2008-09-02 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 1:37 PM, Joe Cole wrote:

 I've been looking forward to this for a while - I downloaded it and
 gave the wiki a quick spin, how do you actually get started?
 I couldn't see an example app or a simple place in glasspath, include
 this module in your gwt.xml, subclass X type description anywhere.
 Any hints on where to look?

The Showcase sample is a good start:
It's built with the assumption that it'll only be compiled for AIR, so
it inherits net.ltgt.gwt.air.AIRApplication; but you'd generally
inherit net.ltgt.gwt.air.core.AIR in your main module. When you'll
come to distributing your app, you'll create another module inheriting
your main module and net.ltgt.gwt.air.AIRApplication, to compile and
package your application in a single step (you'd have to set a few
java system properties, the compiler errors should hopefully guide you
to the perfect setup).

An AIR application needs an application descriptor XML file. With
the GWT-in-the-AIR linkers, either you put a file named
something-app.xml in your module's public/ folder; or you inherit
net.ltgt.gwt.air.core.client.AIRApplication and add the @Application
annotation to the derived class (generally your EntryPoint, as done in
the Showcase sample) and the application-descriptor will be generated
from the annotations at compile-time.

You'll find example use of the widgets in the Showcase sample;
everything else is a set of JSO overlays giving you access to the
Adobe AIR API in Java.

That being said, you have to know how to use GWT, and where to look
for the Adobe AIR API documentation.

I'll try to put all the above within a GettingStarted wiki page in the
next few days.

Thomas Broyer

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Re: This application is out of date, please click the refresh button on your browser. ( Expecting version 4 from server, got 3. )

2008-09-02 Thread Eric Ayers
It looks like you need to upgrade gwt-servlet.jar on your server side code
to match the one distributed with GWT 1.5.2.

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 9:27 AM, Tiago [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 All was working nice (I was using GWT 1.5.1). But when i changed to
 GWT 1.5.2 this error started to appear in web mode (This application
 is out of date, please click the refresh button on your browser).

 I get warnings now when i compile... in my return type
 I dont know if this could be the problem and neither why i met this
 warning since i specified the corrrect type of my return value.

 this is the warn: [WARN] Field 'private final
 keys' will not be serialized because it is final

 does anyone has a clue to what's going on ?

 Thanks in advance



Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA

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Re: Need to get images original dimensions before displaying.

2008-09-02 Thread Reinier Zwitserloot

You can't resize images in the browser. They'll look really -really-
bad (nearest point resizing in at least IE6).

Resize them on the server. When requesting them, send the size of the
current window along.

On Sep 2, 1:59 pm, darkflame [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What I'm trying to do;
 Display an image, which is either its original width, or 80% of the
 browsers width. Whichever is smallest.
 Height is scaled preportionaly so the correct ratio is maintained.

 Now, I know I cant get the image size untill its loaded, so I added an
 onLoad listener.

 But I then ran up against this 

 I cant rely on onLoad to work in IE.

 So whats the easiest way to achieve what I need?
 Cheers :)
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Re: This application is out of date, please click the refresh button on your browser. ( Expecting version 4 from server, got 3. )

2008-09-02 Thread Tiago

Thanks Eric

My mistake (big one).

I changed it in my ant but i accidentally reverted it before, so it
was pointing to my old version

thanks a lot



On 2 set, 10:40, Eric Ayers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It looks like you need to upgrade gwt-servlet.jar on your server side code
 to match the one distributed with GWT 1.5.2.

 On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 9:27 AM, Tiago [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  All was working nice (I was using GWT 1.5.1). But when i changed to
  GWT 1.5.2 this error started to appear in web mode (This application
  is out of date, please click the refresh button on your browser).

  I get warnings now when i compile... in my return type
  I dont know if this could be the problem and neither why i met this
  warning since i specified the corrrect type of my return value.

  this is the warn: [WARN] Field 'private final
  keys' will not be serialized because it is final

  does anyone has a clue to what's going on ?

  Thanks in advance


 Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA
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Re: Dock Panel - Showcase Example - Compile errors

2008-09-02 Thread MN

check your includes ...

On 2 Sep., 02:24, dan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In the Showcase of GWT Features - source code of the Dock Panel:

   public Widget onInitialize() {

 // Add text all around
 dock.add(new HTML(constants.cwDockPanelNorth1()),
 dock.add(new HTML(constants.cwDockPanelSouth1()),
 dock.add(new HTML(constants.cwDockPanelEast()), DockPanel.EAST);
 dock.add(new HTML(constants.cwDockPanelWest()), DockPanel.WEST);
 dock.add(new HTML(constants.cwDockPanelNorth2()),
 dock.add(new HTML(constants.cwDockPanelSouth2()),

 I found compile errors. The constructor HTML (String,
 DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant) is undefinded.

 This is correct?
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Re: Google Chrome

2008-09-02 Thread askar

Recently I have been feeling pessimistic about GWT future, although we
are using GWT in our product. It seems like development slowed down
significantly during 1.5 release cycle and I'm anxious whether Google
guys can finally stop working on GWT and completely transfer it to
open source community. Undoubtedly, the choice of technology for
development of enterprise applications depends on technology's
perspectives and it's a pity we don't know how Google envisages GWT
roadmap. From that point of view, Adobe AIR and Microsoft Silverlight
seem to be better options as a platform to use for next several years.
I think we can be sure that both technologies will be there for a long
time; can you say the same about GWT? Should you invest in writing
tons of code for the platform that will be abandoned soon?

