What is a JavaScript event loop

2009-04-10 Thread hezjing
Ehmmm ... I'm reading the "Scheduling work: the Timer
and it says "... Notice that the timer will not have a chance to execute the
run() method until after control returns to the JavaScript event loop ..."

What is a JavaScript event loop?



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Re: File Upload Problem with GWT And Java HttpServlet

2009-04-10 Thread Nickelnext

Hello Isaac.

About my last update: I figured out what i was doing wrong with the
apache/tomcat server. Simply i gave the "lol.war" name instead of
"provaupload2.war". Now it works like the hosted/compiled mode. Now i
get the http 500 error but withouth the "RequestURI=/provaupload2/
MyFormHandler", which i always get in hosted/compiled mode.

Also, what i do not understand is that in the hosted/compiled mode i
have a path (in the browser url bar) like this: "localhost:port/
provaupload2.html", instead of "localhost:port/provaupload2/", which i
have when i deploy the .war file in my apache/tomcat "native" server.

How am i supposed to change this?

About your questions:
1 - i suppose that url-pattern refers to the web.xml , so
this is it: /provaupload2/MyFormHandler
2 - i think i have answered to this question in the first lines.
Another time: what i can't do is to run the application in hosted/
compiled out of the localhost:port/provaupload2.html path.

Last: i'm pretty sure that the 500 error i get is caused by permission/
folder problems. I'm trying to figure out how to fix this.

I hope i gave you the information you need, sorry but i'm not really
skilled with servlets and apache!
Thank you again
- Nickelnext
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Re: How do I call a stateless session bean (EJB) from my RPC service?

2009-04-10 Thread tsegismont

These annotations will work only if the bundled servlet container is
Servlet 2.5 compliant.

Which version of JBoss do you run ? Try JBossAS 5.0.0.GA (I haven't
tried it yet).

Look at


On 26 mar, 14:39, gregor  wrote:
> yes it should, equally @EJB SomeRefLocal localRef should too.
> On Mar 26, 7:18 am, stsc...@schliwinski.de wrote:
> > Update: A full JNDI lookup is working, but why do I not get a
> > reference using the annotations?
> > If I have
> > SomeBean -->Bean Implementation
> > SomeRef --> Remote Interface
> > SomeRefLocal --> Local Interface
> > then
> > @EJB
> > SomeRef ref;
> > should work to get the remote interface, right?
> > -Steffen-
> > On 25 Mrz., 21:39, stsc...@schliwinski.de wrote:
> > > Hi Gregor,
> > > thanks for this extensive answer. I deployed a very simple sample
> > > application to JBoss but for any reason I cannot access myEJBfrom my
> > > RPC service. Neither with the @EJBannotation nor with the @Resource
> > > SessionContext ctx statement. That's what my service implementation
> > > looks like:
> > > package de.stsch.j2ee.gwt.server;
> > > import javax.annotation.Resource;
> > > import javax.ejb.EJB;
> > > import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
> > > import com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet;
> > > import de.stsch.j2ee.ejb.StSch;
> > > import de.stsch.j2ee.gwt.client.GwtClientSrc;
> > > public class GwtClientSrcImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
> > > GwtClientSrc {
> > >         @EJB
> > >         StSch bean;
> > >         @Resource
> > >         SessionContext ctx;
> > >         @Override
> > >         public String getName() {
> > >                 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
> > >                 if (ctx == null) {
> > >                         sb.append("ctx is null");
> > >                 } else {
> > >                         sb.append("ctx is not null");
> > >                 }
> > >                 if (bean == null) {
> > >                         sb.append(", bean is null");
> > >                 } else {
> > >                         sb.append(", bean is not null");
> > >                 }
> > >                 return sb.toString();
> > >         }
> > > }
> > > And it always returns that both ctx and bean is null :-(
> > > Any idea why?
> > > -Steffen-
> > > On 25 Mrz., 16:26, gregor  wrote:
> > > > Hi Steffen,
> > > > The simplest way to do this is to add your GWT app as a module (WAR)
> > > > to your EAR. The GWT RPC servlets will then have direct access to your
> > > > session beans local interfaces (which you must define BTW).
> > > > If you cannot do this for some reason, the situation is a bit
> > > > trickier. Your standalone Java client probably uses RMI to call your
> > > > session beans? Is so, then it is calling the beans remote interfaces
> > > > and call parameters/return values are serialized over the wire. AFAIK
> > > > you cannot call the local interface of a session bean from a class
> > > > outside its EAR. You can always use JNDI to look up the remote
> > > > interfaces of your session beans from a separate GWT module's RPC
> > > > servlets (which mimics what happens with the Java client) but this
> > > > involves your app server serializing and deserializing all objects
> > > > passed betweeen the GWT app and the enterprise app, i.e. the app
> > > > server will be serializing to itself, which is a serious performance
> > > > drain you will want to avoid.
> > > > BTW I think the reason why this is so is that each EAR or WAR deployed
> > > > on your app server is allocated it's own classloader, so in this
> > > > situation your session beans are not directly visible by reference to
> > > > your GWT module classes and visa versa, so they must be called
> > > > remotely (which means serialization).
> > > > One way around this is to set up yourEJBapplication as a Resource
> > > > Adapter ARchive (RAR). This is not normally used in applications as
> > > > such, and is usually associated with some external data source common
> > > > to a number of applications in an enterprise situation (a bit like a
> > > > database, it's comparable to a JDBC). Normally vendors use it, for
> > > > example Apache Jackrabbit uses a RAR. However this complicates things,
> > > > and I am not sure you will get optimal performance out of it anyway
> > > > (although I am not sure, I use RAR's but have never written one
> > > > myself), but it will probably perform better than using remote
> > > > interfaces to your session beans.
> > > >http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v6r0/index.jsp?topic...
> > > > For these reasons, unless you have the strongest possible reasons for
> > > > not doing so, I think your best bet is to include your GWT module in
> > > > your main enterpise application (so it is a WAR inside the EAR) and
> > > > 

Re: File Upload Problem with GWT And Java HttpServlet

2009-04-10 Thread Nickelnext

Update: there was a big error in the HttpServlet code:
the main method was service instead of doPost. I fixed it and now the
hosted/compiled mode works fine! I can see the bytes uploaded through
the response.write.blablabla.

What is not working is the deployed file on my "native" apache/tomcat
server, there's always an access denied permission exception.
So now i'm looking for a solution to permission problems in apache.
I think i've read it somewhere here on google groups.

- Nickelnext
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Re: Search engine indexing

2009-04-10 Thread Darkflame

Well that was easy, chears :)

On Apr 7, 7:46 am, Vitali Lovich  wrote:
> DOM.toString(RootPanel.get().getElement())
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:45 AM, Darkflame  wrote:
> > As a mater of interest semi-relivent to this, Is it possible to "burn
> > out" GWT webpages into static html? (obviously losing
> > interaction...just taking a snapshot of the current state of the dom
> > and expressing the html nesscery to reproduce it).
> > I mean, I guess you could cut and paste out of firebug, but is there a
> > better method?
> > On Apr 6, 5:35 pm, Jason Essington  wrote:
> > > There are discussions about this (SEO) on this list, have a search for
> > > them.
> > > But basically, you'll want to embed the information you want indexed
> > > into your host pages. This is not a GWT limitation but rather a
> > > limitation of any web application that uses DOM modification to
> > > present content.
> > > -jason
> > > On Apr 6, 2009, at 9:29 AM, Prashant Gupta wrote:
> > > > any alternative or solution to this ?
> > > > On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 7:20 PM, djd  wrote:
> > > > Current crawl bots ignore flash and javascript.
> > > > So if your web app is completely built in GWT (the default behavior
> > > > when creating a project with projectCreator is to create a single HTML
> > > > file with a single link to a .nocache.js files which is actually your
> > > > entry point for entire app), all content will be discarded.
> > > > On Apr 6, 4:11 pm, Prashant Gupta  wrote:
> > > > > does my GWT website gets indexed same as any other (non GWT)
> > > > website..?
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Re: GWT 1.6 with Maven and build system questions/survey...

2009-04-10 Thread johann_fr


I just tried to enable maven dependencies management with google
eclipse plugin and m2eclipse. The plugin complains about project
output folder not set to war/WEB-INF/classes.

I know I can switch my maven project output, but is there any chance
the plugin can be set up to adapt to my project layout in a near
future ? I want to stick to standard maven project layout.

GWT should really take care of beeing well integrated with existing
build tools and plugins. We can not always bend our projects just to
keep GWT tooling happy...


On Apr 10, 7:40 am, maku  wrote:
> Currently we usemavenandhttp://code.google.com/p/gwt-maven/for our
> build process.
> When we upgrade to GWT 1.6 we will check the codehauspluginand how
> the newGoogleEclipseplugin+ new app structure can be used in a
> more comfortable way.
> Regards,
> Martin
> On Apr 9, 5:03 pm, Benju  wrote:
> > I am curious if anybody usingMaven+GWT has tried moving to GWT 1.6
> > yet.  I noticed there is no public repository containing the 1.6
> > realease only RC, Beta, and Milestones.  I can always manually deploy
> > GWT to our internal repository but it's a bit of a pain.
> > Also, if anybody is using GWT+Mavenwho prefers the Codehausplugin
> > and who theGoogleCode GWT-Mavenplugin?  From what I understand
> > these twoMavenplugins are merging in the long term so that only the
> > Codehauspluginwill be actively developed.
> > Finally I would also like to post the following question to the GWT
> > community.  What do you use for setting up your builds?  I've always
> > been of the opinion that a good build system is of cardinal
> > importance, especially on larger projects.  At this time I have seen
> > the following options...
> > Hand written Ant file
> > -Calling the GWT compiler directly
> > -Maven
> >     -with the codehausplugin(http://mojo.codehaus.org/gwt-maven-
> >plugin/)
> >     -with theGoogleCode GWT-Mavenplugin(http://code.google.com/p/
> > gwt-maven/)
> > -Intellij Idea's built in GWT support
> > -eclipsewith special GWT support (I believe some plugins exist
> > including the recently releasedGoogleone)
> > -Netbeans gwt4NB (https://gwt4nb.dev.java.net/)
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Re: Overriding gwt-uid's with blank value

2009-04-10 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 9 avr, 19:31, "peter.marnik"  wrote:
> Hi there,
> We have a gwt app with plenty of check boxes and radio buttons. All
> was fine until we started testing with Selenium IDE, the challenge was
> the automatically generated gwt-uids messes with our tests scripts. We
> have two choices:
> 1. Generating new predictable gwt-uid's overriding the default ones
> 2. Overriding the gwt-uids with null value, BLANK value.
> In both cases we need to override the gwt-uids, but before making any
> decision, I was wondering what was the initial reason for having those
> uid's. What would be the impact if we simply nullify them? Any
> thoughts?

AFAICT, GWT doesn't set IDs unless you tell it to (import the
com.google.gwt.debug.Debug module, which is there to make it easier to
use Selenium; and/or explicitly setId() on elements) or when it really
has to (e.g. to associate the CheckBox and RadioButton s with
their s).

But maybe are you using some widget library such as GXT (ExtGWT)?
(which AFAIK generates those messy IDs all over the place)
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Re: GWT + Google Maps [ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class

2009-04-10 Thread nmadzharov

Oh I see,

my IE is not working properly anyway, so that must be the reason.
Thanks very much for the help.

I have one more question. I have two markers on the map, respectively
I have lat and long coordinates for both and I want to have the route
(actual travel) distance between them. What is the correct approach to
use for that having in mind that I do not care about intermediate
points, turns, the route as a whole? I need only the distance (in
meters, kms, misle whatever) to travel from point A to point B via car.
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Clearing history token ver html or native javascript without reloading page?

2009-04-10 Thread darkflame

I tried googleing for this without much success, despite the fact its
really more a javascript rather then GWT query, I couldnt find
anywhere else with an answer.

Basicaly I have a gwt application which triggers a pop-up window,
which is an extension of DialogBox.

Because I wanted a windows like "X" in the corner to close it, I
followed some advice and altered the titlebar of it with;

 this.setHTML(" - Title Here -    ");



private native void redefineClose(DialogBox dialogBox) /*-{
   $wnd['closeDialog'] = function () {

This works, the dialogue close's nicely. When the x is hit.

However, as I'm not using a normal link to close it, I have no idea
how to clear the history token.
The historytoken is changed when the popup appears as I want the state
of if its open/close to be saved, but I cant work out how to set it
back when it closes.
Is there a javascript function I could put in the refdefineClose that
would do this?

I tried using() around the divs in the link that
triggers the native javascript, but aside from looking messy,all this
reloads the page.
(at least in IE, but the normal internal hyperlinks triggering the
popups dont reload the page in IE, so clearly there must be some

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Re: java.lang.StackOverflowError with GWT

2009-04-10 Thread Rockster

The same here. In ant I do the following:


And still I get GWTCompile:

[gwt-compile] Compiling module com.qualogy.qafe.gwt.QAFEGWTWeb
[gwt-compile][ERROR] Unexpected internal compiler error
[gwt-compile] java.lang.StackOverflowError

I tried to use

and this

But no success.

Can somebody help me on this ?

On Apr 9, 9:27 pm, Andy  wrote:
> I've been trying to upgrade to 1.6.4, but am also getting this error.
> I use Ant to build my WAR, so I added the JVM arg to my script, but no
> matter what value I specify, it doesn't make any difference.
> ...and I get an OutOfMemoryException is I set it too high!
> Will using the Eclipse plug-in make any difference?
> I have one "super" module, so would breaking it apart into smaller
> components help?
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Re: Creating GWT application

2009-04-10 Thread Darkflame

http://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/3.3 works for me.
Maybe it was a tempory problem with the network?

Do other eclipse updates work ok for you?

On Apr 9, 11:17 am, newtoGWT  wrote:
> I am a newbie in GWT.
> 1. i downloaded GWT6
> 2. i just followed the steps to install the eclispe plugin from
>    http://code.google.com/eclipse/docs/install-eclipse-3.3.html
>     sadly it throws the network exception. The url mentioned doesn't
> work
>     "http://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/3.3";
> it would be of great help if some one can give some guidance/pointers
> for installing/using GWT applications.
> Thanks in Advance!
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Re: DisclosurePanel headerText limited to plain text?

2009-04-10 Thread Ken Kahn

Thanks. Works fine now.

Any reason why GWT doesn't do this?


On Apr 9, 12:32 pm, Ian Bambury  wrote:
> It's possible, but not obvious.
> There's some code here to do 
> it:http://examples.roughian.com/#Panels~DisclosurePanel
> Ian
> 2009/4/9 toont...@googlemail.com 
> > Greetings,
> > I would like the headerText of a DisclosurePanel to be HTML. I tried
> > disclosurePanel.setHeader(new HTML(headerText));
> > but then I lost the nice triangular icons.
> > The default header widget seems only to have a HasText interface.
> > I could make my own Widget with the DisclosurePanel icons but the
> > DisclosurePanel header is pretty complex and I would rather not copy
> > and edit the source code.
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Re: Hibernate performance in GWT

2009-04-10 Thread SunilBansal

Hello George,

I checked out Hibernate4Gwt and try to check the samples. Here i found
one example related to User and Message. But when i try to evaluate it
then i found that there is no lazy loading and here i am facing the
same problem i.e. n+1 select problem.

