Re: Building gwt-2.4

2013-02-13 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko
Hi again. 

I managed to build that with jdk 1.6. 
Looks like generic treatment has changed a little from 1.6 to 1.7

Works now like a charm. 


On Wednesday, 13 February 2013 16:12:33 UTC+2, Alexander Cherednichenko 
> Hi guys! 
> I'm trying to build google web toolkit 2.4; need to try a thing with the 
> legacy code. I am following the steps in 'Making gwt better', took GWT from 
> I am using tools from 
> According to the group 
> posting<> i 
> did revert tools to the older version (10. However, I am still getting 
> error (though of the other kind) - 
>  compile:
> [gwt.javac] /home/lexaux/work/gwt/2_4/user/build.xml:94: warning: 
> 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set 
> to false for repeatable builds
> [gwt.javac] Compiling 22 source files to 
> /home/lexaux/work/gwt/2_4/build/out/user/bin
> [gwt.javac] 
> /home/lexaux/work/gwt/2_4/user/src/com/google/web/bindery/requestfactory/shared/impl/
> error: name clash: find(EntityProxyId) in FindRequest and 
> find(EntityProxyId) in RequestContext have the same erasure, yet 
> neither overrides the other
> [gwt.javac]   Request find(EntityProxyId proxy);
> [gwt.javac]^
> [gwt.javac]   where P is a type-variable:
> [gwt.javac] P extends EntityProxy declared in method 
> find(EntityProxyId)
> [gwt.javac] 1 error
> Any clues? 
> Thanks in advance!
> -- 
> Alexander Cherednichenko
> [ the only way out is the way up ]

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Building gwt-2.4

2013-02-13 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko
Hi guys!

I'm trying to build google web toolkit 2.4; need to try a thing with the
legacy code. I am following the steps in 'Making gwt better', took GWT from

I am using tools from

According to the group
posting<> i
did revert tools to the older version (10. However, I am still getting
error (though of the other kind) -

[gwt.javac] /home/lexaux/work/gwt/2_4/user/build.xml:94: warning:
'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set
to false for repeatable builds
[gwt.javac] Compiling 22 source files to
error: name clash: find(EntityProxyId) in FindRequest and
find(EntityProxyId) in RequestContext have the same erasure, yet
neither overrides the other
[gwt.javac]   Request find(EntityProxyId proxy);
[gwt.javac]   where P is a type-variable:
[gwt.javac] P extends EntityProxy declared in method
[gwt.javac] 1 error

Any clues?
Thanks in advance!

Alexander Cherednichenko
[ the only way out is the way up ]

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Re: how to log messages in ABCServiceImpl

2010-10-21 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko
Hi Fahad!

As soon as want to log something in the serverside, you may need to
use a regular serverside logging.
There are several different libs which do help with this.

Jetty could use SLF4J as an impl one, so you could use
org.slf4j.Logger. (see for samples)

For more details, look into here -


On Oct 21, 5:38 pm, Fahad Baig  wrote:
> I am using GWT 2.0 with intellij 7 . I am working on the StockWatcher
> example and tried to log messages in both client and server
> The client message is displayed successfully using GWT.log
> But on the server side (in my ServiceImpl class) i am not able to find
> the message being logged. I had tried
> System.out.println(" logging in serviceImpl");
> GWT.log(" logging in serviceImpl");
> java.util.Logger
> I am not able to see the log in the Development Mode , Jetty tab or
> StockWatcher (IE) tab.
> Kindly help me out in printing the log either to the development mode
> screen or any file etc

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Re: Intercepting all gwt rpc calls on gwt (browser) side.

2010-03-11 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko
Sorry. Think I did not make the whole problem well-understood.

I need to intercept the thing not in the serverside, but in client
E.g. I can not import javax.servlet.filter - it is a part of Servlet
API which lives in Servlet container, and I need to get info about RPC
calls in GWT part - the one which is js-compiled and executed in

Any more thoughts?

On Mar 10, 5:40 pm, mariyan nenchev  wrote:
> Yes just use import javax.servlet.Filter;

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Intercepting all gwt rpc calls on gwt (browser) side.

2010-03-10 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko
Is this ever possible?

My case is pretty simple - I want to detect when was the last call
made to have the 'session expiration' kind of functionality.

For this I wanted to have all the calls to the server intercepted and
scheduled the timer for session lifetime each time. Once the timer
fires (it is the same moment as server session dies) I could transfer
the user to sessionExpiredPage.

What do you think - is it possible at all?
Maybe, there is much easier way of doing the same, but i missed it?

Thank you all.

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Re: GWT JSNI : How to access a div

2009-09-17 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

Hi Sumved.

If I'm not mistaken, GWT module gets loaded to an iframe on the page;
that's why jsni code can not locate the div.
Simply saying, 'document' is for an iframe document, and 'window'
points to that specific iframe window object.

In order to access hostpage structure you should use $doc and $wnd
respectively - they hold 'document' and 'window' of the host page,

On Sep 17, 8:48 am, Sumved  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I want to access a div inside a JSNI method. This is a famous code
> snippet for ticker provided by Mr. Stephen Chapman. I am trying to use
> it in a GWT-EXT application.
> =
> public native void startTicker(String content, String tWidth,
>             String tHeight, String tColour, boolean moStop, String
> fontFamily, int tSpeed)/*-{
>         var cps=tSpeed;
>         var fsz = parseInt(tHeight) - 4;
>         if (document.getElementById) {
>             var tick = ' if (moStop) tick += ' onmouseover="cps=0" onmouseout="cps=tSpeed"';
> tick +='><\/div><
> \/div>';
> th...@com.coeus.ot.client.client.maincliententrypoint::setTicker(Ljava/
> lang/String;)(tick);
>             var mq = document.getElementById("mq");
>   "px";
>             mq.innerHTML=''+content+'<\/span>';
>             var aw = document.getElementById("tx").offsetWidth;
>             lefttime=setInterval("scrollTicker()",50);
>         } else {
>             alert("Can't find document");
>         }
>     }-*/;
> ==
> But, the value of var mq is NULL. This works fine in a HTML-JS model.
> Am I missing something?
> Can someone please help me out solving this problem?
> Thanks in your kind interest.
> Regards,
> Sumved Shami
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Re: Best ways to avoid unwelcome CSS cascade side effects?