Having said that, I do think that GWT is a great technology that we
get for free. It has a great advantage over AIR and Silverlight - it
does not need any additional plugins for the browser. I hope that GWT
will be integrated somehow with Google Chrome because that would mean
longer life for GWT as a platform.
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Re: Cannot UNZIP

2008-09-02 Thread MN

retry downloading the zip file.

On 2 Sep., 07:21, rene_Cobol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Downloaded GWT 1.5 but cannot unzip. Im using Windows XP (Winzip
 v8.0). I even used Winrar but to no avail, it seems that the
 downloaded ZIP file does not appear to be a valid archive.

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Re: Where can I use the TableRowElement?Which table has a method call:getRowElement,or something like that?

2008-09-02 Thread MN

i dont understand your question. So where can I use it?

better explain for us: what you still have and with which detail you
have a problem.
maybe post some example code so we can try out it or give you a
detailed suggestion depending on your example code.

On 2 Sep., 11:20, Alex Luya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sometime,my operation is based on row,for an example, when I click a
 row which represent a record of database and want to open a window to
 show details of this record.So where can I use it?
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Re: Need to get images original dimensions before displaying.

2008-09-02 Thread darkflame

Dosnt really help me.
I cant even show them at the correct size without knowing what size
they are originaly. (nor can I easily center them).
I only wish to have a maximum limit in place as well in the case the
supplied image is too large.

The fact IE has a horrible resize is just another point to add to its
many faults rather then relivent to my code at the moment.
I dont want to burden my limited server with having to send
individualy made images and size specs to absolutely each client using
the app. (if its possible at all, I dont want this app to need any
specific sever requirements, it will have php as an option for some
added security, but I am also making it happly work offline. So  no
sever-side requirements are part of my spec ).

On Sep 2, 3:50 pm, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can't resize images in the browser. They'll look really -really-
 bad (nearest point resizing in at least IE6).

 Resize them on the server. When requesting them, send the size of the
 current window along.

 On Sep 2, 1:59 pm, darkflame [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What I'm trying to do;
  Display an image, which is either its original width, or 80% of the
  browsers width. Whichever is smallest.
  Height is scaled preportionaly so the correct ratio is maintained.

  Now, I know I cant get the image size untill its loaded, so I added an
  onLoad listener.

  But I then ran up against this 

  I cant rely on onLoad to work in IE.

  So whats the easiest way to achieve what I need?
  Cheers :)
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Re: Where can I use the TableRowElement?Which table has a method call:getRowElement,or something like that?

2008-09-02 Thread MN

i think you look for this:

On 2 Sep., 15:59, MN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i dont understand your question. So where can I use it?

 better explain for us: what you still have and with which detail you
 have a problem.
 maybe post some example code so we can try out it or give you a
 detailed suggestion depending on your example code.

 On 2 Sep., 11:20, Alex Luya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Sometime,my operation is based on row,for an example, when I click a
  row which represent a record of database and want to open a window to
  show details of this record.So where can I use it?
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Re: Gwt Php Framework

2008-09-02 Thread MN

i think your framework could be in seperate 2 frameworks, because
there are have diffenet goals:

one for the GUI Widgets
one for the php server part

On 2 Sep., 12:38, Andrej [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Alex,

  1. What are your reasons for coding server side in PHP? Didn't you use
  GWT's RPC methods? (I'm not very familiar with PHP, but as far as I
  know, u need servlets to comunicate through RPC).

 We are using PHP because nearly all hosting companies supports PHP.
 Anyway our client and server side exchange JSON encoded data, so it is

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Re: Instructions for building a widget from scratch (or nearly)

2008-09-02 Thread MN

first big instruction: RTFM


go here and click on: Read the Docs:

this short example can also useful for you

On 2 Sep., 15:54, Pierre Mage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is no need for such a tutorial since GWT source is available.
 You just have to study existing widget's code.

 Concerning the event mechanism, the following example shows how to
 deal with click events :

 public class MyWidget extends Widget implements SourecesClickEvents {

   private ClickListenerCollection clickListeners;

   public void addClickListener(ClickListener listener) {
 if (clickListeners == null) {
   clickListeners = new ClickListenerCollection();

   public void removeClickListener(ClickListener listener) {
 if (clickListeners != null) {



 On Sep 2, 6:58 am, Clundahl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  In the tutorial there is adviced that one should make new widgets
  primarely by composing those of the ones  that is allready provided in
  the kit. I cant find any good advice on how to make one with only the
  html element wrapper, more from scratch. Does anybody know of a
  tutorial article about this? Especially I am interested in how to
  correctly connect the event listening mechanisms to the rest of my gwt


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Re: Gwt Php Framework

2008-09-02 Thread Alejandro D. Garin
Hi Andrej

How do you serialize Java objects to and from JSON ?
GWTApps in the Database Editor example uses a very nice technique to do that
but It works with gwt 1.4.


On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 7:38 AM, Andrej [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Alex,

  1. What are your reasons for coding server side in PHP? Didn't you use
  GWT's RPC methods? (I'm not very familiar with PHP, but as far as I
  know, u need servlets to comunicate through RPC).
 We are using PHP because nearly all hosting companies supports PHP.
 Anyway our client and server side exchange JSON encoded data, so it is


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Re: For GWT developers : Using final and private across code , makes extending classes hard or mostly impossible, makes classes less readable and makes life with java harder overal

2008-09-02 Thread danael

I came across a sample of private member without observer which I
cannot understand.
I have a class which extends PopupPanel, I want to know if the panel
has its autohide set to true or false. Well, autohide is a private
member of PopupPanel and the class does not have an isAutohide()
method to check its state. So, what do I do now? Do I go ahead and
duplicate the autohide in my class? Can somebody tell me why is
autohide private instead of protected or why isAutoHide() method does
not exist?
Same for modal and showing.
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Re: For GWT developers : Using final and private across code , makes extending classes hard or mostly impossible, makes classes less readable and makes life with java harder overal

2008-09-02 Thread danael

Yes, thanks for your answer, I could of course patch the GWT jar but I
would prefer to just use the API as is. I am not saying that it is not
doable, just saying that with a little bit of cooperation from GWT
team, the developers would not have to patch classes just to avoid too
restricted visibility.