Would you tell me? How can i use hibernate4Gwt for resolving
performance issue?



On Mar 25, 12:08 pm, George Georgovassilis
> HelloSunil
> I'm not quite sure why you run into this problem. I am using lazy
> Lists abudantly with GWT mapped to a bag and it works like a charm. As
> a side note, I am not using the dynamic proxy feature but rather
> extending the LazyPojo.
> On Mar 25, 6:23 am, Sanj  wrote:
> > Hello Friends,
> > When i was trying to use hibernate in GWT then i was found one major
> > problem i.e. PersistentBag is not serializable. For resolving this
> > issue, i read many blogs. According to the blogs, i found many
> > solutions but at last i found when i am using this method then there
> > is some performance methods and can't use hibernate lazy-loading
> > properly because we can't use lazy-loading outside the scope of the
> > Session and so when we use the Hibernate in GWT then we need to close
> > the session on the service/server level while we send the object on
> > the client side. Some described solution for using hibernate in the
> > group are :-
> > 1.)Array instead of collection :-
> >                          One is the major solution for using the collection 
> > object, use
> > array instead of the Collection object. But with this solution there
> > is lot of overhead on the user part i.e. maintain the array properly
> > with index values.
> > 2.)Inverse-Owner objects :-
> >                          One another solution for supporting the colletion 
> > in the hibernate
> > i.e. use only inverse-owner objects instead of the collection object
> > but in this case there is one major problem i.e. whenever we need to
> > use the collections data then we need to send the one extra call on
> > the server everytime for collecting the collections objects and for
> > maintaining that thing code readability also lost.
> > 3.)Maintain PersistentBag/PersistentSet Serializable class :-
> >                         Somewhere  i read about create one serializable 
> > class for
> > PersistentBag,PersistentSet and use it. But in this case, we need to
> > create that class on the client side package and while we are creating
> > this after that problem starts i.e. GWT not support for importing
> > org.hibernate.PersistentBag on the client side.
> > 4.)Convertor class :-
> >                         One another method for using hibernate in GWT is 
> > Convertor class
> > i.e. when you send your Object on the client side then you need to use
> > the Convertor class for changing all the PersistentBag/PersistentSet
> > objects in Collection objects.In this case, performance is decreased
> > badly because of lazy-loading .But it's working fine.
> >                         I used the fourth method with some changes for 
> > increaing the
> > performance. I include one Obect Fetch Plan design pattern with the
> > lazy loading. In this pattern, we need to create one xml file where we
> > define the fetch plans with the binding name. for e.g. suppose i have
> > one object A and A having collection of B,C,D and E, F 1-1 objects in
> > class A.B having 1-1 objects of B1, B2. Suppose in this case when i
> > need to fetch the A object from the database then fetch only A, B, B1
> > not all the other objects as defined in the A objects and in another
> > fetch plan, fetch only A,C,E,F objects then we need to create two
> > fetch plans which we bind with the corresponding Fetch-Plan-Name i.e.
> > A_B and A_C_E_F.
> >                         When we use hibernate in this way, then i know 
> > there is also lazy-
> > loading problem but we can control on the fetching of the objects
> > while we convert the Collections objects. In this way, we need to care
> > one thing i.e. use lazy="true" for collection and 1-1 objects.
> > Thanks and regards,
> >SunilBansal,
> > +91-9784175320
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Re: dto for gwt 1.5 >

2009-04-10 Thread Jim

If you use Dreamsource ORM for your persistence, you don't need to use
DTO. You can download it from 
Dreamsource ORM eliminates persistence complexities of JPA and
Hibernate and boost your productivity. One example and Eclipse plugin
will be availabe next week.


On Apr 10, 2:14 am, asianCoolz  wrote:
> may i know is it a compulsory to have dto  even when using gwt version
> higher than 1.5?  because i look through some spring integration
> tutorial, some of them didnt mentioned on 
> dtohttp://technophiliac.wordpress.com/2008/08/24/giving-gwt-a-spring-in-...
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freeze on DialogBox hide

2009-04-10 Thread Gilles B


In my application, I close a dialog and my window freezes. I need a
refresh to restart. It occurs 1 time to 2 ou 3 !
Browser : IE6 or IE7 and GWT 1.6.4
It seems to work fine with Firefox, Opera or hosted mode. I don't
notice the problem with GWT 1.5 and my previous app. version before
code migration (mainly listener)

The dialog display fields with TextBox, Label and Listbox, pushbutton
to cancel or validate, Horizontal and Vertical Panels to build a form.
The problem occurs on the close function without updating or something
strange, just calling "hide()"

Error :
function pAd(a){if(a.nodeType){return a.nodeType==1}return false}
Char 17, Object required

It look like "a" si null.

When I remove the 'setEnabled(true) / setEnabled(false)' used to
define inputable fields, in the constructor the bug disappear !!!

Thanks for your help,

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Re: Hibernate performance in GWT

2009-04-10 Thread Jim

I began to use Hibernate in my big project in the beginning. After the
application is deployed into the accept test system, customers found a
performance issue. They asked a solution. Dreamsource ORM was
introduced to solve the problem. You can find more info in www.leeonsoft.com.

You can download it from 
Dreamsource ORM eliminates persistence complexities of JPA and
Hibernate and boost your productivity. One example and Eclipse plugin
will be availabe next week.


On Apr 10, 7:19 am, SunilBansal  wrote:
> Hello George,
> I checked out Hibernate4Gwt and try to check the samples. Here i found
> one example related to User and Message. But when i try to evaluate it
> then i found that there is no lazy loading and here i am facing the
> same problem i.e. n+1 select problem.
> Would you tell me? How can i use hibernate4Gwt for resolving
> performance issue?
> Regards,
> Sanj.
> On Mar 25, 12:08 pm, George Georgovassilis
>  wrote:
> > HelloSunil
> > I'm not quite sure why you run into this problem. I am using lazy
> > Lists abudantly with GWT mapped to a bag and it works like a charm. As
> > a side note, I am not using the dynamic proxy feature but rather
> > extending the LazyPojo.
> > On Mar 25, 6:23 am, Sanj  wrote:
> > > Hello Friends,
> > > When i was trying to use hibernate in GWT then i was found one major
> > > problem i.e. PersistentBag is not serializable. For resolving this
> > > issue, i read many blogs. According to the blogs, i found many
> > > solutions but at last i found when i am using this method then there
> > > is some performance methods and can't use hibernate lazy-loading
> > > properly because we can't use lazy-loading outside the scope of the
> > > Session and so when we use the Hibernate in GWT then we need to close
> > > the session on the service/server level while we send the object on
> > > the client side. Some described solution for using hibernate in the
> > > group are :-
> > > 1.)Array instead of collection :-
> > >                          One is the major solution for using the 
> > > collection object, use
> > > array instead of the Collection object. But with this solution there
> > > is lot of overhead on the user part i.e. maintain the array properly
> > > with index values.
> > > 2.)Inverse-Owner objects :-
> > >                          One another solution for supporting the 
> > > colletion in the hibernate
> > > i.e. use only inverse-owner objects instead of the collection object
> > > but in this case there is one major problem i.e. whenever we need to
> > > use the collections data then we need to send the one extra call on
> > > the server everytime for collecting the collections objects and for
> > > maintaining that thing code readability also lost.
> > > 3.)Maintain PersistentBag/PersistentSet Serializable class :-
> > >                         Somewhere  i read about create one serializable 
> > > class for
> > > PersistentBag,PersistentSet and use it. But in this case, we need to
> > > create that class on the client side package and while we are creating
> > > this after that problem starts i.e. GWT not support for importing
> > > org.hibernate.PersistentBag on the client side.
> > > 4.)Convertor class :-
> > >                         One another method for using hibernate in GWT is 
> > > Convertor class
> > > i.e. when you send your Object on the client side then you need to use
> > > the Convertor class for changing all the PersistentBag/PersistentSet
> > > objects in Collection objects.In this case, performance is decreased
> > > badly because of lazy-loading .But it's working fine.
> > >                         I used the fourth method with some changes for 
> > > increaing the
> > > performance. I include one Obect Fetch Plan design pattern with the
> > > lazy loading. In this pattern, we need to create one xml file where we
> > > define the fetch plans with the binding name. for e.g. suppose i have
> > > one object A and A having collection of B,C,D and E, F 1-1 objects in
> > > class A.B having 1-1 objects of B1, B2. Suppose in this case when i
> > > need to fetch the A object from the database then fetch only A, B, B1
> > > not all the other objects as defined in the A objects and in another
> > > fetch plan, fetch only A,C,E,F objects then we need to create two
> > > fetch plans which we bind with the corresponding Fetch-Plan-Name i.e.
> > > A_B and A_C_E_F.
> > >                         When we use hibernate in this way, then i know 
> > > there is also lazy-
> > > loading problem but we can control on the fetching of the objects
> > > while we convert the Collections objects. In this way, we need to care
> > > one thing i.e. use lazy="true" for collection and 1-1 objects.
> > > Thanks and regards,
> > >SunilBansal,
> > > +91-9784175320- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Re: File Upload Problem with GWT And Java HttpServlet

2009-04-10 Thread Isaac Truett

> Also, what i do not understand is that in the hosted/compiled mode i
> have a path (in the browser url bar) like this: "localhost:port/
> provaupload2.html", instead of "localhost:port/provaupload2/", which i
> have when i deploy the .war file in my apache/tomcat "native" server.
> How am i supposed to change this?

As you've already seen, that's your application context. If you want
the "root" context (localhost:port/provaupload2.html) then you would
deploy your application to webapps/ROOT.

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 4:08 AM, Nickelnext  wrote:
> Hello Isaac.
> About my last update: I figured out what i was doing wrong with the
> apache/tomcat server. Simply i gave the "lol.war" name instead of
> "provaupload2.war". Now it works like the hosted/compiled mode. Now i
> get the http 500 error but withouth the "RequestURI=/provaupload2/
> MyFormHandler", which i always get in hosted/compiled mode.
> Also, what i do not understand is that in the hosted/compiled mode i
> have a path (in the browser url bar) like this: "localhost:port/
> provaupload2.html", instead of "localhost:port/provaupload2/", which i
> have when i deploy the .war file in my apache/tomcat "native" server.
> How am i supposed to change this?
> About your questions:
> 1 - i suppose that url-pattern refers to the web.xml , so
> this is it: /provaupload2/MyFormHandler
> 2 - i think i have answered to this question in the first lines.
> Another time: what i can't do is to run the application in hosted/
> compiled out of the localhost:port/provaupload2.html path.
> Last: i'm pretty sure that the 500 error i get is caused by permission/
> folder problems. I'm trying to figure out how to fix this.
> I hope i gave you the information you need, sorry but i'm not really
> skilled with servlets and apache!
> Thank you again
> - Nickelnext
> >

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Re: Hibernate performance in GWT

2009-04-10 Thread noon


Gilead (formerly known as Hibernate4GWT) is written to solves such
issues : it prevents LazyInitialization exceptions when sending
Hibernate entities to GWT client side, without loading any additional
data (no N+1 select).

The library is available at http://gilead.sourceforge.net and is known
to work together with GWT-SL for Spring integration.

If you are facing n+1 select issue (or any other one), please use on
the project forum.

Hope this helps

On 10 avr, 13:53, Jim  wrote:
> I began to use Hibernate in my big project in the beginning. After the
> application is deployed into the accept test system, customers found a
> performance issue. They asked a solution. Dreamsource ORM was
> introduced to solve the problem. You can find more info inwww.leeonsoft.com.
> You can download it 
> fromhttp://dreamsource-orm.googlecode.com/files/dreamsource2_0_0_04062009
> Dreamsource ORM eliminates persistence complexities of JPA and
> Hibernate and boost your productivity. One example and Eclipse plugin
> will be availabe next week.
> Jim
> On Apr 10, 7:19 am, SunilBansal  wrote:
> > Hello George,
> > I checked out Hibernate4Gwt and try to check the samples. Here i found
> > one example related to User and Message. But when i try to evaluate it
> > then i found that there is no lazy loading and here i am facing the
> > same problem i.e. n+1 select problem.
> > Would you tell me? How can i use hibernate4Gwt for resolving
> > performance issue?
> > Regards,
> > Sanj.
> > On Mar 25, 12:08 pm, George Georgovassilis
> >  wrote:
> > > HelloSunil
> > > I'm not quite sure why you run into this problem. I am using lazy
> > > Lists abudantly with GWT mapped to a bag and it works like a charm. As
> > > a side note, I am not using the dynamic proxy feature but rather
> > > extending the LazyPojo.
> > > On Mar 25, 6:23 am, Sanj  wrote:
> > > > Hello Friends,
> > > > When i was trying to use hibernate in GWT then i was found one major
> > > > problem i.e. PersistentBag is not serializable. For resolving this
> > > > issue, i read many blogs. According to the blogs, i found many
> > > > solutions but at last i found when i am using this method then there
> > > > is some performance methods and can't use hibernate lazy-loading
> > > > properly because we can't use lazy-loading outside the scope of the
> > > > Session and so when we use the Hibernate in GWT then we need to close
> > > > the session on the service/server level while we send the object on
> > > > the client side. Some described solution for using hibernate in the
> > > > group are :-
> > > > 1.)Array instead of collection :-
> > > >                          One is the major solution for using the 
> > > > collection object, use
> > > > array instead of the Collection object. But with this solution there
> > > > is lot of overhead on the user part i.e. maintain the array properly
> > > > with index values.
> > > > 2.)Inverse-Owner objects :-
> > > >                          One another solution for supporting the 
> > > > colletion in the hibernate
> > > > i.e. use only inverse-owner objects instead of the collection object
> > > > but in this case there is one major problem i.e. whenever we need to
> > > > use the collections data then we need to send the one extra call on
> > > > the server everytime for collecting the collections objects and for
> > > > maintaining that thing code readability also lost.
> > > > 3.)Maintain PersistentBag/PersistentSet Serializable class :-
> > > >                         Somewhere  i read about create one serializable 
> > > > class for
> > > > PersistentBag,PersistentSet and use it. But in this case, we need to
> > > > create that class on the client side package and while we are creating
> > > > this after that problem starts i.e. GWT not support for importing
> > > > org.hibernate.PersistentBag on the client side.
> > > > 4.)Convertor class :-
> > > >                         One another method for using hibernate in GWT 
> > > > is Convertor class
> > > > i.e. when you send your Object on the client side then you need to use
> > > > the Convertor class for changing all the PersistentBag/PersistentSet
> > > > objects in Collection objects.In this case, performance is decreased
> > > > badly because of lazy-loading .But it's working fine.
> > > >                         I used the fourth method with some changes for 
> > > > increaing the
> > > > performance. I include one Obect Fetch Plan design pattern with the
> > > > lazy loading. In this pattern, we need to create one xml file where we
> > > > define the fetch plans with the binding name. for e.g. suppose i have
> > > > one object A and A having collection of B,C,D and E, F 1-1 objects in
> > > > class A.B having 1-1 objects of B1, B2. Suppose in this case when i
> > > > need to fetch the A object from the database then fetch only A, B, B1
> > > > not all the other objects as defined in the A objects and in another
> > > > fetch

Re: Deploying GWT applications on OSGi Equinox

2009-04-10 Thread lan

Yes I've just finished reading

On 8 avr, 17:20, gcr  wrote:
> Ian,
> Have seen the article "Embedding an HTTP server in Equinox"?
> If not give it a read and we can continue.  It explains how to do
> without war file.
> http://www.eclipse.org/equinox/server/http_in_equinox.php
> On Apr 8, 2:41 am, lan  wrote:
> > Yes I'm absolutely interested.
> > I don't understand how you don't use a war file.
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Re: Deploying GWT applications on OSGi Equinox

2009-04-10 Thread lan

Yes, I've just finished reading.

