GWT RPC with Python

2009-11-02 Thread maksud

I am creating some application for google app engine with *python*. I am
using *GWT* for the client side interface. But how to do RPC calls to

I know Google App Engine java version could do that easily and I tested it
well. But for Python what are the options.

I tried project. But due to lack of
documentation I could not manage it.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Gwt KeyboardListener

2009-11-02 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 31 oct, 08:05, jagadesh  wrote:
> HI Every one ,
> i am trying for a keyboard listener .what my requirment is consider  i
> have the text box in this format
> firstName        Age
> middleName   Sex
> lastName
> no my requirment is when ever i click TAB in firstName text field , i
> should go to middleName textfield. but normally it would go to Age
> textfield.
> i have written the keuboardlistener .onKeyUp()  such that whenever tab
> key is released it check fr the field name , if it is firstName , then
> i will take that to the middleName using setFocus() , but it doesnot
> work .
> i modified the logic like i check for fieldName "age" when i click TAB
> in the will take that to the Age field when we click on
> the firstName . so i check for field name "age" and now every thinig
> is working fine .
> Is there any alternate solutions ,

Have you tried setTabIndex()? (hint: it might unfortunately break tab
order before firstname and after sex)

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GWT 2.0 Tutorial

2009-11-02 Thread eggsy84

Hi all,

After downloading GWT 2.0 RC2 I thought I'd compile a couple of
tutorials on using GWT 2.0.

So far I have done project creation and declarative interfaces. I'd
appreciate any comments people may want to share:

Many thanks,

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Re: Click( ) not firing in GWTTestCase?

2009-11-02 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 2 nov, 02:41, ""  wrote:
> I'm trying out GWT 2.0 and in a GWTTestCase I wrote
> and "lv" is a LoginView, where I defined:
>    loginButton = new Button("Log in");
>     loginButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
>       public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
>         loginCallback.onSuccess(null);
>       }
>     });
> I set loginCallback appropriately, but the code there doesn't get
> executed. If I execute the callback's onSuccess method directly, it
> works, but it doesn't work if I try the click( ) way.
> Is this a bug of mine or a bug of GWT 2.0? The LoginView works
> perfectly well in development mode, so the code itself is not at
> fault. Of course, I have known myself to be at fault...

It might very well be a bug in HtmlUnit if that's the runstyle you're
using to run your tests (it's the default one in MS1 and MS2), but
according to this test (from 2.0.0-ms1) it should work (the test isn't
annotated with @DoNotRunWith(Platform.Htmlunit))

Try running your tests manually to confirm (add "-runStyle Manual" to
the -Dgwt.args sysprop; it'll ask you to open a URL in a browser, just
like with DevMode).

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Re: XMLParser can't read external DTD?

2009-11-02 Thread Coolcat

On 2 Nov., 00:42, Jeff Chimene  wrote:
> Use a custom namespace. See for 
> example
Custom namespaces will not help here, because the browser will
probably ignore the ID attribute again. I will do a few tests, but I
assume that JSON is a bit faster for parsing. Also JSON is easier to
implement, even when not using GWT.

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Re: GWT 2.0 Tutorial

2009-11-02 Thread mariyan nenchev
Hi, i didn't have the time to look at this new gwt 2.0. What are the
advantages using it? I saw your tutorial, create, keep going. But can you
tell me what is the advantage using this uibinding? I the only one is that
we can create custom gwt widgets that can be used any where in html pages
like commponents! I will google for the new features and advantages, thanks
for the tutorial, i will follow it.

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Re: Connecting Widgets

2009-11-02 Thread Adam T

The following library might work for you, or give you hints on what
you need to do:


On 2 Nov, 00:23, sony  wrote:
> My project is about drawing ER Diagrams, for this I am using GWT. For
> now i have most of the frontend working. Now I want to have lines
> connecting two widgets to create a relationship between the entities
> and attributes. For that I want to create 4 corner points to which the
> lines can connect (Technology something similar to EDrawMax or DIA).
> Example picture
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thank you.
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How can I create spreadsheet using GWT?

2009-11-02 Thread Taimur Mirxa

I have to develop a spreadsheet like widget using GWT, my requirement is to
display a widget like following:

New Document  A B C ABC
is there any class which can facilitate me for writing this sort editable

Warm Regards,

Taimur Mirza

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Re: GWT 2.0 Tutorial

2009-11-02 Thread eggsy84

Hi there,

I think one of the major advantages are that it can vastly increase
development time.

If you have had to work on large projects you can find it might take a
lot longer to code a view. Previous developers that have used JSP's/
Spring MVC/Struts frameworks have all seemed to say that development
time has increased for what should be relatively simply. Using
declarative interfaces it makes designing the interface a lot quicker.

They also allow for team integration. For example you could teach a
designer what widgets are available and they can then design the
interface without having to know anything about the backend of the
system - leaving the backend and 'glue' coder free to work on that.

The declarative interfaces also allow style integration which I will
discuss again making it quicker and easier to design applications.

Hope this helps ?

On Nov 2, 11:05 am, mariyan nenchev  wrote:
> Hi, i didn't have the time to look at this new gwt 2.0. What are the
> advantages using it? I saw your tutorial, create, keep going. But can you
> tell me what is the advantage using this uibinding? I the only one is that
> we can create custom gwt widgets that can be used any where in html pages
> like commponents! I will google for the new features and advantages, thanks
> for the tutorial, i will follow it.
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Re: How can I create spreadsheet using GWT?

2009-11-02 Thread Sean

Check out a grid filled with text boxes. That's the most basic way. It
won't look very pretty, but it'd work. If you want to make it
"prettier" I would fill the grid with labels that when clicked, turn
into a text box. And when you click off of it, or hit enter or escape,
it takes the text from the text box and fills the label with it, and
then goes back to showing the label.

