Re: need suggestion on scalable blinking implementation

2009-03-17 Thread Ben Tilford
You could do it with a single timer then have your blinking components
listen for a tick event that the timer would fire.

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 8:52 AM, denis56 wrote:


 if anyone could share experience with achieving blinking behavior for
 several items on a page?

 in my case there is a table being shown whose rows should have
 multiple blinking elements (labels and images). Each of the blinking
 elements has -its own- timeout value defined to stop blinking.

 The way I have achieved it now, is by creating a composite (see sample
 code below) that takes an image/label and adds a timer to it.

 I am afraid that that is not a right approach as the table is
 constantly being updated to add/delete rows with new blinking
 components. That would lead to multiple timers being instantiated and
 started  with .scheduleRepeating(XXX); method again and again without
 page being reloaded (the page should stay open for a day and display
 changing information).

 Could anyone comment on my approach: is it memory-leak and performance
 degradation prone? What would be a feasible alternative? maybe using
 external library like prototype?

 Many thanks,

 public class BlinkingCorner extends Composite {

private boolean visible;
private int blinkingTime = 5000;
private long timeBlinkingStarted;

public BlinkingCorner(final Image img) {
timeBlinkingStarted = System.currentTimeMillis();
new Timer() {
public void run() {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() = timeBlinkingStarted
+ blinkingTime) {
GWT.log(visible= + visible, null);
visible = !visible;
} else {
GWT.log(cancel, null);




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Re: Portable project structure?

2009-03-03 Thread Ben Tilford
The GWT plugin for Maven makes things like the location of the GWT compiler
standard, it downloads the assembly to a local repository where Maven stores
everything. Since you need Maven to build the project and it already knows
where it put the GWT assembly it makes things easy, you could even have
several versions available if you needed and all you would have to do is
change the dependecies version and Maven would know where it was. You also
get the default project with the Maven archetype which makes it easy to
check out and see if it's something you could use.

If you go with ant you could use Ivy in a similar way but it would need to
be configured to add items in the repository to the classpath, it doesn't
quite get this done right out of the box but would be more flexible if you
absolutly need that.

On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 3:19 PM, Sumit Chandel sumitchan...@google.comwrote:

 t, build targets are defined in your
 build.xml file. These contain targets

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Re: Apps on Android!

2009-02-17 Thread Ben Tilford
The Android SDK and GWT have a lot in common as far as design and code
styles. There are a couple of web servers available for Android that would
let you serve up a webpage with GWT embeded in it but that would be a very
round about way of getting things done.

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 2:02 PM, frankCostello wrote:

 I want to make a Gwt application on Android!
 It's possible?
 How do I do?

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Re: Newline characters?

2009-02-12 Thread Ben Tilford
Try br /
You'll probably have to tell it not to escape html/xml though.

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 7:02 PM, Soren Johnson soren.john...@gmail.comwrote:

 I am trying to use newline characters inside of Labels, but it only
 seems to work in the hosted mode. (Doesn't work in FireFox, for

 in other words, 'new Label(This is Line1\nThis is Line2\nThis is
 Line3)' doesn't seem to work. Any idea how I can get this to work?


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Re: GWT FileUpload

2009-02-11 Thread Ben Tilford
It should be


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 12:45 PM, wrote:

 Thanks I found somthing useful, but one thing doesn't work for me:

 My Servlet:
 I wrote the following to the web.xml of my apache tomcat (like in the



 The path to the class file is correct, but I get the following error

 [WARN] Parse error in default web.xml
 org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Error at (577, 23: Invalid url-
 pattern */GameService in servlet mapping [...]

 Can someone help me ?

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Re: Setting Up GWT Project in a Subversion Repository Question

2009-02-10 Thread Ben Tilford
You may want to drop Ant and go to Maven. It solves a lot of configuration
problems like this for you. There is also a gwt plugin ( and I believe there is a base project
so you don't really need to run the application creator script. It is also
fairly simple to add Maven support to an existing project.

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 8:27 AM, Arthur Kalmenson arthur.k...@gmail.comwrote:

 There's a -eclipse flag you can give to the projectCreator and
 applicationCreator scripts that'll generate an Eclipse launch file
 letting you launch hosted mode from Eclipse.