On 10 avr, 14:31, lan  wrote:
> Yes I've just finished reading
> On 8 avr, 17:20, gcr  wrote:
> > Ian,
> > Have seen the article "Embedding an HTTP server in Equinox"?
> > If not give it a read and we can continue.  It explains how to do
> > without war file.
> >http://www.eclipse.org/equinox/server/http_in_equinox.php
> > On Apr 8, 2:41 am, lan  wrote:
> > > Yes I'm absolutely interested.
> > > I don't understand how you don't use a war file.
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"Google Web Toolkit" group.
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Re: DisclosurePanel headerText limited to plain text?

2009-04-10 Thread Ian Bambury
2009/4/10 Ken Kahn 

> Thanks. Works fine now.
> Any reason why GWT doesn't do this?

 Google bases its priorities on what Google wants?
For example, some widgets stop working if placed inside certain other
widgets (splitpanel inside a disclosurepanel for example). Presumably no-one
in Google wants to use them like this, or it would have been fixed before
1.5 was released let alone 1.6. But for me, if a panel fails to work because
you put it in another panel, that would be quite near the top of the list -
the product breaking when you use it properly would be a concern for me. But
I obviously look at it in a different way to Google :-)



2009/4/10 Ken Kahn 

> Thanks. Works fine now.
> Any reason why GWT doesn't do this?

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Re: GWT + Google Maps [ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class

2009-04-10 Thread Eric Ayers
Use the Directions class or Polyline class if you don't want to follow

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 6:00 AM, nmadzharov  wrote:

> Oh I see,
> my IE is not working properly anyway, so that must be the reason.
> Thanks very much for the help.
> I have one more question. I have two markers on the map, respectively
> I have lat and long coordinates for both and I want to have the route
> (actual travel) distance between them. What is the correct approach to
> use for that having in mind that I do not care about intermediate
> points, turns, the route as a whole? I need only the distance (in
> meters, kms, misle whatever) to travel from point A to point B via car.
> >

Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA

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"Google Web Toolkit" group.
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Re: Problems installing eclipse 3.4 plugin from hawaii

2009-04-10 Thread Jason Parekh

You're likely getting stuck in the Eclipse's dependency checks.  Check
out the workaround in the FAQ


On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 3:21 PM, kurt6string  wrote:
> Yesterday I couldn't install the plugin at all (downloads really,
> really slow I think) and today it's somewhat better but still I've
> been waiting for about 45 minutes for it to install, faster than
> yesterday but still very painful.
> >

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"Google Web Toolkit" group.
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new Compiler documentation

2009-04-10 Thread Raziel

Is there a page that explains the options in the new

It would be nice if the Upgrade page (http://code.google.com/
webtoolkit/doc/1.6/ReleaseNotes_1_6.html#Upgrading) contained info on
how to go from the GWTCompiler  to the new Compiler; just like it does
for Hosted Mode.

Moreover. if there was a page explaining the command line options then
people would be able to figure out by themselves.

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"Google Web Toolkit" group.
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Google plugin for eclipse3.4 launch GWT hosted mode with deprecated com.google.gwt.dev.GWTShell

2009-04-10 Thread Kelvin

I installed Google plugin for eclipse3.4 and enable gwt nature for an
existing GWT project.

However, it always launch hosted mode with deprecated

WARNING: 'com.google.gwt.dev.GWTShell' is deprecated and will be
removed in a future release.
Use 'com.google.gwt.dev.HostedMode' instead.
(To disable this warning, pass -Dgwt.nowarn.legacy.tools as a JVM

But I wonder why then I created a brand new GWT project with Google
plugin, It can be launched with 'com.google.gwt.dev.HostedMode'.

Sorry for posting the question here as I cannot find a group for
Google Eclipse Plugin :P
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"Google Web Toolkit" group.
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Re: Google plugin for eclipse3.4 launch GWT hosted mode with deprecated com.google.gwt.dev.GWTShell

2009-04-10 Thread Isaac Truett

As I understand it, the plugin has to detect that you're using the new
war layout in order to use the new hosted mode. You should be able to
convince it of this by adding war/web-inf/web.xml. You will also need
to disable the GWT nature, refresh the project (F5) and re-enable the
GWT nature.

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Kelvin  wrote:
> I installed Google plugin for eclipse3.4 and enable gwt nature for an
> existing GWT project.
> However, it always launch hosted mode with deprecated
> 'com.google.gwt.dev.GWTShell'
> WARNING: 'com.google.gwt.dev.GWTShell' is deprecated and will be
> removed in a future release.
> Use 'com.google.gwt.dev.HostedMode' instead.
> (To disable this warning, pass -Dgwt.nowarn.legacy.tools as a JVM
> arg.)
> But I wonder why then I created a brand new GWT project with Google
> plugin, It can be launched with 'com.google.gwt.dev.HostedMode'.
> Sorry for posting the question here as I cannot find a group for
> Google Eclipse Plugin :P
> >

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"Google Web Toolkit" group.
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Re: compiler error in GWT 1.6 RC2

2009-04-10 Thread Raziel

Not exactly that one, but I'm in a similar position. My error looks

# An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc005) at pc=0x08093e4b,
pid=2268, tid=6000
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (10.0-b23 mixed mode
# Problematic frame:
# V  [jvm.dll+0x93e4b]
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# E:\appianrepository\enzo-appsix\gwt\exportconsole\hs_err_pid2268.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
#   http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

The project compiles fine through Hosted Mode, but I get this error
when I try to compile through my updated compilation scripts.

On Apr 2, 2:47 pm, "L Frohman"  wrote:
> I am trying ot convert my GWT 1.5 project to 1.6. It ran OK in hosted mode
> in 1.6, but when I try to compile, I get the error below, in
> com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler.
> Has anybody seen this before?
> ---
>      [java] Compiling module com.parvia.builder.Builder
>      [java]    [ERROR] Unexpected internal compiler error
>      [java] java.lang.StackOverflowError
>      [java]     at java.lang.Exception.(Exception.java:77)
>      [java]     at
> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException.(InvocationTargetExceptio 
> n.java:54)
>      [java]     at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor54.invoke(Unknown
> Source)
>      [java]     at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImp 
> l.java:25)
>      [java]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectStreamClass.invokeWriteObject(ObjectStreamClass.java:945)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1461)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1392 )
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1150)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.defaultWriteFields(ObjectOutputStream.java:1509)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1474)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1392 )
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1150)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.defaultWriteFields(ObjectOutputStream.java:1509)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1474)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1392 )
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1150)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.defaultWriteFields(ObjectOutputStream.java:1509)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1474)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1392 )
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1150)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.defaultWriteFields(ObjectOutputStream.java:1509)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1474)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1392 )
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1150)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:326)
>      [java]     at java.util.ArrayList.writeObject(ArrayList.java:570)
>      [java]     at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor54.invoke(Unknown
> Source)
>      [java]     at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImp 
> l.java:25)
>      [java]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectStreamClass.invokeWriteObject(ObjectStreamClass.java:945)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1461)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1392 )
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1150)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.defaultWriteFields(ObjectOutputStream.java:1509)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1474)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1392 )
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1150)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:326)
>      [java]     at java.util.ArrayList.writeObje

Re: compiler error in GWT 1.6 RC2

2009-04-10 Thread Raziel

I tried recompiling using jdk 1.6.0_10 32bit and it worked. That's
actually what hosted mode uses, and that's why it worked.

At this point I don't know if the issue is the specific jdk versions
that I used previously (1.6.0_7) OR that the Compiler doesn't support
64 bit JVMs.

On Apr 2, 2:47 pm, "L Frohman"  wrote:
> I am trying ot convert my GWT 1.5 project to 1.6. It ran OK in hosted mode
> in 1.6, but when I try to compile, I get the error below, in
> com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler.
> Has anybody seen this before?
> ---
>      [java] Compiling module com.parvia.builder.Builder
>      [java]    [ERROR] Unexpected internal compiler error
>      [java] java.lang.StackOverflowError
>      [java]     at java.lang.Exception.(Exception.java:77)
>      [java]     at
> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException.(InvocationTargetExceptio 
> n.java:54)
>      [java]     at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor54.invoke(Unknown
> Source)
>      [java]     at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImp 
> l.java:25)
>      [java]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectStreamClass.invokeWriteObject(ObjectStreamClass.java:945)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1461)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1392 )
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1150)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.defaultWriteFields(ObjectOutputStream.java:1509)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1474)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1392 )
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1150)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.defaultWriteFields(ObjectOutputStream.java:1509)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1474)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1392 )
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1150)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.defaultWriteFields(ObjectOutputStream.java:1509)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1474)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1392 )
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1150)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.defaultWriteFields(ObjectOutputStream.java:1509)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1474)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1392 )
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1150)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:326)
>      [java]     at java.util.ArrayList.writeObject(ArrayList.java:570)
>      [java]     at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor54.invoke(Unknown
> Source)
>      [java]     at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImp 
> l.java:25)
>      [java]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectStreamClass.invokeWriteObject(ObjectStreamClass.java:945)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1461)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1392 )
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1150)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.defaultWriteFields(ObjectOutputStream.java:1509)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1474)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1392 )
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1150)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:326)
>      [java]     at java.util.ArrayList.writeObject(ArrayList.java:570)
>      [java]     at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor54.invoke(Unknown
> Source)
>      [java]     at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImp 
> l.java:25)
>      [java]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectStreamClass.invokeWriteObject(ObjectStreamClass.java:945)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1461)
>      [java]     at
> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1392 )

Re: Google plugin for eclipse3.4 launch GWT hosted mode with deprecated com.google.gwt.dev.GWTShell

2009-04-10 Thread olivier nouguier
You've probabily missed the nature

PS: here my pom (maven configuration):





Threre are 2 gwt related natures.

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Kelvin  wrote:

> I installed Google plugin for eclipse3.4 and enable gwt nature for an
> existing GWT project.
> However, it always launch hosted mode with deprecated
> 'com.google.gwt.dev.GWTShell'
> WARNING: 'com.google.gwt.dev.GWTShell' is deprecated and will be
> removed in a future release.
> Use 'com.google.gwt.dev.HostedMode' instead.
> (To disable this warning, pass -Dgwt.nowarn.legacy.tools as a JVM
> arg.)
> But I wonder why then I created a brand new GWT project with Google
> plugin, It can be launched with 'com.google.gwt.dev.HostedMode'.
> Sorry for posting the question here as I cannot find a group for
> Google Eclipse Plugin :P
> >

   “There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make
it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is
to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first
method is far more difficult.”

   Sir Charles Anthony Richard Hoare

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Re: new Compiler documentation

2009-04-10 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 10 avr, 16:20, Raziel  wrote:
> Is there a page that explains the options in the new
> com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler?
> It would be nice if the Upgrade page (http://code.google.com/
> webtoolkit/doc/1.6/ReleaseNotes_1_6.html#Upgrading) contained info on
> how to go from the GWTCompiler  to the new Compiler; just like it does
> for Hosted Mode.
> Moreover. if there was a page explaining the command line options then
> people would be able to figure out by themselves.

This is "hidden" behind the "the design document" link about the new
project layout:
(look for the "Command Line Options, old vs. new" section)

In brief, -out becomes -war, and if you're interested in the "non -
deployed linker artifacts" (that were previously generated into the
-aux directory), you'd have to pass an explicit -extra
argument giving the path to the "extra output" dir.
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GWT and Diagrams

2009-04-10 Thread Alex P . Graças

I am creating a diagram editor, and I've found the GWT diagrams lib.
I'd like to know about if there is some project similar to gwt-
diagrams, since it looks abandoned there is now update since October.


Alex P. Graças

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Tree Menu

2009-04-10 Thread visu

I have developed a tree menu using the following code:

TreeItem root = new TreeItem("root");
Tree t = new Tree();

When I click on the items, a sub tree should be populated for each
item. How to achieve this?

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newbie question - link event handling

2009-04-10 Thread Joe Hudson


I know this is a silly question but I haven't found a reference to

If I have links within the html document but outside of the GWT
application (see the #foo link below).  How can I (or, is this
possible) to capture this event from within the GWT application?

how can I get this link event in the GWT app?


Also, if I am coming to the app for the first time and I provide a
link like http://gwt.google.com/samples/Mail/Mail.html#foo
How, in the app would I know that the foo name was passed?

Thank you very much for the help.


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Spring + GWT project template / example

2009-04-10 Thread raaaaraaaa


i read few articles about spring and gwt integration and i am confused
- i simply did not found working template or sample project which
practically show me how implement spring bean and GWT RPC together.

Please Could you upload for me your 'sample' project if you have one
or which tutorial or article about Spring + GWT integration you can
recommend for me ?

(i am using eclipse)

Thank you

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I just realized that dependency injection is possible with GWT

2009-04-10 Thread Yves


Reading the documentation for the module xml files, i just realize
that the tag  allows for dependency injection.

Suppose i need to use different class implementation depending on my
environment (real class for production, mock for development ...). I
just have to have two (or more) module xml like this

For production use file FooProd.gwt.xml



For development use file FooDev.gwt.xml



Am i wrong?


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Re: Navigating between modules

2009-04-10 Thread logzy

Thanks Ian for the reply, i have actually tried to do that but the
problem is the page contents wouldnt just show.
I will greatly appreciate step to step process on how to implement it.
I checked the site you gave but i didnt see anything that addresses my

On Apr 9, 6:29 pm, Ian Bambury  wrote:
> Use an Anchor to move to a completely different module in a completely
> different page.
> But first ask yourself if you really want to do this given that most
> experienced GWT programmers can only think up situations where they would
> need to do so but have never actually been in a position to do so.
> If you were linking from an email app to a WP app, then there is a case for
> it, but generally, put everything in one app or you have to keep passing
> state about, and that is one thing GWT helps you avoid.
> Ian
> http://examples.roughian.com
> 2009/4/9 logzy 
> > Hi all,
> > I am new to GWT and i have a need to navigate between different
> > modules rather than clear panels and add new one. I created different
> > modules with different entry points. But when i use hyperlink to call
> > another module it displays a blank html page. Please i need help
> > urgently.
> > Thanks
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Re: Navigating between modules

2009-04-10 Thread Ian Bambury
RootPanel.get().add(new Anchor("Page Two", "path/to/page2.html"));


2009/4/10 logzy 

> Thanks Ian for the reply, i have actually tried to do that but the
> problem is the page contents wouldnt just show.
> I will greatly appreciate step to step process on how to implement it.
> I checked the site you gave but i didnt see anything that addresses my
> problem.
> Thanks
> On Apr 9, 6:29 pm, Ian Bambury  wrote:
> > Use an Anchor to move to a completely different module in a completely
> > different page.
> > But first ask yourself if you really want to do this given that most
> > experienced GWT programmers can only think up situations where they would
> > need to do so but have never actually been in a position to do so.
> >
> > If you were linking from an email app to a WP app, then there is a case
> for
> > it, but generally, put everything in one app or you have to keep passing
> > state about, and that is one thing GWT helps you avoid.
> >
> > Ian
> >
> > http://examples.roughian.com
> >
> > 2009/4/9 logzy 
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hi all,
> > > I am new to GWT and i have a need to navigate between different
> > > modules rather than clear panels and add new one. I created different
> > > modules with different entry points. But when i use hyperlink to call
> > > another module it displays a blank html page. Please i need help
> > > urgently.
> > > Thanks
> >

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How to stop compiling server code to javascript?