On Nov 2, 7:07 am, Taimur Mirxa  wrote:
> Folks,
> I have to develop a spreadsheet like widget using GWT, my requirement is to
> display a widget like following:
> New Document  A B C ABC
> is there any class which can facilitate me for writing this sort editable
> widget?
> --
> Warm Regards,
> Taimur Mirza
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Re: GWT History Interacts Badly With Non-History iFrame

2009-11-02 Thread Brian

I'm not sure that I follow completely, but perhaps a different
approach would be to serve up two versions of the help. One would be
under control of GWT and the other would be more static and would be
shown only to search engines. You could probably work out a way that
they would both show the same content so there wouldn't be versioning
issues. Again, I'm not sure I followed well enough to know if this
would help with your problem, but it's a different approach to think


On Oct 30, 5:19 am, Carl  wrote:
> I am developing an application that uses an iFrame to display help
> page content, while keeping the main page (which contains my GWT
> widgets) unchanged.  This is being done to preserve the state of the
> GWT widgets while various help pages are viewed by the user.
> The fundamental problem is this:  A browser, if left to its own
> devices (i.e., no GWT history hooks) will keep track of iFrame content
> in its own history list.  In other words, if you have a plain HTML
> page with an iFrame in it and some links in the containing page that
> load stuff into that iFrame, the browser will keep track of what got
> loaded and if you hit the back button the iFrame pages will be
> reloaded in reverse order.  But unfortunately, setting up an
> onValueChange() handler using History.onValueChangeHandler() in GWT
> and managing the History list in the GWT manner will not prevent the
> browser from adding its own items to its own internal history, and
> those items will get interleaved with whatever items your write
> yourself using History.newItem().
> Furthermore, when a browser re-loads this content into the iFrame in
> response to pushes of the Back button, then even if you have set up an
> onValueChange() handler using History.onValueChangeHandler(), that
> handler will not be informed (except for IE and hosted mode) of the
> back button presses that result in restoring those pages that the
> browser has stuck into its history list itself.  Nor will that handler
> be informed when the URL loaded in the iFrame changes and the browser
> detects this and adds items representing those changes to its own
> history list.
> The GWT History mechanism is clearly intended to keep track of state
> changes that are generated within the GWT code that result in distinct
> displayed states but which are not accompanied by changes to the base
> URL.  It pretty much does that.  But when changes must occur to an
> embedded iFrame in the course of using the application, the items
> added to browser history by the browser get all tangled up with the
> items that you add yourself via GWT's History (which of course works
> by manipulating its own embedded, invisible iFrame).
> For SEO and other reasons, I want my links that load help pages into
> the iFrame to be regular anchors rather than Hyperlinks.  But I don't
> think that Hyperlinks would resolve this issue, since the main problem
> is that the browser is still doing its own thing with its history each
> time the content document of an embedded iFrame is changed.  The
> HyperLink widget is intended to signal a GWT application that it
> should change its own internal state, not to signal a GWT application
> that it should load something into an iFrame.
> What I would really like is a feature that allows me to receive an
> event when the browser adds an item of its own to the event list, and
> also a way to update the hash on the URL that will not affect the
> browser's internal history.  I have tried the following native method:
>         public native static void setHashInUrl(String newHash) /*-{
>           $wnd.location.hash = newHash;
>         }-*/;
> and it does set the hash in the URL without reloading the page (along
> with its GWT content), but unfortunately the browser back button
> behavior (i.e., its internal history list) gets all crazy with extra
> items and items that do nothing (lots of them) when I use the above
> method.  The only browsers that do not seem to have this problem are
> hosted mode and IE.
> Anyway, I am at the point with this that I am going to punt and just
> hook the onLoad() event for the frame to perform GWT actions (like
> adjusting the scroll position or injecting content into the loaded
> page) each time a new URL is loaded into the iFrame.  I am going to
> give up on trying to get the hash of the URL in the browser's address
> bar to reflect the page that is presently loaded, because changing the
> hash in response ot an iFrame load, while it can be done, wreaks havoc
> with the back button's behavior for every browser except IE and the
> hosted mode browser.  With this (punting) approach, the browser
> maintains its own history, including the loaded help pages, and all
> that I lose are the hashes in the URL that would allow a user to get a
> permalink to the page with the presently-loaded iFramed help content.
> Which I will sorely miss, but there doesn't seem to be a good solution
> for this yet in GWT

Re: How can I create spreadsheet using GWT?

2009-11-02 Thread gwtfanb0y

You can use a 3th party framework like SmartGWT:

On 2 Nov., 13:07, Taimur Mirxa  wrote:
> Folks,
> I have to develop a spreadsheet like widget using GWT, my requirement is to
> display a widget like following:
> New Document  A B C ABC
> is there any class which can facilitate me for writing this sort editable
> widget?
> --
> Warm Regards,
> Taimur Mirza
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Re: The browser did not contact the server within 60000ms.

2009-11-02 Thread Dominik Steiner

I haven't tried the UiBinder yet, but if i remember right I read
somewhere that it is now prefered to use HtmlUnit tests instead of
using the GWTTestCase.



On Oct 31, 9:49 am, Tiago Fernandez  wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a fully working webapp built with GWT-2.0.0-ms2's UiBinder.
> Recently I decided to get it covered by unit tests using GWTTestCase,
> but after coding a simple test case:
> public class MyTest extends GWTTestCase {
>   @Override public String getModuleName() {
>     return "";
>   }
>   public void testAnythingYouWant() {
>     assertTrue(true);
>   }
> I stumbled on this:
> The browser did not
> contact the server within 6ms.
>  - 1 client(s) haven't responded back to JUnitShell since the start of
> the test.
>  Actual time elapsed: 60.009 seconds.
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
> 386)
>         at
>         at com.intellij.junit3.JUnit3IdeaTestRunner.doRun
> (
>         at com.intellij.rt.execution.junit.JUnitStarter.main
> (
> Process finished with exit code 255
> The same test works fine when targeting a module NOT UiBinder-based.
> Any hint? I am using IDEA on a Mac, with the following VM arguments:
> -XstartOnFirstThread -Xmx512M
> Thanks in advance,
> Tiago Fernandez
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Re: gwt-incubator, paging scroll table

2009-11-02 Thread Michał Sędzielewski

The same problem, only in safari, chrome.


On 25 Wrz, 03:52, Venkatesh Babu  wrote:
> The other way you can try is to set the width using css styles. That'll also
> enable you to get rid of making code changes just to resize the table
> columns.
> Hope this helps.
> -Venkatesh
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 3:28 PM, Neha  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > This is regarding the paging scroll table in the gwt incubator. Is
> > there a way to consistently set the column widths. If I set the column
> > width using pagingScrollTable.setColumnWidth - the column widths keep
> > changing when moving from one page of table to another (depending on
> > the data) on safari. I tried to set the column widths in the table
> > definition using columnDef.setMinimumColumnWidth and
> > columnDef.setMaximumColumnWidth, but in this case I get the column
> > widths 20px greater than what I set on Firefox (which is the padding
> > in the stylesheet for td elements).
> > Please let me know if either of these work correctly for you (meaning
> > I am doing something wrong) or if there is another way.
> > Thanks
> > Neha
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How can I disable context menu in RichTextArea?

2009-11-02 Thread Taimur Mirxa

I have created my own popup menu, which I want to display in RichTextArea,
and it is appearing with right mouse click. my problem is that default
broswer's context menu does also appear along with my menu. is there any
resolution for this?

I have seen lots of examples and code but all of them were disabling
broswer's default menu that shows View Source and other options, I do not
want to disable it, rather my point is to disable the context menu which
appears in text fields or rich text areas.