2009-09-14 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

>From what I got here, GWT styling style :) means that you do not
heavily use 'global' CSS selectors; most of the styling work is done
with classes.

we're working on large application, and only 'global' styles we use
are related to quirks, not to styling.

I'm using some more complex selectors as:

.widget-class td {
color: black;

but only for widgets internal structure of which I know and own. Just
to make styling easier.

On Sep 13, 4:49 am, John Gunther  wrote:
> I still recall an incredulous friend's exasperation: "I merely changed
> the value of "X" and, inexplicably, a completely different thing, "Y",
> now has a different value, too!"
> An obscure side effect of the CSS cascade? No. FORTRAN COMMON blocks.
> Here are two cases where I or those I know got burned by the CSS
> cascade:
> 1) A CSS rule attached to a img selector in a far-flung stylesheet
> pushed all the images into strange positions.
> Fix: a weird image tag padding rule was responsible. It was just a
> mistake in the CSS and was simply removed.
> 2) A "table td" selector short-circuited font properties applied to
> the table and intended to define the table-cells' font properties via
> inheritance.
> Fix: The problematic "table td" selector could not be easily changed,
> so more specific styles were added directly to the table cells that
> "beat out" the "table td" selector in the CSS cascade.
> The exasperating thing was that, in each case, everything worked just
> fine until, somewhere else, completely independent of the code that
> worked fine in isolation, someone injected a seemingly innocuous CSS
> snippet that short-circuited the previous CSS specs.
> Questions:
> 1) Have you been burned by such CSS cascade side effects? What got
> you? How did you correct the problem?
> 2) Are there any strategies that, if they do not totally eliminate,
> can at least minimize such problems? What works best for you?
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Re: seo and google web toolkit

2009-09-10 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

nice answer. big thanks :)

On Sep 10, 2:29 pm, Ian Bambury  wrote:
> 2009/9/10 Alexander Cherednichenko 
> > That's true; I was also thinking of redirect.
> > Also, this is good for non-js browsers. Links users would see it OK,
> > which is really valuable for me.
> > Although, does not google ban for  ?
> Maybe - I don't use that. It would seem a bit harsh if they do. But Google
> is following IBM's FUD route on things like that.
> > This sounds pretty much like a doorway page.
> > I'm really interested in how searchers treat this.
> > In official release what's they say about cloacking:
> > "
> >  So what's an honest web designer to do? The only hard and fast rule
> > is to show Googlebot the  exact same thing as your users. If you
> > don't, your site risks appearing suspicious to our search algorithms.
> > This simple rule covers a lot of cases including cloaking, JavaScript
> > redirects, hidden text, and doorway pages.
> My site does show the non-JS Googlebot exactly what a non-JS user would see.
> If Google decide to develop a JS-enabled Googlebot, it will see what a
> JS-enabled user will see. It's not my fault if they are not technically
> savvy enough to do it. Not only that, JS-users get *exactly* the same
> content as non-JS-users (albeit with menus and demos and stuff)
> If they *don't* allow me to do this, then effectively they are banning
> anyone who wants to be listed from using JavaScript, and how many sites does
> that leave them?
> > And our engineers have
> > gathered a few more practical suggestions:
> > "
> > (taken from
> > uses-of-flash.html,
> > though it's old)
> > Unclear moment for me is that what do they mean saying 'exact same
> > thing as your users. '. If it is same content (like compared by user)
> > - your method would work, as you load the SAME page as the one shown
> > to bot.
> Cloaking is giving a different to a bot from the page you give to a user.
> They cannot expect their non-enabled bot to get the same as an enabled user
> or, for example, using Flash and Java applets and images of text and video
> and audio would earn you a ban as well.
> > But textually - the contents are different.
> No they are not
> > Bot may think that you're
> > blindly redirecting the user to strange page with the only 1
> > javascript file inclusion and no content at all.
> But I don't. My index page is used to pick up the home page text.
> > Maybe, something new has happened which allows more SEO methodics and
> > i missed this?
> > Thanks for the point with redirect,
> > Alex.
> From a purely practical point of view, if I can't do this and they do ban me
> and my site isn't listed, then how much worse off am I than if my site is
> not being listed because I don't have any content that the bots can see?
> Less than 5% of my traffic comes from search engines anyway - about 15% is
> from referring sites, and over 80% is direct. It wouldn't be a great loss if
> I did get banned. In fact, the amount of free advertising and links I'd get
> from the news articles I could generate and the resulting knock-on news
> coverage, social network and blog activity and links ('Google Bans Site For
> Using Google Web Toolkit' - that would get picked up) it would probably make
> it a positive blessing if all I wanted was traffic.
> My site has been doing this for nearly 3 years and I described the whole
> setup here on this forum over 2 years ago. No-one official said it *wasn't*
> OK.
> Because Google use IBM's FUD approach, you won't see anyone from Google say
> that this is OK to do (AFAIK they still haven't publicly said that
> underscores are used as work delimiters in file names, and how uncontentious
> and long-running is that?) but if you are doing something that is
> unequivocally wrong, they usually tell you.
> Watch this space.
> Ian
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Re: seo and google web toolkit

2009-09-10 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

That's true; I was also thinking of redirect.