On Aug 26, 11:54 am, Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 26, 7:11 pm, danael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  ... just simply take the original class
  file form svn and remake it to your needs ?
  If I wanted to maintain my own API, I would not be using somebody
  else's, would I? I want to use standard GWT components and, at the
  same time, I want to be able to subclass them to add some extra
  functionality when I need it. As mentioned, previously, branching our
  own code for a component is not the way to go, it is the best way to
  run into cross browser bugs and maintenance issues along the way.

 How about just maintaining a patch to GWT? Whenever you want to update
 GWT, apply your patch to the new JAR (or compile/package from source)
 and see if your subclasses still compile and run as expected.
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Invalid version number null when using the hosted mode

2008-09-02 Thread Noé


I've got a problem to update the version 1.4 to version 1.5 using

I followed the upgrade guide. It's works fine when I'm using the GWT
compiler. But when I use the hosted mode, the log in the GWT Dev Shell

[ERROR] Invalid version number null passed to external.gwtOnLoad(),
expected 1.5; your hosted mode bootstrap file may be out of date; if
you are using -noserver try recompiling and redeploying your app

... and I have try recompiling and redeploying ...

Has someone a solution for this problem?


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Re: Dialog Box wouldn't open in deployment mode

2008-09-02 Thread kojo

I have avoided javascript entirely until now . I guess i have no
option so am installing firebug and i'll see if the dialog showed up
at all. Thanks.

On Aug 28, 10:31 pm, Dobes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Did you see whether the dialog showed up in the DOM, by using
 Firebug's DOM inspector?  Maybe it's not positioned where you expect
 it to be.

 On Aug 28, 8:12 am,kojo[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have been developing an application using GWT for a while. A dialog
  box that belongs to a particular use case will work in hosted mode but
  refuse to open in deployment mode entirely. However other dialog boxes
  work fine. I am hoping someone can give me a clue as to what the
  problem is or how i can find the cause of this problem.

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Re: GWT 1.5 Now Available

2008-09-02 Thread lups

Thanks, somebody has published gwt 1.5.2 on maven repo...

On 1 sep, 11:37, lups [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Who is able to publish this wonderful version on the Maven 2
 repository ( ?
 I can find four old 1.5 versions of GWT, but nor the final 1.5.2
 Many thanks

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Re: ERROR: The serialization policy file... ...was not found; did you forget to include it in this deployment?

2008-09-02 Thread thitoh

thanks, Dean S. Jones!
I was implementing Serializable, but the right is IsSerializable.


On 1 set, 21:38, Dean S. Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One of the classes you use in the RPC signature  is not included in
 the Server Side CLASSPATH. you may have put in it the ...client.*
 sub-packages only, or you are missing the jar in the classpath, or
 possibly it's not marked as Serializable ( tho I think that generated
 a different error ). Check your types in the RPC calls. What happens
 is the server side serialization can't find the class, and kind of
 punts on this, falling back to 1.3 serialization.

 I just had to run this down friday. The offending class may be higher
 up in the log... or not. This feature could use a better error
 message, for sure.
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Re: ERROR: The serialization policy file... ...was not found; did you forget to include it in this deployment?

2008-09-02 Thread thitoh

thanks, Dean S. Jones!
I was implementing Serializable, but the right is IsSerializable.


On 1 set, 21:38, Dean S. Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One of the classes you use in the RPC signature  is not included in
 the Server Side CLASSPATH. you may have put in it the ...client.*
 sub-packages only, or you are missing the jar in the classpath, or
 possibly it's not marked as Serializable ( tho I think that generated
 a different error ). Check your types in the RPC calls. What happens
 is the server side serialization can't find the class, and kind of
 punts on this, falling back to 1.3 serialization.

 I just had to run this down friday. The offending class may be higher
 up in the log... or not. This feature could use a better error
 message, for sure.
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Re: ERROR: The serialization policy file... ...was not found; did you forget to include it in this deployment?

2008-09-02 Thread thitoh

thanks, Dean S. Jones!
I was implementing Serializable, but the right is IsSerializable.


On 1 set, 21:38, Dean S. Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One of the classes you use in the RPC signature  is not included in
 the Server Side CLASSPATH. you may have put in it the ...client.*
 sub-packages only, or you are missing the jar in the classpath, or
 possibly it's not marked as Serializable ( tho I think that generated
 a different error ). Check your types in the RPC calls. What happens
 is the server side serialization can't find the class, and kind of
 punts on this, falling back to 1.3 serialization.

 I just had to run this down friday. The offending class may be higher
 up in the log... or not. This feature could use a better error
 message, for sure.
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Re: Gwt Php Framework

2008-09-02 Thread Andrej
Hi Алексей,
I'm sorry I don't speak Russian; this group language is English.


On Sep 2, 10:21 am, Junnyjourney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Андрей, привет.
 у тебя есть онлайн контакты? Простоинтересно было бы пообщатся по
 поводу вашей разработки.