Warm Regards,

Taimur Mirza

[To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to
assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the
smallest possible expenditure of intelligence.  - Friedrich Nietzsche]

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Re: Can anyone here let me know how to deploy GWT application (gwt 1.7) in tomcat or resin or any external server

2009-11-02 Thread luxor

Darpan Mhatre!

I also want to add:
 Often used in conjunction Appache web server and Tomcat.
- Move your Main Page (eg App.html) to folder httpdocs in Appache
- Rename it to index.html (optional)
- Do not forget to specify the path to * nocache.js and *. css on the
relatively Appache root dir
- Please read the documentation on configuring mod_jk from your
hosting provider
Maybe you need to configure servlet mapping with mod_jk

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visualisation api

2009-11-02 Thread Dionisios Pothos
Any ideas how I can set the height of the zoom range selection area at the
bottom of AnnotatedTimeLine visualisation?



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Incubator GWTCanvas - theoretically faster to Clear() between draws?

2009-11-02 Thread Nerf


Apologies if this has been asked, a quick search didn't net me
anything. I have been playing around with the Incubator GWTCanvas and
think it's fantastic. I have a decent little functioning framework
now, and have begun to wonder about optimisation.

My question is, if failing to Clear() the canvas between redraws
(frames) causes the new image to be printed on the old image, is it
theoretically more computationally expensive for each pixel of the
second frame to be printed, even if they contain no transparency (full
alpha)? I can see this happening at a base level due to some kind of
alpha diff taking place, though without understanding the
implementation I can't decide whether calling Clear(), filling the
canvas with white/black, or just painting over the old image would be
the fastest.

I don't know if it's likely to affect my performance, but I am aiming
for up to 20 frames a second on a 760x400 canvas, and would like to
make it as easy as possible for the browsers to do their part.

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gwt-incubator DropDownListBox widget: How to add scrollbar to the list of items?

2009-11-02 Thread asg

I am trying to use the DropDownListBox widget. But can not understand
how to force the list of items to be scrolled. It goes beyond a
browser's window border without scrollbars. Can anybody help me with

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TextArea + iPhone

2009-11-02 Thread Sean

So, I have a Text Area with the RichTextToolBar attached and when I
click on the Text Area in IE, FF and Chrome everything works fine.

However, with the iPhone it doesn't seem to recognize it as a text
input and doesn't bring up the keyboard. Is there anyway to fix that?

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Re: remote login in windows

2009-11-02 Thread Isaac Truett

Perhaps you should try a general purpose Java or Windows forum. This
forum is for GWT.

On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 9:29 PM, sathya  wrote:
> I do not need any Active Directory authentication. I need to directly
> login into remote windows system and execute commands using windows
> power shell.
> I want to do this everything through backend. I do not want to open
> remote desktop(using java).
> I know we can do this using SSH.However I want to know is there any
> other method to do this(expect remote desktop).
> Also I believe we can do this using JMI.However I am not sure about
> this.
> On Nov 1, 6:07 pm, gwtfanb0y  wrote:
>> You can write a Client for the Windows RemoteDesktop Login. Or do you
>> want some kind of Active Directory authentication for SSO purposes?
>> On 31 Okt., 05:53, sathya  wrote:
>> > How can I remote login in windows system with known username and
>> > password- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> >

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Ubuntu Linux - Firefox 3.5.3 not support Canvas GWT

2009-11-02 Thread Prosky

Good Evening Mr and Mrs,
I have an important problem in a GWT application during the
execution in hosted mode.
Until a few days ago i worked on an application under windows
envervoiment but in hosted mode
the default browser was Internet Explorer and i know that Internet
Explorer don't support Canvas.
Is true?

So i have installed the last version of Ubuntu Linux and upgrade the
version of default browser that was mozilla 3.0.0 to mozilla 3.5.3 but
when i try to work with the application in hosted mode (in eclipse of
course) the GWT log signals an error about the method getContext('2d')
and say me the another time canvas is not supported.

The application work correctly in hosted mode and in web mode in Mac
Envervoiment; so the problem isn't in the application but in the
configuration of envervoiment.

Anyone can suggest me the solution?

Thank you for answer, Marco.

(Sorry for the not good english)

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Re: Connecting Widgets

2009-11-02 Thread SUHASINI PRASAD
Thank you.

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Adam T  wrote:

> The following library might work for you, or give you hints on what
> you need to do:
> //Adam
> On 2 Nov, 00:23, sony  wrote:
> > My project is about drawing ER Diagrams, for this I am using GWT. For
> > now i have most of the frontend working. Now I want to have lines
> > connecting two widgets to create a relationship between the entities
> > and attributes. For that I want to create 4 corner points to which the
> > lines can connect (Technology something similar to EDrawMax or DIA).
> > Example 
> > picture
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> > Thank you.
> >

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Re: Cannot install GWT Eclipse plug-in

2009-11-02 Thread Jason Parekh
Hi guys,

Which flavor of Eclipse are you using?  I recommend the Eclipse for Java
developers at .

Also, when you re-installed Eclipse, did you try a new workspace as well?


On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 4:38 PM, DirkBo  wrote:

> I have the very same problem :-/
> On 29 Okt., 02:01, "Gamer_Z."  wrote:
> > I cannot install the GWT plug-in on Eclipse (3.5/Galileo).  I have re-
> > installed Eclipse several times.  I have also copied Eclipse on a
> > flash drive to a friend's computer and the plug-in installed fine
> > there, so it is not a problem with Eclipse.  When I get to step four
> > of, I get
> > the message "The operation cannot be completed.  See the details."
> > The "Details" are below:
> >
> > Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
> > not be found.
> >   Software being installed: Google Web Toolkit SDK 1.7.1
> > 1.7.1.v200909221731
> > (
> > 1.7.1.v200909221731)
> >   Missing requirement: Google Web Toolkit Plugin 1.1.2.v200910130758
> > ( 1.1.2.v200910130758) requires 'bundle
> > org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
> >   Missing requirement: Google Web Toolkit Plugin 1.1.2.v200910131704
> > ( 1.1.2.v200910131704) requires 'bundle
> > org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
> >   Cannot satisfy dependency:
> > From: Google Web Toolkit SDK 1.7.1 1.7.1.v200909221731
> > (
> > 1.7.1.v200909221731)
> > To: [1.7.1.v200909221731]
> >   Cannot satisfy dependency:
> > From: Google Web Toolkit SDK for Win32 1.7.1.v200909221731
> > ( 1.7.1.v200909221731)
> > To: bundle 0.0.0
> >

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Re: gwt-incubator DropDownListBox widget: How to add scrollbar to the list of items?