Also, this is good for non-js browsers. Links users would see it OK,
which is really valuable for me.

Although, does not google ban for  ?

This sounds pretty much like a doorway page.
I'm really interested in how searchers treat this.

In official release what's they say about cloacking:
  So what's an honest web designer to do? The only hard and fast rule
is to show Googlebot the  exact same thing as your users. If you
don't, your site risks appearing suspicious to our search algorithms.
This simple rule covers a lot of cases including cloaking, JavaScript
redirects, hidden text, and doorway pages. And our engineers have
gathered a few more practical suggestions:
(taken from,
though it's old)

Unclear moment for me is that what do they mean saying 'exact same
thing as your users. '. If it is same content (like compared by user)
- your method would work, as you load the SAME page as the one shown
to bot.

But textually - the contents are different. Bot may think that you're
blindly redirecting the user to strange page with the only 1
javascript file inclusion and no content at all.

Maybe, something new has happened which allows more SEO methodics and
i missed this?

Thanks for the point with redirect,

On Sep 9, 2:44 pm, Ian Bambury  wrote:
> 2009/9/9 Alexander Cherednichenko 
> > Problem in having static content and enriching it with gwt is that
> > you'll need to create application for each page (if they are
> > different) and app creation in GWT is fairly overheaded. Also, you'll
> > need to have gwt app bootstrap on each page load, which is no good.
> Not true. You can keep your content in HTML pages on the server and fetch it
> as needed. You then link these pages to create a non-JS site which is
> crawlable. If you name the pages after the history token you would use in
> the GWT site, then a) you can write a generic function to get the page and
> b) you can write a JS script to redirect JS-enabled visitors who click on a
> search link to the right place in the GWT app.
> E.g. of you search Google for 'GWT DockPanel' my site's link is '
>' but if you click on the link,
> you end up at ''.
> The initial payload for the site is about 30% of what it would be if the
> text were included, and I can update it without a recompile.
> Ian
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Re: Openlayers Gwt

2009-09-10 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko


I think, elements inside openlayers have their own cursor style.
You could create transparent topmost div (as lightbox, but
transparent) and show it with cursor: wait. This would do better,
because would block all the other events from being sent to the
underlying widgets.

On Sep 9, 12:51 pm, Gilles  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have an application running on gwt together with openlayers. I am
> trying to change the mouse cursor.
> It works fine on the gwt with DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.get
> ().getElement(), "cursor", "wait");
> but as soon as I "mouse over" the openlayers the cursor change to
> normal.
> Any clues ?
> Thanks !
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Re: Translate localised messages in GWT app

2009-09-10 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

It's not that hard to make dynamic translations loading, and make them
working (almost) the same way as google static i18n.

We adandoned google static i18n because of compile time -  we have
huge app, and having 6 languages * 5 browsers = 30 different bundles
was killer shot.

This can be achieved with Generators - you need to create JSON-like
file with all strings, then load in to the client, then (through JSNI)
give access to these loaded strings. That's all.

However, this way of doing things has some drawbacks as well:
1. Each client does 2nd request for translation. So, we have 2-step
GWT bootstrap and then 1 more asyncRequest for the constants loading.
2. This is additional work noone wants to do for free :)

On Sep 9, 3:18 pm, mars1412  wrote:
> > After some research I'm thinking maybe we should use the gwt dynamic
> > translations (somewhat like you mention mars1412), but this implies
> > that all language strings of the application should be transferred all
> > at once and then will be stored as a javascript variable on the
> > client. It's not such a disaster, but it would be nice to prevent
> > having to load all language strings at once.
> > OT: And as for static translation, I'm not too impressed with how that
> > works anyway, it should have been much simpler.
> in my opinion the static translation stuff is really great and a
> magnitude better than any dynamic translation
>  * compiler optimization
>    * will not include any unused translations
>    * will inline the variables for best performance
>  * compile-time checking:
>    * this is an invaluable feature, because you can make sure at
> compile time, that the translations have the correct number of
> variables and even type-checking is possible
>  * when you code against the text-interface, it's very easy in your
> IDE to search for all places where the text is used
>  * and I guess: with the RunAsync feature the static translation way
> will nly the texts that are really required
> do you really want to abandon all this, just to see the changes
> immediately?
> If so, I'm afraid there are no simple ways to get around loading all
> texts at once on startup.
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Re: Manual Compiling of Eclipse Project

2009-09-09 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

take a look here for various ant tasks:

On Sep 7, 7:58 am, venki  wrote:
> @java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -cp "%~dp0\src;E:\codebase\DimDimCodeBase
> \v5.0\ThirdPartyPackages\gwt17\gwt-user.jar;E:\codebase\DimDimCodeBase
> \v5.0\ThirdPartyPackages\gwt17\gwt-dev-windows.jar
> On Sep 5, 10:37 pm, Charlie  wrote:
> > Hello
> > I have an ecplise gwt project and I want to be able to take my source
> > files and compile it manually using the "ant" command in the command
> > line but I can't manage to understand how to do it.
> > Can anyone help?
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Re: seo and google web toolkit

2009-09-09 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

I think they would never execute your code (even in javascript) on
their crawlers :)
electricity costs more.

As for htmlUnit and google adSense - no prob with that; I believe, you
could easily leave adsense blocks as externals even in HTMLUnit
output. Or find other solution which would do this.