 Arthur Kalmenson

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 8:43 PM, Superman859
  I'm just getting started with both GWT and Subversion, and ran into a
  question that I'm hoping some of you may know the answer to.
  I have set up a Subversion repository, and am able to check files in /
  out without issue.  However, I think when I imported the project, that
  I either did something wrong or left something out.  In Eclipse (using
  Subclipse) I checked out the project and noticed that none of the
  import statements for gwt were working.  Furthermore, compile / shell
  scripts do not work either.
  I assume this is because when a project is created using
  projectCreator and applicationCreator, these are specific to the
  machine it is on or something.  I originally created a new project and
  simply uploaded the whole project (all files, including the
  created .project, shell, compile, etc files) to the in a trunk
  folder.  But it seems it isn't this simple, as when you check the
  files out, the gwt library isn't found (perhaps because it is in a
  different location on a different machine) and the scripts do not
  Can someone please provide a quick overrun of the process needed to
  set up a new project (I know how to use applicationCreator and
  projectCreator), add it to a repository (I know how to use Subversion
  and import and all that, just not sure which files), and any
  additional steps that will need to be taken on machines to be able to
  have a working copy in Eclipse in order to have the libraries found
  and able to use gwt-shell and gwt-compile for testing?
  A brief overrun would be very helpful - I know how to do the
  individual steps such as using Subversion and creating a new GWT
  project and using Subclipse, but I'm just not sure of the process
  needed to put it all together.


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Re: GWT FileUpload

2009-02-10 Thread Ben Tilford
I think the apache commons file upload project is usually used.

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 4:08 PM, wrote:

 Hi guys,

 i've got some trouble with FormPanel and FileUpload. On the client
 side I would like to provide a possibility to upload .jar files.
 But the thing I don't understand: How can I send this .jar file to my
 server? Is there any possibility to send a file to a servlet on server
 side or what are my options?

 My current code fragment looks like the follows:

final FormPanel form = new FormPanel();

visualComponent.add(new FileUpload());

// Add an event handler to the form.
form.addFormHandler(new FormHandler()
public void onSubmit(FormSubmitEvent event)

public void onSubmitComplete(FormSubmitCompleteEvent

 I would be very glad if anybody can help me.


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Re: GWT with webservices

2009-02-07 Thread Ben Tilford
JAX-WS can be used. If you've been using Axis you'll probably find it a lot

2009/2/7 chandrajeet

 Hi All,

 I didn't find yet a clean way to use webservices and GWT. I am using
 axis and it generates many Axis objects which aren't recognized by GWT
 as they are not POJOs. So, I am manually creating a new set of POJOs
 from those axis objects in the GWT client package.
 Is there any straight forward way to use the webservices without using
 Axis so that GWT(server code) can make webservice calls?

 Thanks in Advance,

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Re: Problem with Generics and Serialization of Primitive Type Array Fields

2009-02-06 Thread Ben Tilford
Primitives do not extend Object and cannot implement Serializable. You
should use the Object versions of primitives (i.e. use Integer instead of
I don't think the code would even compile if you tried to use a primitive
with generics.

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 4:25 PM, jsegal wrote:

 I've been having some trouble with using arrays of primitive type
 where an array of type Serializable is expected.

 I have an object similar to:

 class MySerializableObjectT extends Serializable implements
 private Serializable serializableField;

 void MySerializableObject(T value)
   serializableField= value;

 T getField(T value)
   return serializableField;

 All of these cases can be serialized and deserialized successfully:
 - new MySerializableObjectSerializable(new Integer(0));
 - new MySerializableObjectSerializable(1);
 - new MySerializableObjectSerializable(true);
 - new MySerializableObjectSerializable(Test);

 These cases case produces an exception when deserialized (Note that
 these will *not* cause a class cast exception as seen in,
 although an array of non-primitive type will cause it):
 - new MySerializableObject(Serializable)((Serializable)new int[0]);
 - new MySerializableObjectint[](new int[0]);

 The exception's message is:
 Type '[I' was not included in the set of types which can be
 deserialized by this SerializationPolicy or its Class object could not
 be loaded. For security purposes, this type will not be deserialized.

 The exception goes way if I add this type to my project, even if I
 don't actually create an instance of it anywhere:

 class MySerializableIntArrayObject extends MySerializableObjectInt[]

 I'm aware that the GWT compiler has to identify sub-types that can be
 used with parameterized serializable objects during compilation in
 order to build its serialization mechanism for those objects. I'm
 guessing this problem means that arrays of primitive types are not
 taken into account when it enumerates subtypes of Serializable,
 despite the fact that they are effectively subtypes of Serializable.