2009-11-02 Thread Olivier


Yo can do it with css :

.gwt-DropDownListBox .popupContent {
max-height: 200px;
overflow-y: scroll;

asg wrote:
> I am trying to use the DropDownListBox widget. But can not understand
> how to force the list of items to be scrolled. It goes beyond a
> browser's window border without scrollbars. Can anybody help me with
> this?
> > 



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Los Datos de Carácter Personal que recoge son objeto de tratamiento 
automatizado y se incorporan en los ficheros correspondientes, 
debidamente registrados en la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos. 
El usuario podrá,  en todo momento, ejercitar los derechos reconocidos 
en la LOPD, de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición. El 
ejercicio de estos derechos puede realizarlo el propio usuario mediante 
comunicación escrita en la siguiente dirección postal:


También pueden ejercitar estos derechos en los términos que la normativa 
aplicable establece y que puede consultar en

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Using JSNI to access external JavaScript function of an external library

2009-11-02 Thread Prashant

I am trying to integrate CKEditor with GWT so I tried following code:

public void onModuleLoad(){
FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel();
panel.add(new Button("Edit", new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {


native void loadEditor()/*-{

but it didn't work. could anyone point out where i am wrong?

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Re: Connecting Widgets

2009-11-02 Thread Taimur Mirxa
Really a wonderful link

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 7:40 PM, SUHASINI PRASAD  wrote:

> Thank you.
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Adam T  wrote:
>> The following library might work for you, or give you hints on what
>> you need to do:
>> //Adam
>> On 2 Nov, 00:23, sony  wrote:
>> > My project is about drawing ER Diagrams, for this I am using GWT. For
>> > now i have most of the frontend working. Now I want to have lines
>> > connecting two widgets to create a relationship between the entities
>> > and attributes. For that I want to create 4 corner points to which the
>> > lines can connect (Technology something similar to EDrawMax or DIA).
>> > Example 
>> > picture
>> >
>> > Any help would be appreciated.
>> > Thank you.
> >

Warm Regards,

Taimur Mirza

[To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to
assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the
smallest possible expenditure of intelligence.  - Friedrich Nietzsche]

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Re: GWT 2.0 Tutorial

2009-11-02 Thread mariyan nenchev
Hi, yes thanks.
By "JSP's/Spring MVC/Struts frameworks" you mean integrating gwt
with them? So one application is made of many pages(entrypoints). I do not
know how much this slows development, up to now all my projects use single
host page and the view is entirely writen on gwt(but my exp with gwt is not
much). I had to do some integration with struts once and it was nasty.
In are totally right!
Good luck.

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GWT + JDO + ArrayList

2009-11-02 Thread Dinis


I'm getting a Null ArrayList in a program i'm developing. For
testing purposes I created this really small example that still has
the same problem. I already tried diferent Primary Keys, but the
problem persists.

Any ideas or suggestions?

**1-Employee class**
@PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION)
public class Employee {

@Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
@Extension(vendorName="datanucleus", key="gae.encoded-pk",
private String key;

private ArrayList nicks;

public Employee(ArrayList nicks) {

public String getKey() {
return key;

public void setNicks(ArrayList nicks) {
this.nicks = nicks;

public ArrayList getNicks() {
return nicks;

public class BookServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
EmployeeService {

public void addEmployee(){

ArrayList nicks = new ArrayList();

Employee employee = new Employee(nicks);

PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
try {
} finally {

 * @return
 * @throws NotLoggedInException
 * @gwt.typeArgs 
public Collection getEmployees() {

PersistenceManager pm = getPersistenceManager();

try {
Query q = pm.newQuery("SELECT FROM " + 

Collection list =


return list;

} finally {

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gwt- appengine:wrkspc as project hosting root

2009-11-02 Thread Angel Marquez
Is their any future plans to integrate the google Project Hosting solution
with the gwt/appengine eclipse dev solution?

I would like to:
1. Create the initial Project via Project Hosting
2. With Eclipse current with gwt and ae check out the new project via svn,
git, merc etc...
3. Work out of this space locally.
4. Test in hosted mode and upload to a Project Hosting root, via the admin
console local(eclipse or command line) or remote(current deploy), which in
turn is a test url (
5. Then after the test cycle push to the live server (

Maybe even have the ability to break the team and the project into
manageable components ready to check out during inception.

I would like to do this.


Please point out any flaws in my rationale. Thanks again google for the
growth opp.

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Re: Issues using Eclipse and GWT Plugin in Ubuntu Karmic (9.10)

2009-11-02 Thread Jason Parekh
Hey guys,

Typically when this happens, the flavor of Eclipse (e.g. Eclipse for Java)
does not have the necessary update sites bundled to get the missing
dependencies (in this case, WST).  I'll try verifying this tonight on a
Karmic machine.


2009/11/1 ddawster zhang 

> On 11月1日, 下午7时10分, Bob Rozelle  wrote:
> > Upgraded to Ubuntu Karmic and now I'm having issues:
> >
> > I've got my own copy of Eclipse Gallileo (Build id: 20090920-1017),
> > everything worked fine before the upgrade, but now the search
> > mechanisms are broken (in file and through the search tab). Click the
> > Search Button and nothing happens.
> >
> > So I thought, let me check out the "official Ubuntu" version of
> > eclipse (Version: 3.5.1
> > Build id: M20090917-0800).  I started that up and attempted to install
> > the GWT Plugin and got the following error:
> >
> > one or more required items could not be found.
> >   Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.5
> > 1.1.2.v200910131704
> > (
> > 1.1.2.v200910131704)
> >   Missing requirement: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.5
> > 1.1.2.v200910131704
> > (
> > 1.1.2.v200910131704) requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui 0.0.0' but it
> > could not be found
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> >
> > Bob
> me too
> The problem if you had solved.Please send a email to  me. my email is
>  Thanks!
> >

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Access to WavePanel source code

2009-11-02 Thread Rob Wood

Is it possible to get access to WavePanel's source code to extend

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Use RichTextAreaImpl for existing Element

2009-11-02 Thread ATom

Exist any way how to use RichTextAreaImpl for existing Element?
RichTextAreaImpl by default create new textArea element, but I need
use existing own element (which has active contentEditable atribut) as
rich text area.
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Re: GWT 2.0 Tutorial

2009-11-02 Thread eggsy84

Hi there,

No I meant traditional web applications which tended to use JSP's with
various other frameworks such as Spring or Struts.

The frameworks would usually be without Ajax requests so new request
new URL and if Ajax was to be introduced they would be with a
Javascript framework such as jQuery or Mootools.

On Nov 2, 4:30 pm, mariyan nenchev  wrote:
> Hi, yes thanks.
> By "JSP's/Spring MVC/Struts frameworks" you mean integrating gwt
> with them? So one application is made of many pages(entrypoints). I do not
> know how much this slows development, up to now all my projects use single
> host page and the view is entirely writen on gwt(but my exp with gwt is not
> much). I had to do some integration with struts once and it was nasty.
> In are totally right!
> Good luck.
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How to listen to events on StackPanel/DecoratedStackPanel?