 On 28 авг, 22:05, Andrej [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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Re: Change default locale for JUnit test (GWTTestCase)

2008-09-02 Thread Konrad

 set-property name=locale value=pl_PL / ?
I will try this this evening, looks that it might work :)

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Re: FileUpload server-side example

2008-09-02 Thread Ron Lawrence

I am using gwt 1.4.62, and the approach of overriding 'service' is
working great for my RPC servlet. I am uploading csv files without any
issue.  From the stack trace, it looks like you are handling the
upload from the doPost method rather than from service. Maybe that
is the difference.

On Aug 31, 9:53 pm, Madz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I try your code and it give me this errors when I hit the upload

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Re: date picker

2008-09-02 Thread Samuel Santos

I need to handle some events fired by the TextBox like the onChange.

Unfortunately the DateBox only has a keyDownHandler.

Is there a way to handle other events? Why not have the handlers for
the TextBox events?


On Aug 24, 10:06 am, ljw1001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 23, 2008, at 8:29 PM, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  what I did was pull gwt and build, then pull incubator and point the
  incubator project to my newly built gwt (1.5+ trunk build).  There are
  a couple of unchecked exceptions in the current (1.4) incubator that
  don't work well with projects compiled with 1.5 gwt.  At least,
  IntelliJ complained, so I went about finding out why.  I fixed the
  issues in DatePicker (let me know if you need info on this).

 I would appreciate it. Thanks

  Then in
  my project (finally) I pointed it to my built 1.5 gwt and incubator,
  and use the DatePicker with no probs.
  On Aug 23, 2:39 pm, Samuel Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  GWT 1.5 already is RC2 :)

  On Aug 23, 7:33 pm, Jason Essington [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  right, that jar was built as the last version of incubator that
  work with GWT 1.4.

  You'll have to build an incubator jar from SVN trunk to get a jar
  that'll work with 1.5.

  Maybe once GWT 1.5 goes RC Google will release a new Incubator 1.5


  On Aug 23, 2008, at 12:13 PM, Samuel Santos wrote:

  GWT incubator's date picker could be a good choice, but I can't
  gwt-incubator 1.4 final work with GWT 1.5 RC1 or RC2.


  On Aug 23, 2:51 am, Tim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  how about GWT (Ext-GWT)
  Also no go?.
  If not, then I'd say GWT incubator's date picker is your best

  On Aug 22, 8:36 pm, Samuel Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Yes I like the Ext calendar, but I don't want to use GWT-Ext nor

  On Aug 22, 9:09 am, KaBooFa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Have you tried the gwt-ext DatePicker it seams to answer your

  Check this out:


  On Aug 21, 7:43 pm, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Extend DatePicker and supply your own MonthSelector.You can use
  whatever Widgets you want to control the month and year.

  On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Samuel Santos

  The problem with those date pickers is that they don't have a
  combo to
  choose the year, very useful when choosing someone birthday.

  On Aug 21, 11:57 am, eggsy84 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have not looked at the Data Picker itself but is it similar
  to the
  one found here:

  Online demo at:


  On Aug 20, 9:30 pm, Jason Essington

  I think that they are using the incubator date picker with

  Have a look at the date picker in incubator and see if it
  doesn't do
  what you need.

  On Aug 20, 2008, at 12:44 PM, luisafonsoribeiro wrote:


  I really like the date picker available on google health.
  health using gwt? If so, any chance of turning it available
  as a

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Re: CRUD functions with GWT

2008-09-02 Thread Abel B

Thanks for the help guys. I just want to say that I am quite new to
this and I am basically using the concepts I have learned from
personal reading and all. I am still at the point where most of the
time before I can be able to understand how to write and implement
code, I have to have a look at atleast one fully functional example in
order to understand a concept. That is why in the beginning I made a
request as to anyone who knows where I can get a simple but functional
example that explains in some detail how to build an application and
deploy it on a server together with and run it against a database
especially mysql. I dont mind it even if it is a book that I have to

On Sep 1, 10:53 am, Abel B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here is some of the code that I had written for the application based
 on a mysql test database with one table that has three fields (id,
 firstname, lastname). The name of the project is library application.

 for the server side, this is the code that I wrote for

  * Created on 30 August 2008, 15:51
  * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
  * and open the template in the editor.

 package org.silica.library.test.server;

 import java.sql.Connection;
 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 import java.sql.SQLException;
 import javax.naming.InitialContext;
 import javax.naming.NamingException;
 import javax.sql.DataSource;
 import org.silica.library.test.client.Library;
 import org.silica.library.test.client.LibraryService;
  * @author Administrator

 public class LibraryServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet
 implements LibraryService {
         private static final String QUERY = select * from authors
 where id=2;

         public Library getAuthor() {
         DataSource ds = getDataSource();
         Library author = null;
         try {
                 Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
                 PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(QUERY);
                 ResultSet results = ps.executeQuery();
                 while ( {
                         author = new Library();

                 return author;
                 } catch (SQLException e){
                 throw new InvocationException(Exeption querying database,e);

         private static DataSource getDataSource(){
                 InitialContext ctx;
                 try {
                         ctx = new InitialContext();
                 } catch (NamingException e) {
                         throw new InvocationException(Exception getting 


 The following is my client side code

 package org.silica.library.test.client;


 public class Library implements IsSerializable {
         private int id;
         private String fname;
         private String lname;

         public void setId(int id) {
        = id;

         public int getId() {
                 return id;

         public void setFname(String fname) {
                 this.fname = fname;

         public String getFname() {
                 return lname;

         public void setLname(String lname) {
                 this.lname = lname;

         public String getLname() {
                 return lname;



  * Created on 30 August 2008, 15:51
  * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
  * and open the template in the editor.

 package org.silica.library.test.client;


 public interface LibraryService extends RemoteService{
     public Library getAuthor();



 package org.silica.library.test.client;


 public interface LibraryServiceAsync {
     public void getAuthor(AsyncCallback callback);


 Based on this code how can I be able to display the id, firstname and
 lastname fields of the db simply to atleast show that I can get stuff
 from a db and render it?