 If I'm correct, what is the proper way to fix this? I suppose it's
 possible to create fixed-type objects like
 MySerializableIntArrayObject for all primitives, but I'd like to
 avoid that (especially since I would end up having to do that for any
 other typed serializable objects I add in the future). If I understand
 the typeArgs annotation, using it would actually restrict the set of
 values I can use with this object, not add to the set (I can enumerate
 the primitive array types easily enough, but not all the other types
 that may be passed).

 If I'm not correct about the cause of the problem, I'd appreciate it
 if someone could explain it and suggest an appropriate remedy.



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Re: Help with GWT

2009-02-05 Thread Ben Tilford
You may want to look at antlr

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 1:39 PM, samurai.monk1 samurai.monk2...@gmail.comwrote:

 I am working in a port of a very large Java application to PHP.  The
 required path was to modify the Java2Javascript compiler to produce
 PHP code instead of JavaScript. Right now I have found:

 JavaToJavaScriptCompiler: I understand that this is the main class. My hope was  to see the actual map of java
 keywords etc to the javascript equivalents.
 In other words I am confused.

 If you could help me to:
 1. Find the relevant classes for building and stand alone java to
 javascript translator.
 2. Is there a stand alone version that only takes a java project (or
 file) and just output the JavaScript file?
 3. Can the GWT save the java AST to a file?

 Note: I understand this is not a PHP forum, so the PHP problem is
 mine. The questions refers to stage one: understanding  and compiling
 a clean Java to Javascript translators.

 Really tank you in advance


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Re: any tips for beautify gwt applications?

2009-02-03 Thread Ben Tilford
Wicket does work well with GWT, no need to drop one for the other.

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 8:04 AM, Alex dP (Violet UML Editor, WebVNC...) wrote:

 Another suggestion: migrate your project to Apache Wicket and give
 your web page template to a real web designer...

 Sorry for this suggestion but I know that having a beautiful GWT app
 is hard and it's probably not your job to spend time with CSS. By the
 way, don't hesitate to try Wicket and your life will be easier.

 On Feb 2, 11:54 am, jake H wrote:
  I m close to finish a gwt application project that i have started a
  month ago. I m really delightful for gwt features and the time needed
  this project to be done. I used the simple widgets of gwt like
  tabpanels, buttons, lists, flextable. But the result seems to be like
  a simple HTML page.
  So i m asking if there are any designing tips to beautify my
  application , so it wouldn't be like a simple HTML page but a nice GWT
  application.( with 'wake effect' and etc )

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Re: Threaded Servlet

2009-01-29 Thread Ben Tilford
Google didn't write the servlet spec, all servlet containers follow the spec
sun wrote.

On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 5:25 AM, wrote:

 Cant find that anywhere. Can you post a link please

 On Jan 28, 2:06 pm, Ben Tilford wrote:
  From the documentation
  Servlets typically run on multithreaded servers, so be aware that a
  must handle concurrent requests and be careful to synchronize access to
  shared resources. Shared resources include in-memory data such as
  or class variables and external objects such as files, database
  and network connections. See theJava Tutorial on Multithreaded
  more information on handling multiple threads in a Java program.
  On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 8:17 AM, wrote:
   My appologies jason, you were correct. I totally forgot about max
   connections per browser.
   So it would appear that my servlet is multi theaded after all and as a
   result, not thread safe :)
   Maybe this should be added to the GWT docs as this is something that i
   feel could be very easily overlooked.
   On Jan 28, 6:25 am, Jason Morris wrote:
I tried reproducing your test to see what you were getting. I found
   behavior when I ran the code
in Hosted Mode and executed serverMethod() /twice/ before executing
   anotherMethod() (it didn't
matter how many Hosted Browsers I had open).
When running the same test in real browsers (I used Firefox and
   Konqueror) the behavior was
substantially different.
Like I said, browsers generally only allow for 2 open connections per
   server. If you invoke a
connection hogging method twice, you have no more connections to
   a different method. That
said, this is a strictly client side issue, GWT's
 RemoteServiceServlet is
   not limiting you to a
single Thread.
Try the same test with a normal HttpServlet and a RequestBuilder,
   see the same results as you
do with RPC. wrote:
 Thats ok :)
 Well these Tests are very basic. i create an app with a simple
 call to the server that does something like this:
 public boolean serverMethod() {
   for (;;) {
 if (false) {
   return true;
 public boolean anotherMethod() {
   return true;
 As you would expect, callingserverMethod() creates an infinite loop
 tying up that thread.
 then i opened up a second, seperate browser and called
 result: Nothing. Not a sausage :)
 So id say my results are pretty solid. 1 single lonely thread :(
 On Jan 27, 3:17 pm, Shawn Pearce wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 01:42, wrote:
 I never said it cretaed multiple instances, simply a new thread
 *sigh*.  I must not have had enough coffee in the morning before
   replying to
 your post.  I read thread as instance in your original post.
 On Jan 23, 4:30 pm, Shawn Pearce wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 08:17, wrote:
 Standard servlets create a new thread per request but from a
 simple test i have run this appears not to be the case with
 Like what everyone else has already said; each concurrent request
 its own thread, but that thread isn't necessarily new.
 Most containers recycle threads as thread spin-up/shutdown are
 expensive operations.  Pooling threads and recycling them across
 reduces the per-request overheads imposed by the container,
 applications to use a larger percentage of the CPU, and the
 latency target the developer is shooting for.  E.g. in my latest
 application, I was trying to hit 200 ms latency.  The more of
 that is available to the application, the more useful work I can
 that window.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
  - Show quoted text -