2009-11-02 Thread Open eSignForms

Is the only way to handle an event when a tab is selected to create my
own StackPanel-subclassed widget?  It seems to be lacking the add...
handlers that a TabPanel has, which is interesting since I though
these were very similar widgets other than how they display their

Any code examples?  Thanks.
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Re: Using JSNI to access external JavaScript function of an external library

2009-11-02 Thread Robert Zaleski

I think you want $doc instead of document.

I'm pretty sure 'document' will point to you're GWT IFrames document,
and not to the document associated with $wnd (The enclosing HTML you

On Nov 2, 10:41 am, Prashant  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to integrate CKEditor with GWT so I tried following code:
>     public void onModuleLoad(){
>         FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel();
>         panel.addStyleName("edit-
> tools");
>         panel.add(new Button("Edit", new ClickHandler() {
>             @Override
>             public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
>                 loadEditor();
>             }
>         }));
>         RootPanel.get("content").add(panel);
>     }
> native void loadEditor()/*-{
>         $wnd.CKEDITOR.replace(document.getElementById("content-block"));
>     }-*/;
> but it didn't work. could anyone point out where i am wrong?
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Re: How can I disable context menu in RichTextArea?

2009-11-02 Thread Michael Sullivan

In your client code somewhere, create this native function:
protected native void blockBrowserContextMenu(Element elem) /*-{
elem.oncontextmenu = function(e) {
  return false;

Then, when you create your RichTextArea, call 'getElement()' on your
RTA instance and pass it to the given native method.
That will block browser context menus for that instance of
RichTextArea and for no other part of your UI.  (Though you may want
to consider
re-implementing Cut/Copy/Paste on your custom menu, as they may be
expected by your users).


On Nov 2, 8:39 am, Taimur Mirxa  wrote:
> Folks,
> I have created my own popup menu, which I want to display in RichTextArea,
> and it is appearing with right mouse click. my problem is that default
> broswer's context menu does also appear along with my menu. is there any
> resolution for this?
> I have seen lots of examples and code but all of them were disabling
> broswer's default menu that shows View Source and other options, I do not
> want to disable it, rather my point is to disable the context menu which
> appears in text fields or rich text areas.
> --
> Warm Regards,
> Taimur Mirza
> [To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to
> assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the
> smallest possible expenditure of intelligence.  - Friedrich Nietzsche]
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Re: How can I disable context menu in RichTextArea?

2009-11-02 Thread Michael Sullivan

Errr, sorry, I just stray clicked and accidentally reported this
message.  Sorry about that :-/
Unfortunately I don't see an 'unreport'.

On Nov 2, 8:39 am, Taimur Mirxa  wrote:
> Folks,
> I have created my own popup menu, which I want to display in RichTextArea,
> and it is appearing with right mouse click. my problem is that default
> broswer's context menu does also appear along with my menu. is there any
> resolution for this?
> I have seen lots of examples and code but all of them were disabling
> broswer's default menu that shows View Source and other options, I do not
> want to disable it, rather my point is to disable the context menu which
> appears in text fields or rich text areas.
> --
> Warm Regards,
> Taimur Mirza
> [To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to
> assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the
> smallest possible expenditure of intelligence.  - Friedrich Nietzsche]
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Re: gwt suggestbox.

2009-11-02 Thread kss

Thanks a lot. I followed the approach of extending SuggestOracle and
delegating the requestSuggestions to MultiWordSuggestOracle. It seems
to be working fine.

On Oct 29, 8:47 am, Isaac Truett  wrote:
> As Thomas said, you'll need to write a SuggestOracle that returns an
> empty list of suggestions for queries shorter than x characters. And I
> wanted to add: if you want to keep the functionality of the
> MultiWordSuggestOracle then you can have your oracle delegate to a
> MuliWordSuggestOracle instance for queries that are long enough. As I
> recall MultiWordSuggestOracle is not amenable to subclassing, and
> composition is a better strategy anyway.
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 5:27 AM, Thomas Broyer  wrote:
> > On 28 oct, 21:46, kss  wrote:
> >> I am using the gwtsuggestboxcurrently as a typeahead text box to
> >> display suggestions from MultiSuggestOracle. Now I need a way to
> >> enable thesuggestboxto appear only after a fixed set of characters
> >> are entered in the text box. Is there a way to do this ? Any
> >> suggestions.
> > Have your SuggestOracle return an empty response until the query is
> > "long enough" ?
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How much overhead does including the JUnit module incur?

2009-11-02 Thread Eric

The advice on the GWT testing page is to have your GWT module inherit
from the JUnit module. However, you shouldn't deploy for production
while still inheriting the JUnit module, because that forces you to
include junit.jar in the war file.  Should the advice on the testing
page be to create a module inheriting JUnit and the production module?

Eric Jablow

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Re: How to disable datanucleus and activate hibernate?

2009-11-02 Thread andy

is there any solution to this problem ? i have the same one, and i
can't undestand what is happenne :s

On 23 sep, 19:14, dikiyn  wrote:
> Hi together,
> I downoaden Google plugin to eclipse.
> I created simple GWT application with JPA on server side.
> As jpa implementation I set hibernate.
> =persincence.xml===
>          xmlns=""; 
> xmlns:xsi="";
> xsi:schemaLocation="";>
>                 org.hibetnate.ejb.HibernatePersistence
>                 com.blalba.test.client.db.DBConnection
> value="" />
> value="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=mydb" />
>                          value="mydb" />
>                          value="mydb" />
>                          value="org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseDialect" />
> The persincence.xml itself is in /src/META-INF/persistence.xml
> But each time I start my small project in the hosted mode I get
> =
> 23.09.2009 20:43:32 org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry
> resolveConstraints
> INFO: Bundle "org.datanucleus" has an optional dependency to
> "org.eclipse.equinox.registry" but it cannot be resolved
> INFO: ===
> 23.09.2009 20:43:35 org.datanucleus.jdo.NucleusJDOHelper
> getJDOExceptionForNucleusException
> INFO: Exception thrown
> No available StoreManager found for the datastore URL key "". Please
> make sure you have all relevant plugins in the CLASSPATH (e.g
> datanucleus-rdbms?, datanucleus-db4o?), and consider setting the
> persistence property "datanucleus.storeManagerType" to the type of
> store you are using e.g rdbms, db4o
> org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException: No available
> StoreManager found for the datastore URL key "". Please make sure you
> have all relevant plugins in the CLASSPATH (e.g datanucleus-rdbms?,
> datanucleus-db4o?), and consider setting the persistence property
> "datanucleus.storeManagerType" to the type of store you are using e.g
> rdbms, db4o
>         at
> (
>         at
> (
>         at org.datanucleus.ObjectManagerFactoryImpl.initialiseStoreManager
> (ObjectManagerFactor
> .
> I've been fighting against datanucleus since 3 days but invain.
> I deleted jdoconfig.xml
> I disabled AppEngine in the project
> I uninstalled AppEngine in eclipse
> I cound not even find in what jar on my pc datanucleus classes are.
> What is wrong and how could I remove this "adware"-datanucleus ?