Problem in having static content and enriching it with gwt is that
you'll need to create application for each page (if they are
different) and app creation in GWT is fairly overheaded. Also, you'll
need to have gwt app bootstrap on each page load, which is no good.

On Sep 8, 7:53 pm, Raphael André Bauer 
> On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Alexander
> Cherednichenko wrote:
> > I am not expert, though i have some recommendations.
> > 1. Don't even try to generate _really_ different content for searchbot
> > and for the end-user. Sometimes googles sends request with 'normal'
> > user-agent, and if you have different content for users and bots,
> > you'll be banned (because of cloacking :) )
> > Though, there are some ways to do so,
> > Though, not sure /me has enough time to work with google customer
> > support to clear this issue (if they have customer support, have never
> > heard of it:) )
> > 2. You may try create normal static application with unique URS, and
> > just wrap some page elements with javascript to provide rich
> > functionality. UIBinder is of new stuff.
> > 3. You may try searhcing here (in this group) for such problems.
> > People resolve it in different ways. I've heard of interesting way -
> > generating html content by HTMLUnit and feeding it to the bot. Simply
> > - if your application sees it is a bot, it runs gwt (javascript) code
> > in headless browser on the serverside, and flushes momental DOM
> > snapshot to the response.
> > 4. Look here 
> > -
> > I was going to make a little demo some time ago, but had no time to
> > complete it :( sorry. Though, there may still be some interesting
> > facts.
> @all: thanks for the ideas.
> htmlunit is a really cool idea. however, i am not sure if it will fail
> with adsense and related concepts. so my solution is roughly like
> this:
> - generate regular html output
> - enrich / regroup html output via gwt
> so - there is no double content (i hope at least). google is happy,
> because parsing my page is really simple. and the user is happy -
> because he can use nice web 2.0 goodies.
> ok. this breaks some things of the gwt (i was hoping that i can forget
> almost everything about html and css and cross browser compatability
> issues), but it works.
> btw. in my opinion, google should run a 1sec htmlunit against my
> webpage, not me. but - ok takes way more CPU and the result is not
> predictable (what is this funny js generating? so somehow i can
> understand google. however - that puts gwt applications in the same
> bucket as flash applications - a bucket called "not properly indexed
> by google".
> thanks again,
> r
> > On Sep 7, 12:04 pm, Raphael André Bauer
> >  wrote:
> >> hey everybody,
> >> as every friendly web inhabitant i want that google knows my website
> >> and people that are interested in my stuff can find it easily.
> >> however, as my first experiments suggest the google bot does not even
> >> try to analyze (execute) gwt code (a working test of my concept is at
> >> [1]).
> >> this can -- on the one hand -- be explained by the very nature of gwt
> >> - it is javascript - much like an application that should not be
> >> indexed by a search bot by nature. but -- on the other hand -- hey! it
> >> is so simple. execute the js, see if it generates a more or less
> >> stable DOM, parse the dom and you are done. and both is from google?
> >> seems that the GWT hits the same indexing hell flash did.
> >> ok. maybe i am wrong here. in my opinion it is really bad news that
> >> GWT stuff is not at all analyzed by the google search bot.
> >> to come up with a conclusion would involve to sacrifice a lot of GWT
> >> coolness. mainly because i have to generate a lot of HTML myself that
> >> can be analyzed by search robots. i also wrote about that at [2]. it
> >> is especially interesting how [3] did "solve" the "problem".
> >> do the experts have any recommendations?
> >> thanks!
> >> ra!
> >> [1]
> >> [2]
> >> [3]
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Re: Polygons using GWT

2009-09-08 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

actually, there are different Canvas widgets avaiable now. I've been
searhcing for this, and made small article on blog:

I've tried these canvas implementations:   - seems to be good, but I only
played with it a bit - used heavily, works mostly good.
Though, PoC

On Sep 5, 1:09 am, ThomasWrobel  wrote:
> You need to use the Canvas object for 
> this;
> On Sep 5, 1:14 am, jonty  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > Can someone tell on how to draw polygon using GWT ?? It will be good
> > if someone can post some sample code.
> > Thanks,
> > Bharat
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Re: How to get URL in GWT?

2009-09-08 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

I'd get it on the host page (in servlet env) and then accessed via
local variable in client code.

On Sep 8, 3:35 pm, Raphael André Bauer 
> On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Vikas wrote:
> > For RPC communication, I need server IP address and port which is
> > specified in URL.
> > e.g. In ''url IP
> > address and 8181 port.
> > How to get this IP and port in GWT?
> this native function might help:
> public static native String getURL() /*-{
> return $wnd.location.href;
> }-*/;
> cheers,
> r
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Vikas
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Re: Translate localised messages in GWT app

2009-09-08 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko


Did I understand you correct that you want to create a tool to easily
translate apps?
Like this user story:
1. User logs into the app.
2. All the strings which are not translated are red.
3. They are clickable.
4. Once clicked - user is presented editbox to enter text to
5. once entered - value is saved in code in properties file and
editbox disappears.
6. On the next compilation, these strings are included to the compil

If this is what you meant - no, I have not ever heard of such an
intelligent tool. If someone knows something about such tool, I'm
interested also.

On Sep 8, 4:56 pm, Steven De Groote  wrote:
> Hi,
> we're looking for a way to enable users to change translations of a
> currently running GWT application. We are currently using static
> string i18n, but this has the disadvantage that we need to compile
> each time again when there is a language correction.
> I have looked in the documentation, but I can't find a way to somehow
> change these translated messages from a GWT webpage.
> Is this possible in any way?
> Thanks,
> Steven
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Re: seo and google web toolkit

2009-09-08 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

I am not expert, though i have some recommendations.