2009-04-10 Thread DavidMaffitt

This is driving me nuts!  What am I missing?

Building my app causes the error:

[ERROR] Errors in 'file:/home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/
[ERROR] Line 11: No source code is available for type
com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet; did you forget to
inherit a required module?

All the client and server code is separated in
as recommended by

There is no need to compile the server subpackage to javascript and
behavior is described as the default.  Yet I still get the above

The Module is /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/ridelog.gwt.xml
and conatains:





Could this be a bug in my environment?  fedora core 9, gwt 1.5.3,
OpenJDK  Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b09).

Any suggestions, including words of encouragement appreciated.

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Application doesnt work in web mode, but does in hosted mode.

2009-04-10 Thread scottland.yo...@googlemail.com

Hi, my applciation works fine in hosted mode, but not in web mode.  It
compiles with no errors.

When I click a label in my app, it does this requestbuilder call to a
php file on a wamp distro at //localhost/:

public void onClick(Widget sender) {
urlString = ((Element)descripNode).getAttribute("href");
descripString = 
CALL TO METHOD--->phpRequest(urlString);
public void phpRequest(String myurlString){

String url = "http://localhost/term_php_extraction.php?url="; +
RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST,
// etc etc etc..

This works in hosted mode, but in web mode, it does nothing,

Can anyone please help?


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Re: Announcing GWT 1.6...and quite a bit more

2009-04-10 Thread ScienceMan

I'm having great fun writing and deploying test apps with this, and
would like to do more.

How about a code base for tutorials in a svn repository or eclipse
source link somewhere?

I haven't found good material on building a palette of UI elements or
a page of demo UI features -- is there one?

The SmartGWT and GWT Designer projects do not seem to have caught up
with this yet -- especially the latter, so I hope they will soon.
Meanwhile, any advice for womeone who wants to take the next step
beyond the YouTube demo?

On Apr 7, 10:57 pm, Bruce Johnson  wrote:
> Hi Folks!
> Exciting news today. Rather than attempting to describe everything here, let
> me point you to some blog posts that hopefully you will find interesting:
> GWT 1.6 and 
> friends:http://googlewebtoolkit.blogspot.com/2009/04/introducing-gwt-16-and-f...
> Seriously this time, the new language on App Engine: 
> Javahttp://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2009/04/seriously-this-time-new-l...
> Google Plugin for Eclipse -- Peanut Butter to Eclipse's 
> Chocolatehttp://googlewebtoolkit.blogspot.com/2009/04/google-plugin-for-eclips...
> -- Bruce, on behalf of the GWT, App Engine, and Google Plugin teams
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Re: What is a JavaScript event loop

2009-04-10 Thread Tony Strauss

JavaScript only has one thread of control.  This thread handles all
events (i.e., button clicks, windows resizes, etc.) and executes all
javascript code (i.e., everything in a GWT application).  Therefore,
it's critical not to block or to loop forever in GWT applications,
because then this single thread will be not be able to process events
(and the web browser will appear to be frozen to the user).  Instead,
your code should respond to an event and then return as quickly as
possible so that the JavaScript engine can handle the next event.  The
term "event loop" refers to this process of JavaScript continually
looping, handling one event after another.  If you like, you can think
about the core of the JavaScript engine in the browser as looking
something like:
while(event = getNextEvent()) {
  if(event.getType() == MOUSE_CLICK) {
  } else if(event.getType() == TIMER_EXPIRATION) {

If a timer event follows a mouse click event, it cannot get handled
until handleMouseClick() has returned (which, since it must call your
event handler underneath, means that the timer cannot get handled
until your mouse click event handler returns).

Tony Strauss
Designing Patterns, LLC

On Apr 10, 3:13 am, hezjing  wrote:
> Hi
> Ehmmm ... I'm reading the "Scheduling work: the Timer
> class"
> ,
> and it says "... Notice that the timer will not have a chance to execute the
> run() method until after control returns to the JavaScript event loop ..."
> What is a JavaScript event loop?
> --
> Hez
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Re: GWT 1.6 crashes in Host Mode under Vista

2009-04-10 Thread wade . clinton

Thanks ... yes that fixed the problem...

On Apr 9, 7:15 am, Mark  wrote:
> I just fixed this. It is due to the IPV6-stuff in Vista. The easiest
> way to correct it is edit the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
> \hosts and change the line reading
> ::1  localhost
> into
> localhost
> After that the hosted mode browser seems to work.
> On Apr 8, 11:27 pm, wynfo  wrote:
> > I have the same problem withVistaSP1 and with the newGWT1.6and
> > Google Eclipse Plugin.
> > On 3 avr, 09:13,WadeC wrote:
> > > I am already sucessfully runningGWT1.5 without any problems. I
> > > decided to try out the new release candidate of1.6. I built the
> > > default project (with the webAppCreator) and didn't change anything.
> > > It runs fine under web mode - but under Host mode I get:
> > > "Navigation to the webpage was canceled "
> > > This is underVistawith SP1...
> > > Am I missing something obvious?
> > >WadeC- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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Re: Center Root Panel

2009-04-10 Thread Adligo


   Use a Gwt Grid, add a panel to the 0,0 grid cell and set it to 100%
width and height, set the cell to center vertical and horizontal.  I
figured this out in about 5 minutes with the GWT Designer, it Rocks.


On Apr 8, 1:53 pm, Vitali Lovich  wrote:
> The root panle is the body element.  You should add some kind of panel to
> the root panel that is centered on the screen instead.  Then use CSS to
> position it in the center.
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Gonzalo Tirapegui Medina <
> tecklasta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all:
> > how can i center the main panel into the page ... i've been reading
> > that this panel have an absolute position , in that case , should i get the
> > screen resolution and add some padding to the component?
> > thanks ... Gonzalo.
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Re: Hibernate performance in GWT

2009-04-10 Thread George Georgovassilis
Hello Sanj

Lazy loading works, as far as I understand Hibernate4GWT/Gilead in the
simplest way possible: a lazy reference is at the time of RPC serialisation
just nulled out (am I correct Bruno?). So you have to make sure that the
references and collections you care about have been instantiated before
sending out to the world.

I am not clear where the n+1 selection problem meets Hb4GWT/Gilead exactly -
but again then, maybe I am too simple minded to comprehend the deeper
reasoning behind all of this. In my projects where I use Gilead I have
written a few HQL queries which LEFT JOIN FETCH all the entities I care
about - that's like 5 minutes work and hardly more than a minor nuisance.

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 2:19 PM, SunilBansal wrote:

> Hello George,
> I checked out Hibernate4Gwt and try to check the samples. Here i found
> one example related to User and Message. But when i try to evaluate it
> then i found that there is no lazy loading and here i am facing the
> same problem i.e. n+1 select problem.
> Would you tell me? How can i use hibernate4Gwt for resolving
> performance issue?
> Regards,
> Sanj.
> On Mar 25, 12:08 pm, George Georgovassilis
>  wrote:
> > HelloSunil
> >
> > I'm not quite sure why you run into this problem. I am using lazy
> > Lists abudantly with GWT mapped to a bag and it works like a charm. As
> > a side note, I am not using the dynamic proxy feature but rather
> > extending the LazyPojo.
> >
> > On Mar 25, 6:23 am, Sanj  wrote:
> >
> > > Hello Friends,
> >
> > > When i was trying to use hibernate in GWT then i was found one major
> > > problem i.e. PersistentBag is not serializable. For resolving this
> > > issue, i read many blogs. According to the blogs, i found many
> > > solutions but at last i found when i am using this method then there
> > > is some performance methods and can't use hibernate lazy-loading
> > > properly because we can't use lazy-loading outside the scope of the
> > > Session and so when we use the Hibernate in GWT then we need to close
> > > the session on the service/server level while we send the object on
> > > the client side. Some described solution for using hibernate in the
> > > group are :-
> >
> > > 1.)Array instead of collection :-
> > >  One is the major solution for using the
> collection object, use
> > > array instead of the Collection object. But with this solution there
> > > is lot of overhead on the user part i.e. maintain the array properly
> > > with index values.
> > > 2.)Inverse-Owner objects :-
> > >  One another solution for supporting the
> colletion in the hibernate
> > > i.e. use only inverse-owner objects instead of the collection object
> > > but in this case there is one major problem i.e. whenever we need to
> > > use the collections data then we need to send the one extra call on
> > > the server everytime for collecting the collections objects and for
> > > maintaining that thing code readability also lost.
> > > 3.)Maintain PersistentBag/PersistentSet Serializable class :-
> > > Somewhere  i read about create one serializable
> class for
> > > PersistentBag,PersistentSet and use it. But in this case, we need to
> > > create that class on the client side package and while we are creating
> > > this after that problem starts i.e. GWT not support for importing
> > > org.hibernate.PersistentBag on the client side.
> > > 4.)Convertor class :-
> > > One another method for using hibernate in GWT
> is Convertor class
> > > i.e. when you send your Object on the client side then you need to use
> > > the Convertor class for changing all the PersistentBag/PersistentSet
> > > objects in Collection objects.In this case, performance is decreased
> > > badly because of lazy-loading .But it's working fine.
> >
> > > I used the fourth method with some changes for
> increaing the
> > > performance. I include one Obect Fetch Plan design pattern with the
> > > lazy loading. In this pattern, we need to create one xml file where we
> > > define the fetch plans with the binding name. for e.g. suppose i have
> > > one object A and A having collection of B,C,D and E, F 1-1 objects in
> > > class A.B having 1-1 objects of B1, B2. Suppose in this case when i
> > > need to fetch the A object from the database then fetch only A, B, B1
> > > not all the other objects as defined in the A objects and in another
> > > fetch plan, fetch only A,C,E,F objects then we need to create two
> > > fetch plans which we bind with the corresponding Fetch-Plan-Name i.e.
> > > A_B and A_C_E_F.
> >
> > > When we use hibernate in this way, then i know
> there is also lazy-
> > > loading problem but we can control on the fetching of the objects
> > > while we convert the Collections objects. In this way, we need to care
> > > one thing i.e. use lazy="true" for collection and 1-1 objects.
> >
> > > Thanks and regards

Re: How to stop compiling server code to javascript?

2009-04-10 Thread selvan

Could it be case sensitivity issue here...?

"Ridelog.gwt.xml" instead of "ridelog.gwt.xml"

On Apr 10, 9:33 am, DavidMaffitt  wrote:
> This is driving me nuts!  What am I missing?
> Building my app causes the error:
> [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/
> server/service/RemoteRideLogServiceImpl.java'
> [ERROR] Line 11: No source code is available for type
> com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet; did you forget to
> inherit a required module?
> All the client and server code is separated in
> /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/client
> and
> /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/server
> as recommended 
> byhttp://code.google.com/docreader/#p=google-web-toolkit-doc-1-5&s=goog...
> There is no need to compile the server subpackage to javascript and
> that
> behavior is described as the default.  Yet I still get the above
> error.
> The Module is /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/ridelog.gwt.xml
> and conatains:
>                   class="ridelog.server.service.RemoteRideLogServiceImpl"/>
> Could this be a bug in my environment?  fedora core 9, gwt 1.5.3,
> OpenJDK  Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b09).
> Any suggestions, including words of encouragement appreciated.
> -dave

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Re: How to stop compiling server code to javascript?

2009-04-10 Thread Vitali Lovich

grep RemoteRideLogServiceImpl
/home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/.* -rl

Even if you don't use the class in the client code (which you can't),
you may have an import declaration somewhere for it in your src code
by accident.

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 3:02 PM, selvan  wrote:
> Could it be case sensitivity issue here...?
> "Ridelog.gwt.xml" instead of "ridelog.gwt.xml"
> On Apr 10, 9:33 am, DavidMaffitt  wrote:
> > This is driving me nuts!  What am I missing?
> >
> > Building my app causes the error:
> >
> > [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/
> > server/service/RemoteRideLogServiceImpl.java'
> > [ERROR] Line 11: No source code is available for type
> > com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet; did you forget to
> > inherit a required module?
> >
> > All the client and server code is separated in
> > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/client
> > and
> > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/server
> > as recommended 
> > byhttp://code.google.com/docreader/#p=google-web-toolkit-doc-1-5&s=goog...
> >
> > There is no need to compile the server subpackage to javascript and
> > that
> > behavior is described as the default.  Yet I still get the above
> > error.
> >
> > The Module is /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/ridelog.gwt.xml
> > and conatains:
> >
> > 
> >
> >       
> >       
> >
> >       
> >       
> >       
> >
> >       
> >
> >       
> >
> >      >
> >      >              class="ridelog.server.service.RemoteRideLogServiceImpl"/>
> >
> > 
> >
> > Could this be a bug in my environment?  fedora core 9, gwt 1.5.3,
> > OpenJDK  Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b09).
> >
> > Any suggestions, including words of encouragement appreciated.
> >
> > -dave
> >

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Re: How to stop compiling server code to javascript?

2009-04-10 Thread Vitali Lovich

Sorry - mistake in the path:

grep RemoteRideLogServiceImpl
/home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/client/* -rl

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Vitali Lovich  wrote:
> grep RemoteRideLogServiceImpl
> /home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/.* -rl
> --include='*.java'
> Even if you don't use the class in the client code (which you can't),
> you may have an import declaration somewhere for it in your src code
> by accident.
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 3:02 PM, selvan  wrote:
>> Could it be case sensitivity issue here...?
>> "Ridelog.gwt.xml" instead of "ridelog.gwt.xml"
>> On Apr 10, 9:33 am, DavidMaffitt  wrote:
>> > This is driving me nuts!  What am I missing?
>> >
>> > Building my app causes the error:
>> >
>> > [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/
>> > server/service/RemoteRideLogServiceImpl.java'
>> > [ERROR] Line 11: No source code is available for type
>> > com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet; did you forget to
>> > inherit a required module?
>> >
>> > All the client and server code is separated in
>> > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/client
>> > and
>> > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/server
>> > as recommended 
>> > byhttp://code.google.com/docreader/#p=google-web-toolkit-doc-1-5&s=goog...
>> >
>> > There is no need to compile the server subpackage to javascript and
>> > that
>> > behavior is described as the default.  Yet I still get the above
>> > error.
>> >
>> > The Module is /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/ridelog.gwt.xml
>> > and conatains:
>> >
>> > 
>> >
>> >       
>> >       
>> >
>> >       
>> >       
>> >       
>> >
>> >       
>> >
>> >       
>> >
>> >     > >
>> >     > >              class="ridelog.server.service.RemoteRideLogServiceImpl"/>
>> >
>> > 
>> >
>> > Could this be a bug in my environment?  fedora core 9, gwt 1.5.3,
>> > OpenJDK  Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b09).
>> >
>> > Any suggestions, including words of encouragement appreciated.
>> >
>> > -dave
>> >>

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Re: Large GWT-application on mobile phones

2009-04-10 Thread Arthur Kalmenson

You can also use LazyPanel or some other lazy loading mechanism to
only load what the user sees. This should make application start up
much faster. If you don't use any lazy loading strategy, all the
panels and widgets will be instantiated on startup which will take up
substantial CPU resources.