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How would the UIBinder and the separation work with custom widgets

2009-11-02 Thread bkbonner

I'm trying to use UiBinder and have a Composite widget that uses the
PagingScrollTable from the Incubator.  It seems like custom components
will need to have custom parsers written for them to use the
UiBinder.  I'm trying to understand the best use of UiBinder.

I haven't written a lot of GWT apps, so I don't have the experience of
others here.



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building the graphics for my web site

2009-11-02 Thread Jaimon

i am pretty new to web development and i have chosen to work with GWT
which i really like. after finishing the business logic phase, i am at
the point where i need to add the graphics to my web site; icons,
images, background.

i have few questions:
1) how i can make my web site to fit any resolution?
2) i could not find any tutorial that explains how to work with images
in GWT, so any advice on how to start working and building the
graphics would a be really appreciated.
3) on the few things that i found about graphics on the website they
were always talking about putting every think in tables, is that the
case also in GWT or i should use panels instead?

please advise

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How to automate css resource injections with help of StyleInjector?

2009-11-02 Thread aradzie

In my GWT application there is a log of CssResource declarations I
created for custom widgets. All of them have to be injected manually
by using familiar StyleInjector helper class. I came up with the
following idiom for this:

final class AppPanelRes {
  public interface Resources extends ClientBundle {
Style style();

  public interface Style extends CssResource {
String window();

... more methods ...

  static final Resources res = GWT.create(Resources.class);

  // here is the magic piece of code to inject styles automatically
  static {

Note that static class initializer injects css styles for me
automatically when that class is being referenced for the very first

However, in the latest GWT2.0 builds that I make from the repository
trunk this code stopped to work correctly for some reason. It still
works in hosted mode, but when I compile and deploy to the production
environment, I don't see any styles.

I think there may be a better alternative to this idiom with static
class initializer injecting styles. Can GWT compiler automatically
create superbundle from all css resources and automatically inject it
when the application starts?

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Re: Announcing GWT 2.0 Milestone 2

2009-11-02 Thread Chris Ramsdale
No public ETA at this point, but with Milestone 2 behind us and a Release
Candidate in front of us we're getting close. Stayed tuned for more info.


On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 4:29 AM, Richard  wrote:

> Any rough ETA for final, or it a 'ready-when-its-ready'?
> Richard
> On Oct 23, 6:00 pm, Chris Ramsdale  wrote:
> > Devraj,
> >
> > As of MS2, your best bet is to check out the updated Mail sample to
> > see how to use some of the new 2.0 features (in particular the XML UI
> > descriptors). We'll have more documentation as we move closer to the
> > final release.
> >
> > - Chris
> >
> > On Oct 22, 7:37 pm, Devraj Mukherjee  wrote:
> >
> > > Hi John,
> >
> > > Is there any documentation that goes with the milstone releases so we
> > > can read up on howto use some of these news features?
> >
> > > I am particularly interested in the XML UI descriptors.
> >
> > > Thanks again.
> >
> > > On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 4:43 AM, John LaBanca 
> wrote:
> >
> > > > Hi everyone,
> >
> > > > We are excited to release the second milestone build for GWT 2.0
> > > > today. This milestone is essentially feature complete, and provides
> > > > somewhat more stability in the various bits of core functionality
> that
> > > > will be coming in GWT 2.0.
> >
> > > > Please download the distribution from:
> > > >
> >
> > > > Milestone 2 contains a couple new features and changes from MS1:
> > > > * Layout Panels: Layout panels have been refined since MS1. In
> > > > particular, the TabLayoutPanel has been introduced, and UiBinder has
> > > > been extended to support it and StackLayoutPanel. Layout panels use
> > > > native css, so they resize with the window smoothly (IE6 uses active
> > > > layout to achieve the same effect, but it is still fast in most
> > > > cases). When paired with UIBinder, users can create applications
> > > > faster than ever. (Read more about UiBinder under Declarative User
> > > > Interface, below.)
> >
> > > > Breaking changes in MS2:
> > > > * The way arguments are passed to the GWT testing infrastructure has
> > > > been revamped (and changed slightly from MS1). There is now a
> > > > consistent syntax to support arbitrary "runstyles", including user-
> > > > written with no changes to GWT. Though this does not affect common
> > > > launch configs, some of the less common ones will need to be updated.
> > > > For example:
> > > >* '-selenium localhost:/*firefox' has become
> > > >  '-runStyle Selenium:localhost:/*firefox'
> > > >* '-remoteweb rmi://localhost/ff3' has become
> > > >  '-runStyle RemoteWeb:rmi://localhost/ff3'
> > > >* '-manual 5' has become '-runStyle Manual:5'
> > > > Note: run style names must be capitalized (ex. Selenium).
> >
> > > > Known Issues in MS2:
> > > > * LayoutPanels only work in strict mode, but new GWT applications are
> > > > created in quirks mode by default. You must manually switch your
> > > > application to strict mode by changing the DOCTYPE at the top of your
> > > > application's html file. Existing widgets that do not work correctly
> > > > in strict mode (ex. StackPanel) now have a LayoutPanel counterpart
> > > > that does work in strict mode (ex. StackLayoutPanel).
> > > > * Connecting multiple browsers at the same time in development mode
> > > > can cause the development mode server to crash. You can avoid this by
> > > > waiting for each browser to start your app before connecting another
> > > > browser.
> > > > * If you are planning to run the webAppCreator, i18nCreator, or the
> > > > junitCreator scripts on Mac or Linux, please set the executable bits
> > > > by doing a 'chmod +x *Creator'
> > > > * Our HtmlUnit integration is still not complete. Additionally,
> > > > HtmlUnit does not do layout. So tests can fail either because they
> > > > exercise layout or they hit bugs due to incomplete integration. If
> you
> > > > want such tests to be ignored on HtmlUnit, please annotate the test
> > > > methods with @DoNotRunWith({Platform.Htmlunit})
> >
> > > > To reiterate, here are a few key notes from the Milestone 1
> > > > announcement...
> > > > * Terminology changes: We're going to start using the term
> > > > "development mode" rather than the old term "hosted mode." The term
> > > > "hosted mode" was sometimes confusing to people, so we'll be using
> the
> > > > more descriptive term from now on. For similar reasons, we'll be
> using
> > > > the term "production mode" rather than "web mode" when referring to
> > > > compiled script.
> >
> > > > * Changes to the distribution: Note that there's only one download,
> > > > and it's no longer platform-specific. You download the same zip file
> > > > for every development platform. This is made possible by the new
> > > > plugin approach used to implement development mode (see below). The
> > > > distribution file does not include the browser plugins themselves;
> > > > those are downloaded 

Re: How much overhead does including the JUnit module incur?