 On Sep 1, 2:18 am, Jim Freeze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 3:43 AM, Abel B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi, I am new to both the java language and gwt. I have been reading on

Re: GWT and Eclipse problems

2008-09-02 Thread jchimene

On Sep 2, 9:51 am, ALF [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am I the only one having problems with running GWT in Eclipse?

Yes :)

-- Sorry, I couldn't resist.

  I have
 gone through the step-by-step walk-through (projectCreator,
 applicationCreator, and Eclipse import) for the StockWatcher sample
 but it simply will not run within Eclipse.

Did the step of running the StockWatcher-shell work? Pls. remove
existing StockWatcher files, both in the filesystem and in Eclipse,
recreate the filesystem files via projectCreator and
applicationCreator, then run the StockWatcher-shell. No import yet.
Get a feel for the two project-specific shell scripts, ensure hosted
mode works w/ your setup, tweak the Java source outside an IDE for a
few steps of the tutorial, then import into Eclipse when you have a
feel for what GWT's doing.

 C:\dev\workspace\StockWatcherprojectCreator -eclipse StockWatcher -
 out StockWatcher
 C:\dev\workspace\StockWatcherapplicationCreator -eclipse StockWatcher
 -out StockWatcher

These look fine.

 When I run StockWatcher I get classpath problems (it can't find the
 gwt.xml file).  I noticed that the package names begin with 'src'
 rather than 'com'.  I refactored the package names and the classpath
 problem to the gwt.xml file went away but a new problem surfaced.  Now
 I get an IE popup stating that it failed to load module  The DevShell says
 it's unable to find type '...StockWatcher'.

Too much, too soon.You shouldn't have to do any refactoring.

I've found that using applicationCreator and projectCreator is my
preferred method of creating new GWT projects using Eclipse. There is
Cypal, but I think it hides too much.

 Am I missing a step somewhere?  

It's hard to tell right now. Have you searched this group on Eclipse
+StockWatcher? There are several threads that you might want to

 I have tried this on Windows Vista
 running Ganymede and on Windows XP running Europa with the same

Is there a reason you're not using Ganymede? I doubt there's a
difference at your current level of experimenting w/ GWT, but you
might want to consider upgrading.

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Re: Gwt Php Framework

2008-09-02 Thread Junnyjourney

Андрей, привет.
у тебя есть онлайн контакты? Простоинтересно было бы пообщатся по
поводу вашей разработки.

On 28 авг, 22:05, Andrej [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to introduce our new web application framework called GPF
 (Gwt Php Framework). Server part
 is completely written in PHP5.
 We plan to release it as soon as we tune critical parts.

 As an example, you can look at Affiliate Management application (Post
 Affiliate Xpress) build on GPF.
 Framework is still in development, we are tuning GUI and features.

 You try it here:

 Thanks for feedback

 Best regards,

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GWT and Eclipse problems

2008-09-02 Thread ALF

Am I the only one having problems with running GWT in Eclipse?  I have
gone through the step-by-step walk-through (projectCreator,
applicationCreator, and Eclipse import) for the StockWatcher sample
but it simply will not run within Eclipse.

C:\dev\workspace\StockWatcherprojectCreator -eclipse StockWatcher -
out StockWatcher
C:\dev\workspace\StockWatcherapplicationCreator -eclipse StockWatcher
-out StockWatcher

When I run StockWatcher I get classpath problems (it can't find the
gwt.xml file).  I noticed that the package names begin with 'src'
rather than 'com'.  I refactored the package names and the classpath
problem to the gwt.xml file went away but a new problem surfaced.  Now
I get an IE popup stating that it failed to load module  The DevShell says
it's unable to find type '...StockWatcher'.

Am I missing a step somewhere?  I have tried this on Windows Vista
running Ganymede and on Windows XP running Europa with the same

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Configuring GWT applications

2008-09-02 Thread Kihon

Hi all,

I need to be able to configure my GWT application - eg provide it with
configurable parameters for different installations. I am planning on
deploying the application as a war file, and ideally dont want to have
to change the war file per installation. Is there any easy way of
setting up a configuration file?

One method would be to have the config file in a known or relative
URL. The other option would be to include a configuration section
within the application, which can be used to set the appropriate

Any other suggestions?


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Re: Accessing Location of an iframe from another iframe and Cross Domain Security

2008-09-02 Thread Tom Hjellming

You could implement a backend proxy that fetches the html page, parses 
the content to patch all link references to go back through the proxy 
prior to sending the modified page to the browser.  Since the browser 
thinks the iFrame pages are loaded form the backend proxy (same domain 
as the rest of your GWT app), the cross domain security issues won't be 
a problem.


Jayant wrote:

 I am trying to create an application where I have to watch the
 location and content of an iframe. I wrote a simple prototype where a
 top page contains 2 iframes. One is used for the real content and one
 just contains a script that watches the content iframe. Now as long as
 the pages in the iframe are coming from the same server, this works.
 However when the user navigates to a page from another server, the
 scheme fails. I cannot stop the user from going to any other page in
 that iframe. I only need to know where the iframe is pointing to. I
 have gone through a numerous references on the cross domain security
 and there does not seem to be an answer to this. I have two questions:
 1. Is this impossible to resolve in pure javascript. May be there is
 some scheme used by portlets that could help and 2. Can use of flash /
 flex help get over this problem.

