Hey guys.

I've gotten a task to make a Textarea syntax highlighted and to have the 
autofill method implemented.

My Textarea will consist of XML markup and I am using gwt and smartgwt.

So, what I have done so far is to look into 
[url]http://codemirror.net/demo/xmlcomplete.html[/url] source code and 
tried that out. It all works if I copy paste this into my .html file.

But when Im trying to implement this dynamically using GWT, things start to 
get troublesome.

Here is my XMLWindow class that creates the textarea: (Its very primitive. 
The real textarea and form has more to it)
DynamicForm form2 = new DynamicForm();
        TextAreaItem textA = new TextAreaItem();
        String id = "test";

 addStyleToTextArea(String id)

And a native method to call for my javascript function:
native void addStyleToTextArea(String id) /*-{
        $wnd.addTest(id); //$wnd is a NSNI synonym for 'window'

The javascript function is so to say a function including adding the 
codemirror functions and style to my textarea. It is very long, but it has 
everything from line 32 to line 108 in the source code from  
[url]http://codemirror.net/demo/xmlcomplete.html[/url], basically:
function addTest(id){
//All the styling done from the source code from  

var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById(id), { 

I am getting a :
com.google.gwt.event.shared.UmbrellaException: Exception caught: 
'test']): place is null
I have been looking into the 
But following his examples basically resulted in nothing happening at all.

Have anyone tried the same and would know If I am doing it right or have 
some tips on how to solve this?


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