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Re: Microsoft Picture Manager

2009-01-29 Thread Ben Tilford
You would need to write your own javascript library and most likely a
browser plugin to be able to do something like that. Browsers intentionally
prevent you from doing this sort of thing.

On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Anti wrote:


 So things related to Javascript and HTML have nothing to do with GWT?

 I don't think so.

 I insist, how do I open a, for example MS Word, from a GWT


 On Jan 29, 7:26 am, Arthur Kalmenson wrote:
  Then this question has nothing to do with GWT. You're going to have to
  ask on another forum how you would open Microsoft Picture Manager
  using Javascript and HTML.
  Arthur Kalmenson
  On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 11:02 PM, Anti wrote:
   That's not the problem.
   The problem is: how to open the local, external application in the
   client side?
   On Jan 28, 9:11 pm, Arthur Kalmenson wrote:
   I'm not exactly sure how it works through HTML and Javascript. If it's
   just a hyperlink, then you can make the same hyperlink in GWT using
   the Hyperlink widget.
   Arthur Kalmenson
   On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 10:05 PM, Anti wrote:
Anyway as long as it can be done with gwt.
On Jan 28, 8:47 pm, Arthur Kalmenson wrote:
How would you do this through regular HTML and Javascript?
Arthur Kalmenson
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Anti wrote:
 Is it possible to execute Microsoft Picture Manager through a gwt

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Re: Threaded Servlet

2009-01-28 Thread Ben Tilford
From the documentation

Servlets typically run on multithreaded servers, so be aware that a servlet
must handle concurrent requests and be careful to synchronize access to
shared resources. Shared resources include in-memory data such as instance
or class variables and external objects such as files, database connections,
and network connections. See theJava Tutorial on Multithreaded
more information on handling multiple threads in a Java program.

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 8:17 AM, wrote:

 My appologies jason, you were correct. I totally forgot about max
 connections per browser.

 So it would appear that my servlet is multi theaded after all and as a
 result, not thread safe :)

 Maybe this should be added to the GWT docs as this is something that i
 feel could be very easily overlooked.

 On Jan 28, 6:25 am, Jason Morris wrote:
  I tried reproducing your test to see what you were getting. I found the
 behavior when I ran the code
  in Hosted Mode and executed serverMethod() /twice/ before executing
 anotherMethod() (it didn't
  matter how many Hosted Browsers I had open).
  When running the same test in real browsers (I used Firefox and
 Konqueror) the behavior was
  substantially different.
  Like I said, browsers generally only allow for 2 open connections per
 server. If you invoke a
  connection hogging method twice, you have no more connections to invoke
 a different method. That
  said, this is a strictly client side issue, GWT's RemoteServiceServlet is
 not limiting you to a
  single Thread.
  Try the same test with a normal HttpServlet and a RequestBuilder, you'll
 see the same results as you
  do with RPC. wrote:
   Thats ok :)
   Well these Tests are very basic. i create an app with a simple rpc
   call to the server that does something like this:
   public boolean serverMethod() {
 for (;;) {
   if (false) {
 return true;
   public boolean anotherMethod() {
 return true;
   As you would expect, callingserverMethod() creates an infinite loop
   tying up that thread.
   then i opened up a second, seperate browser and called anotherMethod
   result: Nothing. Not a sausage :)
   So id say my results are pretty solid. 1 single lonely thread :(
   On Jan 27, 3:17 pm, Shawn Pearce wrote:
   On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 01:42, wrote:
   I never said it cretaed multiple instances, simply a new thread per
   *sigh*.  I must not have had enough coffee in the morning before
 replying to
   your post.  I read thread as instance in your original post.
   On Jan 23, 4:30 pm, Shawn Pearce wrote:
   On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 08:17, wrote:
   Standard servlets create a new thread per request but from a few
   simple test i have run this appears not to be the case with GWT.
   Like what everyone else has already said; each concurrent request runs
   its own thread, but that thread isn't necessarily new.
   Most containers recycle threads as thread spin-up/shutdown are
   expensive operations.  Pooling threads and recycling them across
   reduces the per-request overheads imposed by the container, allowing
   applications to use a larger percentage of the CPU, and the
   latency target the developer is shooting for.  E.g. in my latest GWT
   application, I was trying to hit 200 ms latency.  The more of that
   that is available to the application, the more useful work I can do
   that window.- Hide quoted text -
  - Show quoted text -

