Force render of CellBrowser cell(s)

2011-02-06 Thread sevendays
I would like to be able to explicitly call the render method on a 
CellBrowser. The reason for this is that I am making changes to the 
underlying data model, and want the values to be refreshed in the display.

I have a valueUpdater.update() method that is being called. My approach is 
to re-render all cells by iterating round them and calling render().

The problem is that I don't know how to supply to parameters that render is 
looking for. In particular the Context and the SafeHtmlBuilder.


1) Am I trying to achieve this the correct way?
2) If so, how do I call render?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: History.replaceItem?

2011-02-06 Thread PhilBeaudoin
@zixzigma: stateful in the sense that the view (or the presenter if
you're using MVP) has a private variable that keeps the last page seen
and is only initialized on a new search. As a consequence, it would
show the exact same page if you navigate back to it.

On Feb 4, 2:08 pm, Jason wrote:
 Good suggestions, the reason that I've been using the URL to rewrite
 the list page parameters (rather than having a stateful page) is that
 I'm using it for both paging and the query parameters.  For example,
 if the user is searching for customers where the name starts with
 'ABC' then the URL is rewritten as something like
 'list#customerNameStartsWith=ABCpage=2'.  This allows the user to
 easily bookmark a query or page of results.

You could still use the stateful view approach with the query string
in the URL, letting the user bookmark the query. With that approach,
the only thing you can't do is let him bookmark the page number. IMHO
bookmarking a page often does not make sense, especially if you have a
dynamic database where the search results change through time.

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Re: Is it possible to convert ImageResource to ImageElement?

2011-02-06 Thread Thomas Broyer
Or, without creating an Image widget: 

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Re: nothing visible in IE8 while it all looks good in FF and Chrome

2011-02-06 Thread Jack
Make sure you use !DOCTYPE html to put ie8 in standards mode and
make sure the checkbox show intranet sites in compatibility view is
unchecked in ie8's compatibility view settings.

On 5 Feb., 07:39, doles wrote:

 I have a UiBinder based layout and it looks and works great in FF and
 chrome. However, in IE8, i cant see anything except the background. In
 IE8's developer tools, I can see all html and can also see borders
 when i hover over the HTML in those tools. however, it shows nothing
 except the background color. What could I have missed?


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Re: Help with Google Plugin For Eclipse setup

2011-02-06 Thread Jaroslav Záruba
seems like the plugin is trying to create the WEB-INF directory but 
apparently web-inf already exists, therefore (on Windows platform) 
WEB-INF can not be created
either delete your web-inf, or rename it to WEB-INF (or web-inf.del or 
something like that), so the plugin can either create the folder it needs or 
it will just use yours one

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i18n properties file

2011-02-06 Thread Luke
i have located at . using uibinder  ui.msg: i able to get the
i18n messages.  let say i programmatically creating widget. and
created interface   LocalizableResource extends Message  in order to
read in 18n messages. Is this correct proper way to do it?

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Re: Force render of CellBrowser cell(s)

2011-02-06 Thread Y2i

 1) Am I trying to achieve this the correct way?

Probably not.  If you use value updater to communicate a change to your data 
provider, then data provider can update itself, which will automatically 
update all attached displays.
Take a look at this 
 One difference is instead of RPC calls your provider would get the data 
from the valueUpdater.

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Re: Is it possible to convert ImageResource to ImageElement?

2011-02-06 Thread Jambi
Hej Thomas,

it´s the same with your solution. The Image won´t appear on the
canvas. Maybe it is a bug since the canvas api is still experimental?
Maybe I should try a different approach to implement an image

On Feb 6, 11:50 am, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 Or, without creating an Image widget:

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TabLayoutPanel and panel - the content doesn't appear

2011-02-06 Thread András Csányi
Hi all!

I know it will be a very simple question from me, so I'm sorry in advance.

My application looks like this:
- the main structure is a DockLayoutPanel. In this are the other
control structures, in North is the MenuBar, in West are the menu
built on Tree, Center is the main data recording area which is in
default case is an SimplePanel. In special case into the
CenterSimplePanel I put a TabLayoutPanel with 3 tab. Every tab is an
SimplePanel and I put the content about lazy load, whenever tab is
become active I put the form, buttons, labels, etc. (SelectionHandler
and swhitch-case structure)

My problem is that, the first tab is active by default and it contains
few buttons and other stuffs these elements doesn't appear by default.
Even not if I'm changing the different tabs but because the lazy load
the content should be loaded.

My question are the next:
- what is the recommended way to build a TabLayoutPanel?
- which panels are recommended?
- where can I find information about this? Is there any article or
tutorial about this? The official Google tutorial is not enough.

Thanks for any help in advance!

- -
--  Csanyi Andras (Sayusi Ando)  -- --
--  Trust in God and keep your gunpowder dry! - Cromwell

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Using the Layout class

2011-02-06 Thread Magnus

I try to use the layout class, but I have problems. It would be nice,
if one could get some help here. Unfortunately, this is very limited
here. I also know it's a very special problem.