 Following is the code for the four files in the little prorotype.

 titleMain Co-Browser Page/title
 script language=javascript
 function getContentURL()
 d = document;
 f = d.frames ? d.frames['content'] : d.getElementById('content');
 var  url = ;
 if (f.getCurrentLocation)
 url = f.getCurrentLocation();
 else if (f.contentWindow.getCurrentLocation)
 url = f.contentWindow.getCurrentLocation();
 url = ;
  iframe id=content src=sample1.html width=100% height=200px/
  iframe id=tracker src=tracker.html/iframe
 script language=javascript
 function getCurrentLocation()
 pThis is page sample 1
 pa href=sample2.htmlSample2/a
 pa href=;Google/a
 script language=javascript
 function getCurrentLocation()
 pThis is page sample 2
 pa href=sample1.htmlSample1/a
 pa href=;Yahoo/a
 script language=javascript
 function test()
 var frameUrl = parent.getContentURL();
 if (frameUrl == )
   alert(Content is out of scope);
   alert('frameUrl = '+frameUrl);
 setTimeout(test(), 3000);
 var timerID = setTimeout(test(), 3000);


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Google Chrome and GWT Apps Speed. Fred Sauer. HornetBlast

2008-09-02 Thread Gabriel Krupa


I have just tried the Demo Game from Fred Sauer with Google Chrome.

This is so fast with Google Chrome.
I have compared this with IE7, FF3 Vista Business 8 GB, Intel Core 2
Quad 2.4 GHz.

Greetings from Frankfurt,
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Re: dynamic table

2008-09-02 Thread Eric Ayers
If this error is still occurring and you have more details, please let me
know.  The problem could be restricted to a certain region or network.
We've checked around internally and haven't found any smoking guns.

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:58 PM, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What he's saying is the online RPC example demo'ing GWT doesn't
 This has nothing to do with building and running the example locally.

 Go here:

 and click the Dynamic Table example.  It gives an RPC error.

 Mail and Showcase examples work.

 On Aug 12, 7:45 am, gregor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Stefan,
  The DynaTable example RPC should run OK in hosted mode as is (it
  certainly does if you use the supplied shell scripts, and if it
  doesn't in your IDE you need to sort out your IDE GWT configuration).
  If you want to run it in web mode you need to make a web.xml to map
  its RPC servlet before you deploy it which should look like this:
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  web-app version=2.4
  On Aug 12, 5:02 am, Stefan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Maybe a suggestion on whether it works for everyone else.  Or maybe
   others are having the same problem??
   So when you go to thedynamictabledemo, it works for you?
   I wasn't trying to be vague but I should have probably added the link:
   Cheers mate.
   On Aug 11, 7:11 pm, Ian Bambury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
My vehicle doesn't work. Any suggestions?
Well, what kind of answer did you expect? :-)

Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA

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SV: dynamic table

2008-09-02 Thread Hermod


I can conform that there is an error there. The message is: An RPC server
can not be reached.


-Opprinnelig melding-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] På vegne av Eric Ayers
Sendt: 2. september 2008 22:01
Emne: Re: dynamic table

If this error is still occurring and you have more details, please let me
know.  The problem could be restricted to a certain region or network.
We've checked around internally and haven't found any smoking guns.

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:58 PM, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What he's saying is the online RPC example demo'ing GWT doesn't
This has nothing to do with building and running the example

Go here:

and click the Dynamic Table example.  It gives an RPC error.

Mail and Showcase examples work.

On Aug 12, 7:45 am, gregor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Stefan,

 The DynaTable example RPC should run OK in hosted mode as is (it
 certainly does if you use the supplied shell scripts, and if it
 doesn't in your IDE you need to sort out your IDE GWT
 If you want to run it in web mode you need to make a web.xml to
 its RPC servlet before you deploy it which should look like this:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 web-app version=2.4




 On Aug 12, 5:02 am, Stefan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Maybe a suggestion on whether it works for everyone else.  Or
  others are having the same problem??

  So when you go to thedynamictabledemo, it works for you?

  I wasn't trying to be vague but I should have probably added the

  Cheers mate.

  On Aug 11, 7:11 pm, Ian Bambury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   My vehicle doesn't work. Any suggestions?

   Well, what kind of answer did you expect? :-)

Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA

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SV: dynamic table

2008-09-02 Thread Hermod


There is definitly something wrong with the sample: An RPS server can not
be reached it the title of the popup error box.


-Opprinnelig melding-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] På vegne av Eric Ayers
Sendt: 2. september 2008 22:01
Emne: Re: dynamic table

If this error is still occurring and you have more details, please let me
know.  The problem could be restricted to a certain region or network.
We've checked around internally and haven't found any smoking guns.

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:58 PM, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What he's saying is the online RPC example demo'ing GWT doesn't
This has nothing to do with building and running the example

Go here:

and click the Dynamic Table example.  It gives an RPC error.

Mail and Showcase examples work.

On Aug 12, 7:45 am, gregor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Stefan,

 The DynaTable example RPC should run OK in hosted mode as is (it
 certainly does if you use the supplied shell scripts, and if it
 doesn't in your IDE you need to sort out your IDE GWT
 If you want to run it in web mode you need to make a web.xml to
 its RPC servlet before you deploy it which should look like this:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 web-app version=2.4




 On Aug 12, 5:02 am, Stefan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Maybe a suggestion on whether it works for everyone else.  Or
  others are having the same problem??

  So when you go to thedynamictabledemo, it works for you?