2009-11-02 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 2 nov, 21:41, Eric  wrote:
> The advice on the GWT testing page is to have your GWT module inherit
> from the JUnit module.

Where did you see that advice? I cannot find it on

> However, you shouldn't deploy for production
> while still inheriting the JUnit module, because that forces you to
> include junit.jar in the war file.

1. you generally do not deploy your GWTTestCase (or other test-)
classes (notably due to the fact that you do not deploy your GWT code
as Java classes but compiled into JavaScript)
2. even if you do, you'll never reference them in your production
code, so you won't face the NoClassDefFoundError due to the absence of

> Should the advice on the testing
> page be to create a module inheriting JUnit and the production module?

JUnitShell will synthesize such a module (inheriting both your module –
as returned by your GWTTestCase's getModuleName()– and the JUnit
module). You do not have to explicitly inherit the JUnit module,
unless your GWTTestCase classes are in the classpath when you call the
GWT Compiler (which IMO is bad practice).
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Re: Click( ) not firing in GWTTestCase?

2009-11-02 Thread

On Nov 2, 7:35 am, Thomas Broyer  wrote:

> It might very well be a bug in HtmlUnit if that's the runstyle you're
> using to run your tests (it's the default one in MS1 and MS2), but
> according to this test (from 2.0.0-ms1) it should work (the test isn't
> annotated with 
> @DoNotRunWith(Platform.Htmlunit))
> Try running your tests manually to confirm (add "-runStyle Manual" to
> the -Dgwt.args sysprop; it'll ask you to open a URL in a browser, just
> like with DevMode).

When running manually, the test still fails, but now it produces: A timeout expired after
1000ms elapsed.
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

Any ideas? Thanks!
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Re: Click( ) not firing in GWTTestCase?

2009-11-02 Thread

On Nov 2, 9:24 pm, ""  wrote:
> On Nov 2, 7:35 am, Thomas Broyer  wrote:
> > It might very well be a bug in HtmlUnit if that's the runstyle you're
> > using to run your tests (it's the default one in MS1 and MS2), but
> > according to this test (from 2.0.0-ms1) it should work (the test isn't
> > annotated with 
> > @DoNotRunWith(Platform.Htmlunit))
> > Try running your tests manually to confirm (add "-runStyle Manual" to
> > the -Dgwt.args sysprop; it'll ask you to open a URL in a browser, just
> > like with DevMode).
> When running manually, the test still fails, but now it produces:
> A timeout expired after
> 1000ms elapsed.
>         at$
> (
>         at
>         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
> (
>         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
> (
>         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>         at
> 103)
>         at
> 71)
>         at
> (
>         at
> (
>         at
> (
>         at
> (
>         at
> 518)
>         at
> (
>         at
> (
>         at
>         at
>         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
> (
>         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
> (
>         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>         at
> 103)
>         at
> 71)
>         at
> (
>         at
> (
>         at
> (
>         at
> (
>         at
> Any ideas? Thanks!

By the way, I had added a 1000 ms delay just in case; without it, the
test failed anyway, as the first time, when an expected condition
wasn't met:

junit.framework.AssertionFailedError:  expected=1 actual=0
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
at com.fkereki.mvptest.client.LoginViewGwtTest.testLoginView
(transient source for

Thanks again!

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Re: Click( ) not firing in GWTTestCase?

2009-11-02 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 3 nov, 01:02, ""  wrote:
> junit.framework.AssertionFailedError:  expected=1 actual=0
>         at
>         at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
>         at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
>         at com.fkereki.mvptest.client.LoginViewGwtTest.testLoginView
> (

Could you show us the code of the failing test (around line 51) ?
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Re: Click( ) not firing in GWTTestCase?

2009-11-02 Thread

> Could you show us the code of the failing test (around line 51) ?

I cleaned up and simplified the code as much as possible. I created a
boolean attribute, wasCalled. I created a callback; in it, I set
wasCalled=true. (So, this is a poor man's mock object...)

The code up to the failure is:

wasCalled = false;

wasCalled = false;;

The first assertTrue(...) succeeds --so I'm sure the callback works--
but the second fails:

junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: null
at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue(
at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue(
at com.fkereki.mvptest.client.LoginViewGwtTest.testLoginView
(transient source for
at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(

By the way, without the first three lines, the result is exactly the

If I run the actual program, the callback does work (and the user
manages to log in).

Thanks again for your help!

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How to insert static HTML content

2009-11-02 Thread compuroad

I would like to know if there is a built in way in GWT to read and
inject HTML content. At least 50% of the site I am planning has static
HTML content that would not benefit from GWT one page model. I am
thinking in building a application that reads the static content using and injects into GWT using the HTML widget.

I would like to know if there are any alternatives.


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Re: Using JSNI to access external JavaScript function of an external library

2009-11-02 Thread Prashant
thanks, BTW it works for *"content-block"* in place of *

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Re: GWT Eclipse Plugin problem: how can I delay validation when using generated sources ?

2009-11-02 Thread Miguel Méndez
On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 7:47 AM, David  wrote:

> Hi,
> Well it does not happen all the time that's a bit the problem. so I
> can not really create a repro case.
> Both the Sync and Async interfaces are generated using a builder
> configuration in the eclipse project.
> When generation is done, it refreshes the folder where the new code
> was generated.
> Both files are generated at the same time, so it is a bit a puzzle to
> me why the sync interface is found, yet the async is not.
> When you say that you perform validation on safe and as you type ...
> how does that translate to java files to just appear after a refresh ?
If you have auto-building enabled, I believe that a refresh should look like
a build of the refreshed files.  The as-you-type is a reconcile operation
which is driven by the editor.

We've seen some issues with the java model in eclipse.  I'd go ahead and
file a bug with some repro code, even if it is not consistent.