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Re: what design pattern to use with DWT

2009-01-28 Thread Ben Tilford
The controller in GWT should for most cases use the observer pattern, your
model should support property change events and registering listeners. This
gets around the action way of implementing a controller and is quite a bit
more flexible since you could have multiple listeners for a single event. If
your not already familiar with listeners you may want to look at some Swing
applications since GWT and Swing both use the same Property Change Support
mechanisms. Also GWT In Practice has some pretty good examples of how GWT
is intended to be used in terms of an MVC approach if your interested in a
book on the subject.

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 1:17 PM, gregor greg.power...@googlemail.comwrote:

 I would not get too hung up on the Controller part of MVC. I don't
 know php, but it sounds the same as struts: cycles of pages (views)
 rendered to client driven by action classes (controllers) that both
 use a model (beans in Java speak). These action classes that drive
 generation of the next view fit beautifully into MVC pattern as
 controllers, but in a GWT application there is no need of them because
 this work can be done on either the client or the server as
 appropriate for the use case, and in general the more on the client
 the better (keep as much state as possible on client). Therefore
 exactly what a controller is in a GWT application is IMO a slippery

 I would recommend two things:

 1) If you are starting a new project download 1.6 from trunk to take
 advantage of the new Event model. It is much more powerful than the
 existing =1.5 event system. Unfortunately there is is little
 documentation for it yet (even the javadoc is sparse) but I'm sure
 questions about it would be answered here PDQ. Experimenting with this
 will help you determine how you might best design your client GUI,
 i.e. how your main components might best communicate between
 themselves and when necessary with the server.

 2)  In an ideal (MVC) world what Ian calls smarts should live in
 domain model classes, and these should flow freely across networks. As
 Ian points out this is sometimes possible and sometimes (perhaps most
 often) it isn't because we are dealing with a given technology stack
 that we can't alter in the short term. I don't think there is any one
 satisfactory answer to this question - every application has it's own
 use cases that will rub up against technology stack limitations in
 different ways. My point is that thinking about this (i.e. how to
 implement a domain model in a real world stack) is much more important
 than worrying about what a controller is.


 On Jan 28, 4:35 pm, Jason Essington wrote:
  MVC is a good design pattern to use with GWT.
  If you are new to GWT, get Ryan Dewsbury's book Google Web Toolkit
  Applications it does a very good job of outlining exactly what is
  model, view and controller in each example project.
  On Jan 28, 2009, at 9:10 AM, asdf_asdf wrote:
   I am new to GWT and evaluate it currently. Just happily went through
   the official tutorial and full of questions taunting my mind.
   Just a quick background (should my question seem a bit messy): I am
   coming from php field and have in past have been using a mvc framework
   (CodeIgniter) where links/forms on a single webpage are mapped to
   methods of a controller responsible for calling buisiness logic and
   putting together view components. So...
   * Is MVC the recommended design pattern to develop GWT applications? I
   see then the class implementing EntryPoint interface as being a
   controller, but what would be a view in that case? I am struggling
   to understand the relationship between html-page and the controller
   that gets called: does each controller get called by the html-page
   that loads the appropriate javascript file and how could a controller
   have methods mapped to specific a user actions. For instance, after a
   specific link is clicked a new widget is shown (in the tutorial this
   is achieved through listeners, but can there be a url to method
   mapping as well)?
   * In respect to tutorial, what does the attribute path=/stockPrices
   in servlet xml tag mean and the identical annotation
   @RemoteServiceRelativePath(stockPrices) in service interface? I
   assume that the server-side method gets called when under that url,
   but how is the client aware of the mapping?
   * So far I have only seen tutorials on implementing relatively easy
   projects. Does anyone know if there a more powerful sample application
   with open source available: something where there is a need for more
   than one html-page and controller exist?
   Many thanks,

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