As Vitali mentioned, you want to make sure you're not holding onto any
pointers for widgets you don't need. This will prevent the garbage
collector from freeing up that memory. On the desktop that's usually
fine, but on mobile apps you really need to keep an eye out for that.

Is your mobile app the same as the desktop version or are there
dedicated mobile views? I'd probably suggest to make a separate GWT
app for the mobile version, refactor the desktop one to pull out all
the common parts, and inherit them in the mobile version .

Arthur Kalmenson

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Vitali Lovich  wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 9:54 AM, Lothar Kimmeringer 
> wrote:
>> Vitali Lovich schrieb:
>> >
>> >     Android:
>> >      - The browser coming with G1 is not able to do
>> >       HTTP Basic Authentication (WTF?)
>> >
>> > That seems strange & unlikely given that it's Chrome (or at least some
>> > kind of Webkit-based browser).  Try running your app in Chrome on the
>> > desktop - does that work?  Do you have the latest updates on the phone?
>> I don't have Chrome on the desktop (I don't agree with the terms of
>> usage, so I'm not able to install it).
> Would installing it in a temporary VM be ok?  Then you can just wipe the VM
> afterwards.
>> The phone was updated about
>> one month ago. The phone's message is quite clear:
>> "Das Authentifizierungsschema fuer die Site wird nicht unterstuetzt."
>> (The site's authentication-scheme is not supported)
>> The server's response-header looks OK to me:
>> $ telnet 9000
>> Trying
>> Connected to
>> Escape character is '^]'.
>> GET / HTTP/1.0
>> Host: localhost
>> HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
>> Date: Wed, 08 Apr 2009 13:44:31 GMT
>> Server: IS/5.7.20_14442
>> WWW-Authenticate: basic realm="HUB Admin Realm"
>> Content-Type: text/html
>> Content-Length: 1127
>> Connection: close
> I don't have much experience with the HTTP auth route - I tend to do the
> authentication through the GWT RPC approach.
>> >     Mobile Safari:
>> >      - Safari on an iPod touch 2G is showing the application after
>> >       some while and crashes after doing some RPC-calls.
>> >      - Safari on an iPhone 2G shows the application but instead
>> >       of crashing, the browser fails to do RPC-calls after a while.
>> >
>> > Do you see these problems on the desktop version of Safari?
>> No, the application is running smoothly there.
> Are you sure that the RPC calls stop & that your app isn't crashing?  Try
> this in your onModuleLoad:
> new Timer() {
>    public void run() {
>  rpcServiceAsync.doRpcHeartbeat(System.currentTimeMillis(), new
> AsyncCallback() {public void onFailure(Throwable cause){} public void
> onSuccess(Void result){}});
>    }
> }.scheduleRepeating(5000);
> where doRpcHeartbeat is an RPC invocation where you just log the timestamp
> on the server or something.  That way you can be sure that you can tell if
> suddenly RPC stops working (by the way, there's a limit to how many
> concurrent outstanding AJAX calls you can make - could you be hitting this
> limit?).
>> >  The iPhone
>> > & desktop versions are pretty much identical in the backend.  What do
>> > you mean by crashes?
>> When working with the application it suddenly vanishes in the same
>> way it do when you press the "Main"-button. I never saw this behavior
>> on other pages, so I assume that it's killed by the operating system
>> because there is not enough memory and Safari wasn't able to free
>> up enough ressources after being told so by the system (which lead
>> to the kill of the application).
> Are your phones jailbroken?  If so, there might be some performance monitors
> you can run (at the very least you have top) to get a sense of why Safari
> crashes (does Apple provide developer tools for determining why Safari
> unloads the page?)
>> So "crashing" might not be the correct term here but the user-
>> experience is the same ;-)
>> [Splitting GWT-application to reduce memory-consumption]
>> > Build from trunk & use GWT.runAsync
>> > .
>> Looks good (meaning that I still can skip 1.5 and can go from
>> 1.4.60 to 1.6 directly).
> Not 1.6 - must be trunk.  Code splitting wasn't put into 1.6.  It's one of
> the major featres that's going into 2.0 with OOPHM being another one.
>> Two questions that I don't find answered in the page you linked:
>> 1. My application is already modularized, every page allowing
>> the administration of one particular "service" is a class
>> derived from a superclass "AbstractServicePanel". When cl

Re: problem with Back Button

2009-04-10 Thread Arthur Kalmenson

I don't think there is another way to integrate with the browser's
native controls without using History. Why don't you make each action
a new history item? Maybe something like this: #main/action/update? So
you would have 3 history items that you would create, one for the main
page, then when they click to do some action, you have another item,
and when they click on update, that's the third item added.

Arthur Kalmenson

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 3:38 PM, jucimarjr  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having the following problem:
> I have some portlets in a page that depends of pageOwner to show their
> contents. Until now OK.
> If I enter in other page, with the same portlets but with a diferrent
> pageOwner, the pageOwner will changed and the portlets will open with
> this pageOwner's data, ok?
> However, if I click at the "Back Button" I'm redirected to the
> previous page with the data of the last pageOwner that I've visited,
> understand?
> What I want is to be redirected to the previous page with the
> pageOwner of THIS page, not with the last pageOwner.
> But to solve this problem, I'd like to know if there is another way
> without use HistoryListener, because if have a root panel to each
> portlet and not a root page to control everything, understand? So, I
> can't use historyListener to each root panel.
> Regards,
> Jucimar Cândido.
> >

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Re: Open a local file with GWT

2009-04-10 Thread ffs1985

I tried adding a button when the callback success and on click event
of that button, call to window.open(path,"_blank",""). this didn't
work, I think that the thing is that the browser doesn't know how to
open that path. The thing I don't understand is why if I open a new
tab on firefox or I Explorer or Chrome wirks without a problem.

Maybe another solution is not to call a rpc to download the file and
instead of that make something like an old servlet that make a call to
download browser. I've trying this thing works since a lot of time and
I still didn't find a solution.

I hope someone could help me with this,


On Apr 7, 10:13 am, Jason Essington  wrote:
> O.K.
> 1) what is pdfLink? is that supposed to be link?
> 2) if you have any kind of Popup blocker, attempting to open a window  
> from the callback will fail. if you want to open a window, it has to  
> happen as a direct result of a user action (onClick, etc)
> 3) if link is a path to a filesystem file are you sure it is correct?  
> (this is sneaky, but just might work)
> 4) Technically not causing a problem but, use generics.
> AsyncCallback cb = new AsyncCallback{
>    public void onSuccess(String result) ...
> }
> -jason
> On Apr 7, 2009, at 5:04 AM,ffs1985wrote:
> > Hi I'm trying to make a function that let the user download a file
> > from my application and see it. I could copy the file from server to a
> > local root but when I've tried to open it, does it work on hosted mode
> > but in web mode fails always, no matter what browser I try(IE 7,
> > Firefox and Chrome).
> > My code is the next one:
> > private void openDocument(String documentName) {
> >            final ManagerExportAsync manejador = 
> > ManagerExport.Util.getInstance
> > ();
> >            AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback(){
> >                    String link;
> >                    public void onSuccess(final Object result) {
> >                              link = (String)result;
> >                              Window.open(pdfLink,"_blank","");
> >                    }
> >                    public void onFailure(Throwable caught){}
> >                    };
> >            manejador.openDocument("User",userId, documentName,callback);
> >    }
> > The String link result is something like this "file///:C:/test.jpg"
> > I don't know what it's wrong. I read somewhere that the problem could
> > be that I'm calling the Window.open inside the callback but I really
> > don't know what is wrong coul someone give me a hand?
> > Any suggestions?
> > Thanks!
> > Federico.
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Re: Announcing GWT 1.6...and quite a bit more

2009-04-10 Thread Eric Clayberg

We are working on GWT 1.6 support for GWT Designer and should have
basic (compilation and hosted mode) support available soon.

On Apr 10, 12:52 pm, ScienceMan  wrote:
> I'm having great fun writing and deploying test apps with this, and
> would like to do more.
> How about a code base for tutorials in a svn repository or eclipse
> source link somewhere?
> I haven't found good material on building a palette of UI elements or
> a page of demo UI features -- is there one?
> The SmartGWT and GWT Designer projects do not seem to have caught up
> with this yet -- especially the latter, so I hope they will soon.
> Meanwhile, any advice for womeone who wants to take the next step
> beyond the YouTube demo?
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HOWTO: GWT 1.6 eclipse plugin on 64bit

2009-04-10 Thread Shauvik


Those of us running GWT on 64bit might  notice that the eclipse
plugin's hosted mode doesn't work.
Here is a Hosted mode script that i wrote as a workaround.

APPDIR=`dirname $0`;
JVM=<32-bit java VM>
$JVM -cp "$APPDIR/src:$APPDIR/bin:$GWTDIR/gwt-user.jar:$GWTDIR/gwt-dev-
linux.jar:$LIB" com.google.gwt.dev.HostedMode -logLevel ALL


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Accessing DecoratedPopupPanel css style directly from code

2009-04-10 Thread Paul van Hoven

Is ist possible to use a ImageBundle in conjunction with the
DecoratedPopupPanel. Currently, i define a background image in each
style, i.e.

.MyDecoratedPopupPanel .popupTopLeft { height:30px;width:
30px;background:url('bla/bla.png') }

etc.. Is it possible to use an image bundle for setting these
background images instead of setting each in an extra css style?
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Re: HOWTO: GWT 1.6 eclipse plugin on 64bit

2009-04-10 Thread Vitali Lovich

Or, you know, you could set the 32-bit JVM as the project VM within Eclipse.

ia32-sun-java6-bin package on Ubuntu.

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Shauvik  wrote:
> Hi,
> Those of us running GWT on 64bit might  notice that the eclipse
> plugin's hosted mode doesn't work.
> Here is a Hosted mode script that i wrote as a workaround.
> #!/bin/sh
> APPDIR=`dirname $0`;
> JVM=<32-bit java VM>
> LIB=
> $JVM -cp "$APPDIR/src:$APPDIR/bin:$GWTDIR/gwt-user.jar:$GWTDIR/gwt-dev-
> linux.jar:$LIB" com.google.gwt.dev.HostedMode -logLevel ALL
> com.shauvik.sample.HelloWorld;
> Cheers,
> Shauvik
> >

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Upgrading to 1.6

2009-04-10 Thread mike

Hi all,

In trying to upgrade to 1.6, I've run into some problems with hosted
mode (I'm guessing due to the change to jetty).   I'll describe the
situation generically:

I have two jars: A.jar and B.jar which both include class Foo. My
classpath is set to A.jar:B.jar since I'd prefer to use the
implementation of Foo in A.jar if it exists and fall back to B.jar
otherwise. If I run in hosted mode, however, there doesn't seem to be
any way to get it to prefer A.jar. (This worked fine in 1.5). When I
deploy this application, everything works fine (as before), but I'd
like to be able to continue to use hosted mode.

Just to confirm the proper classpath, I print the system classpath on
startup, which lists the proper order. I thought it might be related
to the issue re: jetty described here:
But, setting -Dorg.mortbay.jetty.webapp.parentLoaderPriority=true (the
suggested workaround) doesn't seem to have any effect.

Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!


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Re: HOWTO: GWT 1.6 eclipse plugin on 64bit

2009-04-10 Thread Vitali Lovich

Oh, and on the command-line,

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -cp 

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Vitali Lovich  wrote:
> Or, you know, you could set the 32-bit JVM as the project VM within Eclipse.
> ia32-sun-java6-bin package on Ubuntu.
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Shauvik  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Those of us running GWT on 64bit might  notice that the eclipse
>> plugin's hosted mode doesn't work.
>> Here is a Hosted mode script that i wrote as a workaround.
>> #!/bin/sh
>> APPDIR=`dirname $0`;
>> JVM=<32-bit java VM>
>> LIB=
>> $JVM -cp "$APPDIR/src:$APPDIR/bin:$GWTDIR/gwt-user.jar:$GWTDIR/gwt-dev-
>> linux.jar:$LIB" com.google.gwt.dev.HostedMode -logLevel ALL
>> com.shauvik.sample.HelloWorld;
>> Cheers,
>> Shauvik
>> >>

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problems upgrading an existing project to 1.6.x

2009-04-10 Thread pohl


I have an existing project that I'm trying to upgrade to GWT 1.6.4,
and the errors that I'm getting from GWTCompiler aren't giving me a
strong indication of what my problem may be.  (See the pastebin link

I have ensured, I believe, that the 3 GWT jars (user, servlet, and dev-
mac) are in my environment.   My project uses the incubator, and I
have built a new jar from the incubator trunk, which should be GWT
1.6.x compatible.

The only other two GWT-related jars that I'm using are gwt-log  (for
client-side logging in a div) and GWTx (just for their
PropertyChangeListener support).   I can't find any indication that
either of these projects is up-to-speed with 1.6 yet, so perhaps this
is my problem and I just need to wait for them.

But I wanted to post here to see if I may be missing something else
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Re: Upgrading to 1.6

2009-04-10 Thread cse mike

Okay, I've found a work-around for this, which is basically to put
A.jar in the /war/lib dir and B.jar on the system path. (Seemingly,
the -Dorg.mortbay.jetty.webapp.parentLoaderPriority=true is being
ignored, or perhaps I'm just not using it properly)


On Apr 10, 2:19 pm, mike  wrote:
> Hi all,
> In trying to upgrade to 1.6, I've run into some problems with hosted
> mode (I'm guessing due to the change to jetty).   I'll describe the
> situation generically:
> I have two jars: A.jar and B.jar which both include class Foo. My
> classpath is set to A.jar:B.jar since I'd prefer to use the
> implementation of Foo in A.jar if it exists and fall back to B.jar
> otherwise. If I run in hosted mode, however, there doesn't seem to be
> any way to get it to prefer A.jar. (This worked fine in 1.5). When I
> deploy this application, everything works fine (as before), but I'd
> like to be able to continue to use hosted mode.
> Just to confirm the proper classpath, I print the system classpath on
> startup, which lists the proper order. I thought it might be related
> to the issue re: jetty described 
> here:http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/Classloading
> But, setting -Dorg.mortbay.jetty.webapp.parentLoaderPriority=true (the
> suggested workaround) doesn't seem to have any effect.
> Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!
> -M
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Re: How to stop compiling server code to javascript?

2009-04-10 Thread DavidMaffitt

Thanks for the replies.  I don't think it is a case sensitivity
issue.  The compiler wouldn't see the module at all or were you
refering to a different parameter?

I grep-ed through the client code and didn't find any unintentional
references to this class.

