I'm using CellTable which is reading data from MySQL using RPC and
I tryed to make come column editable and added to one of the columns
editable so i added FieldUpdater with empty (!) update method.

Then came strange.
Tere is "value1" for some cell. I edit it and change it to, for
example "X" -- now table shows "X" even i go to other pages and then
back (no mater that i fetch data from database everytime the page is

But the the mostly strange.
I modify my database so this cell now contains "value2" and everything
goes fine -- table fetches new data and shows "value2". Fine. But then
i modify back to "value1" -- table fetches that change and ... ...
shows "X". X that i inputed long time ago.

The first question is what the hell?! why GWT decides what to show,
not me?
Second -- what is this behavior and where it is documented?
Third -- how i can disbale it?

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