I try to layout my children with layer.setLeftWidth and
layer.setTopBottom, but it does not work correctly.

How can I get help?


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Re: Using the Layout class

2011-02-06 Thread Jeff Larsen
Have you set your doctype to standards mode? If you post some code I can 
take a look at it. 

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runAsync and GwtEvent

2011-02-06 Thread Algian

I'm having an issue with the code resulting from a code split which
fires a GwtEvent. The scenario is the following:

Class A - This class is runAsync'd and fires a GwtEvent for when an
action is completed

Class B - This class has a handler for the GwtEvent which handles the
event fired by Class A

The events run over an EventBus.

When I run SOYC on this, I notice that a portion of Class B is being
put into the Left Over code as it seems to associated the code
contained in the GwtEvent handler method to Class A and Class B.

Is there a way to fire the events from Class A to Class B and make the
only common portion of code the EventBus and the GwtEvent with handler
and not actually the Class B code located in the GwtEvent handler

Let me know if this isn't clear, I can supplement with code snippets
if necessary.


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Problem Styling CellList

2011-02-06 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone,

I modified GWT basic CellList sample, to experiment how I can style a 

Unfortunately I am getting exceptions, and was not successful in styling a 
cell list.

Below you can find my basic code sample which I posted on pastebin for easy 

Do you know what I am doing wrong ?

Thank You

my gwt.xml:
my basic java class entryModule :
My Css:

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Re: Problem Styling CellList

2011-02-06 Thread zixzigma
The line highlighted as the source of problem is :
CellList.Resources resources = GWT.create(MyCellResources.class);
and the exception can be found here:

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Re: Problem Styling CellList

2011-02-06 Thread zixzigma
Ok, I found what I was doing wrong : )

I should have overriden all styles defined in CellList.

I had left out, 
.cellListWidget {} and corresponding String cellListWidget();
.cellListSelectedItem {} / String cellListSelectedItem();

I added those, and it worked.

though not very critical, I am curious whether its possible
to inherit some of the default styles while overriding the others.

Thank You

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classpathentry kind=con path=DROOLS/Drools/ refers to which jars

2011-02-06 Thread drools10
I hope this is the correct mailing list for the question. I have created some
rules through guvnor  am trying to fireAllRules(). I created a normal java
class using KnowledgeAgent  am calling fireAllRules() method. I have noticed
that it executes fine as long as I have the following entry in my classpath:
classpathentry kind=con path=DROOLS/Drools/

But when I try to call the same code from within my web app, I get the following

16:00:12,131 INFO  [STDOUT] java.lang.RuntimeException: KnowledgeAgent exception
while trying to deserialize KnowledgeDefinitionsPackage
Caused by: Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL:

I was wondering if I could add the jars referred to by 'DROOLS/drools' to my
project manifest. But I am not sure which files/jars are referred to by it.
Could anyone guide me in this regard?

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Re: send post message a PHP solved

2011-02-06 Thread Jozef Môstka
Im working on phpCallback, It 
will be finished soon. using is much easier.
first we made object to send
public class TestObject extends PhpRpcObject {
public String[] aaa = {ss,dd};
public int[] bbb = new int[2];
then made service
public class TestService implements PhpRpcService{
public void getTestObject(TestObject objTest, 
PhpRpcCallbackTestObject p_callBack){};
and last we call it

PhpRpcCallbackTestObject callback = new PhpRpcCallbackTestObject() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
public void onSuccess(TestObject result) {
public void onThrowable(PhpRpcException rpcException) {
service.getTestObject(string, 15, obj,callback);

in php is generated service implementation, we add only a body in methods
class TestServiceImpl{
public $ARGUMENTS_getTestObject=objects/TestObject;
public function getTestObject( TestObject $objTest){
   // if (objTest==null) throw new RpcException(Undefied object);
   // $objTest-iii = Generated inside PHP;
   // return ($objTest);

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[gwt-contrib] Re: Generator Result Caching implementation for ClientBundle (issue1236801)

2011-02-06 Thread jbrosenberg


[gwt-contrib] Handle Validation of Cascaded Generic properties. (issue1343801)

2011-02-06 Thread nchalko

Reviewers: rchandia,

Handle Validation of Cascaded Generic properties.
Make GwtValidators Singletons.

[JSR 303 TCK Result] 88 of 257 (34.24%) Pass with 38 Failures and 14

Please review this at

Affected files:
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/validation/client/impl/
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/validation/client/impl/
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/validation/rebind/
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/validation/rebind/

  A user/src/com/google/gwt/validation/rebind/
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/validation/rebind/
  A user/test/com/google/gwt/validation/
  A user/test/com/google/gwt/validation/rebind/

  M user/test/org/hibernate/jsr303/tck/tests/validation/