  I wasn't trying to be vague but I should have probably added the

  Cheers mate.

  On Aug 11, 7:11 pm, Ian Bambury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   My vehicle doesn't work. Any suggestions?

   Well, what kind of answer did you expect? :-)

Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA

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Re: blank page after upgrading GWT 1.5 official release

2008-09-02 Thread ashish

I am getting the same thing after upgrading to 1.5. Anyone has any
ideas what am I missing

On Sep 2, 12:20 pm, ramses [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After upgrading GWT1.5official release from GWT1.5RC2, I can't see
 any page on FF, IE and Safari
 Of course, I didn't have any compilation error or warning.

 Is there any special thing to do when I upgrade from GWT1.5RC2?

 Thanks in advance!
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Re: dynamic table

2008-09-02 Thread Brian


  Yeah it's still happening.  I just click on the Dynamic Table link
on that GWT Example page (
and the application loads, but I get a nice popup saying:

The DynaTable example uses a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) to request
data from the server. In order for the RPC to successfully return
data, the server component must be available.

To me, it looks like your RPC server is down... at least that's what
the error message leads me to believe.

For what it's worth, I've tested on FF3, IE7, and Safari 3.1.2 (and by
testing I mean I clicked the link).  I'm in Northern VA, maybe you
need someone to visit the CDN near here and reboot something.

I haven't pulled any code to do my own tests, I forgot why I actually
went there and clicked that example, I think I was looking for some
examples of a nice looking gwt scroll table.

Good luck.

Weird I just click on the

On Sep 2, 4:01 pm, Eric Ayers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If this error is still occurring and you have more details, please let me
 know.  The problem could be restricted to a certain region or network.
 We've checked around internally and haven't found any smoking guns.

 On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:58 PM, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What he's saying is the online RPC example demo'ing GWT doesn't
  This has nothing to do with building and running the example locally.

  Go here:

  and click the Dynamic Table example.  It gives an RPC error.

  Mail and Showcase examples work.

  On Aug 12, 7:45 am, gregor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Stefan,

   The DynaTable example RPC should run OK in hosted mode as is (it
   certainly does if you use the supplied shell scripts, and if it
   doesn't in your IDE you need to sort out your IDE GWT configuration).
   If you want to run it in web mode you need to make a web.xml to map
   its RPC servlet before you deploy it which should look like this:

   ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
   web-app version=2.4



   On Aug 12, 5:02 am, Stefan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Maybe a suggestion on whether it works for everyone else.  Or maybe
others are having the same problem??

So when you go to thedynamictabledemo, it works for you?

I wasn't trying to be vague but I should have probably added the link:

Cheers mate.

On Aug 11, 7:11 pm, Ian Bambury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My vehicle doesn't work. Any suggestions?

 Well, what kind of answer did you expect? :-)

 Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA
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TreeItems jump to the right in 1.5

2008-09-02 Thread mbracken

I'm working with the latest GWT release (and loving it) and almost
everything has gone smoothly.  However, I'm experiencing an issue with
my trees.   Previously I was using 1.4.60, but with both 1.5.1 and
1.5.2 I'm getting an issue whenever TreeItem removeItem() or
removeItems() is called.  The problem is the TreeItem will 'jump' to
the right in the tree, almost like it's getting an extra indent.

Taking a look using FireBug I see the div wrapping TreeItem gets extra
left padding.  Not sure why this is happening when I'm removing an

Before removeItem(s) is called:
  div style=padding: 0px; margin-left: 0pt;.

After removeItem(s) is called:
  div style=padding: 0px 0px 0px 23px; margin-left: 0pt;.

The page is being rendered in standards mode.

Anyone else experiencing this issue after upgrading or do I just have
something strange happening in my code?
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Any ideas on how to make a popup stay on top?

2008-09-02 Thread darkflame

Run into yet another omg-I-cant-belief-IE-cant-do-this problem.

I made a dragable popup and I want to keep it ontop of everything
else, but allow the user to keep working under it.
However, when other objects are attached the dom, they appear *over*
the popup I previously created.

This can be fixed, very easily, by simply setting the z-order value in
the style sheet.
This works on Opera,Firefox and Chrome, but apperently is too complex
for IE.

So I then thought Id simply remove the popup and reattach it quickly,
thinking it would go ontop by itself then.
Unfortuntely it dosnt. In fact it seems to go under absolutely

So, in summery;
How can I ensure, on all browsers, that this overlay popup stays
ontop no mater what.

The code I tried to use when removing/reattaching is very simply;


  overlayPopUp current = MyApplication.overlayPopUpsOpen.get(0);

This results in the popup going to the bottom.

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Widget Style

2008-09-02 Thread Riyaz Mansoor


HorizontalPanel don't have any styles. How can I add padding
horizontally to the cells in HP ?

How to reduce the size of DecoratedPanel border ?

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Re: Receiving data at differents points in time from server

2008-09-02 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 2 sep, 17:59, anais [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi. I'm trying that the server send several data to the client at
 different points in time. The idea is that each time the client
 receive a value, it has to refresh the screen with the new data and
 wait for the next data, untill a specified value is received. I can
 implement a simple service with the class AsyncCallback (client ask
 for something, server send the final solution and client uses that
 final solution), but I don't know how to do the another one(client
 receives several solutions with a simple petition in different

First, google for ajax comet, then for gwt comet.

The basic idea is to issue requests and have the *server* wait for
more data.
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Re: Any ideas on how to make a popup stay on top?

2008-09-02 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 2 sep, 23:12, darkflame [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Run into yet another omg-I-cant-belief-IE-cant-do-this problem.