1. Don't even try to generate _really_ different content for searchbot
and for the end-user. Sometimes googles sends request with 'normal'
user-agent, and if you have different content for users and bots,
you'll be banned (because of cloacking :) )
Though, there are some ways to do so,
Though, not sure /me has enough time to work with google customer
support to clear this issue (if they have customer support, have never
heard of it:) )

2. You may try create normal static application with unique URS, and
just wrap some page elements with javascript to provide rich
functionality. UIBinder is of new stuff.

3. You may try searhcing here (in this group) for such problems.
People resolve it in different ways. I've heard of interesting way -
generating html content by HTMLUnit and feeding it to the bot. Simply
- if your application sees it is a bot, it runs gwt (javascript) code
in headless browser on the serverside, and flushes momental DOM
snapshot to the response.

4. Look here -
I was going to make a little demo some time ago, but had no time to
complete it :( sorry. Though, there may still be some interesting

On Sep 7, 12:04 pm, Raphael André Bauer
> hey everybody,
> as every friendly web inhabitant i want that google knows my website
> and people that are interested in my stuff can find it easily.
> however, as my first experiments suggest the google bot does not even
> try to analyze (execute) gwt code (a working test of my concept is at
> [1]).
> this can -- on the one hand -- be explained by the very nature of gwt
> - it is javascript - much like an application that should not be
> indexed by a search bot by nature. but -- on the other hand -- hey! it
> is so simple. execute the js, see if it generates a more or less
> stable DOM, parse the dom and you are done. and both is from google?
> seems that the GWT hits the same indexing hell flash did.
> ok. maybe i am wrong here. in my opinion it is really bad news that
> GWT stuff is not at all analyzed by the google search bot.
> to come up with a conclusion would involve to sacrifice a lot of GWT
> coolness. mainly because i have to generate a lot of HTML myself that
> can be analyzed by search robots. i also wrote about that at [2]. it
> is especially interesting how [3] did "solve" the "problem".
> do the experts have any recommendations?
> thanks!
> ra!
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
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Re: permission issue?

2009-09-04 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

You can only communicate to server from which the javascript was

There is a way of mixing different services, but from what I've seen
they mainly mean that you need to load some javascript from each of
the servers into specific iframe, and then make these javascripts
communicate throgh top window.

On Sep 4, 10:34 am, Prashant Gupta  wrote:
> yes, I guess you are right. but, then, how does adsense kind of services work?
> actually, I wanted to use cross domain RPCs to get feedback from other
> social sites. now i think is not possible at all :(
> On 9/4/09, venki  wrote:
> > You said that.. you put GWT stuff in site A and you are using those
> > links from site B right??
> > I guess you are trying to do cross domain communication. Then browsers
> > won't allow it. Probably this might be the reason.
> > On Sep 4, 1:47 pm, Prashant Gupta  wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> I have two sites, say A & B and a GWT app. I want to use same app in both
> >> sites without duplicating source files between A & B. So, I uploaded gwt
> >> files with site A and used links to same files (site A) in site B. Now the
> >> problem is that the app is working fine in A but not working at all in B.
> >> I
> >> tried following code (simplest one I could try) :
> >> RootPanel.get("gwt-content").add(new Label("Hello World"));
> >> Internet explorer gives some "Permission Denied" kind of error.
> >> Please help me out.
> >> Thanks.
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Re: Good practice: setting style before adding it to a panel!

2009-09-03 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

In more or less big project I'd rather create set of widgets, which do
not need addition of the external styles.
So, all styles are applied in constructor.

And then - you just create widget, and add it to a panel.

On Sep 3, 8:14 am, Ed  wrote:
> A oepsss.. good point Ian, thanks... :(
> Mistake in the code examples...
> They should be:
> So do something like this:
> Widget wid = new HTML("test");
> SomePanel panel = new SomePanel();
> wid.addStyleName("someStyleName");
> panel.add(wid);
> And NOT this:
> Widget wid = new HTML("test");
> SomePanel panel = new SomePanel();
> panel.add(wid);
> wid.addStyleName("someStyleName");
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Re: GWTCanvas and IE...

2009-09-02 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

IE does not support canvas well. You may use wrapper libraries, which
dispatch output to canvas if possible, and for IE try to emulate it
with VML.

Here's blog posting about this:

You can select among several libraries; make sure you create some
prototypes before making a decision.

I succeeded with GWT-Widgets canvas proof of concept widget.

On Sep 2, 10:39 am, Xlorep DarkHelm  wrote:
> Umm... for anyone trying to see what I mean, I broke the app last
> night, and I hope to have it running soon again this morning.
> On Sep 1, 1:45 pm, Xlorep DarkHelm  wrote:
> > Ok I'm hitting a roadblock here, and I'm hoping that it is just
> > something obvious that I'm unable to see.
> > My situation is this -- I'm working on a simple web app, using GWT and
> > the GWTCanvas widget from gwt-incubator.
> > With the canvas, I am trying to draw little black squares, which
> > represent values at a specific position in an array.
> > To me, it is pretty straight-forward, I have a method:
> > -
> >         public void draw(int row, int col, int color) {
> >                 canvas.setFillStyle(Settings.colors[color]);
> >                 canvas.fillRect(col * Settings.PIXEL_SIZE, row *
> > Settings.PIXEL_SIZE, Settings.PIXEL_SIZE, Settings.PIXEL_SIZE);
> >         }
> > -
> > in my class that wraps the canvas. On every major browser other than
> > IE (and I can only test with IE8... which might make a difference, I
> > dunno...), this works exactly as I'd expect.
> > In IE... it never draws anything. Like... at all. I see that my code
> > is running (I have some text which gets updated outside the canvas),
> > but IE isn't drawing, well... anything. This somewhat leaves my little
> > app as pretty useless for people who visit using IE.
> > Like I said... I'm hoping that it is something I'm just plain missing
> > here. The address to my app is:
> >
> > I'm not really trying anything elaborate with the canvas in this...
> > just drawing some squares on it.
> > Any help would be most appreciated.
> > I can provide other code if it helps...
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Re: FileUpload