> PS: this is with Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede SR2. We are still holding out
> for Galileo because we rely on some plugins that are not yet migrated.
> David
> On Oct 27, 2:50 pm, Miguel Méndez  wrote:
> > We perform validations on save and as-you-type.  It should rerun the
> > validation after the types are regenerated.  As long as the generated
> folder
> > is on the project's classpath it should work.
> >
> > Could you file a bug for this with a repro case?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 6:47 AM, David  wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> >
> > > Before I try and create a bug report I just want to see if somebody
> > > else has the same issues with GWT Eclipse Plugin (1.1 release
> > > downloaded just now 27/10/2009)
> >
> > > My GWT project uses Eclipse builders to generate the synchronous and
> > > asynchronous interfaces for our RPC classes. We have an automatic
> > > session-bean -> GWT RPC servlet that uses annotations to decide what
> > > to expose to GWT and what not.
> >
> > > The Plugin however complains that the async interface is missing. But
> > > the file is there right next to the generated synchronous interface.
> >
> > > What is the cause of this behaviour ?
> > > - validation of the plugin happens before the workspace is fully
> > > refreshed ?
> > > - only looks at the first java source folder to find the Async ?
> > > - The source folders are in fact linked resources ... could that have
> > > impact ?
> >
> > > I tried refreshing the project but the Error remains in the Problems
> > > view.
> >
> > > David
> >
> > --
> > Miguel- Hide quoted text -
> >
> > - Show quoted text -
> >


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Re: Using JSNI to access external JavaScript function of an external library

2009-11-02 Thread dougx

Also, did you realize you can call getElement() on any widget to
obtain the underlying DOM element? It's not always what you're looking
for, but it can be helpful to avoiding having to call getElementById
in your JSNI code.

native void loadEditor(Object e)/*-{


FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel();


On Nov 3, 12:29 pm, Prashant  wrote:
> thanks, BTW it works for *"content-block"* in place of *
> document.getElementById("**content-block")*
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Re: How can I disable context menu in RichTextArea?

2009-11-02 Thread Taimur Mirxa

I really appreciate your help, but this is not working in firefox. on the
other side this method is working fine in hosted mode and IE. any idea?

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Michael Sullivan wrote:

> In your client code somewhere, create this native function:
>protected native void blockBrowserContextMenu(Element elem) /*-{
>elem.oncontextmenu = function(e) {
>  return false;
>  }-*/;
> Then, when you create your RichTextArea, call 'getElement()' on your
> RTA instance and pass it to the given native method.
> That will block browser context menus for that instance of
> RichTextArea and for no other part of your UI.  (Though you may want
> to consider
> re-implementing Cut/Copy/Paste on your custom menu, as they may be
> expected by your users).
> Mike
> On Nov 2, 8:39 am, Taimur Mirxa  wrote:
> > Folks,
> >
> > I have created my own popup menu, which I want to display in
> RichTextArea,
> > and it is appearing with right mouse click. my problem is that default
> > broswer's context menu does also appear along with my menu. is there any
> > resolution for this?
> >
> > I have seen lots of examples and code but all of them were disabling
> > broswer's default menu that shows View Source and other options, I do not
> > want to disable it, rather my point is to disable the context menu which
> > appears in text fields or rich text areas.
> >
> > --
> > Warm Regards,
> >
> > Taimur Mirza
> >
> > [To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to
> > assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with
> the
> > smallest possible expenditure of intelligence.  - Friedrich Nietzsche]
> >

Warm Regards,

Taimur Mirza

[To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to
assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the
smallest possible expenditure of intelligence.  - Friedrich Nietzsche]

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Re: stockWatcher tutorial error

2009-11-02 Thread Taimur Mirxa
Can you attach the source code?

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 9:08 PM, Angel Marquez wrote:

> This line of code:
> prices[i] = new StockPrice(stocks.get(i), price, change);
> in the refreshWatchlist() method is giving me an error.
> Any ideas?
> Please see attached screen shots.
> ty,
> -a
> >

Warm Regards,

Taimur Mirza

[To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to
assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the
smallest possible expenditure of intelligence.  - Friedrich Nietzsche]

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Re: stockWatcher tutorial error

2009-11-02 Thread Angel Marquez

thank you.

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 9:51 PM, Taimur Mirxa  wrote:

> Can you attach the source code?
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 9:08 PM, Angel Marquez wrote:
>> This line of code:
>> prices[i] = new StockPrice(stocks.get(i), price, change);
>> in the refreshWatchlist() method is giving me an error.
>> Any ideas?
>> Please see attached screen shots.
>> ty,
>> -a
> --
> Warm Regards,
> Taimur Mirza
> [To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to
> assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the
> smallest possible expenditure of intelligence.  - Friedrich Nietzsche]
> >

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Description: Binary data

Re: stockWatcher tutorial error

2009-11-02 Thread Taimur Mirxa

I have imported the StockWatcher class you attached in the email. it has
missing StockPrice class. If you follow the complete code tutorial for
stockwatcher application. it would run without any exception. even I have
developed by following the tutorial.

for your help StockPrice class if available at

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 9:58 PM, Angel Marquez wrote:

> attached.
> thank you.
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 9:51 PM, Taimur Mirxa  wrote:
>> Can you attach the source code?
>> On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 9:08 PM, Angel Marquez wrote:
>>> This line of code:
>>> prices[i] = new StockPrice(stocks.get(i), price, change);
>>> in the refreshWatchlist() method is giving me an error.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Please see attached screen shots.
>>> ty,
>>> -a
>> --
>> Warm Regards,
>> Taimur Mirza
>> [To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to
>> assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the
>> smallest possible expenditure of intelligence.  - Friedrich Nietzsche]
> >

Warm Regards,

Taimur Mirza

[To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to
assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the
smallest possible expenditure of intelligence.  - Friedrich Nietzsche]

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is user.agent compile selection configurable?

2009-11-02 Thread rjcarr

In the module xml file you can specify the compile targets with
something like this:

Which generally works, but I was wondering if there is a way to
specify this to the compiler directly?
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Re: How to insert static HTML content

2009-11-02 Thread rjcarr

I would suggest writing your page in the traditional way and then only
filling in GWT for the sections you need.  You typically do with
placeholders as divs and tds.  For example:

  Here is some HTML ...
  Here is more HTML ...


EntryPoint {
  RootPanel.get("gwt").add(new Label("Here is GWT HTML ..."));

On Nov 2, 7:17 pm, compuroad  wrote:
> I would like to know if there is a built in way in GWT to read and
> inject HTML content. At least 50% of the site I am planning has static
> HTML content that would not benefit from GWT one page model. I am
> thinking in building a application that reads the static content using
> and injects into GWT using the HTML widget.
> I would like to know if there are any alternatives.
> Thanks,
> Wilson
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Re: building the graphics for my web site

2009-11-02 Thread rjcarr

Hi Jaimon ...

> 1) how i can make my web site to fit any resolution?

This isn't a GWT question.  You'll want to look at other pages that do
this to your liking and investigate how they accomplish it.  It
typically means setting the width of your elements (panels, etc) to
100% in CSS and adjusting things from there..

> 2) i could not find any tutorial that explains how to work with images
> in GWT, so any advice on how to start working and building the
> graphics would a be really appreciated.

You'll probably want to start with the Image class javadoc.  This
represents an image in html .  From there you'll also want to
check out ImageBundle as it is a powerful way to bundle images in your

> 3) on the few things that i found about graphics on the website they
> were always talking about putting every think in tables, is that the
> case also in GWT or i should use panels instead?

Most all panels in GWT are rendered using tables in HTML, so it is one
and the same.

Good luck!
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