I've done two other things.
1. switched to gwt 1.6.4.  same error
2. turned logLevel on the com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler to ALL.  The
copious output contains:

   Translatable source found in...
  Unexpected entry in classpath; /home/drm/projects/rideLog/bin is
neither a directory nor an archive (.jar or .zip)
  Refreshing resources
 Searching for resources within file:/home/drm/projects/
Descending into dir: /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/
Filter excludes file: ridelog/ridelog.gwt.xml
Descending into dir: /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/
Descending into dir: /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/
Filter excludes file: ridelog/server/
Including file: ridelog/server/service/

It is bound and determined to follow the server subpackage.  Could my
module be in the wrong place?
The package root is ridelog.  I have ridelog.gwt.xml in the ridelog
directory with the client and server directories.


On Apr 10, 2:15 pm, Vitali Lovich  wrote:
> Sorry - mistake in the path:
> grep RemoteRideLogServiceImpl
> /home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/client/* -rl
> --include='*.java'
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Vitali Lovich  wrote:
> > grep RemoteRideLogServiceImpl
> > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/.* -rl
> > --include='*.java'
> > Even if you don't use the class in the client code (which you can't),
> > you may have an import declaration somewhere for it in your src code
> > by accident.
> > On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 3:02 PM, selvan  wrote:
> >> Could it be case sensitivity issue here...?
> >> "Ridelog.gwt.xml" instead of "ridelog.gwt.xml"
> >> On Apr 10, 9:33 am, DavidMaffitt  wrote:
> >> > This is driving me nuts!  What am I missing?
> >> > Building my app causes the error:
> >> > [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/
> >> > server/service/RemoteRideLogServiceImpl.java'
> >> > [ERROR] Line 11: No source code is available for type
> >> > com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet; did you forget to
> >> > inherit a required module?
> >> > All the client and server code is separated in
> >> > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/client
> >> > and
> >> > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/server
> >> > as recommended 
> >> > byhttp://code.google.com/docreader/#p=google-web-toolkit-doc-1-5&s=goog...
> >> > There is no need to compile the server subpackage to javascript and
> >> > that
> >> > behavior is described as the default.  Yet I still get the above
> >> > error.
> >> > The Module is /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/ridelog.gwt.xml
> >> > and conatains:
> >> > 
> >> >       
> >> >       
> >> >       
> >> >       
> >> >       
> >> >       
> >> >       
> >> >     
> >> >      >> >              class="ridelog.server.service.RemoteRideLogServiceImpl"/>
> >> > 
> >> > Could this be a bug in my environment?  fedora core 9, gwt 1.5.3,
> >> > OpenJDK  Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b09).
> >> > Any suggestions, including words of encouragement appreciated.
> >> > -dave
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Re: How to stop compiling server code to javascript?

2009-04-10 Thread DavidMaffitt

In addition, I am compiling with:


APPDIR=`dirname $0`;


java  -Xmx256M -cp $CP com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler ridelog.ridelog;


On Apr 10, 5:15 pm, DavidMaffitt  wrote:
> Thanks for the replies.  I don't think it is a case sensitivity
> issue.  The compiler wouldn't see the module at all or were you
> refering to a different parameter?
> I grep-ed through the client code and didn't find any unintentional
> references to this class.
> I've done two other things.
> 1. switched to gwt 1.6.4.  same error
> 2. turned logLevel on the com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler to ALL.  The
> copious output contains:
>    Translatable source found in...
>       Unexpected entry in classpath; /home/drm/projects/rideLog/bin is
> neither a directory nor an archive (.jar or .zip)
>       Refreshing resources
>          Searching for resources within file:/home/drm/projects/
> rideLog/src/
>             Descending into dir: /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/
> ridelog
>             Filter excludes file: ridelog/ridelog.gwt.xml
>             Descending into dir: /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/
> ridelog/server
>             Descending into dir: /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/
> ridelog/server/service
>             Filter excludes file: ridelog/server/
> service/.RemoteRideLogServiceImpl.java.swp
>             Including file: ridelog/server/service/
> RemoteRideLogServiceImpl.java
> It is bound and determined to follow the server subpackage.  Could my
> module be in the wrong place?
> The package root is ridelog.  I have ridelog.gwt.xml in the ridelog
> directory with the client and server directories.
> -dave
> On Apr 10, 2:15 pm, Vitali Lovich  wrote:
> > Sorry - mistake in the path:
> > grep RemoteRideLogServiceImpl
> > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/client/* -rl
> > --include='*.java'
> > On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Vitali Lovich  wrote:
> > > grep RemoteRideLogServiceImpl
> > > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/.* -rl
> > > --include='*.java'
> > > Even if you don't use the class in the client code (which you can't),
> > > you may have an import declaration somewhere for it in your src code
> > > by accident.
> > > On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 3:02 PM, selvan  wrote:
> > >> Could it be case sensitivity issue here...?
> > >> "Ridelog.gwt.xml" instead of "ridelog.gwt.xml"
> > >> On Apr 10, 9:33 am, DavidMaffitt  wrote:
> > >> > This is driving me nuts!  What am I missing?
> > >> > Building my app causes the error:
> > >> > [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/
> > >> > server/service/RemoteRideLogServiceImpl.java'
> > >> > [ERROR] Line 11: No source code is available for type
> > >> > com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet; did you forget to
> > >> > inherit a required module?
> > >> > All the client and server code is separated in
> > >> > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/client
> > >> > and
> > >> > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/server
> > >> > as recommended 
> > >> > byhttp://code.google.com/docreader/#p=google-web-toolkit-doc-1-5&s=goog...
> > >> > There is no need to compile the server subpackage to javascript and
> > >> > that
> > >> > behavior is described as the default.  Yet I still get the above
> > >> > error.
> > >> > The Module is /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/ridelog.gwt.xml
> > >> > and conatains:
> > >> > 
> > >> >       
> > >> >       
> > >> >       
> > >> >       
> > >> >       
> > >> >       
> > >> >       
> > >> >     
> > >> >      > >> >              class="ridelog.server.service.RemoteRideLogServiceImpl"/>
> > >> > 
> > >> > Could this be a bug in my environment?  fedora core 9, gwt 1.5.3,
> > >> > OpenJDK  Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b09).
> > >> > Any suggestions, including words of encouragement appreciated.
> > >> > -dave
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Re: problems upgrading an existing project to 1.6.x

2009-04-10 Thread Vitali Lovich

I've had no problems with backwards compatability.

Try using Compiler instead of GWTCompiler.  For some reason it looks
like you're getting the wrong gwt-user.jar (looks like it might even
be from GWT 1.4 because generics support was added with GWT 1.5 I

If you are using ant, please post the ant task that calls the
compiler.  If you are using a shell script, please post the script.


On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 5:26 PM, pohl  wrote:
> http://pastebin.com/d2cc79d8e
> I have an existing project that I'm trying to upgrade to GWT 1.6.4,
> and the errors that I'm getting from GWTCompiler aren't giving me a
> strong indication of what my problem may be.  (See the pastebin link
> above.)
> I have ensured, I believe, that the 3 GWT jars (user, servlet, and dev-
> mac) are in my environment.   My project uses the incubator, and I
> have built a new jar from the incubator trunk, which should be GWT
> 1.6.x compatible.
> The only other two GWT-related jars that I'm using are gwt-log  (for
> client-side logging in a div) and GWTx (just for their
> PropertyChangeListener support).   I can't find any indication that
> either of these projects is up-to-speed with 1.6 yet, so perhaps this
> is my problem and I just need to wait for them.
> But I wanted to post here to see if I may be missing something else
> instead.
> >

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Re: How to stop compiling server code to javascript?

2009-04-10 Thread Vitali Lovich

Here's my gwt.xml file that I used for my project that worked for me.







My directory structure is as follows:


as of 1.6, the servlet path in the gwt.xml file is deprecated - the
configuration goes into the web.xml file

fully-qualified class name for rpc impl


& you add the appropriate annotation to the (non-async) service interface.

There's also a webAppCreator script in GWT that'll create a sample 1.6
project for you, so you can check out what the error might be.

It also creates the build.xml file for you, which you really should
use instead of manually invoking the Compiler.

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 6:27 PM, DavidMaffitt  wrote:
> In addition, I am compiling with:
> #!/bin/sh
> APPDIR=`dirname $0`;
> CP="$APPDIR/src:$APPDIR/bin"
> CP=$CP:/opt/gwt/gwt-user.jar
> CP=$CP:/opt/gwt/gwt-dev-linux.jar
> CP=$CP:/opt/restlet/lib/org.restlet.gwt.jar
> CP=$CP:/home/drm/projects/rideLog/domain/dist/
> rideLogDomain_gwtmodule.jar
> java  -Xmx256M -cp $CP com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler ridelog.ridelog;
> -dave
> On Apr 10, 5:15 pm, DavidMaffitt  wrote:
>> Thanks for the replies.  I don't think it is a case sensitivity
>> issue.  The compiler wouldn't see the module at all or were you
>> refering to a different parameter?
>> I grep-ed through the client code and didn't find any unintentional
>> references to this class.
>> I've done two other things.
>> 1. switched to gwt 1.6.4.  same error
>> 2. turned logLevel on the com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler to ALL.  The
>> copious output contains:
>>    Translatable source found in...
>>       Unexpected entry in classpath; /home/drm/projects/rideLog/bin is
>> neither a directory nor an archive (.jar or .zip)
>>       Refreshing resources
>>          Searching for resources within file:/home/drm/projects/
>> rideLog/src/
>>             Descending into dir: /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/
>> ridelog
>>             Filter excludes file: ridelog/ridelog.gwt.xml
>>             Descending into dir: /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/
>> ridelog/server
>>             Descending into dir: /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/
>> ridelog/server/service
>>             Filter excludes file: ridelog/server/
>> service/.RemoteRideLogServiceImpl.java.swp
>>             Including file: ridelog/server/service/
>> RemoteRideLogServiceImpl.java
>> It is bound and determined to follow the server subpackage.  Could my
>> module be in the wrong place?
>> The package root is ridelog.  I have ridelog.gwt.xml in the ridelog
>> directory with the client and server directories.
>> -dave
>> On Apr 10, 2:15 pm, Vitali Lovich  wrote:
>> > Sorry - mistake in the path:
>> > grep RemoteRideLogServiceImpl
>> > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/client/* -rl
>> > --include='*.java'
>> > On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Vitali Lovich  wrote:
>> > > grep RemoteRideLogServiceImpl
>> > > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/.* -rl
>> > > --include='*.java'
>> > > Even if you don't use the class in the client code (which you can't),
>> > > you may have an import declaration somewhere for it in your src code
>> > > by accident.
>> > > On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 3:02 PM, selvan  wrote:
>> > >> Could it be case sensitivity issue here...?
>> > >> "Ridelog.gwt.xml" instead of "ridelog.gwt.xml"
>> > >> On Apr 10, 9:33 am, DavidMaffitt  wrote:
>> > >> > This is driving me nuts!  What am I missing?
>> > >> > Building my app causes the error:
>> > >> > [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/
>> > >> > server/service/RemoteRideLogServiceImpl.java'
>> > >> > [ERROR] Line 11: No source code is available for type
>> > >> > com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet; did you forget to
>> > >> > inherit a required module?
>> > >> > All the client and server code is separated in
>> > >> > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/client
>> > >> > and
>> > >> > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/server
>> > >> > as recommended 
>> > >> > byhttp://code.google.com/docreader/#p=google-web-toolkit-doc-1-5&s=goog...
>> > >> > There is no need to compile the server subpackage to javascript and
>> > >> > that
>> > >> > behavior is described as the default.  Yet I still get the above
>> > >> > error.
>> > >> > The Module is /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/ridelog.gwt.xml
>> > >> > and conatains:
>> > >> > 
>> > >> >       
>> > >> >       
>> > >> >       
>> > >> >       
>> > >> >       
>> > >> >       
>> > >> >       
>> > >> >     >
>> > >> >     > > >> >              class="ridelog.server.service.RemoteRideLogServiceImpl"/>
>> > >> > 
>> > >> > Could this be a b

Re: Accessing DecoratedPopupPanel css style directly from code

2009-04-10 Thread Vitali Lovich
A safe (& fast) & robust way would be to use
to find the element you want & set the background.

If you don't want the additional dependency, you could manually try to find
those elements by iterating over the widgets (or the DOM tree itself).

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Paul van Hoven <
paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Is ist possible to use a ImageBundle in conjunction with the
> DecoratedPopupPanel. Currently, i define a background image in each
> style, i.e.
> .MyDecoratedPopupPanel .popupTopLeft { height:30px;width:
> 30px;background:url('bla/bla.png') }
> etc.. Is it possible to use an image bundle for setting these
> background images instead of setting each in an extra css style?
> >

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newbie problem using GWT-RPC

2009-04-10 Thread Joe Hudson

Hi, I'm trying to figure out GWT-RPC and having a bit of an issue
(details are below).  I will say that I have had success with GWT-RPC
as long as I *was not* using any method parameters or return types
that were objects of my own creation.  Is there something special that
needs to be done to register these objects (they are under the
"client" package)?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

I have the following service interface (in com.test.ui.client):
public interface TestService extends RemoteService {
String test(String someParam);

and the following async service interface
public interface TestServiceAsync {
void test(String someParam, AsyncCallback callback);

and the following service implementation (in com.test.ui.server):
public class TestServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
TestService {
public String test(String someParam) {
return someParam + "-" + someParam;

these all reference the Test class (in com.test.ui.client.model.test):
public class Test implements Serializable {
private String someProperty;

public String getSomeProperty() {
return someProperty;
public void setSomeProperty(String someProperty) {
this.someProperty = someProperty;

My module code looks like this:
public void onModuleLoad() {
Object obj = GWT.create(TestService.class);
System.out.println("The class is: " + 
obj.getClass().getName()); //
outputs "The class is: com.test.ui.client.TestService_Proxy"

TestService testService = GWT.create(TestService.class); // 
here is
where I receive a ClassCastException
Test test = new Test();
String rtn = testService.test("foo");
System.out.println("The value is: " + rtn);

The problem I am having is that I am receiving a ClassCastException
with this stack trace:
[ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class
com.test.ui.client.Ib_web (see associated exception for details)
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.test.ui.client.TestService_Proxy
cannot be cast to com.test.ui.client.TestService
at com.test.ui.client.Ib_web.onModuleLoad(Ib_web.java:28)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ModuleSpace.onLoad(ModuleSpace.java:326)
at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.BrowserWidget.attachModuleSpace
at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.BrowserWidgetIE6.access$300
at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.BrowserWidgetIE6$External.gwtOnLoad
at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.BrowserWidgetIE6$External.invoke
at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.IDispatchImpl.Invoke
at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.IDispatchImpl.method6
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COMObject.callback6
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessageW(Native Method)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessage(OS.java:1925)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:2966)
at com.google.gwt.dev.SwtHostedModeBase.processEvents
at com.google.gwt.dev.HostedModeBase.pumpEventLoop
at com.google.gwt.dev.HostedModeBase.run(HostedModeBase.java:405)
at com.google.gwt.dev.HostedMode.main(HostedMode.java:232)
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Re: What is a JavaScript event loop

2009-04-10 Thread hezjing
Hi Tony
That's a good explanation, thank you very much!



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Re: How to stop compiling server code to javascript?

2009-04-10 Thread selvan

What is it in the CP=$CP:/home/drm/projects/rideLog/domain/dist/
rideLogDomain_gwtmodule.jar  file?