2009-09-01 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

applets, or flash solutions. Though, applets need signing and java
client-side support, and I don't know much about flash :)

On Sep 1, 11:22 am, charlie  wrote:
> You can find applets that handle this nicely.
> On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 9:59 AM, huy  wrote:
> > how does the back-end differentiate the files?
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Re: onMouseOut not always caught

2009-09-01 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

I had same problems - mouseOut events were missing in IE.
I believe, these are not GWT problems, browser does not simply produce
appropriate event.

I then had to implement EventPreviewer, and listen to all mouseMove
events (well, it was performance-satisfactory). On each get of
mouseMove event i was checking if target element is the one I'm
listening to, and if not, treated this as mouseOut. Several tips:
  * Start eventPreviewer only when you get mouseOver event from your
icon. This would save some ticks.
  * If you're waiting for mouseOut of complex element, beware not to
forget to check the element as DOM.isOrHasChild(el, mouseOutEl)
  * be sure to disable event preview once you got synthetic mouseOut.
This would help save ticks as well.

On Sep 1, 8:51 am, ToddP  wrote:
> I have an app where, when I mouse over an icon I display a popup panel
> containing additional information (similar to gmail's popping up info
> when you hover above the "from" address in you inbox).  The problem I
> have is that when using the onMouseOut, occasionally, the event gets
> "lost" and the popup remains open.  Mousing over another icon results
> in two popups then being open.
> My questions are:
> 1)  is using onmouseover and onmouseout the best way to accomplish
> this effect
> 2)  if so, how do I avoid leaving popups open due to missed onMouseOut
> events
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Re: Performance issues in GWT application

2009-08-31 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

You might have setup redirect on your domain name management console.
If so, all requests are being sent to the zoneedit first, and then
their disaptcher sends them to your internet IP.

Just open up shell/cmd and write

If you see your IP, this is OK, need to figure out other problems. I
bet you'll see other IP - one from zoneedit.

If ip is different this means that you need to setup DNS records. I'm
not sure what management panel you use; but goal is to change A-
records of the DNS to point to your IP.

I'll also answer privately to this posting.

On Aug 31, 7:28 am, Ganesh  wrote:
> Hi Alexander
> Thanks for your reply. Taking Apache in loop is required as I have to
> setup some virtual host for accessing my application, so I need
> Apache. Further regarding 3rd level named, could you please explain
> what are these 3rd level names and how I can setup it. I have already
> registered a domain (say and for DNS mapping of domain &
> my server's IP, I am using a domain name service (zoneedit). But my
> problem is that all of my calls to server are routing through zoneedit
> (to resolve domain name).
> Kindly excuse if I am misinterpreting something & would request to
> explain further.
> Ganesh Bansal
> On Aug 28, 7:12 pm, Alexander Cherednichenko  wrote:
> > Your request needs to go through too long chain, that's why it is
> > slow.
> > I'm not sure what's the purpose of the proxy server. Does it do any
> > valuable work, or anything it does is just forwarding requests back
> > and force between internet clients and your JBoss?
> > Also, why do you need Apache on the local machine? You could just
> > change JBoss configuration to listen to default port eighty, thus
> > eliminating one more item from chain.
> > What I'd recommend is to get some domain name. 3rd level names can be
> > optained pretty easily. And then setup DNS to point this name to your
> > jboss static ip address.
> > In this case clients will have direct requests, except the first time
> > when dns request would precede loaded one.
> > On Aug 28, 2:30 am, Subhash Kaker 
> > wrote:
> > > Hi All
> > > I am also facing performance issue like this.
> > > Any suggestion/help will be appreciated.
> > > Thanks in adv.
> > > Subhash
> > > On Aug 28, 11:10 am,Ganesh wrote:
> > > > Hi All
> > > > I am facing performance issues in my GWT application. My scenario is
> > > > as explained below:
> > > > My GWT application is deployed on a JBoss server which is running on a
> > > > machine with static IP say with port 8080. Now when I
> > > > access my application using this IP & port, speed of my application is
> > > > very good and all is running very well. Now I want to setup a named
> > > > proxy server sayhttp://myserver.comforaccessingmyapplication. For
> > > > this, I made an account on and created a mapping of my
> > > > named server to my static IP with port 80. On port 80 on my static
> > > > server, I setup an Apache server. In Apache server's config file, I
> > > > forward my all requests to JBoss server running on same machine. Now
> > > > using this setup, I am able to access my application using 
> > > > link
> > > > But now the performance issues started. Request which is sent to
> > > > server from my application, starts taking too much time. A blank (no
> > > > data is being sent b/w server & client and no processing is being done
> > > > on server) request which takes 450 ms if access application through
> > > > static IP, takes 1400 ms when application is accessed 
> > > > using
> > > > Below is the code which I use to send request to my server:
> > > >     _MyServiceAsync myServiceAsync = (_MyServiceAsync) GWT.create
> > > > (_MyService.class);
> > > >     ServiceDefTarget endpoint = (ServiceDefTarget) myServiceAsync;
> > > >     String moduleRelativeURL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "MyService";
> > > >     endpoint.setServiceEntryPoint(moduleRelativeURL);
> > > >     myServiceAsync.callMethod();
> > > > The problem which seems to be is because all my requests are going to
> > > > and than to my server and that's why they are taking a
> > > > lot of time. A solution which I thought was replacing
> > > 

Re: Problems with Async Calls

2009-08-28 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

need more info.