 I made a dragable popup and I want to keep it ontop of everything
 else, but allow the user to keep working under it.
 However, when other objects are attached the dom, they appear *over*
 the popup I previously created.

 This can be fixed, very easily, by simply setting the z-order value in
 the style sheet.
 This works on Opera,Firefox and Chrome, but apperently is too complex
 for IE.

 So I then thought Id simply remove the popup and reattach it quickly,
 thinking it would go ontop by itself then.
 Unfortuntely it dosnt. In fact it seems to go under absolutely

IE's z-index is buggy:

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Re: Google Chrome GWT

2008-09-02 Thread El Cucurucho

I'm trying it out too. It is super fast, but also having accordion
related issues.

On Sep 3, 8:27 am, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The Google Chrome browser is out, and I'm running through my GWT app
 with it -- it's fast!  No problems yet, looks great.

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Re: Chrome support

2008-09-02 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 3 sep, 01:42, softphone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is the new Google Browser supported from GWT?

Ray Cromwell ran some tests with the Chronoscope code base, so I guess
the answer is yes.

Google Chrome is detected as safari in GWT, using Safari 3 code
line where there's need to branch between Safari 2 and Safari 3 (e.g.
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Re: GWT and web.xml configuration

2008-09-02 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 3 sep, 01:07, sim123 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 solutions that worked for me is:

 Earlier I was relying on my web application's web.xml file in eclipse
 webContent, is there any way I could tell bundled tomcat to use
 web.xml file defined in project's webcontent folder?

You can override the default Tomcat directory used by te GWTShell by
setting a system property name catalina.base, provided that you
declare the GWTServlet as in the ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml.

Well, I guess... never tested... just found it by reading the code...

I'm using a custom ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml, put under version control so
I can easily get my changes back in when I update GWT and it then
overwrites my file.
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[gwt-contrib] Fwd: Issue 2607: GWT trunk hosted mode crash

2008-09-02 Thread Eric Ayers
-- Forwarded message --
From: Eric Ayers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 1:50 PM
Subject: Issue 2607: GWT trunk hosted mode crash
To: John Tamplin [EMAIL PROTECTED],

I'm running into a problem where an exception that shows up as Unexpected
Exception in the Development shell (Linux Hosted Mode) results in a hosted
mode browser crash when you select the value to inspect the stack trace.

JsRootedValue::currentContext - context stack empty

You and I have looked at one of these before.  It doesn't affect 1.5.

In a thread on the public forum, you mentioned this might be related to
module startup, but my case, the problem is occurring in an event callback,
long after onModuleLoad() is finished.

Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA

Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r3605 - changes/spoon/runAsync/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl

2008-09-02 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Tue Sep  2 12:03:08 2008
New Revision: 3605


Adds a non-supported mode for compiling a program such that all
runAsync callbacks are compiled out.

Tue Sep  2 12:03:08 2008
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
   * handled by TypeTightener and LivenessAnalyzer.
  public class FragmentLoaderCreator {
+  private static final String PROP_RUN_ASYNC_NEVER_RUNS  
= gwt.jjs.runAsyncNeverRuns;
public static final String ASYNC_LOADER_CLASS_PREFIX = AsyncLoader;
public static final String ASYNC_LOADER_PACKAGE  
public static final String ASYNC_FRAGMENT_LOADER  
@@ -165,10 +166,12 @@
  // better
  srcWriter.println(getCallbackListSimpleName() +  callback =  
  srcWriter.println(callbacks = null;);
-srcWriter.println(while (callback != null) {);
-srcWriter.println(callback =;);
+if (!Boolean.getBoolean(PROP_RUN_ASYNC_NEVER_RUNS)) {
+  srcWriter.println(while (callback != null) {);
+  srcWriter.println(callback.callback.onSuccess(););
+  srcWriter.println(callback =;);
+  srcWriter.println(});


[gwt-contrib] Re: [google-web-toolkit commit] r3547 - in trunk: . dev/core dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev distro-source distro-source/core/src

2008-09-02 Thread Rajeev Dayal
I noticed the following issue (I did not review the entire patch):, line 35: Need the static keyword here; this should be a static
initializer, not an instance initializer.


On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 5:40 PM, Scott Blum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 5:03 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Modified: trunk/distro-source/core/src/about.html

 -td id=versionVersion @GWT_VERSION@/td
 +td id=versionVersion @GWT_VERSION@ br
 (Subversion @GWT_SVNREV@)/td

  You got the one in about.txt, but you missed this ^^ one, cf:

  Google Web Toolkit @GWT_VERSION@
 +(svn revision @GWT_SVNREV@)



[gwt-contrib] Re: GWT and Chrome (fast!)

2008-09-02 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 2 sep, 23:01, Ray Cromwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey guys,
   I ran a preliminary benchmark on Chrome using Chronoscope [...],
 and the numbers are pretty good.

That's really good news!
I'm running Chrome for a couple hours now and it looks terribly fast.
Here are my Dromaeo results:,23219,23300 (Chrome is on the left,
Safari 3.1.2 on the right, everything run on Windows, in a non fresh

 Chronoscope I think would be a fairly
 typical rich AIR/Silverlight like workload for the browser, as such,
 it exercises a lot of the browser code base, not just raw JS

If I can help you run the same tests in AIR (GWT-in-the-AIR might
help ;) ), I'd be happy to see some numbers.

  What would be interesting to see, given V8's hidden classes
 approach, is the effect that  staticifying devirtualization in GWT
 has on V8, whether it helps or hinders performance.

That will probably be hard to mesure (without rewriting the compiler I