On Apr 10, 3:27 pm, DavidMaffitt  wrote:
> In addition, I am compiling with:
> #!/bin/sh
> APPDIR=`dirname $0`;
> CP="$APPDIR/src:$APPDIR/bin"
> CP=$CP:/opt/gwt/gwt-user.jar
> CP=$CP:/opt/gwt/gwt-dev-linux.jar
> CP=$CP:/opt/restlet/lib/org.restlet.gwt.jar
> CP=$CP:/home/drm/projects/rideLog/domain/dist/
> rideLogDomain_gwtmodule.jar
> java  -Xmx256M -cp $CP com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler ridelog.ridelog;
> -dave
> On Apr 10, 5:15 pm, DavidMaffitt  wrote:
> > Thanks for the replies.  I don't think it is a case sensitivity
> > issue.  The compiler wouldn't see the module at all or were you
> > refering to a different parameter?
> > I grep-ed through the client code and didn't find any unintentional
> > references to this class.
> > I've done two other things.
> > 1. switched to gwt 1.6.4.  same error
> > 2. turned logLevel on the com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler to ALL.  The
> > copious output contains:
> >    Translatable source found in...
> >       Unexpected entry in classpath; /home/drm/projects/rideLog/bin is
> > neither a directory nor an archive (.jar or .zip)
> >       Refreshing resources
> >          Searching for resources within file:/home/drm/projects/
> > rideLog/src/
> >             Descending into dir: /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/
> > ridelog
> >             Filter excludes file: ridelog/ridelog.gwt.xml
> >             Descending into dir: /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/
> > ridelog/server
> >             Descending into dir: /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/
> > ridelog/server/service
> >             Filter excludes file: ridelog/server/
> > service/.RemoteRideLogServiceImpl.java.swp
> >             Including file: ridelog/server/service/
> > RemoteRideLogServiceImpl.java
> > It is bound and determined to follow the server subpackage.  Could my
> > module be in the wrong place?
> > The package root is ridelog.  I have ridelog.gwt.xml in the ridelog
> > directory with the client and server directories.
> > -dave
> > On Apr 10, 2:15 pm, Vitali Lovich  wrote:
> > > Sorry - mistake in the path:
> > > grep RemoteRideLogServiceImpl
> > > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/client/* -rl
> > > --include='*.java'
> > > On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Vitali Lovich  wrote:
> > > > grep RemoteRideLogServiceImpl
> > > > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/.* -rl
> > > > --include='*.java'
> > > > Even if you don't use the class in the client code (which you can't),
> > > > you may have an import declaration somewhere for it in your src code
> > > > by accident.
> > > > On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 3:02 PM, selvan  wrote:
> > > >> Could it be case sensitivity issue here...?
> > > >> "Ridelog.gwt.xml" instead of "ridelog.gwt.xml"
> > > >> On Apr 10, 9:33 am, DavidMaffitt  wrote:
> > > >> > This is driving me nuts!  What am I missing?
> > > >> > Building my app causes the error:
> > > >> > [ERROR] Errors in 
> > > >> > 'file:/home/drm/projects/rideLog/client/src/ridelog/
> > > >> > server/service/RemoteRideLogServiceImpl.java'
> > > >> > [ERROR] Line 11: No source code is available for type
> > > >> > com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet; did you forget 
> > > >> > to
> > > >> > inherit a required module?
> > > >> > All the client and server code is separated in
> > > >> > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/client
> > > >> > and
> > > >> > /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/server
> > > >> > as recommended 
> > > >> > byhttp://code.google.com/docreader/#p=google-web-toolkit-doc-1-5&s=goog...
> > > >> > There is no need to compile the server subpackage to javascript and
> > > >> > that
> > > >> > behavior is described as the default.  Yet I still get the above
> > > >> > error.
> > > >> > The Module is /home/drm/projects/rideLog/src/ridelog/ridelog.gwt.xml
> > > >> > and conatains:
> > > >> > 
> > > >> >       
> > > >> >       
> > > >> >       
> > > >> >       
> > > >> >       
> > > >> >       
> > > >> >       
> > > >> >     
> > > >> >      > > >> >              
> > > >> > class="ridelog.server.service.RemoteRideLogServiceImpl"/>
> > > >> > 
> > > >> > Could this be a bug in my environment?  fedora core 9, gwt 1.5.3,
> > > >> > OpenJDK  Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b09).
> > > >> > Any suggestions, including words of encouragement appreciated.
> > > >> > -dave
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Re: Deploying GWT applications on OSGi Equinox

2009-04-10 Thread Geoffry Roberts

Did you see how to use extension points to specify your servlets?  It can be
found with the link below, in case you missed it.


BTW Are you in the UK?  I notice you write me very early in the morning my

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 6:31 AM, lan  wrote:

> Yes I've just finished reading
> On 8 avr, 17:20, gcr  wrote:
> > Ian,
> >
> > Have seen the article "Embedding an HTTP server in Equinox"?
> >
> > If not give it a read and we can continue.  It explains how to do
> > without war file.
> >
> > http://www.eclipse.org/equinox/server/http_in_equinox.php
> >
> > On Apr 8, 2:41 am, lan  wrote:
> >
> > > Yes I'm absolutely interested.
> > > I don't understand how you don't use a war file.
> >

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Re: java.lang.StackOverflowError with GWT

2009-04-10 Thread Alex

The same in my case: porting my 1.5.3 app to 1.6.4 and Ant fails with
the StackOverflowError error... -Xss1024k doesn't help (helped to do
"Compile/Browse" from the hosted mode though).

Did anybody find a solution?

On Apr 10, 3:09 am, Rockster  wrote:
> The same here. In ant I do the following:
>                  taskname="gwt-compile"
>                         failonerror="true" fork="true"  >
> And still I get GWTCompile:
> [gwt-compile] Compiling module com.qualogy.qafe.gwt.QAFEGWTWeb
> [gwt-compile]    [ERROR] Unexpected internal compiler error
> [gwt-compile] java.lang.StackOverflowError
> I tried to use
> and this
> But no success.
> Can somebody help me on this ?
> On Apr 9, 9:27 pm, Andy  wrote:
> > I've been trying to upgrade to 1.6.4, but am also getting this error.
> > I use Ant to build my WAR, so I added the JVM arg to my script, but no
> > matter what value I specify, it doesn't make any difference.
> > ...and I get an OutOfMemoryException is I set it too high!
> > Will using the Eclipse plug-in make any difference?
> > I have one "super" module, so would breaking it apart into smaller
> > components help?

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GIF Loading Image While GWT Application Loads

2009-04-10 Thread Nick

I've created a GWT project and included a div tag with an animated gif
in it. The idea is, while my GWT application loads, you'll see this
image moving because it is included in the static HTML file. When the
onModuleLoad() function is almost done, I remove this div from the
DOM, thus removing the image.

My problem is, the GIF image freezes and doesn't move while my
application is loading. The image only moves if there is a problem in
my app and it never loads.

Is there a way to include a moving image, a GIF, while the onModuleLoad
() function is running? I'm not sure why it is freezing.

I look forward to a creative answer.


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Re: java.lang.StackOverflowError with GWT

2009-04-10 Thread Alex

Well, in my case it helped to upgrade JDK from 1.5.0_11 to 1.6.0_07...
after that ant compilation worked just fine with -Xss1024k.

On Apr 10, 6:11 pm, Alex  wrote:
> The same in my case: porting my 1.5.3 app to 1.6.4 and Ant fails with
> the StackOverflowError error... -Xss1024k doesn't help (helped to do
> "Compile/Browse" from the hosted mode though).
> Did anybody find a solution?
> On Apr 10, 3:09 am, Rockster  wrote:
> > The same here. In ant I do the following:
> >         
> >                  > taskname="gwt-compile"
> >                         failonerror="true" fork="true"  >
> >                         
> >                         
> >                         
> >                         
> >                                 
> >                                 
> >                                 
> >                         
> >                         
> >                 
> >    
> > And still I get GWTCompile:
> > [gwt-compile] Compiling module com.qualogy.qafe.gwt.QAFEGWTWeb
> > [gwt-compile]    [ERROR] Unexpected internal compiler error
> > [gwt-compile] java.lang.StackOverflowError
> > I tried to use
> > 
> > and this
> > 
> > But no success.
> > Can somebody help me on this ?
> > On Apr 9, 9:27 pm, Andy  wrote:
> > > I've been trying to upgrade to 1.6.4, but am also getting this error.
> > > I use Ant to build my WAR, so I added the JVM arg to my script, but no
> > > matter what value I specify, it doesn't make any difference.
> > > ...and I get an OutOfMemoryException is I set it too high!
> > > Will using the Eclipse plug-in make any difference?
> > > I have one "super" module, so would breaking it apart into smaller
> > > components help?
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Re: Google plugin for eclipse3.4 launch GWT hosted mode with deprecated com.google.gwt.dev.GWTShell

2009-04-10 Thread Kelvin

Thanks for you advice.

My orginal project is a eclipse dynamic web project(WST), I rename the
"WebContent" folder to "war" and modify the .classpath file to make
sure that the WST sense the change and fit the GWT 1.6 war layout.

Then I enable the GWT nature and launch the Hosted Mode, It still
launched with GWT 1.5 GWTShell.


On Apr 10, 10:36 pm, Isaac Truett  wrote:
> As I understand it, the plugin has to detect that you're using the new
> war layout in order to use the new hosted mode. You should be able to
> convince it of this by adding war/web-inf/web.xml. You will also need
> to disable the GWT nature, refresh the project (F5) and re-enable the
> GWT nature.
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Kelvin  wrote:
> > I installed Google plugin for eclipse3.4 and enable gwt nature for an
> > existing GWT project.
> > However, it always launch hosted mode with deprecated
> > 'com.google.gwt.dev.GWTShell'
> > WARNING: 'com.google.gwt.dev.GWTShell' is deprecated and will be
> > removed in a future release.
> > Use 'com.google.gwt.dev.HostedMode' instead.
> > (To disable this warning, pass -Dgwt.nowarn.legacy.tools as a JVM
> > arg.)
> > But I wonder why then I created a brand new GWT project with Google
> > plugin, It can be launched with 'com.google.gwt.dev.HostedMode'.
> > Sorry for posting the question here as I cannot find a group for
> > Google Eclipse Plugin :P
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Re: GIF Loading Image While GWT Application Loads

2009-04-10 Thread Vitali Lovich
Browsers are single threaded.  If it was the case that your onModuleLoad was
actually taking a long time, then the browser wouldn't be doing anything
else.  If that's the case, then try breaking up your onModuleLoad into
several parts & then do:

enum StartupTask {
DeferredCommand.addCommand(new IncrementalCommand() {
StartupTask current = StartupTask.TASK1;

public boolean execute() {
switch (current) {
case TASK1:
  // do my initialization
  current = TASK2;
case TASK2:
   // continue intialization
   current = TASK3:
case TASK3:
   // finish initialization
   current = null;
return current != null;

That's one way to do it.  Or you could add a bunch of Command instances
instead of using incremental command.  Any number of ways to do this.  Are
you sure though that your onModuleLoad takes a long time?

Try instrumenting it first:

public void onModuleLoad()
   long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
   // rest of code
   long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
   Window.alert("Initialization took " + elapsed + " milliseconds");

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 9:05 PM, Nick  wrote:

> I've created a GWT project and included a div tag with an animated gif
> in it. The idea is, while my GWT application loads, you'll see this
> image moving because it is included in the static HTML file. When the
> onModuleLoad() function is almost done, I remove this div from the
> DOM, thus removing the image.
> My problem is, the GIF image freezes and doesn't move while my
> application is loading. The image only moves if there is a problem in
> my app and it never loads.
> Is there a way to include a moving image, a GIF, while the onModuleLoad
> () function is running? I'm not sure why it is freezing.
> I look forward to a creative answer.
> Thanks,
> Nick
> >

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Re: I just realized that dependency injection is possible with GWT

2009-04-10 Thread Vitali Lovich
Nope.  In fact, it's even more powerful because you can put in complex
conditionals.  Ideally, you wouldn't even need to files because you could
just pick 1 class when in production, 1 class when in development, but that
selection would still be in a single Foo.gwt.xml.

Also, you may find it helpful to use

so that if you do use multiple module xml files, you don't have to change
any other configuration files (i.e. servlet definitions etc).

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 11:52 AM, Yves  wrote:

> Hello
> Reading the documentation for the module xml files, i just realize
> that the tag  allows for dependency injection.
> Suppose i need to use different class implementation depending on my
> environment (real class for production, mock for development ...). I
> just have to have two (or more) module xml like this
> For production use file FooProd.gwt.xml
>  ...
> For development use file FooDev.gwt.xml
>  ...
> Am i wrong?
> Regards
> >

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"Google Web Toolkit" group.
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Re: I just realized that dependency injection is possible with GWT

2009-04-10 Thread Vitali Lovich
On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 12:50 AM, Vitali Lovich  wrote:

> Nope.  In fact, it's even more powerful because you can put in complex
> conditionals.  Ideally, you wouldn't even need to files because you could
> just pick 1 class when in production, 1 class when in development, but that
> selection would still be in a single Foo.gwt.xml.

Forgot to mention here that I said ideally because I don't know of any way
to do that currently (i.e. set an environment variable or something).  I
only know how to do selection by user agent.  Am I wrong?  Are there more
complex properties?

> Also, you may find it helpful to use
> so that if you do use multiple module xml files, you don't have to change
> any other configuration files (i.e. servlet definitions etc).
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 11:52 AM, Yves  wrote:
>> Hello
>> Reading the documentation for the module xml files, i just realize
>> that the tag  allows for dependency injection.
>> Suppose i need to use different class implementation depending on my
>> environment (real class for production, mock for development ...). I
>> just have to have two (or more) module xml like this
>> For production use file FooProd.gwt.xml
>>  ...
>> For development use file FooDev.gwt.xml
>>  ...
>> Am i wrong?
>> Regards
>> >>

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Re: newbie problem using GWT-RPC

2009-04-10 Thread Vitali Lovich
Assign it to TestServiceAsync since that is what you make the call to on the
client side (hence the hole asynchronous part of AJAX).