Try going to the published rpc endpoints with browser and see if
they're published. Check logs of the web container.
Try to add logging to the client code; log events to Firebug console,
for example.

And check the configuration again - your webapp is configured, working
fine, clean in logs, server is accessible, etc. Also, make sure that
you have not hardcoded entry-point locations in the client code.

On Aug 28, 1:50 pm, christoph  wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question concerning async calls on a server.
> We have developed a small web application with some async calls to a
> server and database.
> However the problem is that when the application is deployed on a
> server the calls do not work. On the local machine everything works
> fine and it is even possible to connect to the database, which is
> running at the hosting provider from the local machines
> The server runs apache and as the database we have chosen postgres.
> Is there someone who has a bit of experience with this issue?
> best regards
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Re: Create own widget

2009-08-28 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

You'd rather use Composite then subclassing panels.
It would look like

public class MyClass extends Composit {
   private VerticalPanel panel = new VerticalPanel();

   public MyClass() {
  initWidget(panel); // really important, this makes panel
underlying wdgt of composite

In this case you get 'clear' class, without all the superclass

You don't want users of your widget to manipulate it contents - it's
widget and it should be opaque. So, exposing add/remove methods is

On Aug 28, 8:56 am, Michael  wrote:
> You mean something like this?
>    public class TwoButtonPanel extends DockPanel {
>       public TwoButtonPanel() {
>          Button button1 = new Button("Button 1");
>          Button button2 = new Button("Button 2");
>          button1.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler(){
>             public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
>                button1clicked();
>             }
>          });
>          button2.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler(){
>             public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
>                button2clicked();
>             }
>          });
>          add(button1);
>          add(button2);
>       }
>       private void button1clicked() {
>       }
>       private void button2clicked() {
>       }
>    }
> On 28 Aug., 10:42, LinuxChata  wrote:
> > How to create own widget with two button??
> > Thanks
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Re: Server Side: Writting a File on Disk

2009-08-28 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

refer to the

The folders in the project have specific meaning. You will not get
anything touched by gwt compiler unless it is in client subpackage.

On Aug 23, 4:27 pm, Dalla  wrote:
> You have to put this code in the *.server sub-package of your
> project.
> The GWT complier has got nothing to do with the server side code.
> On 23 Aug, 04:39, Robert Lang  wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I need to write a file on server's disk, but FileOutputStream, FileWriter,
> > etc, but isn't supported with GWT Compiller... How I do this?
> > A File need to write in specific folder/partition, independent of app
> > deployed on web server, for storage specific file formats.
> > Best Regards,
> > Robert Mauro Lang
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Re: DOM listener

2009-08-28 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

Try putting alert before any of the if statement to see if event is
wired anyway.

On Aug 23, 6:21 am, muhannad nasser  wrote:
> this code adds listener to the page... i got it works fine on FF... but it
> does not work fine on IE the alert does not even show up. here is
> the code
>  DOM.addEventPreview(new EventPreview(){
>          public boolean onEventPreview(Event event) {
>          if(DOM.eventGetType(event) == Event.ONKEYDOWN){
>          if( event.getKeyCode() == EventObject.ENTER){
>          if
> (event.getTarget().getId()==DOM.getChild(DOM.getChild(DOM.getChild(DOM.getChild(DOM.getChild(DOM.getElementById("pagingToolBar"),
> 0), 0), 0), 4), 0).getId()){
>          Window.alert(event.getTarget().getId());
>          return false;
>          }
>          }
>          }
>          return true;
>          }});
> thanks
> --
> ~~~With Regards~~~
> Muhannad Dar-Nasser
> ~~Computer Systems Engineering~~
> ~~0598-534520~~
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Re: Image in server side

2009-08-28 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

Or even simpler way - create a servlet-imageprovider.
 This means following:
   1. Create a servlet which works with java2d, for example. Creates
your image in java2d, makes all necessary operations, etc. If there
are any parameters of image generation, transfer them to the servlet
as query-parameters (http://myservlet?a=110&b=123&c=aaasdfWEasdfa)
   2. Set output content-type of the servlet to the appropriate image
format (resp.setContentType("image/png")
   3. Flush the image body (encoded to corresponding format) to the
servlet's output stream

All you need then to get image on the client-side is to issue
something like this:

Refer here for the details of the Image class:

And here for the servlet image-generator tutorial:

On Aug 28, 3:53 am, mars1412  wrote:
> yes, but you won't be happy with the binary data in the client side :)
> the way to go is:
>  * create the image on the server side - store it in a cache (or
> somewhere else)
>  * tranfer the image path/name to the client
>  * let the client crete an image with this name/path
>  * and then the client-browser will issue a get request to the server
> which will return the binary data for the image
> On Aug 27, 6:25 pm, osquitranki  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Is possible make a image in the server side and send it in a JSON call
> > by client?
> > Thanks!!
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Re: Performance issues in GWT application

2009-08-28 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

Your request needs to go through too long chain, that's why it is
I'm not sure what's the purpose of the proxy server. Does it do any
valuable work, or anything it does is just forwarding requests back
and force between internet clients and your JBoss?

Also, why do you need Apache on the local machine? You could just
change JBoss configuration to listen to default port eighty, thus
eliminating one more item from chain.

What I'd recommend is to get some domain name. 3rd level names can be
optained pretty easily. And then setup DNS to point this name to your
jboss static ip address.

In this case clients will have direct requests, except the first time
when dns request would precede loaded one.

On Aug 28, 2:30 am, Subhash Kaker 
> Hi All
> I am also facing performance issue like this.
> Any suggestion/help will be appreciated.
> Thanks in adv.
> Subhash
> On Aug 28, 11:10 am, Ganesh  wrote:
> > Hi All
> > I am facing performance issues in my GWT application. My scenario is
> > as explained below:
> > My GWT application is deployed on a JBoss server which is running on a
> > machine with static IP say with port 8080. Now when I
> > access my application using this IP & port, speed of my application is
> > very good and all is running very well. Now I want to setup a named
> > proxy server sayhttp://myserver.comforaccessing my application. For
> > this, I made an account on and created a mapping of my
> > named server to my static IP with port 80. On port 80 on my static
> > server, I setup an Apache server. In Apache server's config file, I
> > forward my all requests to JBoss server running on same machine. Now
> > using this setup, I am able to access my application using 
> > link
> > But now the performance issues started. Request which is sent to
> > server from my application, starts taking too much time. A blank (no
> > data is being sent b/w server & client and no processing is being done
> > on server) request which takes 450 ms if access application through
> > static IP, takes 1400 ms when application is accessed 
> > using
> > Below is the code which I use to send request to my server:
> >     _MyServiceAsync myServiceAsync = (_MyServiceAsync) GWT.create
> > (_MyService.class);
> >     ServiceDefTarget endpoint = (ServiceDefTarget) myServiceAsync;
> >     String moduleRelativeURL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "MyService";
> >     endpoint.setServiceEntryPoint(moduleRelativeURL);
> >     myServiceAsync.callMethod();
> > The problem which seems to be is because all my requests are going to
> > and than to my server and that's why they are taking a
> > lot of time. A solution which I thought was replacing
> > GWT.getModuleBaseURL() with my static IP in moduleRelativeURL for
> > sending direct request, but that didn't work because of cross domain
> > AJAX call restriction.
> > I request if someone can help me how can I achieve performance without
> > telling exact IP (it is also difficult to remember an IP) to my
> > clients on which my application is running. Any suggestion/help will
> > be highly appreciated.
> > Thanks in advance
> > Ganesh Bansal
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Re: How to set Font style for full application

2009-08-26 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

Simply, style entries from the class (.gwt-label, for example) are
more important for the html renderer than element-related one.
So, what you could do is to replace style declarations from the
public.css with your own.

Also, if you're specifying fonts, be sure not to forget about fallback
ones. So, if you'd like to make a style with Times font, you should
see something similar to following:

.gwt-Label {
   font-family: Times, arial, sans-serif;

if the client's system does not have Times  font installed, it would
use arial, if no arial - any of the sans-serif fonts.

On Aug 25, 10:18 am, Parvez Shah  wrote:
> I am sorry I was not clear in stating my problem.
> I did set the css property . i tried setting in the body
> body{
> }
> i tried setting in the EntryPoint class
> in my application EntryPoint load the main panel and main panel hold
> all the other subsequent widgets.
> I tried to set it in main panel.
> only things which works is setting font style for each individual
> widget. I find that to be bit wrong as  I am sure there is a neat way
> to do it in some common place, not sure where that place is.
> On Aug 25, 6:37 pm, (श्री) GNU Yoga  wrote:
> > parvez,
> > On Aug 25, 5:23 pm, Parvez Shah  wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >  is there a way to set Font style for complete application, I tried
> > > setting the font in the Main.html but to no avail
> > you will have to set it in the CSS (under public folder) and it should
> > work
> > refer:
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Re: Adding the same widget more than once

2009-05-04 Thread Alexander Cherednichenko

Basically, you could use Command pattern to tie out the widgets from
command actions.

[example] So, there are 4 different widgets (2 links, a button and a
key listener) that trigger the same action .

This may be a good practice.

On May 1, 7:48 pm, Jason Essington  wrote:
> The problem is that an object cannot exist in two locations at the  
> same time ... Really, don't you wish you could be at the bar, at the  
> same time you are at home fixing the dishwasher (you're happy, wife's  
> happy)?
> The same applies to DOM your | cannot be in two places at  
> once, you can create additional s that look the same, but you  
> can't put the same one in two places.
> So, the second time you menu.add(separator) it is automagically moved  
> as that is easier than folding space so it can be in two places at once.
> -jason
> On May 1, 2009, at 4:12 AM, hezjing wrote:
> > Hi
> > I want to create a menu contains hyperlinks, and looks like "About  
> > us | Register | Login".
> > Here is my code:
> >         Hyperlink about = new Hyperlink("About us", "about");
> >         Hyperlink register = new Hyperlink("Register", "register");
> >         Hyperlink login = new Hyperlink("Login", "login");
> >         // create a label to show the separator "|"
> >         Label separator = new Label("|");
> >         separator.addStyleName("menu");
> >         HorizontalPanel menu = new HorizontalPanel();
> >         menu.add(about);
> >         // add the label "|" the 1st time
> >         menu.add(separator);
> >         menu.add(register);
> >         // add the label "|" the 2nd time
> >         menu.add(separator);
> >         menu.add(login);
> > The first label (or the separator) does not show up :-(
> > It seems that we cannot add a same label more than once.
> > The label does nothing but merely to show the separators, do we have  
> > other choice except to create a new label for every separator?
> > --
> > Hez
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