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Joe Hudson  wrote:

> Hi, I'm trying to figure out GWT-RPC and having a bit of an issue
> (details are below).  I will say that I have had success with GWT-RPC
> as long as I *was not* using any method parameters or return types
> that were objects of my own creation.  Is there something special that
> needs to be done to register these objects (they are under the
> "client" package)?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!
> I have the following service interface (in com.test.ui.client):
> @RemoteServiceRelativePath("test")
> public interface TestService extends RemoteService {
>String test(String someParam);
> }
> and the following async service interface
> public interface TestServiceAsync {
>void test(String someParam, AsyncCallback callback);
> }
> and the following service implementation (in com.test.ui.server):
> public class TestServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
> TestService {
>public String test(String someParam) {
>return someParam + "-" + someParam;
> }
> these all reference the Test class (in com.test.ui.client.model.test):
> public class Test implements Serializable {
>private String someProperty;
>public String getSomeProperty() {
>return someProperty;
>public void setSomeProperty(String someProperty) {
>this.someProperty = someProperty;
> }
> My module code looks like this:
>public void onModuleLoad() {
>Object obj = GWT.create(TestService.class);
>System.out.println("The class is: " +
> obj.getClass().getName()); //
> outputs "The class is: com.test.ui.client.TestService_Proxy"
>TestService testService = GWT.create(TestService.class); //
> here is
> where I receive a ClassCastException
>Test test = new Test();
>String rtn = testService.test("foo");
>System.out.println("The value is: " + rtn);
> The problem I am having is that I am receiving a ClassCastException
> with this stack trace:
> [ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class
> com.test.ui.client.Ib_web (see associated exception for details)
> java.lang.ClassCastException: com.test.ui.client.TestService_Proxy
> cannot be cast to com.test.ui.client.TestService
>at com.test.ui.client.Ib_web.onModuleLoad(Ib_web.java:28)
>at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
>at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
>at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
>at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ModuleSpace.onLoad(ModuleSpace.java:326)
>at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.BrowserWidget.attachModuleSpace
> (BrowserWidget.java:343)
>at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.BrowserWidgetIE6.access$300
> (BrowserWidgetIE6.java:37)
>at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.BrowserWidgetIE6$External.gwtOnLoad
> (BrowserWidgetIE6.java:77)
>at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.BrowserWidgetIE6$External.invoke
> (BrowserWidgetIE6.java:161)
>at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.IDispatchImpl.Invoke
> (IDispatchImpl.java:294)
>at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.IDispatchImpl.method6
> (IDispatchImpl.java:194)
>at org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COMObject.callback6
> (COMObject.java:117)
>at org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessageW(Native Method)
>at org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessage(OS.java:1925)
> org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:2966)
>at com.google.gwt.dev.SwtHostedModeBase.processEvents
> (SwtHostedModeBase.java:235)
>at com.google.gwt.dev.HostedModeBase.pumpEventLoop
> (HostedModeBase.java:558)
>at com.google.gwt.dev.HostedModeBase.run(HostedModeBase.java:405)
>at com.google.gwt.dev.HostedMode.main(HostedMode.java:232)
> >

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Re: java.lang.StackOverflowError with GWT

2009-04-10 Thread Vitali Lovich
1024k seems kind of small.  My Linux box has 8192k as the default according
to ulimit.  Keep increasing the stack size (try 4096k).  Clearly that's the

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:07 PM, Alex  wrote:

> Well, in my case it helped to upgrade JDK from 1.5.0_11 to 1.6.0_07...
> after that ant compilation worked just fine with -Xss1024k.
> On Apr 10, 6:11 pm, Alex  wrote:
> > The same in my case: porting my 1.5.3 app to 1.6.4 and Ant fails with
> > the StackOverflowError error... -Xss1024k doesn't help (helped to do
> > "Compile/Browse" from the hosted mode though).
> >
> > Did anybody find a solution?
> >
> > On Apr 10, 3:09 am, Rockster  wrote:
> >
> > > The same here. In ant I do the following:
> >
> > > 
> > >  taskname="gwt-compile"
> > > failonerror="true" fork="true"  >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> >
> > > 
> > >  path="${compile_classpath}" />
> > > 
> > > 
> >
> > > 
> > > 
> > >
> >
> > > And still I get GWTCompile:
> >
> > > [gwt-compile] Compiling module com.qualogy.qafe.gwt.QAFEGWTWeb
> > > [gwt-compile][ERROR] Unexpected internal compiler error
> > > [gwt-compile] java.lang.StackOverflowError
> >
> > > I tried to use
> >
> > > 
> >
> > > and this
> >
> > > 
> >
> > > But no success.
> >
> > > Can somebody help me on this ?
> >
> > > On Apr 9, 9:27 pm, Andy  wrote:
> >
> > > > I've been trying to upgrade to 1.6.4, but am also getting this error.
> >
> > > > I use Ant to build my WAR, so I added the JVM arg to my script, but
> no
> > > > matter what value I specify, it doesn't make any difference.
> >
> > > > ...and I get an OutOfMemoryException is I set it too high!
> >
> > > > Will using the Eclipse plug-in make any difference?
> >
> > > > I have one "super" module, so would breaking it apart into smaller
> > > > components help?
> >

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Re: I just realized that dependency injection is possible with GWT

2009-04-10 Thread Adam T

Vitali, you'd just create your own property with two values:

1. Define the properties:

2. Define a property provider; for example as simple one as folows:

3.  Stick the meta tag use for the property provider in your html
file's head section

Note: For a flag such as a production/test switch I guess you're only
ever interested in one set of permutations or the other, so you could
ignore steps 2 and 3 and just use a set-property in your xml file to
restrict to one value:

Then you get the benefit of switching, plus avoid the double
compilation time this approach brings if you allow it to compile for
both values of prod.status.

4.  Then you can use your new property as a standard one, for example
to replace files during compilation



5.  Optionally if you're using the generic approach to switch
properties in the HTML file, you could add some error handling for the
property by defining an onPropertyErrorFn in your HTML head section:

   function handleWrongProdStatus(propName, allowedValues,
  if (propName == "prod.status"){
 window.alert("You are trying to use an incorrect
production status value: ."+badValue);


On 11 Apr, 06:51, Vitali Lovich  wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 12:50 AM, Vitali Lovich  wrote:
> > Nope.  In fact, it's even more powerful because you can put in complex
> > conditionals.  Ideally, you wouldn't even need to files because you could
> > just pick 1 class when in production, 1 class when in development, but that
> > selection would still be in a single Foo.gwt.xml.
> Forgot to mention here that I said ideally because I don't know of any way
> to do that currently (i.e. set an environment variable or something).  I
> only know how to do selection by user agent.  Am I wrong?  Are there more
> complex properties?
> > Also, you may find it helpful to use
> > 
> > so that if you do use multiple module xml files, you don't have to change
> > any other configuration files (i.e. servlet definitions etc).
> > On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 11:52 AM, Yves  wrote:
> >> Hello
> >> Reading the documentation for the module xml files, i just realize
> >> that the tag  allows for dependency injection.
> >> Suppose i need to use different class implementation depending on my
> >> environment (real class for production, mock for development ...). I
> >> just have to have two (or more) module xml like this
> >> For production use file FooProd.gwt.xml
> >> 
> >>  
> >>    
> >>  
> >>  ...
> >> For development use file FooDev.gwt.xml
> >> 
> >>  
> >>    
> >>  
> >>  ...
> >> Am i wrong?
> >> Regards
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Merge two cells

2009-04-10 Thread Mani

 Currently we are developing maps using GWT. We have developed
different shape images within a square shape cell but we are unable to
merge those cells to get the right map. Since images are embedded
within the square box. Remaining spaces in the square shape cell looks
hard. Please let me know if anyone tried in the same way and if there
is any solution. Thanks for your help!

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Re: newbie question - link event handling

2009-04-10 Thread Adam T

Hi Joe,

Maybe the History class can help you here.  It allows you to pick a
"token" off the url and change you applications status appropriately -
a token is essentially everything after the hash (#)

In the case where a user navigates to a url such as
http://gwt.google.com/samples/Mail/Mail.html#foo the token would be
"foo" and the history class would pick this up and act appropriately.
Similarly when you click on your hyperlink it would change the URL
from http://somthing to http://something#foo.

A google search on gwt history should bring up a few tutorials (though
they will most likely use GWT 1.5 and not the new GWT 1.6 syntax, but
that should be OK for now - the new 1.6 syntax would use
ValueChangeHandler and the History.addValueChange() method
instead of HistoryListeners classes and History.addHistoryListener()
method - I'd suggest get used to the old approach before switching to
the new one)

Hope that helps, at least a bit!


On 10 Apr, 14:46, Joe Hudson  wrote:
> hello,
> I know this is a silly question but I haven't found a reference to
> this...
> If I have links within the html document but outside of the GWT
> application (see the #foo link below).  How can I (or, is this
> possible) to capture this event from within the GWT application?
>     how can I get this link event in the GWT app?
>            src='com.google.gwt.sample.mail.Mail.nocache.js'>
> Also, if I am coming to the app for the first time and I provide a
> link likehttp://gwt.google.com/samples/Mail/Mail.html#foo
> How, in the app would I know that the foo name was passed?
> Thank you very much for the help.
> Joe
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Re: I just realized that dependency injection is possible with GWT

2009-04-10 Thread Vitali Lovich
Sweet - that's a clever approach.

On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 1:26 AM, Adam T  wrote:

> Vitali, you'd just create your own property with two values:
> Generically:
> 1. Define the properties:
> 2. Define a property provider; for example as simple one as folows:
> 3.  Stick the meta tag use for the property provider in your html
> file's head section
> Note: For a flag such as a production/test switch I guess you're only
> ever interested in one set of permutations or the other, so you could
> ignore steps 2 and 3 and just use a set-property in your xml file to
> restrict to one value:
> Then you get the benefit of switching, plus avoid the double
> compilation time this approach brings if you allow it to compile for
> both values of prod.status.
> 4.  Then you can use your new property as a standard one, for example
> to replace files during compilation
> 5.  Optionally if you're using the generic approach to switch
> properties in the HTML file, you could add some error handling for the
> property by defining an onPropertyErrorFn in your HTML head section:
> content='handleWrongProdStatus'>
>   function handleWrongProdStatus(propName, allowedValues,
> badValue){
>  if (propName == "prod.status"){
> window.alert("You are trying to use an incorrect
> production status value: ."+badValue);
>  }
>   }
> //Adam
> On 11 Apr, 06:51, Vitali Lovich  wrote:
> > On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 12:50 AM, Vitali Lovich 
> wrote:
> > > Nope.  In fact, it's even more powerful because you can put in complex
> > > conditionals.  Ideally, you wouldn't even need to files because you
> could
> > > just pick 1 class when in production, 1 class when in development, but
> that
> > > selection would still be in a single Foo.gwt.xml.
> >
> > Forgot to mention here that I said ideally because I don't know of any
> way
> > to do that currently (i.e. set an environment variable or something).  I
> > only know how to do selection by user agent.  Am I wrong?  Are there more
> > complex properties?
> >
> >
> >
> > > Also, you may find it helpful to use
> >
> > > 
> >
> > > so that if you do use multiple module xml files, you don't have to
> change
> > > any other configuration files (i.e. servlet definitions etc).
> >
> > > On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 11:52 AM, Yves 
> wrote:
> >
> > >> Hello
> >
> > >> Reading the documentation for the module xml files, i just realize
> > >> that the tag  allows for dependency injection.
> >
> > >> Suppose i need to use different class implementation depending on my
> > >> environment (real class for production, mock for development ...). I
> > >> just have to have two (or more) module xml like this
> >
> > >> For production use file FooProd.gwt.xml
> >
> > >> 
> > >>  
> > >>
> > >>  
> > >>  ...
> >
> > >> For development use file FooDev.gwt.xml
> >
> > >> 
> > >>  
> > >>
> > >>  
> > >>  ...
> >
> > >> Am i wrong?
> >
> > >> Regards
> >

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Re: Application doesnt work in web mode, but does in hosted mode.

2009-04-10 Thread Adam T

could it be a "same origin policy" issue?

It used to be the case that hosted mode was more relaxed on this
restriction and this could catch you out when you moved to web mode
where browsers strictly enforce the same origin policy.

Simply put, the call to your PHP file must go to the same origin that
the application has been served from - even the port numbers must be
the same too, so "localhost" and "localhost:8080" are different in the
eyes of singe origin policy.

If you're 100% sure that the application is being served from
"localhost" and your PHP call is only being made to "localhost" then
maybe you could add some more logging code to your catch statement of
the try/catch block surrounding the request builder to see what is


On 10 Apr, 18:43, "scottland.yo...@googlemail.com"
> Hi, my applciation works fine in hosted mode, but not in web mode.  It
> compiles with no errors.
> When I click a label in my app, it does this requestbuilder call to a
> php file on a wamp distro at //localhost/:
>         public void onClick(Widget sender) {
>                 urlString = ((Element)descripNode).getAttribute("href");
>                 descripString = 
> ((Element)descripNode).getAttribute("description");
>                 CALL TO METHOD--->phpRequest(urlString);
>         }
> public void phpRequest(String myurlString){
>         String url = "http://localhost/term_php_extraction.php?url="; +
> myurlString;
>         RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST,
> URL.encode(url));
>         // etc etc etc..
> This works in hosted mode, but in web mode, it does nothing,
> Can anyone please help?
> Thanks,
> Scott.
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Re: newbie question - link event handling

2009-04-10 Thread Vitali Lovich
public class MyHyperlink extends Hyperlink
   public MyHyperlink(Element e)

Then find the Element you want using DOM or gquery & pass it to your the
constructor.  Not sure why it's protected in Hyperlink.  Then use the
handlers/listeners as for a regular widget.

On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 1:56 AM, Adam T  wrote:

> Hi Joe,
> Maybe the History class can help you here.  It allows you to pick a
> "token" off the url and change you applications status appropriately -
> a token is essentially everything after the hash (#)
> In the case where a user navigates to a url such as
> http://gwt.google.com/samples/Mail/Mail.html#foo the token would be
> "foo" and the history class would pick this up and act appropriately.
> Similarly when you click on your hyperlink it would change the URL
> from http://somthing to http://something#foo.
> A google search on gwt history should bring up a few tutorials (though
> they will most likely use GWT 1.5 and not the new GWT 1.6 syntax, but
> that should be OK for now - the new 1.6 syntax would use
> ValueChangeHandler and the History.addValueChange() method
> instead of HistoryListeners classes and History.addHistoryListener()
> method - I'd suggest get used to the old approach before switching to
> the new one)
> Hope that helps, at least a bit!
> //Adam
> On 10 Apr, 14:46, Joe Hudson  wrote:
> > hello,
> >
> > I know this is a silly question but I haven't found a reference to
> > this...
> >
> > If I have links within the html document but outside of the GWT
> > application (see the #foo link below).  How can I (or, is this
> > possible) to capture this event from within the GWT application?
> >
> >   
> > how can I get this link event in the GWT app?
> >
> >  >   src='com.google.gwt.sample.mail.Mail.nocache.js'>
> >   
> >
> > Also, if I am coming to the app for the first time and I provide a
> > link likehttp://gwt.google.com/samples/Mail/Mail.html#foo
> > How, in the app would I know that the foo name was passed?
> >
> > Thank you very much for the help.
> >
> > Joe
> >

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Quickie - GWT Plugin w/ MyEclipseIDE deployment to Tomcat

2009-04-10 Thread Dean S. Jones

Little tired, took me a bit to figure this out... but it seems to work

Create GWT project with GWT Plugin:

Test Project->Run As->Web Application, should work fine.

Project->MyEclipse->Add Web Project Capabilities...

Set Web Root Directory to war

uncheck create web.xml

uncheck Add J2EE libraries to Buildpath.

Test Project->Run As->Web Application, should FAIL.

go to Project->Java Build Path/Source Tab

remove /src

uncheck Allow Output folders for Source Folders

add src back.

Test Project->Run As->Web Application, should work fine.

Project->Google->GWT Compile

MyEclipse->,,, deploy to tomcat, start... VOILA!

MyEclipse will complain about the web.xml format: remove the DOCTYPE
DTD and change the  to:

xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"; xmlns:web="http://
java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd" xsi:schemaLocation="http://
java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd";
id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">

This works fine in Hosted Mode and Tomcat 6.

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